So, I have a few questions, as I saw it mentioned before and didn't want to ask the same question twice regarding Rodenian ears.
Firstly, as I saw it mentioned that the PC won't be able to get pregnant via the Rodenian method, is there any plans to add a Rodenian that can be knocked up? A followup question is the likelyhood of a Rodenian companion/crew member, as the ones we've seen so far either already have mates (seems to be implied in the case of the groups of 3 with the raiders encounter). Also in Mabbs case, clearly shows distaste/impassiveness. Last question is sort of a lore thing. while the triple-pairing among Rodenians is a norm, is it too out of place to have a single mate?
Less a question, and more just general gushing ahead. I actually had to sit and scratch my head for a bit because it felt a little odd that the Rodenians hit basically every single button that I wanted out of TiTS, as I recently started playing it after waiting a long period to see how it's development went. They stand out quite a bit and were a genuine pleasant surprise. (Most of Zheng Shi does and was, respectively.) I specifically came here to inquire about a bunch of things to find out that everything I was going to mention is already being worked on. Roo, the Jumpers (as I felt they were bland and while not bad, giving at least one of them more attention was going to be my suggestion), and plans for utilizing the unique ear anatomy in scenes. Please keep up the good work, and I hope you've fully recovered from your condition. Thank you.