New profile posts

Desires delicious food of all kinds. Currently craving Korean barbeque. The moment this craving stops, I'm going to regret this forum name.
Hey, do you ever look at any tumblr blogs?
not really tumblr was not really my thing. Why?
Just wanted to share that I follow this tumblr:
It's has a focus on worldbuilding and tabletop RPGs, which makes it interesting to me. Sometimes it even has micro-rpgs posted on it.
I'll check it out, you can DM me if you prefer
Would you fuck a dwarf queen even if she had a three foot long beard braided with gem-encrusted gold rings and was just as muscular as any male dwarf?
I have a discord server with some rpers, one of which is a dm like you're looking for. They'll write a precious persistent world, with lots of wondrous characters for you to meet and have fun with. If you're interested, I'm ShinyHappyFitsOfRage#0361 on discord.