Futas are popular as husbandos. But I see all futas as female. wat do
Solution: Make a bunch of vagina-equipped males and try and get them to occupy the "Top Waifu" list.
Destroy the establishment.
Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about my futapups occupying the "Top Husbando" lists. :V
You make them ultimate bros banging whom aren't all that gay and expect people not to pair their fem!Steeles with them?![]()
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"
A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all. See: Anno and Kaede. Or Cass and Kaede.
Really a lot of people with Kaede. Kaede is best community property waifu.
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"
A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all. See: Anno and Kaede. Or Cass and Kaede.
Really a lot of people with Kaede. Kaede is best community property waifu.
Particularly given this game's notable dearth of actual males.
As a semi-relevant tangent, I've always meant to ask you if your descision to expand so much on Sera instead of, for example, Gene was the result of your own prefernces at work or comission/public demand?
Males with any sort of relationship-building or hooks for potential relationship-building would be more correct IMO. Even if the worldcount for it isn't as large, PC can have lots of random sex with random dudes.
I have to say . . . Vahn comes to mind, dependable always there in the background technically he's the second interactable character in the gameSweet, but not naive.
I'm probably gonna end up repeating what the above are saying. But yeah, even I can't think of any other male characters (Excluding Ben entirely) that I could qualify as husbandos. There's not many in the game that are sexable like Lash said, given the smaller roster. Little over half? Damn. And heck even those that are sexable aren't all that.... uh.. what's the word I'm looking for..?
Yeah, developed. Getting to sex the small few is one thing, but I personally don't think there's really any actual character development in most -if any that is- male characters in the game right now compared to the female and futa characters (I'm only gonna blame lack of interest entirely for that). When I saw this thread my mind blanked immediately trying to think of a good candidate for the title, went "...Uhh..." and just defaulted to the two futa puppy girls Syri and Kaede despite them being more 'waifu' than husbando because, well, I can't think of any fully male NPCs to take their place. The guys have too little content right now (Stressing the 'right now' bit like crazy because that COULD change) for me to really end up LIKING them as actual characters at the moment. There's not really any relationship building you can have going on with them or anything. They're just, well.. I feel many are just there. >w<;
My opinion miiiiiiight change later the further we get into the game's content, but for now Idk, I'm just being honest. I'm really hoping I don't sound like an ass in this. >.>
Less that and more "They're ladies, so shouldn't they be considered waifus?"
A lady can have a waifu of her own, after all.
Apparently, a female who behaves in a "traditional" male behaviour and might or might not have a penis will be treated as "less feminine" even if it's the future in which sex change is a relatively easy thing to perform and gender role might be abolished or flipped. That makes me feel sad, both for my own Steele and my IRL self who loathes stereotypes -i.e. the "butch lesbian" one- and has never really cared for girly things save from plushies and Barbie dolls. Good old Terran players and our biased views (because I want to use male pronouns when talking to the likes of Del or Seifyn!).
Syri probably, followed closely by Vahn. I'd slip Kaede in there somewhere but I'm not sure she'd qualify. Amara definitely could make top three though, kinda depends on what she's like when she's not trying to kill me. (and me her.)