What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I feel like every planet besides M'henga and Uveto are focused around depressing subjects like war and slavery.
I understand that a planet needs some kind of conflict to make it interesting, but I think it would be cool if the next story planet wasn't all doom and gloom.

I agree



Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2020
I feel like every planet besides M'henga and Uveto are focused around depressing subjects like war and slavery.
I understand that a planet needs some kind of conflict to make it interesting, but I think it would be cool if the next story planet wasn't all doom and gloom.

In the grim darkness of the far future

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I feel like every planet besides M'henga and Uveto are focused around depressing subjects like war and slavery.
I understand that a planet needs some kind of conflict to make it interesting, but I think it would be cool if the next story planet wasn't all doom and gloom.
I mean, Uveto has colonizers attempting to exploit already inhabited lands for resources and providing weaponry to already existing tribes who have grudges against others to try to attack and destroy the other tribe in order to let both the colonizer and the allied tribe have access to resources belonging to the one marked as an enemy, something that has actually happened in real life, and that also has war, albeit on a smaller scale than on Myrellion as it's just between two tribes but those two groups are part of two separate races which as a whole do not get along.

M'henga also has themes of colonization of a foreign land and slavery, centering around the conflict with the Zil and Shep Darnock's plantation. Sure, it's not central to the factions you need to interact with on that planet, but it's still a major facet. Especially when you return if you've met Shep and got his email, as it's an entire quest with a whole extra section of the map. You can chose to destroy an entire tribe while working in the name of a corporation which has practically monopolized the food industry to drag a man back to a literal plantation where he and several others are used as slaves.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Dhaal feels like looking into a mirror of the UGC, or perhaps more accurately, either the JAF or TSC.

I feel like I'm playing with alphabet soup!

gib us them psychic mermaids that have been teased by Kally.


Well-Known Member
Dhaal feels like looking into a mirror of the UGC, or perhaps more accurately, either the JAF or TSC.
I thought Dhaal was more like what the UGC could become; to me at least, the UGC doesn't feel like the proper cyberpunk corporate dystopia Dhaal is (otherwise, we wouldn't have really nice worlds like Vesperia or independent yet legal operators like Kaede), but it could become one given enough time and unchecked megacorp expansion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
it's almost 3AM and I'm contemplating things among the fatigue when this popped in my head: give the Wetraxxel Brawler the Guile haircut if silly mode is active.

also add a Wetraxxel codex entry because they are the only Myrellion species without one and it's bugging (pun intended) the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
it's almost 3AM and I'm contemplating things among the fatigue when this popped in my head: give the Wetraxxel Brawler the Guile haircut if silly mode is active.

also add a Wetraxxel codex entry because they are the only Myrellion species without one and it's bugging (pun intended) the hell out of me.

Or a mohawk. Are mohawks a thing in TITS?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
Having a home base of some sort.
Hanger for ship(s)
Armory storage/collection
Target dummy to practice/test weapons on
Radio or something to swap Crew members
Communal table/bar for NPC interaction


A farm or garden of some sort on New Texas where the player can grow stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Having a home base of some sort.
Hanger for ship(s)
Armory storage/collection
Target dummy to practice/test weapons on
Radio or something to swap Crew members
Communal table/bar for NPC interaction


A farm or garden of some sort on New Texas where the player can grow stuff.

Or we could have deeper content on ship uses. Everyone and everything seems too generic and passive that most of our ships seem so shallow and empty when they're massive spacecrafts. Not enough onboard content to do that this stuff could add to that depth.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Or we could have deeper content on ship uses. Everyone and everything seems too generic and passive that most of our ships seem so shallow and empty when they're massive spacecrafts. Not enough onboard content to do that this stuff could add to that depth.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Hanger for ship(s)
We do actually have one, on Tavros. It's just that I don't think you get an option to buy a new ship and send the old one to the hangar, as places aside from Tavros Station always say "there's no space for you to park your old ship, so you need to trade your current one in." When getting the Sidewinder, your ship is explicitly scrapped for parts by the pirates to begin working on the second one. The only time aside from when buying on Tavros that you're able to send a ship to Tavros hangar rather than trade or scrap it is when you get The Blade, Kiro's ship, which is when you suddenly get the ability to put a ship on autopilot and send it back to the hangar. Though I think that's only available if you take too long and let Kiro become a fuckdoll, and then you fight Illustria rather than purchase Kiro. Not quite sure, I just know that sometimes you can't depending on the ending and that the only one you can set to autopilot is The Blade.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
New Brunswick
I would like a perk that allows male or hermaphrodite PC's to go into a rut cycle and an item that gives you the genital slit stat condition
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Jul 11, 2016
i feel like kind of a stick in the mud but...i'd really love it if berwyn's stuff, especially when first meeting him, didn't use tr*p

Sorry, I was name searching Berwyn on the forums and couldn't help but notice this.

I recently learned what the implications of that slur actually are and have been trying to use it less in my writing, opting instead for other descriptors. It would probably be pretty easy to go back into his old content and find+replace the word.


New Member
Apr 19, 2020
I think it would be nice if there was a way to revisit Illustria's Freighter after finishing the quest. Even if it was just a cheat code, some way to go back would be helpful if you missed something considering how much unique stuff there is there. I missed quite a bit and don't have any saves to before I did it, and don't feel like making an entire new character and basically play through most of the game again just to get that which I missed, especially considering how much work I've put into my main one.

And a way to replay the vr adventure would be nice as well


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
With the addition of Sabrae in the game it'd be nice to be able to access some Synthetic transformations / body parts through her instead of having to go through the Editor to make cyborg characters - maybe have various simplistic types of limbs and parts that mimic the natural limbs people could get through transformations for more variety options (such as digitigrade legs that end in points or claws, maybe a metal centaur body like Sabrae herself.)

Of course an endeavor like that would probably take a lot of work, and then players would have to suspend their disbelief over synthetic body parts turning into flesh and blood limbs if they take a transformative item later on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
How about a surrender button for ship combat? With ground combat, you can just hit fantasize a few times to lose on purpose, or submit the few times that option is there, but there's no way to lose ship combat without losing all of your ship's health. It would be nice to have some way to see the few loss scenes for ship combat without having to sit there and twiddle your thumbs while the enemy chips away at the Sidewinder.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
With the addition of Sabrae in the game it'd be nice to be able to access some Synthetic transformations / body parts through her instead of having to go through the Editor to make cyborg characters - maybe have various simplistic types of limbs and parts that mimic the natural limbs people could get through transformations for more variety options (such as digitigrade legs that end in points or claws, maybe a metal centaur body like Sabrae herself.)

Of course an endeavor like that would probably take a lot of work, and then players would have to suspend their disbelief over synthetic body parts turning into flesh and blood limbs if they take a transformative item later on.
Yeah, from the patch notes on May 27:
These might not be as… outward-facing as some of you hoped for, though I assure you that we have a good reason for that: full robot limbs and the like would be difficult if not impossible to account for in long-form intimacy scenes that already struggle to adapt to the player character’s very… very varied appearance.
It'd be fun to see, but it's essentially been said "no" to it.
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Liz the Lizardfolk

Active Member
Feb 7, 2018
Playing through some of the earlier levels again and paying more attention this time, I discovered Erika and that she is MtF Transgender. Talking to her about her body shows that she does want to physically transition, but a combination of money and just how big of a step it is is holding her back. So that got me thinking: What about Embry? We get to help her transition physically, so maybe we could get a chance to do the same for Erika? Heck, maybe we could introduce Embry and Erika so that she has someone else who was in her position to talk to, possibly helping her decide if she might be ready after all? In the end, it would still be her decision, but it'd be nice to offer her support if you wanted.