Witchhunt [IC]


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"That is quite amazing," she said, listening to his story intently. "It must have been quite a lot of pressure growing up, both with your lineage and potential." She looked at his robes, and asked, "so, is this your first time out this far from a city?" she asked. "I must admit, I am honored to have someone of such esteemed heritage at this humble inn."


Well-Known Member
He blushed sheepishly at her compliment. Only half of his lineage was considered note worthy in most eyes, but to him his mother was just as prestigious, maybe more so, so Lucia's words had struck a cord with the cleric.

"Thank you very much for your kind words, I'm flattered to be seated in your father's lovely establishment. If every other part of the world is as nice as this I might consider travelling more. Yes, it is my first time out. I haven't stepped outside of the convent in quite some time, let alone this far. But the needs of the people call first. Well, after we wind down some." He spoke with a chuckle, trying carefully to avoid talking about the exact why they were there, simply sticking to their story of seeking relaxation. It didn't seem like he was being interrogated or anything, in fact the barmaid seemed lovely, but it was better safe than sorry. Even if the comfort of the inn was relaxing he needed to remain professional.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Lucia nodded, before finally turning to Astra or, as far she knew, Mikaela. "And who are you, to be travelling with such esteemed company? You've been very quiet, and I can't help but wonder about you, considering who you are with," she explained. "After all, it isn't often for a woman to travel with a mercenary and priest for companions."


Well-Known Member
"Oh, no-one special, just some random traveller they picked up along the way. Safety in numbers, y'know?" While that might not be enough to satisfy Lucia's curiosity, hopefully it would be enough to get her to stop prying - the less Astra had to make up, the less chance her cover would be blown. "Oh, and, uh, I'll just have these two, thanks.", indicating her selections from before.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"I see," Lucia said, not entirely satisfied but not pressing further. "Well, hopefully, we'll learn more about each other while you make your stay in town," she continued. "Anyway, I'll go get that order!"

She then walked away to behind the bar, allowing the trio to settle into the cozy atmosphere of the inn.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I think we'd all like to get to learn more about you too, Lucia." Flint responded as the waitress left. He hated seeing her leave, but the sway of her hips as she walked away somewhat made up for the lost eyecandy. As she left, the mercenary turned his attention back to his compatriots.

"Pleasant lady, huh?" Flint said, relaxing in his chair. He looked over two before leaning in. "I don't have any special unholy sensing eyes or whatever, but I kinda doubt that she's a demon. A bit too nice to be one." He said in a low whisper, only audible to Alexander and Astra. This wasn't much coming from Flint though. His primary exposure to demons was when he was fighting, which was when any form of negotiations and subterfuge had broken down.


Well-Known Member
I kinda doubt that she's a demon. A bit too nice to be one.
As a self-proclaimed nice demon (aside from lying about her true identity, but that was out of self-defence rather than anything malicious), Astra couldn't help but scowl at Flint for that. Still, she agreed with the rest of his statement, but for a different reason, based on not demon-sensing (which demons typically can't do any more than other races can), but what she herself used to do. While she would approach people in a friendly manner like Lucia did, she'd've already had a few nights of exploring the locals' dreams to determine who would be the most receptive to her, and how to approach and entice them - she'd never simply go up to a bunch of strangers who just appeared in town, especially if one of them was obviously associated with an anti-demonic faction. "I doubt it, too."


Well-Known Member
Alexander nodded along with Flint's words, though clicked his tongue hearing talk about Lucia 'being too nice to be a demon.'

"Pleasant indeed. Though, I'd like to believe it's less about what someone is, and more so about what they do. Not to say there aren't plenty of evil demons, but I believe one can be good, maybe more. Despite us all being human, we can be quite cruel to each other. So the opposite could possibly be true for less-than-human individuals as well, right?"

He whispered, looking to Astra and softly smiling after finishing his remark. He spoke honestly, even if his opinion was distinctly less popular and seen as odd by most. She didn't seem vicious like the stories of old he was told of demons as a child, shyer than anything. It would have been easy for her to spit malice and vitriol toward the two of them if she so desired, considering being nice was not a requirement in her containment. Yet strangely...she radiated a sort of kindness. Or so he liked to believe. Truthfully she could secretly be evil, she could be vile, but the stubborn cleric believed otherwise. A couple of bad apples in a bunch didn't mean they were all rotten.

"Call me hopelessly optimistic." He said, looking back towards Lucia as she walked off.

"I doubt it. But I wouldn't drop our guard just yet."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Flint sighs, his features getting visibly more tired. He looks at the two with a frown and whispered in a low but firm tone. "I didn't mean to upset our resident demon here. I know that she's been nonhostile and very kind given her circumstances. However, I ask that you two understand that Astra is an outlier. And that every other demon I have met has tried to kill me and my friends. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I frankly don't trust the entirety of all demons, especially not after I witnessed them succeed in slaughtering my friends."

Flint leaned back after that, seemingly done with their whispered meeting despite being the one to start it. He opted to not comment on the irony of a cleric and member of the inquisition being all buddy-buddy with one of the demons he very well might need to exorcise at some point. The conversation already turned sour, albeit due to his own poor choice of words. Simply stating his reasoning and current stance was enough for him. Even if the tense atmosphere made him feel more uneasy than he already was.


Well-Known Member
Alexander's eyes widened, a brief look of horror overtaking his features as he listened to Flint's firm utterances. He had no idea the mercenary had been through such a horrific experience and felt naive passively commenting about something that more than likely brought up unpleasant memories. Flint did have a point. Alexander's viewpoint could easily be considered heretical and inspire all manner of ill will. This was something he'd need to think about, and likely keep thoughts about to himself.

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He stopped himself from uttering any condolences, sure the mercenary had heard them a thousand times.

"There are still many things I have left to learn about the world, and I should not have spoken so rashly, I apologize." Alexander said under his breath, shifting uncomfortably in his seat having likely upset his comrade.

"I'm going to go pay for our room and board. Please excuse me." Alexander told as he got up to move from his seat, walking back towards the bar counter to speak with the innkeeper.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Alexander's eyes widened, a brief look of horror overtaking his features as he listened to Flint's firm utterances. He had no idea the mercenary had been through such a horrific experience and felt naive passively commenting about something that more than likely brought up unpleasant memories. Flint did have a point. Alexander's viewpoint could easily be considered heretical and inspire all manner of ill will. This was something he'd need to think about, and likely keep thoughts about to himself.

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He stopped himself from uttering any condolences, sure the mercenary had heard them a thousand times.

"There are still many things I have left to learn about the world, and I should not have spoken so rashly, I apologize." Alexander said under his breath, shifting uncomfortably in his seat having likely upset his comrade.

"I'm going to go pay for our room and board. Please excuse me." Alexander told as he got up to move from his seat, walking back towards the bar counter to speak with the innkeeper.
The innkeeper, who was busy polishing a glass, noticed Alexander approaching him and he looked up, smiling. "Hello, good cleric!" he said as he set the glass down. "I understand your type do not frequent establishments such as this, but I do not mind the business. What is it you desire to ask?"


Well-Known Member
So the opposite could possibly be true for less-than-human individuals as well, right?
Now it was Alex's turn to receive a scowl, albeit less intense as he was defending Astra, which she appreciated. In her opinion, demons were not sub-human; if anything they were super-human, as their powers and natures meant they had fewer limits that humans.
And that every other demon I have met has tried to kill me and my friends. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I frankly don't trust the entirety of all demons, especially not after I witnessed them succeed in slaughtering my friends.
These words came as a shock. Sure, she'd heard that other demons could be more aggressive than her combat-averse self, but she never imagined that was widespread enough that someone would ever only encounter violent demons. Then again, the only other demons she'd met in this world are the ones she made herself - and with her "hunting" strategy, those people were already inclined towards sex and not violence, so they'd naturally turn out like her once demonified.

After Alex left, she shifted away from Flint a bit, though this time it was for his comfort, not hers. "I- I'm- I didn't-" Still processing this new information, she couldn't properly think of what to say. Calming herself, she eventually responded with, "I've heard that some of us were like that, but I didn't know that many of them were out there." Taking another breath to steel herself, she continued, "I, for one, have only ever drawn blood in self-defence, and even then I've never even killed anybody. Never even wanted to."


Well-Known Member
Alexander once again felt embarrassed for his own poor choice of words. He had meant non-human, but judging by the daggers he felt stared into his back he could have said that better.

"I would like to pay for our rooms, in advance, if that's alright," Alexander spoke, running his hands through coin purse for a moment until a realization dawned on him. What exactly were their sleeping arrangements going to be like? They couldn't very well leave Astra on her own, nor should they be by themselves considering the exact village they were in.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I must consult my companions first. It idly slipped my mind. Please give me a moment, if you would."

Alexander walked back over to their table, twiddling his thumbs as he thought about how to word his query. With a sharp cough, he straightened up.

"I wanted to ask, how should we go about our sleeping arrangements?" He spoke next in a low murmur, only audible to the two of them.

"Given where we are being on our lonesome may be a downright horrible idea, though I understand for the sake of comfort if sharing a single room sounds too cramped. What kind of arrangements would you two be more comfortable with? I do not mind sharing a space, as there is clear safety in numbers."


Well-Known Member
"I'm fine sharing." That wasn't 100% true, but the benefits of sharing (mainly safety and companionship) outweighed the primary drawback of being in the same room as the people who would have both the motive and the greatest chance to kill her - not that that was particularly likely, as they had managed to refrain from doing so thus far, and were even making some effort to make her feel welcome in the group. Besides, if she was going to go exploring the locals' dreams tonight, it wouldn't matter whether she was alone - they had no way of telling if she was without staying awake themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Flint sighed. His words seemed to have caused yet more trouble in the group, though he should have expected that given the nature of what he'd said. "It's fine. Neither of you knew. Besides, I've probably got a bit of sampling bias. Only ever knowingly met them on the battlefield. Maybe the ones in brothels are better at hiding." He said with a smirk, trying his best to get out of this tense situation. "We're a team, and we shouldn't get too angry with each other. So let's put it aside, and get wasted." He stated, his smirk growing bigger.

Flint didn't like talking about demons here at a volume above a whisper, but it was a bit too late to remedy that. At the very least, none of them said the word demon or alluded to it very hard. And nobody had made any moves to signify that their cover was blown. Everything was still smooth sailing. For now. Hopefully.

"I'd prefer sleeping alone. Besides, it's a bit odd for the three of us to share a room. Or at least it will be perceived that way." Flint responded, fishing out his own coin purse. He took out a coin and held it out to Alexander. "I'm willing to pay for it myself though. You don't have to pay for everything out of pocket." He knew that he could handle himself if he were attacked, armored or not. He wasn't certain about Alexander, but having Astra there with him provided better odds of survival for the priest. And while it was stupid to split up, having two men and a woman share a room was incredibly suspicious. The only place Flint had ever seen it happen in was a brothel, and the sounds coming from that room were evidence enough of what those three were doing.


Well-Known Member
"You're absolutely right." Alexander nodded, a smile gracing his lips once again. "I don't plan to indulge in any drinks, can't hold my liquor too well I'm afraid. I admit in secret I used to take a sip or two of the communion wine at the church, nearly lifted me to the clouds! Though I'll happily join your merriment, Mr. Mercenary." Alexander said playfully, making an effort to lighten to mood along with Flint.

Hearing what Flint had to say did cause a faint blush to appear on the young Clerics face. He didn't think it at first, but it would look odd with two men and a single woman sharing one room, goodness only knows what they'd think, both in terms of blowing their cover, and generally. He graciously accepted Flint's coin, nodding.

"Understood. When the night comes I hope you have a pleasant rest. Unlike...others have." He was slightly worried how the mercenary would fare against the strange dreams plaguing the locals, giving a silent prayer to Hesol that his rest would be undisturbed.

He smiled, a hint of worry on his brow but optimistic non the less, as a good cleric should be. Walking back towards the innkeeper. He put the coins down upon the bar counter.

"I'd like to request two rooms please." Hopefully, the beds were comfortable. And hopefully, there would be two.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"You're absolutely right." Alexander nodded, a smile gracing his lips once again. "I don't plan to indulge in any drinks, can't hold my liquor too well I'm afraid. I admit in secret I used to take a sip or two of the communion wine at the church, nearly lifted me to the clouds! Though I'll happily join your merriment, Mr. Mercenary." Alexander said playfully, making an effort to lighten to mood along with Flint.

Hearing what Flint had to say did cause a flint blush to appear on the young Clerics face. He didn't think it at first, but it would look odd with two men and a single woman sharing one room, goodness only knows what they'd think, both in terms of blowing their cover, and generally. He graciously accepted Flint's coin, nodding.

"Understood. When the night comes I hope you have a pleasant rest. Unlike...others have." He was slightly worried how the mercenary would fare against the strange dreams plaguing the locals, giving a silent prayer to Hesol that his rest would be undisturbed."

He smiled, a hint of worry on his brow but optimistic non the less, as a good cleric should be. Walking back towards the innkeeper. He put the coins down upon the bar counter.

"I'd like to request two rooms please." Hopefully, the beds were comfortable. And hopefully, there would be two.
The innkeeper, who had waited patiently since Alexander had left, clapped his hands as he said brightly, "ah! Thank you for your business, good brother! I shall prepare the rooms right away!" The man, with amazing quickness for someone his age and size, tossed a set of keys on the bar and dashed upstairs. While he is busy, you see the waitress exit with drink and food.

"I see you've met my father," she said, stopping by the young priest to talk. "I suppose he does have a lot of enthusiasm for his job. Still, it does worry me how often he does this, especially since he's a bit in his years. Still, that's his job, and this is mine, so how about you take a seat before I set down my drinks?"


Well-Known Member
Alexander was surprised at how steadfast the innkeeper was. Godspeed and enraptured with his work, it was really something to admire. Grabbing the keys Alexander looked back to his companions and gave them a slight jingle. "Room and board secured."

Seeing the waitress inspired that rosy hue back to his cheeks. That outfit really was distracting...Shaking himself from his thoughts he nodded.

"Your father is quite impressive! I can really tell he has love for this inn. I admire his dedication in his years." Alexander said walking back towards the groups table, absolutely ready to wolf down his meal like a man starved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Reaching the table, Lucia put down each of their meals. "Here you are," she said, as she set the food for them. While leaning over, the fabric of the dress shifted in such a way the edge of her dark areola was exposed, if just barely. "I hope this food suits you well!" she said, smiling cheerfully as she stood up. "Is there anything else you'll be needing tonight?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Some cider, if you have any." Flint said, admiring the view that Lucia provided for him. He remembered how Alex talked about wanting cider, but not ordering it when it came time. That wouldn't do. They were here to relax, and denying luxuries inhibited that. "And maybe you could show us to our rooms when we're finished. If you're able to, that is." He added with a smirk. The group was in agreeance that Lucia wasn't a demon, so why not fool around a bit while they have downtime?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Right away, sir!"

As Lucia turned around, her ass brushed up against Astra's arm as she left their table, leaving to go fetch the cider.

While she was busy, they noticed they weren't the only ones in the inn-sitting in a corner there was a young man sharing a couple of beers with an older man. The young man was obviously a hunter, with his more lithe build and the crossbow he had. Meanwhile, the older man, with his thick muscular limbs and wide middle, as well as the axe leaned next to the wall, was clearly a woodcutter. Another notable difference was the older man's thick beard and black hair, while the hunter was clean shaven and blond with his long hair tied back in a ponytail.

The group couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it seems they were amused by it, whatever it was.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Flint couldn't help but smile, once again enjoying the sight of seeing Lucia's ass as she left to fetch the cider. Even if there weren't demons to fight on this job, he was satisfied with getting booze and women. His attention turned to his food and drink, as he began digging in. He was no stranger to field rations, and had always done his best to make them taste as good as possible, but nothing beat a warm meal.

The two men caught Flint's interest. It was natural that they wouldn't be alone in the tavern, but he worried about them overhearing their conversation. This worry was lost when he realized that he couldn't make out their conversation either. So he stopped analyzing them as possible threats, and continued to enjoy his food and drink.


Well-Known Member
As Lucia turned around, her ass brushed up against Astra's arm
Astra couldn't help but crack a lustful smile at this. It was quite rare that someone made a move on her, rather than the other way around, without her knowing they were likely do so beforehand.

Like Flint, she was concerned that the two men had overheard them, but realised they probably couldn't due to her own inability to hear what they're saying. There was nothing suspicious about them - they could be father and son, co-workers, friends, or just some random strangers who simply hit it off with each other. They didn't look too dangerous, either - if it came to a fight, the younger one might be a problem due to his crossbow, but the older one, much less so - while he probably wasn't old enough to become infirm, woodcutter's axes are far too heavy to be used effectively in combat without clear telegraphing (which she had used to her advantage before) or superhuman strength (which, as a human, he obviously lacked). So, she paid them no mind and dug in to her own meal.


Well-Known Member
Alexander's jaw dropped nearly seeing Lucia's breasts in full view. Given that he was as virginal as one could be even that was enough to fully captivate his attention. Blinking incredulously before realizing he was staring rather rudely into the valley of her cleavage. With a stammer, he awkwardly looked away, red as a garnet gem. Turning down to his meal and hurridly wolfing down his food, avoiding eye contact. Regardless of his delicate looks, the boy sure did have an appetite. Saving face as a cool-headed professional was now an absolute lost cause, anyone could see he was as green as the verdant gardens around the village.

Mentally Alexander scolded himself for his actions. Why did he do such an impolite thing? Surely if she thought highly of him before that image of the cleric must have tarnished by now. Desires were seldom felt within the capital's safe walls. Yet outside his mind wandered to places it usually disregarded. Shaking his head he returned to his meal, now mere crumbles remaining.

Curious as to what his companions were looking at he peeked over at the two men. An interesting duet to be sure, considering they were better armed than the other townsfolk. Could they also be strangers to the village? It...couldn't hurt to ask. Where was the harm in it? They had an investigative duty, and perhaps they wouldn't mind indulging the cleric's curiosities. Conceivably some valuable intel could be gained for his comrades or at least pleasant chit-chat. He'd have to leave Astra and Flint to get to know each other and Lucia for the time being, but he had a feeling they wouldn't mind too much.

"I find myself a tad curious about those two...I think I'll go introduce myself for a moment."

Exiting from his seat once more he approached the two men in their celebration.

"Hello there! I hope I'm not intruding, but I saw the two of you looked like you may be fellow travelers and wanted to introduce myself." With the most graceful smile he could muster, the cleric extended his hand.

"Alexander Charmant. Pleased to make your acquaintances."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As Alexander approached, he heard the men talking about having found something in the woods, and how they were going to split it between them. As the priest spoke, however, they quieted down and turned to face him. They both boweed.

"Pleasure to meet you too~" said the hunter, whose face was curled into a smile. Looking down, Alexander couldn't help but notice the bulge between the man's legs, pressing against the fabric of his breeches. "You know, you look pretty fine...not that I'd touch your saintly behind..."

The old man, less inebriated and not exactly in the mood to tolerate this sort of behavior, stomped on his food and let out a harsh "SH!" nosise. "Aplogizes, good sister...brother, perhaps?" he said, still not completely certain. "Anyway, regardless, you may call me Lenador and you may call him Cazan," he said, as he shifted back. "I suppose you were interested in speaking with us?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Alright, go and have some fun." Flint said, taking only the smallest of breaks from devouring his roast to speak to Alexander. The food was quite good, as was the ale. He noticed that the priest was also enjoying his food, which made him happy as well. Too much time in a temple ruined one's sense of fun, in Flints opinion anyway. Astra didn't seem to share the two men's ravenous appetites, though that made a bit of sense. He'd been told by some scholars in the inquisition that some demons seem to have strange diets, which depended on type of demon.

Flint was broken from his thoughts on demons by the sound of a stomp. Just as soon as he had begun eating, he stopped, grabbed his spear, and looked in the direction of the two men. The entire sequence likely lasted less than a second. Thankfully, he didn't see Alex on the ground or either of the men commit some violent action. He calmly leaned the spear back against his chair, still within arms reach, and continued eating. A bit slower now though, not allowing the sounds of him eating to block out any more possible indicators of assault.


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Alexander's ears did perk up hearing them speak before hushing down. Now that sounded rather interesting.

His face flushed noticing the bulge between the young hunter's legs. Was everyone in the tavern so shameless? Stiff as stone, and staring right into Alexander's eyes without so much of a flinch. The thought that he may be the source of the hunter's arousal made the cleric's heart pound. Shamefully titillated by the idea more than a good man of faith should be. It wasn't like there was some rule of celibacy but...hearing his sultry words sent Alexander's mind racing. Letting out a shallow breath as he nervously grinned. Trying to calm himself, being unused to such casual flirting.

Rattled from his thoughts by the harsh stomp, he gazed back to the older man.

"Brother, sir Lenador." Alexander nodded, more flattered than anything.

"If you would have my company. I'm not from around here and would love to know more about this lovely village. Do you have room for one more?"

He didn't plan to sit for long. Just enough to gather some decent information, and satisfy his idle queries.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Lenador nodded, offering a seat to him. "There," he said, smiling. "I apologize for my mistake-you aren't exactly what I'd expect a man of the cloth to look like-generally, their a fair bit older..."

"But not as old as you!" The hunter interjected, his speech slurred and breath smelling of ale. Hearing that Alexander was male didn't seem to bother him as much as the half-elf might have hoped, although he kept his hands to himself and tried not to stare.

The woodcutter, smilling, asked, "so, what would you like to know?"


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Sitting down next to the two men he found himself a bit smushed due to the sheer size of his hips, though it wasn't overly uncomfortable.

"No apologies needed! I'm flattered. I get it all the time, no need to worry." Alexander said with understanding, letting out a slight giggle at Cazan's drunken exclamation. They both seemed easygoing and had a strong sense of camaraderie. The fact Alexander was male not seeming to bother Cazan only made his face bloom redder. At this rate, the hunter was causing some very indecent thoughts to well up in the cleric's head. He himself was unbothered by the handsome hunter's attention. Yet endeavored to keep his thinkings chaste.

"I wanted to ask if you've heard any interesting gossip, or know any good sights to see. I and my companions are new here and would be excited to know!" He said, pointing back towards Astra and Flint.
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