You know that you can edit your posts, right? There's no need to post four times in a row...
B has plans for this, they're currently gated behind Tychris which is going to be worked on after the main Khor'minos content is done.
The entire parser system is based around English grammar and would have to be redone
by hand to make it work with any other language, meaning that every single thing in the game would need to be gone over with a fine-toothed comb to rework it for any language that is not English.
This was Balak explaining why it's never happening both from a technical standpoint and how much work it would be to translate all the text, four years ago. The game has gotten immeasurably bigger since then. To give you an idea,
this is the patch that was current when Balak said that. Look at the scroll bar and see just
how far down the page that is.
TLDR: Translation is never happening.