Witchhunt [IC]


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Well," Cazan giggled as he looked at Alexander's rear, "I see a pretty good sight now..."

Lenador rolled his eyes. " More to the point, there are some areas within the surrounding forests which are quite beautiful. As for gossip, I heard that the innkeeper's daughter has been going out at night more. According to Cazan, she's been assisting some of the other villagers in some improper ways." He shrugged. "Personally, if it's true, I don't judge her for it. After all, she's making people's days better, and it seems to be something she enjoys doing."

As he said this, Lucia walked back to the table with the cider. As she set it down, she whispered to Flint, "you know, food and drink isn't the only thing available on the menu..." as she briefly flashed him one of her breasts, hoping to entice him. "You've been traveling on the road for a long time, and I bet you're pretty pent up. I doubt you would mind some company..."

As she talked, she wiggled her hips, giving the group of men sitting at the other table a very enticing view.


Well-Known Member
Astra simply observed in silence and continued eating. While she was kind of envious that Lucia seemed to favour Flint, it might simply be the case that she prefers men. Besides, Flint could handle himself; Alex, on the other hand, might need some assistance if things came to a fight. Or sex. So, she kept an eye on both groups.


Well-Known Member
Alexander listened to Lenador speak with a focused gaze. If the gossip were true that was troubling news indeed. While it could be as simple as Lucia keeping herself entertained, given the village's strange circumstances it was information worth passing on to Astra and Flint. The view she provided was beguiling as always but now made the cleric warier than before. From what Alexander could see, it appeared as though she had taken an awfully quick liking to the mercenary, putting Alex in an uncomfortable position. If she wasn't a demon then he'd be spoiling his companion's fun and potentially insulting an innocent woman...yet If she were Flint would be in terrible danger. There was only one choice to make: the lesser of the two evils.

"Thank you for your time gentlemen, but I think I should get back to my companions now. They'll start to worry if I take too long. Though this was a pleasant chat. It was nice to meet you two."

As Alexander scooted over, he purposely brushed his soft ass against Cazan's hand, giving the hunter a good handful as he rose from his seat. It made his heart jump, doing something so forward. But in his eyes, the man had earned a little caress of his saintly behind. Alexander turned his head and shot a glance at Cazan before veering around and waving.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

Whilst Alexander didn't know anything about flirting, his body sure did know how to tease. Something about that man was so enthralling. He was most certainly inebriated, but charming in many ways to the sheltered cleric. The smell of ale failing to bother Alex one bit. The hunter's brazen, amorous attention stirred a feeling inside the cleric that he couldn't quite place. A new, unbidden thrill that made his breath hitch. Maybe it was the warmth emanating off of the fireplace and nothing more but...a small part of him hoped to see the young hunter again. Him and the scent of sweet spice that followed. Yet alas, that was wishful thinking. There were more important things to take care of.

Striding his way back to their table his face turned gloomy, eyes flickering between Flint and Lucia. Subtly moving over to Astra Alexander whispered as quietly as he could manage,

"I think we may have been too quick to rule out that earlier possibility."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Well, I think I might just take some "dessert" in my room later tonight." Flint whispered back, reaching down and giving Lucia's ass a pinch. It was a tempting offer, in all honesty. And currently unaware of the woman's nightly exploits, one he would love to take her up on. It was quite the long trip, and he was more pent up than he was hungry and thirsty. He couldn't help but grin, seeing as the tavern was being more hospitable to him than he'd anticipated.

Flint was so busy ogling and flirting with Lucia that he hadn't even realized that Alex had come back. He hears the sounds of light whispering, but couldn't make out what was being said. It didn't matter much though, he was going to get laid tonight. "I'll wait for you in my room tonight." He whispered, sealing the deal, before turning back to see his priestly friend had come back. "So, have fun with those two guys over there Alex?"


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He turned to Flint and Astra, hoping they'd hear him out. Moving closer to them and staring in worry. Especially after seeing Lucia walk off, unaware of what was said to Flint.

"I heard a troubling rumor from those two gentlemen. I'm not entirely sure if it is true, but thought I'd pass it along. They said that she has been going out more and...'keeping villagers company' at odd hours of the night. I'm not one to judge, she very well could just be having fun. Yet it feels as though it could be connected to our investigation if the claims have merit..."

He did blush at the earlier mention, still thinking fondly of that hunter...

"And yes. I did enjoy speaking with them. They were...kind."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"That makes sense. She did just ask if I wanted to fuck." Flint whispered back completely nonplussed by his own words. "I can see that as being linked to demonic activity. It lines up with the nightly disappearances." He continued whispering, thinking aloud now. "I took her up on her offer. She's coming to my room at some time tonight. I can directly investigate then, and yell to you two if this hunch is right and I need back up."

Flint thought this was a brilliant plan. If she was a demon, he likely got to have a bit of sex and complete the job. And if she wasn't a demon, he got to have a lot of sex. There was no possible way this plan could go wrong in any way shape or form, he was certain of it. "The safe word will be 'red'. If you hear me scream it, get into my room and help me take her down."


Well-Known Member
"Hmm." While Astra didn't want to hunt a fellow demon, not doing so would land her in trouble - if something were to happen to either Flint or Alex and the other couldn't provide an alibi (or maybe even if they could), the church would assume she was responsible. So, she had no choice but to go along.

"I think I could help. If she tries any mind tricks, I could use my own powers to cancel her's out." If the rumours are true, she only started about a month ago, which means she's much less experienced - and thus weaker - than Astra is. "But that'll require you - " turning to Alex " - to loosen my power dampeners."

"She'll probably try her mind tricks at the moment of orgasm - that's when we're at our strongest, and you at your weakest, mentally speaking. But to be safe, I'll still have to pay attention the whole time."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Eh. I don't mind being watched." Flint responded with a shrug. "Though hiding will be a bit of a challenge. Unless you can go invisible, or something. Then again, we haven't really seen our rooms yet. Maybe there's a conveniently long set of curtains, or the underside of the bed is spacious enough for you to fit under." He continued, already trying to form some kind of mental picture of Astra's vantage point despite not even knowing the room she'd be hidden in.


Well-Known Member
Alexander nodded his head in agreement, somehow redder than before by Flint's brash words. Well, if the man were anything he was certainly honest, and that was something to admire. In a way, Alexander envied his naturally charismatic nature, maybe one day he could ask how Flint does it so well...Talking with others, carrying a conversation with such ease. Maybe it was the years of experience on the road, or maybe just how he always was, either way, it did bring a smile to Alexander's face. He sure knew how to light up a room, crass or not.

Red, understood! We'll come running to your aid post haste if the night goes sour."

Alexander then heard Astra's request. He fidgeted nervously in his seat. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, but it'd be a lie to say it wasn't a gamble. If his decision was the wrong one it could have horrible consequences. But...If it was the right one it would prove Astra's loyalty, and rid the village of their demon. It wouldn't hurt to loosen her binds, just a bit. Goodness only knew how much the church limited her true potential, and whether or not that process was painful. Thinking on it brought Alexander a pang of guilt, never really questioning how the church 'acquired' her services in the first place, but knew considering how zealotrous the others could be, it was a good bet that the experience was unpleasant for her.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander looked into her eyes. A gaze that spoke both of trust, and pleading against betrayal. Sighing out he lifted his hands over hers, speaking low in a whisper, a language foreign to them. He softly rested his palms upon hers, closing his eyes as he focused. There was no magic ray of light, or blast of holy radiance, simply the feeling of pressure being removed. A weight being lifted to a certain degree and renewed vigor, the shackles not visible in her human form. Moving his hands away he gave a soft smile. There was no room to doubt in a situation like this, and she had yet to prove herself untrustworthy in any sense of the word. Maybe he was too quick to give the benefit of the doubt, but that's just who the cleric was.

"Hiding doesn't seem like a bad idea. As long as Lucia doesn't make it to the room first.
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Well-Known Member
Feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, Astra gave Alex a smile and a nod in thanks. But there was one other point that needed to be addressed - "I don't have to be in the same room as you, I just need to be nearby, like in the next room or the hallway. If we're going to be on standby in case something goes wrong, I should be close enough anyways."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Alright. I was going to try and give you a bit of a show, but you seem the type to join in on fun rather than just watch." Flint whispered with a smile, letting out a quiet but hearty chuckle. "It's settled then. You two wait nearby while I play the bait. If you hear me shout out "red", things have gone wrong and I need help." He finished, going over the plan one last time to make sure everything was in order.


Well-Known Member
"Red, and we come in like a pair of valiant knights to rescue you, understood, Mr. Mercenary." Alexander said with a chuckle. Both serious about the situation but keeping the air light hearted, confident in their plan and abilities. Looking down at the cider Flint ordered for him he was tempted to have a quick sip, but resigned not to inebriate himself. Well, not until the night was over. Cleric's were known prudes but Alexander tried to be an exception, more laid back than most priests, vicars and priestesses if he could. After all if you wanted to make friends, you need to know how to read the room.


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Seeing Alex's hesitation over his drink, she told him, "You know, I can cure drunkeness, if that's what you're worried about." Of all the myriad things her 'poison' elemental powers covered, alcohols were close enough to conventional poisons that she could intuitively see why that worked. It also had a side effect that, despite naturally being a lightweight, she could (if she wanted to) beat literally anyone in a drinking contest (aside from a fellow poison-elemental demon, with whom she'd tie).


Well-Known Member
"...Really?" He looked to Astra, hopeful. It did feel odd to sit out their merriment, but the boy was a complete lightweight. Though he did just put his faith in her. Why doubt it now? Why be the only sober soul in an inn? Be the odd one out once again, just like back at the capital?

Looking down at his beverage he contemplated it.

Alright...Just a taste."

Gently raising it to his lips he had the slightest sip. Alexander frowned up at the taste like a child biting into a lemon, sticking out his tongue at it's bitterness, yet continuing to drink as it became easier the further he went. Still hardly making it down the pint at the pace of a snail.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"What's the point in drinking if you don't get drunk?" Flint asked, genuinely questioning the reasoning behind preventing yourself from enjoying the warm buzz of alcohol. He was a heavyweight, due to his size and experience with liquor, and could probably drink an orc under a table. Or at least he thought he could. "Just cure the hangover, not the cause of it."

"Ah, forget it though. Let's take a drink, to celebrate making it to a town and not needing to sleep on the cold hard ground." He said with a smile, raising his pint of ale that was almost empty by this point.


Well-Known Member
"I suppose you're right. Live and let live, as they say. Still tastes absolutely horrid though." Alexander grinned, against his better judgment and inhibitions. If he did anything wrong by the morning at the least he could atone for his sins with a tribute to Hesol. Swirling the contents of his glass before really drinking it down, until the burn became a faint warm glow.

Raising his half glass of Cider he brought it to Flint's for a toast.

"To us! And a good night's rest..."


Well-Known Member
What's the point in drinking if you don't get drunk? Just cure the hangover, not the cause of it.
"I can do that, too."
To us! And a good night's rest...
"I'll drink to that!" Astra finished her own meal and drinks at a leisurely pace, to savour the flavours, neutralising enough of the alcohol that while she would get drunk, she could quickly purge that if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
With the toast completed, Flint tilted back his head and his pint, downing the last bits of it in one go. "Hah! Reminds me of the good old days." Flint happily said, apparently reminiscing on the good parts of his past. He finished the last bits of his food a little less ravenously than usual, with a grin on his face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As they finished their meal, the portly innkeeper came downstairs and went to their table. He looked sweaty, but in good spirits. "Hello, good guests-your beds have been prepared," he said, smiling as he clapped his hands together as he raised one of his eyebrows. "Of course, if you do desire to sleep, then all that is required is a single silver for each of your beds, as well as seven silvers for your rather exorbitant meal." He pointedly looked at Flint. "That would make it to ten, something which I believe is within your budget, is it not?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Indeed it is." Flint said as he dug through his coin purse and pulled out five silver coins. It paid for his room and a portion of the meal. He hadn't looked at the prices of the food, but footing half of the bill was likely enough for himself. Alex obviously had money as well, though he wasn't actually certain if Astra did, given her circumstances. It was also a bit more pricy than the inns he usually stayed at, though this was also far fancier than most inns he stayed at. And considering how he ordered pheasant, he was spending more money than he would on food as well.


Well-Known Member
Alexander didn't mind Flint only paying for his side of the bill, and respected it. The cleric having no problem paying for himself and Astra, doubting the church let her keep any proper possessions. If one good thing came with being the son of an archbishop, it was the generous funding. Indulgences upon indulgences, penance, and taxes to collect too. Being raised in the safe, comfortable church of Hesol Alexander had little understanding of money and its real importance. His father simply handing him a sachel with all manner of colorful coins and a bid of safe return.

Fiddling through his coin purse he fished out the other five silver coins, and a few extra to boot due to the fuzzy warmth spreading through his body. A tipsy smile on his face as he put them down on the table.

"Ooo, that stuff was pretty strong. Heh."

A single glass and the church boy was already giddy. Truly living up to the title of a lightweight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The innkeeper nodded and slides the money into his hand. “Very good; I shall hope that your stay will be pleasant,” he said, bowing his head. “Shall I lead you to your rooms or shall you be fine getting to them on your own?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Ah, why not." Flint said, standing up. He'd finished his meal and his drink. The pint hadn't really even given him a buzz, but it did help to slake his thirst. And more importantly, it gave him more time to prepare for his rendezvous that night. "Lead the way. Also, thanks for the meal. Best I've had in weeks."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The man nodded. “Please follow me then,” he said, before turning around and walking to the stairway. “I hope that the conditions here shall be satisfactory.”


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The cleric followed close behind. Still a bit lightheaded but not outside of his right mind. Carefully maneuvering each step so as not to fall over.

"With as well as the rest of the night has been going, I'm sure they will be." Alexander smiled. Both because anything was better than hard ground, and considering their plan in progress too much sleep may not be had, well, at least for one of them, if he was lucky.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The man led the trip upstairs to their rooms, each of which had a bed with a wool blanket, a wooden chest, a small table, a stool, and a closet. There was a single candle for illumination, making it somewhat dark.

“Here are you rooms,” he said, as he led them in. “If you have something else you need, please let me know.”

The man then headed downstairs, leaving them be to go about their business.


Well-Known Member
Astra had assumed that, since the church sent the out here, they'd provided them with some funding, and given said funding to one of the others. As such, she was a bit confused seeing her companions split the cost, but said nothing as she wasn't certain what to make of the situation. If they were here on their own coin, she was thankful they could cover for her, as both of them were right in assuming the church let her keep nothing but some basic clothes.
Carefully maneuvering each step so as not to fall over.
Seeing the difficulty Alex had walking while drunk, Astra moved to help support him, taking his arm over her shoulder with one hand and hugging his waist with her other arm a bit more... familiarly than one might expect, but with his inebriation, she doubted he'd mind too much.


Well-Known Member
Alexander almost fell on the next step, teetering on the edge but thankfully steadied by Astra's hand. While the arm around his waist brought on a certain warmth that would have normally flustered the cleric half to death, in his ditzy state, he merely giggled grateful for the assistance and companionship. Leaning into her touch for support as he gripped the rails of the stairway.

Upon making it to the top of the stairs, Alexander clumsily made his way to his room. Adjacent to Flint's as luck would have it. Taking a quick once over of the decor before settling to plop down lazily onto the bed with a loud creak. Tilting his head he motioned Astra over, the cleric wasn't in the best shape to enact a possible rescue plan but didn't forget about their ploy in its entirety.

"Since my room is the closest, I think it'd be easier if you stay with me, for the time being. If you're comfortable with that, of course." Tipsy or not Alexander was the furthest from impolite.