What Content Would You Like Added?

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Ok this is in the realm of 'lots of work for almost no actual benefit' but I would love to have dress items given busts. I want to see exactaly what any pair cute panties or latex fetish gear look like so I can better imagen my PC (or relivant NPC) wearing them. It doesnt need to be a dynamic system where the items chance to fit the PC, just a simple system like what Liliths throne has would be entirely adiquate.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I kinda feel that there should be more of npc's noticing the PC's specie, especially since many conversation exist in the game that ignore the PC being a member of a mentioned specie.
Like for example the Galotian chat with Kiro and Kally and the Laquines not noticing that you are a member of their specie.

Azra is another good mention

Considering the infinite amount of species the PC can be, if more mentions were to be implemented it would be for the more main races like human, galotian, cowgirl, leithan, ausar etc


Aug 16, 2019
Considering the infinite amount of species the PC can be, if more mentions were to be implemented it would be for the more main races like human, galotian, cowgirl, leithan, ausar etc
That's what I would expect since you can't really expect the NPC's do know or care about every single specie


The amount of transformatives in TitS might also minimize how much attention people in their universe care about what species you are. The various gangs of Zheng Shi seem to be more of an exception from what I've seen, while being treated has its own implications beyond your species. I mean, does it really matter what species a rich playboy/girl is when anyone with enough money can be watever they want to be?

Also, @FantasyFan360, the singular form of "species" is still "species." In case you weren't aware.
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New Member
Aug 17, 2019
I'd like a new transformative for lactation based on the Nuki Nuts perk. Breasts can swell a little, but I'd like the ability to allow my characters tits to fill to extremes before draining. A corresponding debuff like the one for large balls would make sense.
Going along with that, an expansion to milking would be nice. Right now the only milking (I'm aware of) is by hand, on New Texas where you don't get paid, or the Magic Milker 7 which can't handle big loads and doesn't pay much. A way to profit from all the investment I made in those prize milkers would be nice.


Aug 16, 2019
The amount of transformatives in TitS might also minimize how much attention people in their universe care about what species you are. The various gangs of Zheng Shi seem to be more of an exception from what I've seen, while being treated has its own implications beyond your species. I mean, does it really matter what species a rich playboy/girl is when anyone with enough money can be watever they want to be?

Also, @FantasyFan360, the singular form of "species" is still "species." In case you weren't aware.

Didn't get auto-corrected so I thought it was specie but thanks for informing me about the correct singular form.

I still however feel that it's a bit strange when during conversations in the game, such as when Kiro and Kally praise the Galotians and state how they love being with one. Neither they or even Steele themselves care or notice if Steele is a full Galotian. Not saying it's a massive problem but it's kinda awkward or sometimes even silly.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I'd like a new transformative for lactation based on the Nuki Nuts perk. Breasts can swell a little, but I'd like the ability to allow my characters tits to fill to extremes before draining. A corresponding debuff like the one for large balls would make sense.
x1000 Storage Muliplier from Lactaid Milk Tank isn't enough?

For reference, Flat (rating 0) breasts can hold 400 milliliters by default.
400 milliliters x 1000 = 400 liters, or about 105.6 US gallons.
Each cup size increases base capacity by 50 milliliters (x 1000 = 50 liters/13 US gallons).
You can store up to 200% fullness (you just start decreasing lactation above 100% and there are ways around that), so multiply by 2.
At 1000 Storage Multiplier, Flat breasts can hold 800 liters or 311 US gallons. Each cup size increases maximum storage by 100 liters or 26 US gallons.

Also fun: certain things are gated by Percent Fullness, so if you have < 40%, you can't bribe Rat's Raiders with Milk, and you can't use Milk Squirt below 80%.
If you have Flat breasts and 1000 Storage Multiplier, you need 160 Liters (42 gallons) to bribe the Raiders, and 320 liters (84 gallons) for Milk Squirt.

Also: Honeypot from the Gold Pill (or Orange Pill) allows your breasts to increase in size more or less indefinitely, with the corresponding storage increase. It more or less locks you at 20 >= Thickness, which may or may not be a problem.

There are a few other milking scenes: Feeding Saendra, feeding the female Naleen, Shekka has a scene, bribing the Rat's Raiders, Cynthia.
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this is one of the most creative threesomes i've ever heard of
i like it

You say this, yet when I wrote that, I was almost certain it, or a similar scene was already in the game...I really don't feel like I came up with that myself...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
are there plans for Breedwell to allow Taurs? or are they sticking firmly to bipeds only?


New Member
Aug 19, 2019
Larger text size options: I play on android and the largest text size option is sometimes difficult to read. On CoC2 the options allow you to make it much larger. Other than that I adore the game.

If i was to ask for anything else i'd say more sexy Sylveren content. Love me a good snake girl.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
An item or tf that changes your pcs weight. It doesn't have to be a stand alone item. It would probably work well with tfs based off of heavy animals like elephants or rhinos if they're ever added to the game.


Dec 4, 2016
It'd be nice if we could steal Roo from the Zheng Shi casino so that she could run games out of our ship so that people who steal the sidewinder don't have to suffer as much trying to visit every time they want to play Blackjack

Also the Gastigoth/Khorgan crew jailbreak that has been floated from time to time

Really just more crew options in general is something I look forward to


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
It'd be nice if we could steal Roo from the Zheng Shi casino so that she could run games out of our ship so that people who steal the sidewinder don't have to suffer as much trying to visit every time they want to play Blackjack

Also the Gastigoth/Khorgan crew jailbreak that has been floated from time to time

Really just more crew options in general is something I look forward to



New Member
Aug 20, 2019
More Hana interactions/a quest that explains the trauma associated with her resistance to intimacy would be cool. One of my favorite Uveto NPCs.

I feel like Bizzy has a lot of potential too, stuff like having Steele themselves direct one of her porno sessions or have them come in to star in one alongside her as the male actor or another female participant, or finding new items to modify her with after reaching the limits of tit inflation. Hell you could even a quest/event chain where crazed and obsessive Bizzy fans come and kidnap her and have Steele have to go save her or something and turn it into a character arc for Bizzy. Like something where she has to consider if being the world's most desirable cam-whore on the rise is worth the insane fans she's picking up along the way with Steele being able to council her dialing it back or doubling down/staying the course.

I just wish it was possible to advance to the studio stage without having her gorge on the tittyblossom, it'd be nice to let Steele control her current appearance to an extent after you progress her story line enough. The J cup size from the final stage of tittyblossom is just one notch too high for my personal preference while DD stage prior is perfection for me.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Content I want added.

Piggy back rides on the beach. Though if Steele tries to give Bizzy a piggy back ride with her J cups, they tumble over.

More picking up lovers over the shoulder style to ravage 'em good and proper in your bed stuff too. As long as you got the right height and stats at least.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Content I want added.

Piggy back rides on the beach. Though if Steele tries to give Bizzy a piggy back ride with her J cups, they tumble over.

More picking up lovers over the shoulder style to ravage 'em good and proper in your bed stuff too. As long as you got the right height and stats at least.
Honestly, I'd just like for there to be more content at the beach. Don't get me wrong, Stella and her interactions are quite lovely... it's just that the whole place feels wildly underused with just her there.


More picking up lovers over the shoulder style to ravage 'em good and proper in your bed stuff too. As long as you got the right height and stats at least.

There are a number of standing sex positions that I think would be great to see more of (though none of them would be able to support taurs). Full-nelson, upside-down 69, Standing Missionary, Reverse Standing Missionary (short dudes need love, too), even the classic leg lift isn't as common as I expected.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Change "Alien Hybryd" race to "Human+". Or possibility to custom name your species.
How about no? That would make no sense whatsoever.
For one, Human+ is not a good descriptor for ALIEN hybrids at all for obvious reasons (What about the hybrids that AREN'T human looking??? One of my saves before I quit playing the game was a Wolpertinger (If you don't know what that is look it up), no humanoid traits whatsoever, so if I saw the game call my obviously not human character a human in some way I will be raising an eyebrow so high) And two, nobody calls alien hybrids "Human Plus", that's just not a thing people do. We call them hybrids, or chimeras.

Also I don't see how you'd expect custom naming species to work at all. And... Why tho?

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
How about no? That would make no sense whatsoever.
For one, Human+ is not a good descriptor for ALIEN hybrids at all for obvious reasons (What about the hybrids that AREN'T human looking??? One of my saves before I quit playing the game was a Wolpertinger (If you don't know what that is look it up), no humanoid traits whatsoever, so if I saw the game call my obviously not human character a human in some way I will be raising an eyebrow so high) And two, nobody calls alien hybrids "Human Plus", that's just not a thing people do. We call them hybrids, or chimeras.

Also I don't see how you'd expect custom naming species to work at all. And... Why tho?

Eh, it often looks really odd when NPCs call Steele that, though I gotta agree Human+ would also be just as if not more weird. I can see the reasoning, since Steele's the only one who's ever going to get referred to like that and they're obviously half human, no matter what they actually look like. But yeah, it wouldn't scan well.

"Chimera" though... I kinda like that.


New Member
Aug 22, 2019
Content I would like to be added......

Access to the Android/Robotic/anything Mecha related race for Steele.

So far, Steele is able to transform into many different races using Mods. But as far as I know, none of them touched the Robotic race despite the advanced technology in the world setting and the existence of the Robotic race itself. I think it would be cool to have Steele as a Robot by fully transforming her or as a Semi Robotic by just transforming some of his/her limbs (arms, feet etc.). Having a gigantic steel drill as a dingdong would be awesome lol. This could also be a source for various new perks and scenes.

** I'm actually quite new to the game, so if this transformation is readily available, please tell me. Thanks :)


New Member
Aug 21, 2019
How about no? That would make no sense whatsoever.
For one, Human+ is not a good descriptor for ALIEN hybrids at all for obvious reasons (What about the hybrids that AREN'T human looking??? One of my saves before I quit playing the game was a Wolpertinger (If you don't know what that is look it up), no humanoid traits whatsoever, so if I saw the game call my obviously not human character a human in some way I will be raising an eyebrow so high) And two, nobody calls alien hybrids "Human Plus", that's just not a thing people do. We call them hybrids, or chimeras.

Also I don't see how you'd expect custom naming species to work at all. And... Why tho?
I play as dragon-man but prefer some parts to be gryvain and some to be draconic so my racial score is too low to be either dragon-morph or gryvain and its strange to be called alien hybrid when you clearly look like half-dragon. I will be probably ok with hybrid alone but Alien Hybrid makes it sound strange. I agree that Human+ is not ideal but you always have some human genes and game treats you like one in some cases(like when you trigger Puazi heat in Gwen) even if you are not one. As for custom races i played text game similar to TiTS (i think it's called Atlantia) where you can name your species and game calls you that. I don't know if it is possible to make in TiTS though.