Which Character(s) Would Your Steele Marry?

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Now that I'm interacting with Azra more, I wanna add her to my list of women that I really care about in the game. I'm not into lizards, but for her I'd make an exception.
She's pretty special.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Oof, my little gay heart would love Ramis, damn sexy straight girl...

"Gay", even though Ciaran is also a top pick. I mean, he's not just amazing, he's got husband XP.

Syri is also way up there, as is Kaede, probably Saendra, Erra, Paige, Geoff would be cute to keep around, Embry would make a sweet wifey, Kiro, Sera...

Like I said, it's easier to narrow down who I wouldn't. Some people are better as friends you might have sex with like Anno, and some people just don't qualify, like Ogram and Amma, even though they're nice to meet and fuck.
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Remember how MASS EFFECT 3 had the DLC where all the characters you romanced or survived the game could hang out with you. I never played it but I heard it was the final DLC of the game and a big wrap up send off and the game official was over.
I wonder if TITS will do that. Like at the end, anyone with near max or max affection for you will be there at your party who you get the final probe and take over the company. If that happens I bet you'll get to select from a list of names who you marry or who you invite to be engaged to.


Yeah I wish I had ME3 still so I could do it on PS4. I like Bioware for what they did with ME.
And I hope for that with TITS. I know, I know. Coding is hell. Submissions are pending. Someone have to write it. I got it.
All I'm saying is as finales go, it'd be pretty great. Think about smut team.
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Okay, but we can agree she's not a animal with no clothes on in the woods, right?
I mean if any of my past dogs suddenly started talking, confessed their love for me, and wanted to sleep in my bed, I'd say "hell fucking no."
That's how I see the Frostywyrm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Okay, but we can agree she's not a animal with no clothes on in the woods, right?
I mean if any of my past dogs suddenly started talking, confessed their love for me, and wanted to sleep in my bed, I'd say "hell fucking no."
That's how I see the Frostywyrm.
I love how you didn't specify that the dogs wanted to have sex with you. Now you just sound like a snobby owner who won't let their pets on the furniture even if they display human levels of intelligence and want you to love them back.

Also, I don't count Frosty as bestiality simply because she displays obvious sapience (and a whole lot of other reasons, but this is the most critical). She's effectively no different from something like an Ausar or Saurmorian. Sure, she's obviously not HUMAN, but we're in a whole lotta trouble if we want to start counting sex with everything that isn't a genetically-pure human as "bestiality." The only reason she's not a part of society is because she'd struggle to (literally) fit in anywhere and Frostwyrms tend to keep to themselves and only interact with other species when defending their territory.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
I'll amend my answer to say that my Steele could just sit and talk to any of the scientist/engineer crew members for hours on end, so she's closest with Anno, Shekka, and Azra. I'm not sure if there are more of them than that.


Hmm that's a tough one. Probably Fisianna, one of the few instances where I can see my Steele actually settle down is with his little cat and the family they would no doubt have.

Same. Really just feels like the best fit. My other choices would either Captain Khorgan, Ramis, Erra, or Penny...but I'm not sure Ramis or Erra would be interested in that sort of thing, while Khorgan being in Jail could be a problem. Long-distance relationships don't have the best track record.

And a part of me wants to marry Lola's magnificant ass, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.


Jan 25, 2016
This really is a tough question. So many good choices, and it's hard to not just turn this into a list of favourite characters.

Fisianna's certainly up there, as is Embry (Dawn in my case) and Paige. Maybe Bess/Ben too, if it's a secret ceremony lol. There's also Syri, and possibly Kaede (and Anno, I imagine she's part of that package.) Maybe Liamme as well.

Of course, I *wish* I could answer Beatrice, but I see too many potential problems with that one.

Edit: This inspired me to go progress some more with Paige and uh yeah, she's probably top three for me at this point. Love her!
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Can I marry Shock Hopper? Makin da blue buns as XO on my own ship, with SH at the helm. Our spawn shall rule the galaxy with the secret help of Steele Tech. @William. I now have to ask if Shock and Co. will be able become crew when ships become a thing its hot plz let it happen.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
complicated with all the amount of good characters to choose from, guess my list of potential candidates would be

from the Crew:

-Reaha (she's the goodest of moos, she deserves to stay with Steele)
-Shekka (but no penis mod, wish she could get convinced to get fertile but with a new chemical that doesnt make her into a baby making machine like her non treated peers)

from Planets/Stations:

-Aina (she's nice, she's willing to continue her studies while raising your child and has some wholesome scenes with the player, she should be on the top of the list for potential wifes, just need to get a centaur mod to complement her as a centaur family)
-Yancy (not sure if the Ram boy has The Treatment but he sounds like a sweetheart)
-Seifyn (he has to be the nicest Nyrea in the whole of Myrellion, its a shame he's technically Taivra's property so you cannot really take him with you)
-Sylvie (im not really into centaurs but oh man, would totally try)
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
My pc would settle down with anno, my head cannon is that my Steele is into guns and cars, that’s because I believe that Vic was old school, and would collect old earth guns and cars, Steele would work on a project car from time to time, while being exposed to Vic’s vast collection of guns, and that what my Steele and anno have in common, and before someone says that you have emmy that’s into guns, true, but, I see my Steele falling for anno, Emmy second probably

The funny thing is, I was about to make a new thred before I found this on accident


Aug 27, 2015
Choices, choices, and more choices. I'm not sure where to start.
Sam (Pirate Techie)
Maybe Zheniya, but I can't really see her as the type to settle down with one person.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
I have a bunch of Steele's, but roughly, the NPCs one or more of them could marry and stay true to are Syri, Aina, Amber, Kally, Kelly, Sylvie, Ushamee, Yoma (best android), Zephyr, Kaede and Delilah.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I have a bunch of Steele's, but roughly, the NPCs one or more of them could marry and stay true to are Syri, Aina, Amber, Kally, Kelly, Sylvie, Ushamee, Yoma (best android), Zephyr, Kaede and Delilah.

I thought kally wanted to be exclusive with kiro, since she has a major hard on for her


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
Ardia wins top spot for me.

Runners up would be Case and Mirrin.
Some others are close but I dont think they'd work for various in character reasons.
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Jan 10, 2017
My main choice would have to be Akane, only recently got into the content with her and I have to say that she is one of, if not, my favorite characters in the game. Just the entire interaction and relationship you can form with her is awesome. I was never really in to Hard BDSM, but I love the scenes with her. She can be strict, but then once she's finished I love how soft and caring she becomes. I also love her design and backstory. The "Good" Bad Ending you can get with her is some of my favorite content in the game.

My other choices are Zephyr, Fisianna, Ellie, or Luca. I love all the relationships you can have with them. I have one other option, I just wish there were more intereactions with her, but on pure physicality I would choose Shizuya. God, I love Shizuya's design and how much of a beast she is. If there was more interaction, or some relationship building there I could see her becoming my main choice.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
I would choose Shizuya. God, I love Shizuya's design and how much of a beast she is. If there was more interaction, or some relationship building there I could see her becoming my main choice.
Yeah hate to break it for ya.
Unless he talks through Discord so...

Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Well, I can already marry Taivra one of the best characters in the game if not the best so I'd just marry her again
Some other characters I'd also put a ring on
Queen of the Deep(Let's repopulate your race baby),Naleen Huntress(Need more scenes with her as she is just so fun), Fisianna, Shade(make us one big happy family), Syri, Azura, Kara, Zheniya, Xanthe,Sera, Penny, and uh, Paige.
There'd probably be more but this is all I could come up with.
Jul 20, 2017
Shade is my first most pick. Out of every non-crew member, she's the one I'm most fond of.
Kiro would be my next choice, followed by Anno(Huskar variant) and can't forget about Syri(..shame we can have her Demon Queen form as a constant).
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Nov 6, 2018
Little late to the party, but are we saying strictly marrying a character or being maybe-kind-of-married-but-basically-a-sextoy?
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