What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wait, what does the black leash have to do with Sera? Is it for her sub content?
If by "black leash" you mean the leash you buy from Inessa, then yes.
Also I think you can equip it and have Dom!Sera use it on you. I may be wrong regarding the last statement.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
that's not how programming works.
It isn't. But they are both items that serve one absurdly specific function each and do nothing else at all.

Besides. Adding an actual Leash item class opens the door for more equippable pets in the future. :p


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It isn't. But they are both items that serve one absurdly specific function each and do nothing else at all.

Besides. Adding an actual Leash item class opens the door for more equippable pets in the future. :p
I've seen (and written) a lot of stupid things in this thread, but this one takes the cake.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Unless the bulk of the code for these interactions is for some reason contained *in* the items themselves. In which case: ...what the hell?

Hmmmm. Actually wait no. You equip the leash itself. Not the Varmint. So okay fair enough. Nonetheless its not like the items have stats or anything. Copy paste is a thing.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Unless the bulk of the code for these interactions is for some reason contained *in* the items themselves. In which case: ...what the hell?
Why don't you go to TITS-Public on github, search for "leash", and tell me what you find.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Either way: Why are there multiple leash items in the game, each with entirely different, mutually exclusive functions? If anything I'd say consolidate a leash item class now rather than wait until we have even more of them we'd have to account for.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Not a bad idea, but drones add a layer of weirdness to the mix that'll likely prevent anything meaningful from happening.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Yes. The leashes are for entirely different purposes. But presently one only does things with the varmint and the other only does things with sera. So its not like with the proposal for a nipple removal TF someone else suggested that would require going back and finding every single scene that mentions the player's nipples and adding a flag for not having any. (Though I can't recall any scenes I saw that mentioned my nipples in the first place, unless it was a scene centered around breasts. So that one actually might not be as hard as expected). I digress: It's easier to do now than it would be later on. So if we want an option to have multiple colors of leashes that are interchangeable with one another rather than several different leashes, each only good for interactions with one character. Now would be the time to change it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
It adds a layer of weirdness, sure. But if changes like this don't get made in advance we nothing meaningful *can* ever come of it. Even if it probably won't anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Unless the bulk of the code for these interactions is for some reason contained *in* the items themselves. In which case: ...what the hell?

Hmmmm. Actually wait no. You equip the leash itself. Not the Varmint. So okay fair enough. Nonetheless its not like the items have stats or anything. Copy paste is a thing.
Sooo... Technical, the Varmint Leash IS the Varmint. At least as much as all Comat-drones are their respected Items.
So the leash DOES contain the Varmint, it GOT Stats and it functions technical on a complet other thing then the leash of Sera.

I personly tougth of simply changing the Bimbo-Pink to a Variable, so you can choose between a hand full of colours when buying it. Simelar to haircolour.
It would not do (very) much work, since there is not realy much Varmint-Content to skip over and change a single word into a variable.

Oh, and one thing We all forgot:
One is a specialised device to keep adangerous being in check while not adding too much discomfort.
The other is a radio-colar to ensure your Varmint is near to help you fight. It is not even a real leash.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Sooo... Technical, the Varmint Leash IS the Varmint. At least as much as all Comat-drones are their respected Items.
So the leash DOES contain the Varmint, it GOT Stats and it functions technical on a complet other thing then the leash of Sera.

I personly tougth of simply changing the Bimbo-Pink to a Variable, so you can choose between a hand full of colours when buying it. Simelar to haircolour.
It would not do (very) much work, since there is not realy much Varmint-Content to skip over and change a single word into a variable.

Oh, and one thing We all forgot:
One is a specialised device to keep adangerous being in check while not adding too much discomfort.
The other is a radio-colar to ensure your Varmint is near to help you fight. It is not even a real leash.
Oh right. it's just called a 'leash' for some reason. So why the hell is it called 'pink leash' and not 'high tech radio collar' anyway. (And who's bright idea was it that the sci fi radio tether that controls the blue wolf thing that eats metal should be hot pink??? :U) That's the least appropriate color I could think of.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Oh right. it's just called a 'leash' for some reason. So why the hell is it called 'pink leash' and not 'high tech radio collar' anyway. (And who's bright idea was it that the sci fi radio tether that controls the blue wolf thing that eats metal should be hot pink??? :U) That's the least appropriate color I could think of.
Well, it has the same function as a leash(as in a real live leash), keeping a living being near you and all actual viable parts of it are pink. So it is a pink leash. A name is a common way to explain function. Like we do with basicly anything. In real live and in game.

And the colour is the subject to change we were talking about befor it got derailed by Bimbo-Varmints (do not ask, just go read it yourself) and your leash-sugestion of trowing over a bunch of specialised code in order to change something that could realy be solved easyer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I forgot that the leash item was the *varmint itself* because that thing is wimpier than both tam wolf and siegwolfe. Regardless. When multiple items in game are called leashes, they should probably be named a bit more distinctively if they aren't even slightly similar. It's all well and good to call it a 'leash' because its functionally similar. Until actual leashes exist in the game. then it's just misleading.

Regardless: Why is it pink in the first place? Of all the colors it could default to, I have to say pink is probably the most obnoxious one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
When you're the heir-to-be of a megacorp keeping a silicon-eating "dog" you illegally exported from slutty space-texas as a pet / attack dog, you get to use a pink leash and not get questioned for it or even question it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I forgot that the leash item was the *varmint itself* because that thing is wimpier than both tam wolf and siegwolfe. Regardless. When multiple items in game are called leashes, they should probably be named a bit more distinctively if they aren't even slightly similar. It's all well and good to call it a 'leash' because its functionally similar. Until actual leashes exist in the game. then it's just misleading.
Uhm... How do I put it...
It doesthe same thing, it says you that it is wireless in the first sentence when you hover over it...
It is basicly a leash, because it does what a leash does. I have to say, it is 100% not confusing.

But to go back from this redicules idea to MERGE ALL THE LEASHES! to something more reasonable:
Naming the Varmint and maybe give colour-options for the leash.

Or in general getting back to any reasonable 'content you would like added'.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
The best thing about exporting the varmint is that noone even tries to stop you. It's not so much sneaking it out as it is 'Oops I forgot I had that in my inventory still WELL SHIT NOW ITS EATING THINGS."


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Ok, breaking up this tangent, I'd really like it if we could role play the scene we get when we first give Sylvie her horse cock kinda like what we do with Ula. I'd also really live to revisit Cass on New Texas.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
That would be nice too see Cass again

Here, here! Agreed!

She got her own short story for freaks sake...