CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As long as I could choose between this, I'd be fine with it. I know, that TITS has such an option, so why not CoC, too? :)
See this screenshot:
View attachment 4318

Similar to this I think CoC could have use of picking of race desc. in case PC got high enough race scores for few of them. I assume on sex display option you do have already some plans to look into it if it hard or not to add it here in CoC too, right?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Similar to this I think CoC could have use of picking of race desc. in case PC got high enough race scores for few of them. I assume on sex display option you do have already some plans to look into it if it hard or not to add it here in CoC too, right?

IMHO you choose your race by TFing to it and not by clicking a button. I wouldn't like such a feature. You wanna be a dragon and no lizan? Time to visit Ember or the crag. You wanna be a lizan? Then go get some reptilum. You wanna be a ktsune? Then get some Fox Jewels and so on.
To make a long story short: Switching between races should always require some effort. Clicking a button is no effort at all.
Assume you play a P&P RPG and started as an elf. After a couple of sessions, you decide to be a lizard-man (e. g. T'Skrang in Earthdawn). I guess every GM in the whole world would tell you to start a new character and won't allow you to simply change your race.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
IMHO you choose your race by TFing to it not by clicking a button. I wouldn't like such a feature.

What about people that made their PC have high enough 2-3 races and name of race showed in appearance screen isn't the one they like for ex. they got dragon, goo and bee scores but game shoing goo one score yet player want to be either dragon one or bee one showed thus saying PC is dragon/bee-morph insted of been called goo-boy/girl?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Then you have to TF away from being a goo-girl IMHO.
PS: I've updated my above post. Did you read my edit?
[Edit:] Since we're only two ppl. with different opinions about that:
To all others: Please share your thoughts. :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But what if player want to keep goo race bonus but not like been his PC called goo-girl/boy even if it could be called as member of other race. Tere is minority of people but since we had disscusion started about adding toggle for sex pronunce I rised issue of races.

And reading your edit...what if PC will by sheer luck or planning get both lizan and dragon scores high enough so game could call his PC race as either dragon or lizan-morph? And the one race that game pick due to code that tell which name of race should show up first (vide case of goo race been most important among all races) isn't the one that palyer prefer. Seeing that he can have option of picking if PC would be reffered as male/female/auto someone could someday come asking about same solution for races. So wy not during work on adding toggle for gender not think if adding toggle for races would be also good idea. Siilar it would be auto setting so game use incoded hierarchy of each race to determine showed race or pick manualy what races will be showed. There is still here one issue of case when PC change enough to loose high enough racial score in this manual set up race setting. I think then toggle should just revert back to auto.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think the gist of Ormael's argument is. The button/ selection is for instances where your character is an even blend of 2 or more races. If the player is just as much one race as they are simultaneously another they should be able to choose which they identify as. An analogy could be like a A bi-racial individual that's half asian/ half native american. Depending on what parent/ culture they identify with the most, then the race they chose to present themselves as/ identify with is simply a matter a of preference. So they may either choose to call themselves one or the other or they may make a pointed effort to draw attention to the fact that they are both.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think feminine terms including she pronouns, as well as dickgirl/harmaphrodite should be gated behind a cup side of b+ & positive femininity. 

So girls with A-cups should be considered cuntboys and referred as "he"?

But what if player want to keep goo race bonus but not like been his PC called goo-girl/boy even if it could be called as member of other race. Tere is minority of people but since we had disscusion started about adding toggle for sex pronunce I rised issue of races.


Race and gender pronounce are how others perceive you, not yourself. So buttons make no sense and are the way to get weirdshit.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Uuuugh i can already tell my male herm character is gonna get some stupid/weird label.

I like the choosing your gender identity bit, but disagree that you should be able to do so with race.
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Jun 19, 2016
I understand that we live in a PC world, but the game is what it is and it does alot of things fantasy wise. If you're getting bent out of shape because every possible genderfluid title isn't in the game, or even want to argue about preventing certain changes to your body, then you're missing the point of the game.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I feel the best way to determine how to use these gender-related terms is to look at the example set by image boards like FurryBooru. Since they're used as tags to identify the content in an image it's important that they have clear definitions.

"Hermaphrodite" or "Futanari" refers to a character who has both male and female genitalia. Futanari usually only refers to feminine characters, while hermaphrodite can be used in any instance.

"Dickgirl" refers to any generally feminine character who has breasts, a penis, and no female genitalia. The term "shemale" or "tranny" isn't used because it implies the character transitioned to their current state, which is not always the case.

"Girly" refers to any overtly feminine male. It's extremely rare to see them have any breasts, but if they do they're usually no larger than an A-Cup. It obviously doesn't work as a label in Corruption of Champions because it's not a noun, but "femboy" could easily be substituted here.

"Cuntboy" refers to any generally masculine character who possess only female genitalia and lacks breasts.

Overall, the game already takes these definitions into account when determining how to label the player character. Except of course in the case of "dickgirl" where I feel it somewhat oversteps its boundaries. It would probably be fine if a "femboy" tag was included to account for this. But honestly, it's best to end it with that. It's basically impossible to accommodate for every possible interpretation of a gender identity.

As for whether or not "dickgirl" or "cuntboy" are offensive? I feel they aren't inherently, but I understand why people would prefer something else be used. However, I haven't seen any other terms be used with as much ubiquity. It would be hard to replace them and probably isn't worth the trouble. Besides, I feel it's less of a fault with the game than it is a fault with how the community overall chooses to refer to these things.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think the gist of Ormael's argument is. The button/ selection is for instances where your character is an even blend of 2 or more races. If the player is just as much one race as they are simultaneously another they should be able to choose which they identify as. An analogy could be like a A bi-racial individual that's half asian/ half native american. Depending on what parent/ culture they identify with the most, then the race they chose to present themselves as/ identify with is simply a matter a of preference. So they may either choose to call themselves one or the other or they may make a pointed effort to draw attention to the fact that they are both.

Yeah that waht I wanted to say. Seems I still failed to relay it -_-' *goes to cut itself in corner* xD

Well it's not like PC could have tons of races to pick from but haing 2 or 3 can lead to case when player could want to change race showed on apperance between those that PC got atm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
... I already have a modified version for myself, I just advocate that "dickgirl" be at least changed to "femboy"in the officiaI version. Failing that I'd at least like to post my version with the single word changed. I didn't change anything else or even put my name in the credits. It's just one word. ...

You should upload it. Even just the file you've changed people can add it to their version and compile it themselves. Hurts no one to give a choice in something.

Would Camo claws be an option? Not necessarily with a TF item, but you could get your nails done as it were and one of the myriad of shops.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Would Camo claws be an option? Not necessarily with a TF item, but you could get your nails done as it were and one of the myriad of shops.

Not really. With desert camo the claw color turns to pale-yellow. with gray-camo they turn gray.
And: I have yet to see an animal that paints its claws or a TF story, where the protagonist does it. And even if such a TF story exists, it would be somewhat weird o_O


Aug 30, 2015
Not really. With desert camo the claw color turns to pale-yellow. with gray-camo they turn gray.
And: I have yet to see an animal that paints its claws or a TF story, where the protagonist does it. And even if such a TF story exists, it would be somewhat weird o_O

I just bust out laughing every time I try to picture that. Also on a side note, after this term in college is over I should be able to attempt to learn the coding language for CoC if its anything similar to C. The classes I am taking essentially are refreshers from my senior year in highschool, (yay for Dual Credit classes).


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
You should upload it. Even just the file you've changed people can add it to their version and compile it themselves. Hurts no one to give a choice in something.

Would Camo claws be an option? Not necessarily with a TF item, but you could get your nails done as it were and one of the myriad of shops.

Yeah I guess I could. I need to mod it more, though.

At first it was kind of funny that enemies were mistaking me for a girl but when Urta used female pronouns on me I realized I have to change it.

I dunno. I may throw in some extra content to if I want to. Keep in mind I don't know how to code in flash.

I followed the "How to mod CoC guide" and then CTRL+F'd "dickgirl" and changed it to "femboy."

I kind of want to do a fat mod but that's pretty complicated. I know you can technically get fat in CoC but the way it's described doesn't really come across as actually being fat. It just uses terms like "soft", "voluptuous", and "curvy" without mentioning stomach size.

Of course that's just a fetish of mine. I'm not complaining that it doesn't appeal to one tiny facet of my sexual orientation.

Anyway I should get to work on the minor changes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So is Kitteh still around? I haven't heard word from him in a while and wondering if he's okay.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
While you're at it, i would appreciate it if you could somehow make it so a max masculinity herm with a cups wasn't referred to as a "she". 

It irritates me so much that i can't get a masculine maleherm ending because Lethice grows your breasts a bit during her fight,


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While you're at it, i would appreciate it if you could somehow make it so a max masculinity herm with a cups wasn't referred to as a "she". 

It irritates me so much that i can't get a masculine maleherm ending because Lethice grows your breasts a bit during her fight,

It's not suppose to be doing that. I haven't played the Revamp in a while so correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was fixed a long time ago, specifically so that masculine herms would not automatically be referred to as female until you got larger breast (maybe B cup). Did it un-fix itself somehow?

So is Kitteh still around? I haven't heard word from him in a while and wondering if he's okay.

You just missed him, I think, according to his "last visited" timer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Okay. Where the hell is the code that changes my pronouns to female for having high femininity score on my male character?

I found this bullshit:

public function maleFemaleHerm(caps:Boolean = false):String
if (gender == 0) {
if (caps) return mf("Genderless", "Fem-genderless");
else return mf("genderless", "fem-genderless");
else if (gender == 1) {
if (caps) return mf("Male", "Femboy");
else return mf("male", "femboy");
else if (gender == 2) {
if (caps) return mf("Cuntboy", "Female");
else return mf("cuntboy", "female");
else if (gender == 3) {
if (caps) return mf("Maleherm", "Hermaphrodite");
else return mf("maleherm", "hermaphrodite");
else return "<b>Gender error!</b>";

This is where I had to change "dickgirl" into "femboy".

Note that it's under maleFemaleHerm.

So I guess how it works goes like this...

0 = Genderless

1 = Male

2 = Female

3 = Herm

As you can see femboy is under the code "else if (gender == 1)".

First off I barely know how to code. Some of this shit looks familiar thanks to Game Maker Studio but most of it is super confusing.

Does anyone have any idea how I would change this shit to let me have male pronouns for my femboy?

I'm looking all over and I can't make heads or tails of it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I'd suggest, that you use the numeric gender-values with their constants. Makes the code more readable:
From includes/

// gender
public static const GENDER_NONE:int = 0;
public static const GENDER_MALE:int = 1;
public static const GENDER_FEMALE:int = 2;
public static const GENDER_HERM:int = 3;

Oh and @Kitteh6660 is still alive. I guess, he's busy with working on the next release of CoC Revamp.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I'd suggest, that you use the numeric gender-values with their constants. Makes the code more readable:
From includes/

// gender
public static const GENDER_NONE:int = 0;
public static const GENDER_MALE:int = 1;
public static const GENDER_FEMALE:int = 2;
public static const GENDER_HERM:int = 3;

Oh and @Kitteh6660 is still alive. I guess, he's busy with working on the next release of CoC Revamp.

Easier to read is nice but I can't find the data that I need to change.

I really need to learn how to code. I can tell this is something I can fix by changing one tiny thing but it's a needle in a haystack.

I'll keep looking but if anyone here know how to code could you tell me how to change this shit?

If you follow the "How to mod" guide you can make an edit of CoC that's identical to mine. You just need to put "Dickgirl" in the search and you'll find it. I only changed one variable and it's in the code I just posted.

I'd post my modified code but it seems a little dumb to post code that's barely changed at all and may be compiled weird. (I have no idea what I'm fucking doing)

If I can change it so femboys have male pronouns I'll release the final project. So let's brainstorm for a bit here.


Here we have our champion who we'll call... Champ. Yeah why the fuck not?

Champ started his journey as a male but decided he wanted to be prettier. So Champ fucks Akbal until his corruption is high enough and

then he explores the Plains looking for the Bizarre Bazaar.

Champ pays Joey 500 gems for the androgyny perk. However that's just a perk, it has no immediate effect on his gender or appearance.

Champ goes to the Mountains in search of the Salon. He gets there and keeps getting mud facials until he's finally a beautiful girly boy.

So let's put it like this. Somewhere along the line Champ's gender kinda got changed, but kinda didn't. See, Champ doesn't have a vagina so he's not a girl.

But somewhere the game decided to use female pronouns. It's especially obvious that he's male since his save file has a big 'ol M on it. So the game still counts him as male.

This means that when his femininity reached a certain point the game activated some sort of flag telling the rest of the game to use female pronouns.

The question is: Where is this flag? I've searched,,, and and can't find it.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
While debugging the salamanderScore and watching it going up and down I had an idea: Why not give salamanders their very own tongue?
The description would be similar to the snake-like tongue aka TONGUE_SNAKE, but it will be fiery-red and flames occasionally emerge from it. Obviously adding this would require me to add this to Helia's appearance, too.

@Savin: Your opinion about that?

PS: You shouldn't look into my eyes atm. I got the Crazy Eyes right now! :p


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Methinks it would go well with the phoenixes, but considering Salamanders lack fire breath powers...  not so much.

But Savins the one who gets to decide. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I just bust out laughing every time I try to picture that. Also on a side note, after this term in college is over I should be able to attempt to learn the coding language for CoC if its anything similar to C. The classes I am taking essentially are refreshers from my senior year in highschool, (yay for Dual Credit classes).

While not strictly an animal, or a transformation, or claws, Sergeant Taura's nails are both suitable for ripping a man's throat out and regularly painted.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Methinks it would go well with the phoenixes, but considering Salamanders lack fire breath powers...  not so much.

But Savins the one who gets to decide. 

Huh? I never said something about a fire breath for salamanders. o_O
And a reptilic tongue for an avian race? I guess, you're mixing things up ...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
half-reptilic race, thank ye vary much

I forgot to mention, that I suggested the Pure Phoenix race and they have no reptilian features anymore.
By all means, I don't want to be such a faulty wannabe-phoenix made by the harpy queen. And I don't want to piss off Helia by transforming into one. Actually, the (indirect) TF is already ingame ... and I don't like it.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
While debugging the salamanderScore and watching it going up and down I had an idea: Why not give salamanders their very own tongue?
The description would be similar to the snake-like tongue aka TONGUE_SNAKE, but it will be fiery-red and flames occasionally emerge from it. Obviously adding this would require me to add this to Helia's appearance, too.

@Savin: Your opinion about that?

That's not what a salamander's tongue is like, though.