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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Perhaps more to do with Kara? After her second quest she just disappears...

(I know she can show up as steele gets to uveto, but I managed to get there before doing her quests)
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New Member
Jan 31, 2022
I'd like to see a bit more plot progression with a number of loose ends. Plugging Hand So into the ship or something, Myrellion resolution, maybe something more with Nastizia, Queen of the Deep, maybe give Nova a bit of love because that armor is trash at the current endgame, so on.

Argus the Manticore

Peggy's Elasticizing Lube. Maybe as a key item that periodically consumes credits as you order more sticks of the stuff. Eliminates catching partners' size limits, and treats your dick as the maximum possible insertion size for the scene.


Jan 20, 2022
Peggy's Elasticizing Lube. Maybe as a key item that periodically consumes credits as you order more sticks of the stuff. Eliminates catching partners' size limits, and treats your dick as the maximum possible insertion size for the scene.
Maybe have it endorsed by Tank Cannon. Sounds like something he'd do.


Jan 20, 2022
Also (More of a quality of life change) I really think it should be possible that if you're using The Blade as your ship when you try to steal the Sidewinder, you should just be able to have Kiro pilot her ship off on her own while you steal the Sidewinder instead of having to go back to Tarvos, stash The Blade and grab a new ship, THEN go back and steal the Sidewinder while leaving your old ship behind.


Feb 7, 2021
Extra pair of arms without the ability to wield weapons in them (for the balance sake). Pretty please. At this point a lot of npcs have those. Kinda sucks to feel so understocked as a frostwyrm or golden myr.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Extra pair of arms without the ability to wield weapons in them (for the balance sake). Pretty please. At this point a lot of npcs have those. Kinda sucks to feel so understocked as a frostwyrm or golden myr.
People keep asking for this, for exactly the reasons you mention. Unfortunately, it's confirmed as never going to happen because they'd have to rewrite every sex scene to take into account what your extra hands are doing. Dane's '1 in a million' remark is to justify it in-universe, but given that you can have 6 legs, 6 wings and 10 prehensile tails, it falls a bit flat. Dr. Lessau is also shown as experimenting.
It actually kind of annoys me that they keep adding multi-arm NPCs both because Steele will never be able to have them and because it prompts people to keep asking.
I'd like more instances of taking crew members out to explore or even just hang out off ship. At the moment, the interaction is limited and it would be nice to have more moments between Steele and crew. Back up in certain locations would also be helpful. Also, more instances for when a pure Steele is getting their purity taken being recognized by the purity taker. (I apologize if that last part is unclear!)

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Feminine lower undergarments with both Anally Sealed and Vaginally Sealed tags, it bugs me the only item with that combination are spesifically "Boyshorts". I just want to be a cute cumflated panty princess :3
Hmm, now that I think about it, that would also be a great addition for the Gray goo armour.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Hmm, now that I think about it, that would also be a great addition for the Gray goo armour.
She does exactly that just go to the cumflation option, select no leaks.
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Feb 7, 2021
People keep asking for this, for exactly the reasons you mention. Unfortunately, it's confirmed as never going to happen because they'd have to rewrite every sex scene to take into account what your extra hands are doing. Dane's '1 in a million' remark is to justify it in-universe, but given that you can have 6 legs, 6 wings and 10 prehensile tails, it falls a bit flat. Dr. Lessau is also shown as experimenting.
It actually kind of annoys me that they keep adding multi-arm NPCs both because Steele will never be able to have them and because it prompts people to keep asking.
Honestly i would be perfectly happy with only character description changes without any further rewriting.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I really hope that were still going to get herm Anno?
Almost certainly not happening. Fen was the one pushing for it and now he's retired from writing.

I ain't complaining about not having a TF path I didn't really want.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, the way it was phrased made me think somebody'd added an actual usable sauna place while I wasn't looking.