Who your wife


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 That would require Kaede to sort out her web of relations; be okay with marriage as a whole and with many people inter-marrying; be cool about PC almost killing her mom.


This reminds me... Astra it your niece AND Kaede's sister. And they don't know that. And their mother is your enemy. And they don't know that either. And she would have hard times explaining all that situation to them. Delightful setup. Could lead to some epic scenes. What would she do if she sees you with both of them? She can't just intervene since it would at least reveal Astra and Kaede relationship. But could she also just leave you to flirt with both with all possible results?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Canon Jill has yet to show up, really, but I believe in Savin's ability to make her too cute to refute. So for right now I'll say my headcanon Jill, but I eagerly await the arrival of the "real" Jill-hime.

As long as that silly salamander doesn't give her a wiener...

You could be sure at least what will be first writtien for her sex option if it will ve Savin doing it :p

Also damn only hermify this or that npc...damn when will start showing up options to de-hermify some npc's? -_-'
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
 That would require Kaede to sort out her web of relations; be okay with marriage as a whole and with many people inter-marrying; be cool about PC almost killing her mom.

 I'd be glad to become a part of one big puppy-slut family, but for now I'm cautiously pessimistic about it.

This reminds me... Astra it your niece AND Kaede's sister. And they don't know that. And their mother is your enemy. And they don't know that either. And she would have hard times explaining all that situation to them. Delightful setup. Could lead to some epic scenes. What would she do if she sees you with both of them? She can't just intervene since it would at least reveal Astra and Kaede relationship. But could she also just leave you to flirt with both with all possible results?

Amara is only your enemy if you side with Kara. And from what I've read over my time hanging around here, Amara seems likely to be the Dread Lord whom we can ally with if we go for the Black Void whenever the fuck factions come in. Though Kaede almost banging Astra would be almost as amusing as the Rival almost ending up bedding one of your many many half siblings.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I personally see siding with Kara as no-brainer option for me.

I just can't stand the thought of going against Shade, she's too cool and milfy and I'm pretty sure every single one of my Steeles has a pirate fetish and Kara kinda seems like a bit of a bitch.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
As long as that silly salamander doesn't give her a wiener...

Wiener!Jill will be optional on the PC's part, if it's possible at all.

 Though Kaede almost banging Astra would be almost as amusing as the Rival almost ending up bedding one of your many many half siblings.

I totally want to have Kaede/Astra threesome be a thing. That may or may not, in fact, be why Kaede has an Uveto encounter that hints about her wanting to go visit planetside... 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just can't stand the thought of going against Shade, she's too cool and milfy and I'm pretty sure every single one of my Steeles has a pirate fetish and Kara kinda seems like a bit of a bitch.

I'm not interested in Shade's sexual content (milfs? no, thanks), and I don't like her attitude. Kara seems to be much more interesting for me in many things. Herm without top/bottom preferences, that charming "let's assault pirate base with two of us" kind of mission, much less questionable work (smuggling vs slavery) and kitty cock. Need more kitty cocks. Still not 100% my type, but definitely likable.

I totally want to have Kaede/Astra threesome be a thing. That may or may not, in fact, be why Kaede has an Uveto encounter that hints about her wanting to go visit planetside... 


Ashinari, maybe?

Dystopian God

New Member
Apr 22, 2016
Amara is only your enemy if you side with Kara. And from what I've read over my time hanging around here, Amara seems likely to be the Dread Lord whom we can ally with if we go for the Black Void whenever the fuck factions come in. Though Kaede almost banging Astra would be almost as amusing as the Rival almost ending up bedding one of your many many half siblings.

Dread lord faction FTW!

And can you imagine Rival just calling you out of nowhere with Astra and just going "Ha, look at the hottie i just banged!" like what they did with the Zil.

And she just turns to the screen and say "Oh hey uncle steele, whats up?"

That makes me feel feelings. :$  

  No, but seriously, you rock.

I totally want to have Kaede/Astra threesome be a thing. That may or may not, in fact, be why Kaede has an Uveto encounter that hints about her wanting to go visit planetside... 

Are you secretly Santa? Because shit this sounds like Christmas!



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  • carnival-phantasm-gilgamesh-shut-up-and-take-my-money.gif
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Harem ending... cuz each girl is different and offers something the others don't. *cough* not each girl is packing the same package in terms of sensation and feeling and in the case of TiTS sexual organs.

Harem end. If I can get away with marrying all my love interests I will, otherwise it's probably going to be Jill if her ending is sweet enough.

Sex in a wedding dress and lingerie.

Gonna have to change my decision to harem ending as well, though. For political reasons.

I seem to have inadvertently started a movement... viva la Tenchis!!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Incest is awwright.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Zephyr will Nice Time for Roo Anno. I kid, I kid.

Hey Savin, serious question, can we get a bit where Anno turns down a guy? Like I want to see what she's like when she's pissed.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Savin, serious question, can we get a bit where Anno turns down a guy? Like I want to see what she's like when she's pissed.

Sounds fun. Gimme an idea for a who and why in a bar encounter and I'll knock a scene out for it this afternoon.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
For reals? I was thinking like, Anno is super flirty and she loves sex, but no one's like that 24/7. Maybe she's just not in the mood, or in a bad mood.

Speaking of bars, do you ever see Anno or any other follower out and about while the ship is docked and the PC is out? Because that'd be neat. Anyway, I was thinking Nameless Ausar, either someone she knows, or a random hitting on her. Or better yet Cliche Sexist Male, who insults her intelligence (she is pretty smart after all and I figure she'd be proud of it). I'm not too good at this "idea" thing.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
For reals?

Speaking of bars, do you ever see Anno or any other follower out and about while the ship is docked and the PC is out?


You can bump into Anno in Tavros's bar chilling with Kaede from time to time, I know that. I should probably do something like that for Cured Reaha, too.

I don't think Celise knows how the airlock works. NFI about Ben/ss. Yammi doesn't have anything for that, but someone else can deal with her for the rest of ever. :V


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Maybe it could be the same Ausar from the event with Embry? Some poor dude just wants to get some and keeps running into Steele and hitting on their girls and getting scared off to another bar.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nah, now I feel bad for him, he has to be mean and/or annoying


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe it could be the same Ausar from the event with Embry? Some poor dude just wants to get some and keeps running into Steele and hitting on their girls and getting scared off to another bar.

That would involve me reading Embry, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If I not wrong they mean this ausar that was checking out Embry after PC gave her enough credits for her to goes throu her first transformation. And then PC can tell her about this guy or react instead of her.


New Member
Jan 24, 2016
Matron Oserre, you know because,spiritual cleansing and she's blind, so she can't see the changes i've made to myself,until...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Make it Dane, lol. After he gets canned. He's super drunk or something on Tavros and you visit the bar to see him trying to hit on Anno in like a super awkward and pitiable way.

All that backstory just waiting to be unleashed...


Drunk Dane? It seems like a good opportunity! I'd rather encourage Anno to use that equine hardlight...


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Make it Dane, lol. After he gets canned. He's super drunk or something on Tavros and you visit the bar to see him trying to hit on Anno in like a super awkward and pitiable way.

All that backstory just waiting to be unleashed...

But see that's just gonna turn out like this:

"Hey! Long time no see, snow-tits," the hulking ausar grins, leaning against the bar.

"Dane? Ohmygosh, it's been years! How've you -- oh hey, Boss! You're never gonna believe who this is! This is Dane! He was my highschool sweetheart. We -"

"We've met," Dane grunts. "Intimately."

You tremble at the memory of several fist-sized knots reaming your asshole. Anno looks between you, confused.

"Sooo I guess that lets me skip the smalltalk! Threesome!?"

"Threesome," Dane confirms, knocking back his drink.

"Fuck it. Threesomes," you grin, grabbing Dane's crotch. "But this time, I'm on top."