[WIP] Item for anal fun and androgyn/genderless : Omega Oil


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I see there's no item that specifically turns you into an androgyn like CoC's Trap Oil in TiTS, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It should induce an anal "pseudo-heat".

So... if anyone is willing to edit, comment, point out any mistake I made.

*sweats nervously*

Omega Oil Gdoc

Edit : Title edited for clarification.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Easy Fit cream adds wetness and capacity to either anus or vagina at the players choice. It's also really really cheap.

Of course, it doesn't actually turn you into a trap, which this kind of does, and pricing it along side tittyblossom means it would be great if it was sold mainly for that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Okay. Editing right now.

Edit : Thanks by the way, booleanquestion. That's my first submission, so... Pretty nervous right now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think you should decide exactly what the purpose of this item is and to tailor it to serve exactly that purpose.  Try to avoid putting stuff onto your item that might turn players off of it if they'd want some other part of it.  So, if the item is about raising anal wetness and elasticity, then that's probably all the item should do.  If you're trying to make a full trap package item, then I think that this item should be capable of removing a vagina, growing a tiny dick, and androgynousing the PC.  Alternatively, a female PC using the item could instead be turned into a reverse trap style character, which should still androgynize the PC.

Traps are usually pretty thin, so I don't think a thickness increase should be tied to this item.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Actually, what I had in mind was an item to make "twinkify" the player and add anal wetness/capacity (without raising feminity). Thing is, since I was under the impression that very specialised items are supposed to be more expensive, I thought I had to add, well, side-effects transformations, to keep it cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A focused item is generally something that either does one thing and one thing only or does a whole lot at once.  So if you're going to be taking this item once, then it will usually be expensive.  If you're going to be taking it over and over again, then it can be much cheaper.  That said, it isn't exactly a firm rule.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
 So if you're going to be taking this item once, then it will usually be expensive.

Like Pandaneen (the thing that makes you into a panda with one dose), you mean ? Nope, it was not originally intended to be a one-off kind of deal. I saw it more as a cheap alternative to Easy Fit (with heat inducement and added breast rows as beneficial side-effects).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Like Pandaneen (the thing that makes you into a panda with one dose), you mean ? Nope, it was not originally intended to be a one-off kind of deal. I saw it more as a cheap alternative to Easy Fit (with heat inducement and added breast rows as beneficial side-effects).

But easy fit is already dirt-cheap. it's only 36 credits!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
But easy fit is already dirt-cheap. it's only 36 credits!

Point taken. Then I guess I really wanted to fulfill my omegaverse kink I tossed all the transformations I wanted in one item I kinda wanted an equivalent to Trap Oil in game I should "market" it as a transformative based on an exotic alien species we will never see in-game ? The idea for it was mostly based on CoC's Trap Oil, mixed with Omegaverses' idea of Omegas (long story short : usually, people in omegaverse have a primary male/female sexes and a secondary alpha/beta/omega gender ; Alphas are virile dominant studs, Betas are the biggest part of population and sadly underrepresented and Omegas are super fertile and go into heat regularly, during which they crave being bred/knotted by Alphas, even though male alphas look like regular men, if very very slightly more "feminine")

(Honestly, I know not all submissions are gonna be implemented, and will not be really surprised if this isn't, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try. )


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you want to make an item that basically just caters to all of your own fetishes at once, that's fine.  Just remember that the more fetishes you pile on something, the less likely any given person is to be interested in the content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
If you want to make an item that basically just caters to all of your own fetishes at once, that's fine.  Just remember that the more fetishes you pile on something, the less likely any given person is to be interested in the content.

Less a fetish than an aesthetic ideal, but I see what you mean. I guess I could rework it a bit to make it an item that primarily raises/decreases the pc's feminity towards 50 (I haven't seen an item that does that yet, I think) and (maybe) makes you genderless, with rare side-effects like those listed in the doc... For instance, if you consume at least 10 omega oil in a short time span (that's just an example as I have no idea if this would be doable)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not sure that moving towards being sexless is necessarily what you want here.  Just reducing the size of your sexual attributes and letting you get smaller bits is probably enough.  If you don't want to, you don't have to change femininity/masculinity, I just think that fits with the theme.

If you design the item to have a persistent status effect for a few hours that would be plenty for overdoses.  Say it has a warning label of some kind telling you not to use two within x hours of each other then let the devs handle the specifics.

Were you thinking of making the anal lubrication and increased anal elasticity a part of the side effects?  Breast rows and heat are probably the only things that just don't really fit, given their nature in the context of Fen's games.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
It should be pointed out that Elasticity isn't hole-specific. You only have one Elasticity score, and it applies to the capacity of whatever holes you happen to have (as a straight, final multiplier, after everything but taur-bonus has been accounted for). There also isn't anything currently in game that can raise Elasticity without a cap.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I'm not sure that moving towards being sexless is necessarily what you want here.  Just reducing the size of your sexual attributes and letting you get smaller bits is probably enough.  If you don't want to, you don't have to change femininity/masculinity, I just think that fits with the theme.

Well I was thinking that maybe genitals disappearing could be one possible side-effect, not a main effect. As for feminity/masculinity... I don't want to do an item that would increase feminity without cap, cause 1) there's already Estrobloom in the game and 2) there isn't an item that raises masculinity yet. Having an item that makes you androgynous would be a good compromise, I think.

If you design the item to have a persistent status effect for a few hours that would be plenty for overdoses.  Say it has a warning label of some kind telling you not to use two within x hours of each other then let the devs handle the specifics.

Kinda like Condensol, right ? Why didn't I think of this earlier That would seem to be the most practical, thx !

Were you thinking of making the anal lubrication and increased anal elasticity a part of the side effects?  Breast rows and heat are probably the only things that just don't really fit, given their nature in the context of Fen's games.

Anal lubrication & elasticity/capacity were originally what I had in mind as the main goal, but since we have Easy Fit, that would have to be changed. As for added breast rows and heat, I don't understand what you mean in the last sentence ? I mean, I wrote in the doc that the item is based on research on "exotic natives on Omega V", and isn't the context of Fen's games transforming the PC to your liking ?

But well, in the end I was thinking it could be something like this :

one dose : main side effects (a chance of moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity)

second dose in less than 4 hours :

  • chance of moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity)
  • possibility of some "light" side-effects (loss of will power, shrinking penises etc...) occurring
3 doses and more in less than 4 hours :

  • moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity
  • stronger possibility of some "light" side-effects (loss of will power, shrinking penises, etc...) occurring
  • possibility of heavier side effect (adding breastrows/ inducing heat/ removing genitals)
Of course, heat/rut mechanics haven't been implemented yet, but I'm being optimistic here.

Only problem is, I'm afraid it would be a bit too close to condensol...

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
We do have an item that boosts masculinity, as of the latest backer patch.

Condensol can permanently shrink dicks, but that's not its main selling point, and anyway it can't get beneath 14 16 inches (which is still fucking huge, in real world terms).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
  • possibility of some "light" side-effects (loss of will power, shrinking penises etc...) occurring
  • stronger possibility of some "light" side-effects (loss of will power, shrinking penises, etc...) occurring

Pardon my curiousity: can you elaborate a lil more about reason putting willpower loss here as side-effect?

(Sidenote: As FA already said ManUp for now is in backer build so few weeks more till it hit public build too - but well it do quite many things aside of rasing masculinity score and lowering feminity one)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I said breast rows because those are usually furry type content.  Obviously that's not necessarily going to be the case going forward, aliens kind of throw that out the window.  Rather than doing heat specifically, you could create a new status effect for being penetrated anally to fit the theme of the item.  Heat is more about vaginal sex and getting pregnant as soon as possible.  Willpower loss doesn't really add anything to the item, so it doesn't make much sense to include.  What you could do with the item is to have its anal desire status effect reduce willpower so long as it is active, that would fit a bit better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Pardon my curiousity: can you elaborate a lil more about reason putting willpower loss here as side-effect?

Curiosity is welcomed ! It has to do with the inspiration for the item, the fandom trope Omegaverse (usually reserved to fanworks featuring m/m pairings) : Omegas are supposed to be submissive, so I thought a loss of willpower made sense

Willpower loss doesn't really add anything to the item, so it doesn't make much sense to include.  What you could do with the item is to have its anal desire status effect reduce willpower so long as it is active, that would fit a bit better.

I actually like this idea better, since the only way to increase willpower (for now) is to level up and assign points to it, and it seemed unfair to permanently decrease it.

So to do a recap :

1st dose :

  • main effects (a chance of moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity)
  • gives status effect 1
2nd dose if status 1 active:

  • chance of moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity)
  • possibility of some "light" side-effects (shrinking penises, adds lust etc...) occurring
  • gives status 2
3rd dose and more if status 2 active:

  • moving feminity towards 50 and/or increasing anal wetness/capacity
  • stronger possibility of some "light" side-effects ( shrinking penises, etc...) occurring
  • possibility of heavier side effect (adding breastrows (?)/ removing genitals)
  • gives status effect 3, that has to do with wanting anal penetration. I don't know how that could be coded though...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wanting anal could be as simple as a constant lust gain in combat against specific enemy types while flavor text comes up about how you want to just bend over and let them to fill your anus.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Wanting anal could be as simple as a constant lust gain in combat against specific enemy types while flavor text comes up about how you want to just bend over and let them to fill your anus.

Okay, gonna work on it then.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Well there isn't an androgyne item in the game so far, so it's a unique idea. But yeah, the genital removal and growing new sets of tits, ain't really necessary right? I mean omegas are more m/m anyway. Why not just make it so it shrinks tits, cock and clitoris, but doesn't remove anything? Genderless has a very specific audience after all, but androgyne-looking male/female/herms with an anal addiction, would appeal to more people I believe. Dr. Lash is there for genital removals - the leading premier in genital-removal services xD  And again, multiple breast rows are also a very specific audience kind of a thing.

The rest of the stuff are pretty awesome - like the willpower decrease and submitting to enemies sorta mechanic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Well there isn't an androgyne item in the game so far, so it's a unique idea. But yeah, the genital removal and growing new sets of tits, ain't really necessary right? I mean omegas are more m/m anyway. Why not just make it so it shrinks tits, cock and clitoris, but doesn't remove anything? Genderless has a very specific audience after all, but androgyne-looking male/female/herms with an anal addiction, would appeal to more people I believe. Dr. Lash is there for genital removals - the leading premier in genital-removal services xD  And again, multiple breast rows are also a very specific audience kind of a thing.

The rest of the stuff are pretty awesome - like the willpower decrease and submitting to enemies sorta mechanic.

Thanks ! Glad someone likes it !

But yeah, you're right. I'd still like to keep genital removal and multiple breast as super rare side effects, but, if they're gonna be so rare, maybe I should get rid of it all together... I admit, I'm kinda torn about it...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you keep it, gate it behind some sort of large overdose requirement. That way the people who run into it are likely fetishists who enjoy that particular sort of content/ were aiming to experience it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You (or someone else) can always create another item for extra breasts and genital removal, after all!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Thanks ! Glad someone likes it !

But yeah, you're right. I'd still like to keep genital removal and multiple breast as super rare side effects, but, if they're gonna be so rare, maybe I should get rid of it all together... I admit, I'm kinda torn about it...

The problem at this point is the 3rd dose Blood Fever submission mechanics can be a turn on for anal fetishists, but then again they may not want to risk losing their genitalia xD

Or how about making this two separate TF items? Another that is sold alongside Omega Oil, that purely induces mental/submission/willpower loss, along with increase in anal elasticity and wetness (an anal heat inducing item, targeted towards anal. idk. "Analize" or "Erectum" or sth.). Perhaps a watered down diluted version of Omega Oil. I really, really find the idea you've had with it awesome, except I'm not into androgyny/genderlessness D: There's a much larger crowd for anal, so yeah, treating them as two separate audiences might be better?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
the genitals thing could be on like the 6th dose within a x hour period.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Thanks ! Glad someone likes it !

But yeah, you're right. I'd still like to keep genital removal and multiple breast as super rare side effects, but, if they're gonna be so rare, maybe I should get rid of it all together... I admit, I'm kinda torn about it...

the genitals thing could be on like the 6th dose within a x hour period.

How about this?

So basically, rewiring the entire concept of the effect increasing by multiple consumption. This will be cheaper for all involved to get exactly what they want. So maybe change the tooltip to: A small sachet of clear ointment, with a greek Omega symbol on it. It kinda looks like a pair of buttcheeks. On the label can be read: "You love being plowed, but can’t afford to buy gallons of lube? Then our brand new Omega OilTM is for you! Based on years of research by A.B.O. Corp on the exotic natives of Omega IV, Omega OilTM will make your back entrance perfectly suitable for some anally fun times!" Lower on the packaging are tiny characters you barely decipher: "Use with caution ; May induce a high state of arousal in the subject, and DO NOT apply more than one dose in 24 hours, or side-effects may occur."

So basically, on first dosage, you get the status, "Blood Fevered", which lasts for 6 hours (since the total submission to all cock-having enemies for a 72 hour period is a little too long, because the condition is really debilitating, and basically is an auto-loss-by-lust mechanic for any enemy you come across), then after you recover from that, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for the next 24 hours. Like when you get smashed by drinking a lot of beer at once, as you slowly recover, going from Smashed to Drunk to Buzzed. And of course, drinking more when in a state of mid-recovery like Drunk or Buzzed means you become Smashed again. So like that  xD

Essentially, the item is geared towards making your back entrance to be like that of an Omega IV native, also with the effect of getting you into a very lust-induced state. However, further continuous application might actually physically change your appearance to that of an Omega IV native (genderless and androgyne), with the extremeness of said change being inversely proportional to how much time has passed since you've applied Omega Oil (so basically someone that just wants 'anally fun times' like the description, can just take apply once.). Anybody that wants androgyny/genderlessness can just immediately apply once more (or as many as it takes to achieve desired look). Anybody that just wants to shrink their stuff without removing them, can take a pill while 'Strangely Warm', and anybody that wants to just increase wetness again can take while 'Flushed'.

Now that is has less sideeffects (unless you are aiming for it ;) ), you can also make the item more expensive, especially since with this system, less multiple dosages will be needed.

1st dose :

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
2nd (or more) dose: So basically, here, three situations can play out, depending on how long it's been since you took your last dosage.

1. if status "Blood Fevered" active: (if taken less than a total of 6 hours after most recent dosage)

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • Removes cock (If >1, remove smallest)
  • Removes vagina (If >1, remove tightest)
  • If breast set >1, remove lowest set (removal of breasts seems more with the genderless theme, so that you are left only with anal as an erogenous zone to provide you satisfaction)
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (Already in "Blood Fevered" state, but the countdown will reset back to 6 hours left)
2. If status "Strangely Warm" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12=18 hours after most recent dosage)

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • Shrinking breasts (if breast set >1, shrink lowest set)
  • Shrinking cock (If >1, shrink largest)
  • Reduce vagina capacity (if vagina >1, reduce capacity of the one with highest)
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
3. If status "Flushed" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12+24=42 hours after most recent dosage)

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You (or someone else) can always create another item for extra breasts and genital removal, after all!


Okay, here's what I'm gonna do :

  • get rid of genital removal/breast adding (since we already have the good Dr Lash for the former and the latter is more of a niche fetish)
  • shorten blood fever status and lenghten flushed status (yeah, blood fever status is really severe)
  • otherwise keep it as is
  • maybe write another tf item (later) if I'm really motivated
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Now that is has less sideeffects (unless you are aiming for it ;) ), you can also make the item more expensive, especially since with this system, less multiple dosages will be needed.

Totally aiming for it, yeah. ;)

1st dose :

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
2nd (or more) dose: So basically, here, three situations can play out, depending on how long it's been since you took your last dosage.

1. if status "Blood Fevered" active: (if taken less than a total of 6 hours after most recent dosage)

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • Removes cock (If >1, remove smallest)
  • Removes vagina (If >1, remove tightest)
  • If breast set >1, remove lowest set
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (Already in "Blood Fevered" state, but the countdown will reset back to 6 hours left)
2. If status "Strangely Warm" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12=18 hours after most recent dosage)

  • increasing anal wetness
  • increasing anal capacity
  • increasing elasticity
  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • Shrinking breasts (if breast set >1, shrink lowest set)
  • Shrinking cock (If >1, shrink largest)
  • Reduce vagina capacity (if vagina >1, reduce capacity of the one with highest)
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
3. If status "Flushed" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12+24=42 hours after most recent dosage)

  • moving femininity towards 50
  • loss of muscle tone
  • gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)

Would definitely work, but the primary objective of the item was to make the pc "androgyn"+ anal craving if they are interested, so... don't know if players who want to make their pc androgyn would risk going through the blood fever first. However if the blood fever comes last, they could better manage the side-effects, I think.

Or it could go something like :

  • 1st dose : gives status flushed (24 hours)
  • more than X doses while status flushed is active : gives status strangely warm (12 hours)
  • more than Y doses while status strangely warm is active : gives blood fever status (6 hours)
(while the other effects have a chance of occurring of course)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Totally aiming for it, yeah. ;)

Would definitely work, but the primary objective of the item was to make the pc "androgyn"+ anal craving if they are interested, so... don't know if players who want to make their pc androgyn would risk going through the blood fever first. However if the blood fever comes last, they could better manage the side-effects, I think.

Or it could go something like :

  • 1st dose : gives status flushed (24 hours)
  • more than X doses while status flushed is active : gives status strangely warm (12 hours)
  • more than Y doses while status strangely warm is active : gives blood fever status (6 hours)
(while the other effects have a chance of occurring of course)

But then people who want blood fever / anal capacity / anal wetness / elasticity (anal craving stuff, which definitely has a larger fetish audience) won't risk going androgyne/genderless  :p  (like me TwT so plis)

Either way, blood fever lasts 6 hours, and the willpower loss is only temporary right? It would literally take only 2 waits, or 1 sleep on the ship to get rid of it xD  On the other hand, genital removal and femininity increase/decrease is practically permanent. So on one hand, you have a status effect that can be waited out, and the other a permanent physical transformation. So yeah, unless some idiot uses it in the middle of an enemy area (unless they want to get anally plowed of course ;) ), the effects of blood fever won't do much.

Also, by modifying the tooltip warning to: "Use with caution ; May induce a high state of arousal in the subject, and DO NOT apply more than one dose in 24 hours, or side-effects may occur." Players would be less inclined to use it in a hostile area. Also, the description of the status effect is given on the side underneath your stats, with the time left, so people would know to just wait it out.
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