Wsan writing

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All of Siegwulfe's base content is now done (I think). There's still a few thousand words of her mini-expansion I'd like to start on, so I'll be doing that. The pitch of the expansion is that if you have a collar (Sera, Jerynn, and Accupitch Labs can give you one, apparently) she'll realize what a good idea that is. You can then opt into being leashed and walked like a dog alongside her along with having exhibitionism events proc, like Siegwulfe getting horny and deciding to use you publicly, or making you beg like a dog. Wholesome things.
It's very likely I missed something mentioned in thread and also don't have access to patreon stuff, but Sieg is a VI so how would this work?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Damn, that coincides with autumn nofap, guess I'll have to pass on Siegwulfe's content for awhile.


Jan 8, 2016
Yarrhar, the Lost in Space doc is publicly updated. There's a fair bit of jumping into Steele's bed going on but I assure you there are reasons!
There's quite a lot I want to get done before October is out... Two Amber scenes, some more snekwife work, some Haley sub stuff(!!! I'm really excited to work on her again), a new NPC, some more work on the milodan priestess bad end, and actually a fair amount of OC stuff. Looking forward to it, actually.

I've also been considering writing a furry VN. I have a lot of experience with reading them back in ~2007-2011, but I don't know how much I fancy getting art/BGs/sfx/etc for it. Basically everything except the writing I guess, lol.


Jan 8, 2016
First Amber scene done. This one is finally using some of the equipment you and Urbolg set up during the crew expansion, namely the mounting platform. The other is a fencomm dealing with a Dumbfucked dryad and Mitzi, which I'll get to closer to the tail end of the month!

Here's a preview of the mounting stuff.

"How about we finally put some of this equipment to good use?” you say, gesturing at the equipment in the hold. There’s an array of paraphernalia ranging from swings and stirrups to bridles and even some lockable restraints but what interests you most right now is the mounting platform. A sturdy height-adjustable pole holds a long, solid cylinder with a foam top for the recipient to rest their tauric body on, and even offers a hanging line for the mare to rest her forelegs.

"I see you looking at that thing,” Amber says, grinning as she advances on the platform. “How’s it work? Do I get on top of it?”

“Yup,” you respond, slapping it with an open palm a couple of times. “Up!”

Amber springs upward onto the platform, deftly catching the support line with her front hooves. She can be very agile when she wants to be, you’ve noticed.

“Are you my jockey, Steele?” Amber says, looking back with a sly smirk. “Bossing me about.”

“At the very least, I’m going to be riding you,” you say, putting a hand on her fluffy flank. Her tight little pussy is glistening already, wetness dripping from the barely visible pink slit between her dark black lips. The surrounding patch of fur is already damp with her arousal, the air around your head getting thicker with her sex pheromones with each passing second. They wrap around your brain like a clenched fist, commanding you to fuck the daylights out of this nubile deertaur.


Jan 8, 2016
Did a bunch of snekwife and Milo priestess today - no posted update on snekwife yet because it's an unconfirmed alternate intro we're trying out. See how it goes. Priestess has another 500 words of werk in her though and we're just about to get to the meat of the bad end, where you arrive at her village and get put to work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Bad end as in used to breed all the priestesses the rest of your life? Is that really a "bad" end?
If you don't have a peepis I think you get bred alongside them, so It's a grey area.


Jan 8, 2016
Bunch of work today. Finished the month's work on the milodan priestess bad end, posted the start of the alternate snekwife intro where she hunts you instead of happening across you in town, did a few hundred words on a nice new drunk kittygirl I can't share yet, and finished a TiTS OC commission for an MFF threesome. I actually really enjoyed writing pretty much all of it.

Here's what's left for the month.

4k Mitzi/Amber scene
3.5k drunk kittygirl stuff
3k OC stuff
3k Haley sub stuff
1k OC stuff
+ 2.5k Forgehound/PC/Dryad story


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Bunch of work today. Finished the month's work on the milodan priestess bad end, posted the start of the alternate snekwife intro where she hunts you instead of happening across you in town, did a few hundred words on a nice new drunk kittygirl I can't share yet, and finished a TiTS OC commission for an MFF threesome. I actually really enjoyed writing pretty much all of it.

Here's what's left for the month.

Aw man, no Lund stuff? Cause I see there's new scenes for him in the latest update but damn mein dude I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting for an Enemy centric Lund. I'd commission it myself but I'm dirt ass poor rn...


Jan 8, 2016
Aw man, no Lund stuff? Cause I see there's new scenes for him in the latest update but damn mein dude I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting for an Enemy centric Lund. I'd commission it myself but I'm dirt ass poor rn...
Too busy with stuff to take on many non-Patreon commissions atm. Have to clear a few out before I can get to that. It's planned, though.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Keep it up! I'm looking forward to more fun taur stuff. Especially if this means Haley gets a little more open about her wants and needs, not just when she's sandwiched between an Ellie and a Steele place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Wow! I think I will like everything you worked on this month. I looked at the priestesses bad end and snakewife docs. Very nice. Snakewife would be hotter to me as straight female and not a futa, but I understand futas are popular in tits, plus this way all PC types are easily accommodated. So no complaint.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Reviving the Haley sub stuff, huh? Any chance Ashley the taur bank teller will be revived in the future? If Fen does not want a bank, she could easily be repurposed as the lady at the counter for the taur races on Uveto.
I'd personally like it if we could visit Vesperia proper. Considering the taur population is, if memory serves, around 70% at least, having an NPC like that to introduce people (especially those who haven't been planetside with Ushamee) to the planet itself and the culture would be a good way to repurpose a character, yeah?
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Jan 8, 2016
Keep it up! I'm looking forward to more fun taur stuff. Especially if this means Haley gets a little more open about her wants and needs, not just when she's sandwiched between an Ellie and a Steele place.
I'm excited to work on Haley stuff. I've hardly gotten to do anything with her since her introduction.

Wow! I think I will like everything you worked on this month. I looked at the priestesses bad end and snakewife docs. Very nice. Snakewife would be hotter to me as straight female and not a futa, but I understand futas are popular in tits, plus this way all PC types are easily accommodated. So no complaint.
She favors using your dick rather than hers, but she'll settle for the second best option.

Reviving the Haley sub stuff, huh? Any chance Ashley the taur bank teller will be revived in the future? If Fen does not want a bank, she could easily be repurposed as the lady at the counter for the taur races on Uveto.
I dunno. She was basically written in a day as a nice little project and then I made a job out of it. Finding time to do my own projects is very difficult and Amber's expansion only happened because I was funded for about half of it. Luckily just doing a few scenes a month for her isn't too big of a deal now that she's done, which was the plan the whole time.
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Jan 8, 2016
I put up a bunch of stuff on Patreon today - namely polls. I've seen other people offer crowdsourced commissions as their little voting bonus thing and wanted to see if my Patrons felt strongly enough about it to vote. The rundown is basically that I'm considering switching from writing 2 stories a month to writing 1 commission (of equal length to the 2 stories - 4000-5000 words) a month instead. Basically, I'm checking if people prefer out-of-game content or in-game content. Genuine curiosity here. If you like the idea of getting to decide what I write for $5/mo, now's your chance.

Coming before today is out (hopefully)? - Mitzi/Amber scene and some Haley sub stuff. Probably the bit where you lose the bet and have to be hers for a week. Look forward to it!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I'm hoping it's getting closer to Haley! Some dating, some letting her indulging in her desires to catch instead of pitch....maybe making cute mini-leithans with her? >:3

That'd be great!


Jan 8, 2016
Is that a new loss scene for the bet regarding who can cum the most?
Naw. You make a bet with her to make her cum within 30 seconds and whoever loses has to be a slave to the other. She doesn't believe you can do it.

I'm hoping it's getting closer to Haley! Some dating
You are gonna be super disappointed by what Haley's idea of a relationship with Steele is like, lol. Well, if you lose. If you win it's still possible.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
You make a bet with her to make her cum within 30 seconds and whoever loses has to be a slave to the other. She doesn't believe you can do it.
Sweet, I was worried (in a "not actually worried" way, since this is still just porn, if well-written such) there'd be penis-gated content for awhile. Looking forward to it.


Jan 8, 2016
The Haley comm's being reworked into a milking scene because the submissive content is too big. In other news though, Amber had a couple of new things drawn today for her Dumbfucked-up bust.


Just a touch depraved.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
The Haley comm's being reworked into a milking scene because the submissive content is too big. In other news though, Amber had a couple of new things drawn today for her Dumbfucked-up bust.


Just a touch depraved.
question where does her quad balls come from?
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