Your Gripes With CoC2


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
As I said, preferences are all well and good in real life, but at certain point in this whole excursion, where most CoC2 and TiTs men have either no bottoming scenes or 1 token one (excluding femboys because, most of the time, they are not treated as men), I am just ready to accept "everyone is pansexual/champsexual and sexualy flexible" as the most logical course of action.

I do not have data or anything, but most of the playerbase plays character with dicks, and they tend to want to use them, yes? That has been established through various polls and developer comments. So then why do most guys play out as strict tops? Even if most of the dick champs have no interest in men, I still think that the ones that like to top boys and the ones that like to bottom to boys should be at least equal in numbers, yes? Even if we included those players that play strictly as fem/cboy champs. So at least from meta perspective, if you are going to use your precious time to write content that will only appeal to minority, why would you cut your potential fans in half by only writing only semes, then go on about how there is seemingly no interest in men?

It just feels so backwards to me.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
This feels like an over reaction, also its a porn game. Applying real life logic to this is silly, especially when Quin is literally just the ''bottoming makes me gay'' meme and teases the possibility with other stuff he does. This feels like a weird hill to die on, when I feel he's borderline offensive himself. Also, a companion character like him should appeal to as many people as possible, npcs are one thing but companions should be different for obvious reasons. Especially when there are so few male companions. Its not that deep.
It's a gripes thread also and this is my gripe. :U
You can apply "it's not that deep" with like the majority of complaints here on the forums., they still get said anyways.
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Feb 22, 2023
Minor gripe: Unlocking the Vulperine codex entry requires the player to encounter Raphael during the events of The Princess Blade. A bit silly, considering we talk to Nieves and have an entry into the Windy Peaks (and its village of vulperines). Just let me fill in the Codex, man. :negativeman:


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
im the minority, i think scenes explicitly not using the pc's dick are great :x
That is why I said most, not all. There are obviously men that prefer to bottom. We would not have terms such as bottom, top and switch otherwise. It is just the way CoC2 is structured and written that leads me to believe that most of the playerbase leans top, which is why I am little confused as to why most men do not accomidate that position.


Nov 1, 2024
That is why I said most, not all. There are obviously men that prefer to bottom. We would not have terms such as bottom, top and switch otherwise. It is just the way CoC2 is structured and written that leads me to believe that most of the playerbase leans top, which is why I am little confused as to why most men do not accomidate that position.
I believe the ratio for top/bottom is 60/40 are pretty even for patreon or 10/90 for the discord. //the last one is made up but sure feels like it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I believe the ratio for top/bottom is 60/40 for patreon or 10/90 for the discord. //the last one is made up but sure feels like it.
Just like forums, I believe discord is mostly composed of same few people constantly voicing their opinions. Echoes and choirs and all that.


Aug 5, 2024
The new patch with the bard update is amazing af. But it still bothers me that the Viv set is going to work on debuffing enemies.

I despise debuffs in this game, because I think debuffs should last entire rounds, not turns, they become impossible to use properly for combos against enemies with action points 2+.

The pain of trying to setup frigid for Brint is immeasurable... Let alone the Kiyoko set based on debuffs which will be the same fate for the new Viv set.


Jun 7, 2024
The new patch with the bard update is amazing af. But it still bothers me that the Viv set is going to work on debuffing enemies.

I despise debuffs in this game, because I think debuffs should last entire rounds, not turns, they become impossible to use properly for combos against enemies with action points 2+.

The pain of trying to setup frigid for Brint is immeasurable... Let alone the Kiyoko set based on debuffs which will be the same fate for the new Viv set.
I agree that the turn based debuff system makes some companions/powers worthless against bosses, but changing all debuffs to be round based would throw off the balance for debuffs that affect the enemy on their turn, namely DoTs and debuffs that lower enemy offensive stats. Imagine if a 2 turn blind was changed to a 2 round blind, now a 3 turn boss could miss you 6 times instead of 2. In this aspect, I think turn based is fine from a balance perspective.

The problem is that debuffs which are only useful when the enemy has it on the player's turn are made useless against multi-turn bosses, which are the debuffs that reduce enemy defenses/resistances. For example, sunder only has value when it's your turn to hit a sundered enemy, whereas a boss that shakes it off with 3 turns in a row renders it utterly useless since it might as well have not existed at all. These are the ones which should be round based IMO, plus any others which have combo powers like frigid.

So I think the solution should be a mixed case-by-case approach instead of changing all debuffs.


Aug 5, 2024
I agree that the turn based debuff system makes some companions/powers worthless against bosses, but changing all debuffs to be round based would throw off the balance for debuffs that affect the enemy on their turn, namely DoTs and debuffs that lower enemy offensive stats. Imagine if a 2 turn blind was changed to a 2 round blind, now a 3 turn boss could miss you 6 times instead of 2. In this aspect, I think turn based is fine from a balance perspective.

The problem is that debuffs which are only useful when the enemy has it on the player's turn are made useless against multi-turn bosses, which are the debuffs that reduce enemy defenses/resistances. For example, sunder only has value when it's your turn to hit a sundered enemy, whereas a boss that shakes it off with 3 turns in a row renders it utterly useless since it might as well have not existed at all. These are the ones which should be round based IMO, plus any others which have combo powers like frigid.

So I think the solution should be a mixed case-by-case approach instead of changing all debuffs.
Well yes ofc I agree certain debuffs should be balanced around that, but things like stun/prone would be fine being round based because the enemy gets immunity for example and its the hardest one to find and use but its theoretically with round based approach at least worth building.


Jun 7, 2024
Well yes ofc I agree certain debuffs should be balanced around that, but things like stun/prone would be fine being round based because the enemy gets immunity for example and its the hardest one to find and use but its theoretically with round based approach at least worth building.
I think stun disabling bosses for a whole round would massively take away from their difficulty, and the game isn't even that hard to begin. It's a powerful effect which is why other games that have it typically make bosses resist stun or have shorter durations for it. Being able to prevent a boss from attacking once is a valid use for it right now IMO. The frustrating part of debuffs in this game is when certain debuffs essentially have no effect whatsoever because bosses shake them off before you can benefit at all, which doesn't really make the game harder because you can easily create a build that doesn't rely on them that stomps everything, it just makes playstyles/companions useless and frustrating to use if you liked them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I think resistance and armor shredding debuffs should be round based because that will allow your team a chance to actually use the debuff - at the moment I feel like enemies have a better chance at using these types than the player's party and it's dependent on where your initiative places you. To be honest these types of debuffs are literally an after thought to me because more often than not the character that can cast/use them is in a placement that it literally fades before another character can exploit it. Can't really strategize around it most of the time and end up just brute forcing most encounters anyways.

Damage and disable type (disarm/stun/blind/prone/etc) debuffs should be turn based and would be broken as round based. Any stat shredding outside of resistances and armor should also be turn based. That's what I think. Buffs are fine as they are.
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New Member
Jan 12, 2025
Power fantasy being a point of contention, I think its a mistake to avoid or not indulge in the concept. Personally, its purposeful inadequate implementation ruins my loss of power fantasy. Do I misunderstand the intended portrayal of kink in this rpg setting? It doesnt make sense for a fantasy porn rpg to have some bdsm elements and neglect others. It reeks of bias


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Power fantasy being a point of contention, I think its a mistake to avoid or not indulge in the concept. Personally, its purposeful inadequate implementation ruins my loss of power fantasy. Do I misunderstand the intended portrayal of kink in this rpg setting? It doesnt make sense for a fantasy porn rpg to have some bdsm elements and neglect others. It reeks of bias
Huh?? Either I'm too tired or this comment makes no sense.
I mean, I get that you're a troll considering this is your first post, but what??


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I mean this is a gripes thread and "the game's not consistent about whether or not it's a power fantasy and not consistent with what bdsm elements it has" is a gripe. I have no horse in the race so I don't know if it's a valid gripe or not regarding the bdsm stuff or what that means but it's a gripe.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2023
Wouldn't that be something.

I'll never give shit to people over their grammar, spelling, etc.

But some posts do make me wonder if I'm having a stroke.
On a side note:
Anyone else smells that burnt bread?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
Power fantasy being a point of contention, I think its a mistake to avoid or not indulge in the concept. Personally, its purposeful inadequate implementation ruins my loss of power fantasy. Do I misunderstand the intended portrayal of kink in this rpg setting? It doesnt make sense for a fantasy porn rpg to have some bdsm elements and neglect others. It reeks of bias
what does this mean? you want a power fantasy? I agree if you do, or you dont want it, and are unsatisfied with how they deal with trying to reduce it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
The more I read his post the more I think he used AI to write it.
If it's who I think it is then he wants far more sadism the power fantasy he wants in game is stuff none of the writers wants to write.

"Power fantasy" by itself is useless term asking for more of it in vague terms means nothing, my idea of a power fantasy in the context of the game would be dismantling the slave trade which I assume is quite different to what many others think when they see the term.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
If it's who I think it is then he wants far more sadism the power fantasy he wants in game is stuff none of the writers wants to write.

"Power fantasy" by itself is useless term asking for more of it in vague terms means nothing, my idea of a power fantasy in the context of the game would be dismantling the slave trade which I assume is quite different to what many others think when they see the term.
Somehow, Pal- I mean Animalistic returned? Also yeah definitions are always helpful, at the very least to avoid confusion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Lord help if that's who it is. We don't need him back here. =3=

Regarding the power fantasy thing, I'll admit I've never been able to get an idea on what that meant in this game either. It seems to go back and forth in what that means, from the PC being able to handle certain situations to being completely rendered useless in others just because "it be like that" with no good reason otherwise as to why you can't even try.

I wouldn't use "Power Fantasy" to mean Sadism tho if that is what he's asking for. Low and behold, that isn't the same thing in the context of how the term is used in the game's life. (It can be a power fantasy, in BDSM's case, but people still have limits and there's multiple ways you can use "power fantasy" in context)