And thanks for putting the image of a muscle child back in my head. And yes, I can say that if Mirrin and Zephyr were at their genetic and physical peak before Steele even graduated high school. Take yourself in real life next to a real strongman, like Brian Shaw and say 'Ima beat ya.' Heck, add in that he'll train you like Mirrin does. You'll only beat him if he grows old. The mere month Steele spends maxing out physique should not equate to winning the Universe's Strongest.
Zephyr getting lucky on a dice roll for taking a shot, and then doing bicep curls for a few years shouldnt mean she can stack up to Mirrin of all people who is an actual strongman in the TiTs universe and actually works for what she has. Zephyr LITERALLY cheated and got VERY LUCKY to get where she is.
Also, dont equate this situation with Real Life, when there are literally miracle drugs that can essentially cheat the system and have people transform completely and become anything they want and regrow limbs. The reason why Im hung up on this, is because this is no clear way to discern what exactly having high stats actually means.
I dont think you should be able to beat Mirrin and Zephyr at this point in time. BUT at some point, it SHOULD be possible. At least beating Zephyr if anything. 50 Strength is pretty low compared to what Mirrin would have, (85+ if we are following the laws of the game as no enemy can have higher than 100) so say FAR FAR into the future when we reach lvl cap of 20, and get 100 Strength then maybe you can do it. Lane has a epilogue Bad End, that you cannot access because you cant beat the game, but it is in the game. You CAN activate it with some trickery but that's besides the point. Adding late game options to a doc is pretty common, HALF of Paige's content is supposed to be LATE game content after all. If you think Steele needs to work to get their strength, then why not use the game systems itself? The Adventure? Make the option Late Game stuff. Getting to Level 20, which should be super difficult in my opinion, and even harder to max out your stats.
Wouldnt that be Steele working to get stronger on a journey you could say he "prepared" (sarcasm? i really dont know) for their whole life and now reached the pinnacle of what they can learn from the journey?
This whole thing is a fucky subject, but that is because the player IS a special snowflake, who can BE anything, and can probably DO anything. And that can get annoying for people. And it certainly does to me.