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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I'd like an npc to acknowledge that you're a crazy, constantly shapeshifting, sex monster. Just once cuz it seems like a legit reaction. I don't think the game saves your changes in a log or anything, so a call back check like that might be impossible, but I think it'd be really funny if someone maxed out some affections as a zil or something and then went back as a korgonne or something else and that npc's initial reaction is, 'da fuq happened to you bro?'. It's a thing I think would be great. I just want one npc to address the elephant in the room who used to be a mouse. Prolly a total pain to make that a thing.

Who would be the NPC with no sin to cast the first stone?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Who would be the NPC with no sin to cast the first stone?

Wouldn't be Beatrice. Though it would be funny if you sexed her as something remotely human then Galomaxed the hell out of yourself prior to her xpac coming in.


Oct 14, 2016
Who would be the NPC with no sin to cast the first stone?
I dunno, not all of them are mod crazy though so it could be one of those who aren't. It wouldn't need to be something condescending wither just like a 'Whoa, nice ears' or something. I just think it would be an interesting interaction. It stuck in my head after Shep on Mhenga said he had to be reintroduced to Victor every time cuz he was so different each time.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Who would be the NPC with no sin to cast the first stone?
Very few characters have gone crazy with mods, and then it's like Aina, Jade, and Sera, who specifically got mods to look one way and will likely never change their appearance again. So like, basically everyone. By the lore, we're one of the only people in the galaxy who can transform constantly without dying, if it wasn't for money Vic would've died way before the beginning of the game.


Oct 14, 2016
I mean really anyone could do it, I wasn't thinking anything huge really. I just wanted someone to react is all, any which way. positively, negatively, something because I know if I hadn't seen one of my friends in a while and some strange dinosaur showed up and said, 'Sup, long time no see' I'd prolly say 'Huh?' among various other things as I'd be frightened of a strange dinosaur in real life... Then said dinosaur could be like 'Yeah, I'm your friend and now I'm a dinosaur.' And it'd be all cool cuz, ya know, dinosaur friend. Sorry for the tangent, but that's kinda what I meant...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Maybe an upgrade to your nanomachines to avoid unwanted transformations or a really big probe that goes deep inside your butt and releases a chemical that prevents transformations.

Custom modifications to become things that would be hard to transform but first start out with basic bitch stuff like Ausar Kathrit and Lethian, then get to more complex stuff later down the line.

Maybe better or more perks to gain from doing different things that would be tough or challenging instead of fuck so much you break someone's dick or make that one. Or fuck someone into the dirt.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I mean really anyone could do it, I wasn't thinking anything huge really. I just wanted someone to react is all, any which way. positively, negatively, something because I know if I hadn't seen one of my friends in a while and some strange dinosaur showed up and said, 'Sup, long time no see' I'd prolly say 'Huh?' among various other things as I'd be frightened of a strange dinosaur in real life... Then said dinosaur could be like 'Yeah, I'm your friend and now I'm a dinosaur.' And it'd be all cool cuz, ya know, dinosaur friend. Sorry for the tangent, but that's kinda what I meant...
We've talked about this before, I don't remember what thread it was in. But making NPCs recognize that Steele has changed would mean a shitload of programming, because the game would have to remember how you started, recognize how you changed, and determine if the change was big enough for someone to notice. It's too much work just for a line or two of dialogue from whatever NPCs people choose to write as noticing you change. I get why people want it, but it's not happening.

Very few characters have gone crazy with mods, and then it's like Aina, Jade, and Sera, who specifically got mods to look one way and will likely never change their appearance again. So like, basically everyone. By the lore, we're one of the only people in the galaxy who can transform constantly without dying, if it wasn't for money Vic would've died way before the beginning of the game.
Dunno about that. Steele's the only one who can change from eating stuff they find, like naleen nip or ruskvel, but you can buy body mods in a bunch of different stores, and even help get them made, like the red/gold/orange pills on Myrellion. I haven't read much about the taint mechanics, but it seems like anyone with the credits can get themselves some mods. I don't know how common it is, but I know that Sera's mad at Jade because Jade stole a mod customer from her, so I know it happens. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who mod themselves casually and later revert it, stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Dunno about that. Steele's the only one who can change from eating stuff they find, like naleen nip or ruskvel, but you can buy body mods in a bunch of different stores, and even help get them made, like the red/gold/orange pills on Myrellion. I haven't read much about the taint mechanics, but it seems like anyone with the credits can get themselves some mods. I don't know how common it is, but I know that Sera's mad at Jade because Jade stole a mod customer from her, so I know it happens. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who mod themselves casually and later revert it, stuff like that.
The cause of Vic's death and the creation of the nanomahines in Jr is very clearly stated to be his love of transformation. I can't recall specific dialogue and all that, but I do remember this being the case.
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
The cause of Vic's death and the creation of the nanomahines in Jr is very clearly stated to be his love of transformation. I can't recall specific dialogue and all that, but I do remember this being the case.
I was curious, so I started a new game and went through the tutorial, to see what it says. The guy you talk to about Vic's will, Maki, says:
Medical science is amazing, but your father underwent so many mutations in his life that he was barely considered human by the time he finished carving out his fortune. Sure, he looked fine when he came home, but he only managed that by taking on the most humanesque mutations from the various races he encountered. I shudder to imagine how long that took him, or how expensive it was to purchase specific splices.
And in the next scene, Vic says:
Those micro-scale bots will reproduce in your body and safeguard it from some of the worst the universe can throw at you. They aren’t perfect, and more benign infections might slip through, but they’ll keep you from catching rot lung from a Trinerian. A word of caution: they’ll help you digest things that would normally be impossible for a human, but they’ll splice you to do it. You eat the wrong native foods, and you’ll wind up looking like a native. You might even start to feel like one, mentally. I’m told it’s like forced, convergent evolution. Point is, it isn’t perfect. Relying on it too often will build up too much Taint in your system, and you’re better off avoiding that.
Vic also says " I had something like that made for me after a particularly rough infection, though it wound up mutating me from exotic species’ sexual fluids as well." I don't know if Vic had a thing for modding himself before he got his own nanobots made, or if the nanobots made his issues with Taint worse, or what.

But the Taint wiki entry shows that you only get Taint from some mods, not all of them, and most of the brand-name ones aren't on there. So it looks like most mods you buy from stores don't have a Taint risk, so people can mod themselves without fucking up their genetics. I don't know why we don't see more people with simple mods, though - it seems like most modders are the hardcore ones. Maybe there's lots of people who made small changes and we just don't know.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
About the whole: NPC acknoleges your consant shapeshifting.
Isn't there one in a bar that reintruduces herself when you appear with a difrent species then when you last met?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think that might be Ramis.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've run games with percentage based checks involving stats and I can tell you this, its all abstract and its relative. Someone with 20 Intelligence isn't going to be 4 times smarter than someone at level 1 with 5 Intelligence. Someone doesn't go from drooling idiot to the cloned hybrid of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking in a couple of levels. That's not what it represents. You're just opening up new avenues of thought and problem solving.

Percentage based stat tests exist to introduce a random chance of failure. Yeah, a character might be the best shot in the galaxy, but it'd be boring if every time they had to test that they succeeded every time. So a percentage based test throws in that random chance of failure, even if it is only a tiny chance. Because there is always a chance of failure.
But the ingame checks aren't percentage checks in the way you're talking about it. They're straight go/no go checks that check for a percentage of a stat being present. The way you're referring to the check, the game would need to set a goal value, then Steele would have up to a percentage cap (95% chance of success if you meet the goal value) chance. Steele would still be able to talk down Hand So as a Mercenary without needing to go out of their way to study with books.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
But the Taint wiki entry shows that you only get Taint from some mods, not all of them, and most of the brand-name ones aren't on there. So it looks like most mods you buy from stores don't have a Taint risk, so people can mod themselves without fucking up their genetics. I don't know why we don't see more people with simple mods, though - it seems like most modders are the hardcore ones. Maybe there's lots of people who made small changes and we just don't know.

You only get Taint from illegal drugs and the planet based stuff like Zil Rations, Gabolina, etc.

I'd imagine Estrobloom, Man Up and Dendro Gro are common purchases. Especially Dendro Gro, priced very reasonably.
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zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
You only get Taint from illegal drugs and the planet based stuff like Zil Rations, Gabolina, etc.

I'd imagine Estrobloom, Man Up and Dendro Gro are common purchases. Especially Dendro Gro, priced very reasonably.

I mean, presumably all the trans characters we meet have used mods like those, right? Plus the non-Kaithrit femboys like Liamme.

e: regarding NPC reactions to transformations, I do find it kinda funny that you can be banging someone and then rock up one time having grown a dick and they won't bat an eye. Can't say I mind though, because writing/coding reactions for even half the insane number of potential NPC/TF combinations would be pretty much impossible.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Kaede and Liamme are pretty upfront about having used Estrobloom if you ask them about it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Some acknowledged bad names or something of the like in the game.

“I seem to do this a lot to people, don’t you worry about it. I’m Sally, by the by.”
Her words do the trick, and bring you out of your pheromone induced trance, and you introduce yourself as “Sally Murderer” in turn.
“That’s a nice name,” she tells you with a warm, almost parental tone

Also, do we have any Bull taur TFs (BUL'TAR) in the game? I don't know much about the taur bodies in the game. Heck, the only one I know about is the Leithan that you can get at the beginning of the game. Are there any others?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Some acknowledged bad names or something of the like in the game.

Also, do we have any Bull taur TFs (BUL'TAR) in the game? I don't know much about the taur bodies in the game. Heck, the only one I know about is the Leithan that you can get at the beginning of the game. Are there any others?

If there are feet of it you can make a taurtic version of it. Fox taur, Demon taur, myr taur, korgi taur, and even if your lucky Human taur.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I have a serious case of Deja-Vu...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Ilaria and Sam kids playing together.

And maybe Ilaria asking where the other Ausar babies came from...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
And maybe Ilaria asking where the other Ausar babies came from...

"Errrrr....the last time we had sex, you came so hard that you.....wait....gimme a second....wait.....wait....yes! You came so hard, you forgot you had babies! (I am a genius!)"

(Steele was not a genius)
* * * *

"Well, you see, when a mommy Ausar and her customer are really, really horny, they insert Tab A and B into Slot A and B. After some fun bumping together, several months later she pops 'em out of Slot A. Slot B doesn't really do anything, but its fun!"
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