Your Gripes With CoC2


Oct 9, 2020
Okay there's a lot to unpack there.

I mean, corruption being less relevant, sure. I wouldn't want to be someone who mained a corrupt Champion in the last game because there's not nearly as much content for them in this game. But Kasyrra is not only a former minion of Lethice, but the creator of the faux-dragon girls Kiha was formerly part of. Plus almost every race in Mareth has a direct counterpart in Savarra, even if the lore behind them is quite different. And that's without counting characters who are clearly intended as references like Aileh.

They only remove or wall off content they deem to be lorebreaking, superfluous or where the writer who made it had a falling-out with the team, e.g. Etheryn and Hethia's original first meeting in which the latter shames the former for being half-sexed and mentions her grandfather, only for a later quest to reveal she had a half-sexed grandmother the druids revered; Berwyn being stripped of Companion status after Hugs-Alright's acrimonious split with Savin and co.

I'll readily concede that the Mad Cow quest requires you to have a temporary personality/intelligence transplant by aliens if you're not playing a heavily corrupted/Dark Knight character, but you seem to have forgotten about Vivianne's recruitment quest allowing you to let her turn into a demon. Granted I can't blame you because it doesn't really change her sex scenes that much. Not to mention you can let a cat demon bunk at your Wayfort, along with demon Jae'lyn and Sandre & Cae. There's room for plenty of corruption. Plus as I understand the corrupt paths for Hive and Centaur Village are still being worked on, even if they have maybe been in the oven for too long.

Oh they care. They care very much. The problems arose because this is a more ambitious game they're trying to make, they're doing several things differently instead of a direct, identical sequel to the original, both this and TiTS had to migrate their entire games from Adobe Flash to Javascript after the former was discontinued a couple years ago, and don't get me started on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

the name coc2 implies the inclusion of big coc themes like corruption and tf, spend any time in the corruption tag and its clear that it's not the focus of coc2. Its debatable that it's completely out of focus. yes corruption exists but nothing to get excited about, yet.. nevermind placating me, what would excite me is more than one character, fuck it a few, with a corruption arc, complete with the consequences of whatever corruption means to the setting. characters who react to your own corruption. straight up corruption gated content like the bazaar from coc. And a sprinkle of the way coc made corruption feel like a looming omnipotent threat on your doorstep, instead in coc2 where it just feels like something we'll deal with later i got 6 hoes in my dms rn and they all on throat wdym.

i think alot of the legwork in making coc corruption feel pervasive as it does was with its locations, and its tf's containing corruption at a much higher rate.

titles don't really mean anything outside of the game tho, atm i think of this one more as fenco 3 than coc2