who is your favorite favorite Marvel hero?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I would say Deadpool, although that's likely influenced by the fact I finally got to watch the movie yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Deadpool (mostly because it's the only superhero whose comics I enjoy reading :)

edit : Spiderman is a close second (^^)
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HUUUUUGE super hero nerd here so i'm doing my top guy and gal because I want to


  1. Her powers in both the comics and the movies are fucking insane

    • comic: In House of M she altered fucking reality so that Magneto and her family were royalty and mutants were on top.
    • comic: She erased the powers of many mutants and stopped others from being born with a fucking phrase.
    • comic: In Xmen vs Avengers she went toe to toe with the phoenix force and in the end helped Hope release it and end the No more mutants spell so that mutants could start being born again.
    • Movies: She fucking threw Vision through Stark Tower
    • Movies: Mindfucked the entire avengers team
    • Movies: She vented an entire building of (i'm assuming anestetic) gas.
  2. She is one of the most complex character in marvel

    • Her mental instability due to (depends on the writer: childhood  trauma; magic and/or her mutant (retconned) powers are the most common) is a big part of her character and something I've always loved about her.
    • Her undying loyalty to her brother is a trait I greatly admire. 
    • Her willingness to marry Vision, an android of all things, was pretty cool.
    • One thing I take issue with was the way they blamed her for a suicide bomber in the movies. I mean people would have died either way its like they punished her for failing.


  1. Two words: Peter Parker

    • He is that funny sexy nerd with a body... Lets just say I see why Deadpool wants to bury his bone in that back yard.
    • His powers are great but made better in combination with that big brain of his.

      Two Words: Web Shooters
    • Uses Physics knowledge in combination with spider sense to counter attack 
    • Has used knowledge of chemistry mid battle to subdue and defeat various villains

  2. Two words: Miles Morales

    • Diversity is good for comics but Miles goes beyond simply being a blatino character.
    • I was honestly afraid he was going to be a black peter parker (not that that is bad but because I don't like character rip offs) but Miles is his own dude. He's funny in a different way, isn't a super genius 
    • I like his powers better than peter's

      His electric based stunning thing is awesome
    • The ability to become invisible is fucking sweet
    • The only thing I don't like is his spider sense but I personally attribute this to his not being a genius. In my mind the spider senses danger but because Parker is a genius his mind is able to recognize more aspects of the quick danger signal than miles's. Miles's spider sense also only works to notify him of immediate danger but Parker's is almost precognitive which I also attribute to increased brain activity.

  3. All the spidermen are pretty good actually, they routinely have good writers and good artists working on the comic.

    Spider Gwen is a beast
  4. Superior Spiderman was badass
  5. Noir Spiderman was glorious.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
Man, I would totally have a favorite if this was DC instead of Marvel. 

I'll say it's Iron Man like a total sheep.


Man, I would totally have a favorite if this was DC instead of Marvel. 

I'll say it's Iron Man like a total sheep.

I think my list would be 10x longer if this was DC

I mean good gawd they have all the best heroes: Batman; Batwoman; Nightwing; Green Lantern(john stewart or kyle rayner); Martian Manhunter: Wonder Woman; Queen Mera; Aqualad; Blue Beetle; Dr. Fate; Captain Marvel (pre-52 especially) and that is just the ones that come to mind right away. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
I think my list would be 10x longer if this was DC

I mean good gawd they have all the best heroes: Batman; Batwoman; Nightwing; Green Lantern(john stewart or kyle rayner); Martian Manhunter: Wonder Woman; Queen Mera; Aqualad; Blue Beetle; Dr. Fate; Captain Marvel (pre-52 especially) and that is just the ones that come to mind right away. 

The Question is by far my favorite. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016

Songbird...and why the fuck does she keep being left out of the Avengers.

If she's tied to the X-Men series it's because Disney/Marvel doesn't own the rights to the X-Men movies as of right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If she's tied to the X-Men series it's because Disney/Marvel doesn't own the rights to the X-Men movies as of right now.

They also don't own the rights to Fantastic 4......which is annoying. They also only recently got Spiderman back, which is why he first appears in 'CA, Civil War'.

And here's the link to the 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' wiki page, mostly because it shows future Marvel (and Disney, because they own Marvel) movies, including Black Panther and Captain Marvel.



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
This Guy

Cuz.. He's like most of us. And he's called Bob.

hahahaha.. actually it's Silver Surfer. Close second is Winter Soldier. 3 is Bob. No not bob.. It's Deadpool.  :ph34r:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
From Marvel?  Blah....um.....The Thunderbolts(the set that went full time heroes) have some of my favorites because I like complicated characters and villain's turned hero. They always have it so much harder than other heroes and it makes me want them to win that much more. Songbird(aka screaming mimi) is one of my favorites from their squad, she tries so hard to act like she doesn't care but it's pretty obvious from the get go she enjoys being a hero and watching her kinda grow into the role and adjust her way of looking at things was cool.

Wanda aka Scarlet Witch is another big one, simply because her abilities at their most powerful litterally warp reality......when someone can just go "Fuck you reality do what I want and make an entire new reality(House of M)" that's something to be awed and horrified by and horrendously OP female characters automatically get my attention....largely because they're so rare.

Doctor Strange- There aren't alot of magic heroes in Marvel(that i'm aware of) but dr. strange basically stands above them all to begin with he's the Sorcerer Supreme for a reason.

Lastly.....Doctor Doom...Yes I know he's not technically hero. But goddamn if he isn't fun to watch. It's like watching Frieza in DBZ the monologing, Remarking on almost everything, absolute confidence no matter how many things go wrong that they'll go his way in the end, and little known fact, Dr. Doom is actually trying to take over the world to save it...because he saw nearly all possible futures while he had temporary possession of godlike powers and the only one that didn't end in tragedy for earth was one where he was ruling it. Seriously. Look it up. Sure he's not a nice guy but he's not quite 'evil' either. He runs Latveria as it's legitimate ELECTED ruler and they enjoy his rule enough to keep electing him because unlike most villains he made good on his promises that's incredibly rare....actually i think he might be the only villain to do that. All of which makes Dr.Doom easily one of my favorite marvel characters....even if he is always doing something predictably stupid because he believes he needs to rule the world.

Um....there's probably others that'd content for my no.1 spot if I think hard enough but I can't think of a ton of marvel characters off the top of my head. DC on the other hand.....we'd be here for days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Deadpool is my favorite with Doctor Strange making a very close second. I grew up reading both of those comics. But in my household it's all about the DC universe. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I think my list would be 10x longer if this was DC

Green Lantern(john stewart or kyle rayner)

Also more of a DC fan here.  And thank you for having good taste in Green Lanterns Foxxling.  I don't get why Hal Jordan is so popular when he's such a crappy character.  Is it because he's a furry?  Does the furry community somehow maintain Hal Jordon's popularity because in ONE panel of ONE comic he admits to being a furry?  I'm not sure there are enough furries in the world to do that, but I can't think of another explanation.

If she's tied to the X-Men series it's because Disney/Marvel doesn't own the rights to the X-Men movies as of right now.

They don't even own the rights to the word "mutants".  They're not allowed to call characters mutants, and getting Quicksilver into an Avengers movie took a lot of work.

Lastly.....Doctor Doom...

Doctor Doom is probably my second favorite, and forget anyone that tells you he isn't a hero.  If the goddamn Panther god of Wakanda has confirmed that Doom is the only one that can bring about world peace, he's a hero.  The Fantastic 4 are the real villains for constantly getting in the way of Doom's plans for world conquest.

My favorite Marvel hero would have to be Iron Man.  Robert Downey Jr was basically born for the role, he goes great with everything AC/DC, and technopaths don't get nearly enough credit in comics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Was never really into comics, so my Marvel experience is limited to the plethora of 90s cartoons and the more recent thoughtless action-y movies. Spiderman was my faviourite of the shows, so Spiderman it is. Geez his life sucked in the cartoon though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Lastly.....Doctor Doom...Yes I know he's not technically hero. But goddamn if he isn't fun to watch. It's like watching Frieza in DBZ the monologing, Remarking on almost everything, absolute confidence no matter how many things go wrong that they'll go his way in the end, and little known fact, Dr. Doom is actually trying to take over the world to save it...because he saw nearly all possible futures while he had temporary possession of godlike powers and the only one that didn't end in tragedy for earth was one where he was ruling it. Seriously. Look it up. Sure he's not a nice guy but he's not quite 'evil' either. He runs Latveria as it's legitimate ELECTED ruler and they enjoy his rule enough to keep electing him because unlike most villains he made good on his promises that's incredibly rare....actually i think he might be the only villain to do that. All of which makes Dr.Doom easily one of my favorite marvel characters....even if he is always doing something predictably stupid because he believes he needs to rule the world.

The Guy has previously saved the earth/earth dimension on a number of occasions and anyone who once a year descends into hell to fight for his mother's soul can't be all bad. Must admit my opinion may be swayed by the first 2 times I encountered him: first giving safe passage to the Fantastic Four so that they could fight away from the priceless art collection; then having Dormammu [this guy http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Dormammu ] over for high tea and a chat then offering him a fondant fancy.

I always liked Dr Strange & the Silver Surfer particularly when they had opponents like Mephisto who can only be harmed by metaphysical means so no point in all that macho pound peoples faces