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Apr 26, 2019
Week 537:

*Kasyrra keeps tapping her foot in the final dungeon while watching a magical clock tick away* Where. Is. That. CHAMPION!?

Somewhere far, far away...

*Champion is looking into in a mirror* Hmm...bunny ears or cat ears? Or maybe floppy dog ears?

A month passes after acquiring the third probe, LDC is still sitting on his giant balls, patiently waiting for Steele to arrive. He turns to one of the Bored Jumpers, “Aren’t we supposed to be fighting some badass heir by now?” She shrugs and looks at Jack playing go fish with Feruze.

Meanwhile, Captain Steele is too busy fucking Gene and Kase on a daily basis. Gene asks her, “Aren’t you supposed to be getting that next probe by now, Miss. Steele?”



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Ramis: "Oh big lad, you're driving me mad wit' your dick!"
Anno, watching Steele plough the Kaithrit like a field: "Hey boss, we're still got to find that next probe."
Captain Steele: "Relax, I've got to get through this stockpile of Red Myr venom first. And you're next."
Anno, already naked before Steele finished the sentence: "Yay!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
8 weeks?! I've spent over 12,000 days dicking around on uveto alone! I thought the fortune would just sit there till i came for it.
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Frog Girl Pro, like Kerokoras venom, but without the changes to chest size, genitals, or hair, as well as no taint. Maybe an alternative frog face because the featureless appearance actually isn't very frog-like, IMO...

...was someone working on this? I feel like this has been brought up before, but I couldn't find it when I looked...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Now that you say it I would like more sex scenes with frog like aliens. Not like the kerokaras because they are too "unhuman" for my taste (I like my aliens with hairs on the head) but more like Tsuyu from BNHA. I know, i know, if you want it you can write it but this is more like a wishlist thread so I'm just saying it would be nice.


Now that you say it I would like more sex scenes with frog like aliens. Not like the kerokaras because they are too "unhuman" for my taste (I like my aliens with hairs on the head) but more like Tsuyu from BNHA. I know, i know, if you want it you can write it but this is more like a wishlist thread so I'm just saying it would be nice.

Yeah, that's part of why I asked. I was considering writing some scenes for Frog girls, but not the ones currently in the game. The bald heads and flat nippless chests just don't do it for me. I guess I could just say they're TF'd humans, but is it a problem if the method they used to TF isn't available in the game? I mean, I guess I could just make it vague...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
You can always wait for some answer from Fen&Co but I don't think there should be a problema with some human-frog person given how diverse the TiTs verse is. You can always say she/he is a Kerokara-human crossbreed like some of the more humanlike Asaur.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
That thing in CoC2 where the victory trigger is not the same button as the attack button.
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You can always say she/he is a Kerokara-human crossbreed like some of the more humanlike Asaur.

I thought about that, but the codex makes in clear that Kerokoras are an all-female species that can breed with any male of other species - always leading to more Kerokoras. It'd more likely be a TF'd human. Or possibly a frog girl that got TF'd? They supposedly don't have any interest in technology, yet the item rape scene features a Frog Girl who clearly knows what Throbb is, approaches it with a sense of curiousity, and willfully uses it to her advantage, so I'm not sure what to make of that aspect.

With that said, they aren't native to Mhen'ga - they live on multiple worlds, according to the codex, so it's possible a Kerokoras TF could have been researched and synthesised, and that's before we even get into designer mods that someone like Jade or Gene might sell. Maybe I was just overthinking it before.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
I'm not sure I really understand the stigma behind writing Steele's mother, other than the obvious "you want it you need to write it/commission it".
Considering the immense amount of variations and work that has gone into lots of the game, not in the least the PC themselves, I fail to see how a few short, interchangeable blurbs describing general characteristics of a handful of races would at all be difficult in comparison.

It's hardly as if... say, Anno... or any other character, is constantly being referenced for her species attributes at all times within dialogue, other than a few exceptions. I would say it would hardly be difficult to write a fleshed out engaging character wherein constantly referencing what type of legs they have is necessary.

Narratively, having a sympathetic parental figure would be extremely enthusing due to the controversial nature of Victor Steele and their laissez-faire paternalism. And it's hardly as if Steele doesn't have a fleshed out backstory.

Having a defined mother figure wouldn't hinder roleplaying in my personal opinion, I hardly identify or associate my Steele in regards to Victor's identity, other than roleplaying not being a fan of their contentious nature of attempting to force their child into their footsteps, and forcing them on a harmful trek across the unknown reaches of the galaxy. I feel allowing a character with their own personality, goals and ethics free of their parents influence is still perfectly viable.

Plus in regards to the player experience, having a family figure you can emotionally connect with would be saccharine and relatable.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
I tried writing some Steele stuff back when I just started writing on the forums. It didn't work out to well. I tried to make her a modded default to avoid complexity but that's not what people want. Not to mention bad writing. I personally would like to make Shade kittens! All the kittens with Shade, she's no stranger to having kids. Other than that maybe have the ability to egginate some male characters like your femboy kithrite companion as a nyera.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
My thought has always been that if someone were to write Steele's mother, they would only be writing their version of her. We know about Victor, or at least, the shadow of Victor. We know he was an attentive father, he was there for his last child, he was a part of their life until the day he died. We know a far bit about Victor, but the fact is that he'll forever be a shadow and an afterthought.

There's even less known about Steele's mother, other than a photo from when you were born. Writing a character in that much of a state of tabula rasa is going to be a difficult enough challenge - they're writing a character that is going to have enormous expectations and the onus is on them to live up to those expectations. This isn't a dig at anyone's abilities, but I don't think that there are many writers here who can live up to those expectations.

If Steele's mother were to show up in the game, it should only be through rather generic letters. "Hi sweetheart, saw this and thought of you. Take care and know that I love you lots. Love, Mom."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2017
Yeah too much too soon. But I never back down from a challenge! Oh well I did learn a lot from it. I think a letter would be rather pointless without seeing the actual mom because there would be no reason for you not to see her at that point. I think the two parents are just plot devices so the devs see no reason for putting so much effort into none smut content. I mean they got a hundred other things to do and this is a big task for a fan writers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
"Hi sweetheart, saw this and thought of you. Take care and know that I love you lots. Love, Mom."
I don't even see Steele mom giving a shit about Steele Jr. Spread your legs, give birth to Victor Steele's heir and now she's set for life.

She's too busy buying what she wants, sleeping with whom she wants and railing lines of space coke off the booty of a dedicated slave trained only for that purpose.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
I don't even see Steele mom giving a shit about Steele Jr. Spread your legs, give birth to Victor Steele's heir and now she's set for life.

She's too busy buying what she wants, sleeping with whom she wants and railing lines of space coke off the booty of a dedicated slave trained only for that purpose.

yeah you would see Meadow's mom like that


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
I think Savin doesn’t want anything involving with Steele’s mother because it’ll just conflict some parts of the main plot. Also, you have to take to account that Briget is Steele’s surrogate mother (someone who birthed them, besides their biological mother) and from the Leithan codex, it literally tells you:

Unlike many sapient species, Leithans have a nearly 0% fertility rate when coupling with other species. Halfbreed Leithans are nearly unheard of, and almost always the result of genetic manipulation and non-natural fertilization.

So in other words, the half-Leithan Steele is a designer baby created by Victor. He probably just took their biological mother genes just to make them and never got to meet their actual mother. Or, they had their mother throughout their lives growing up, but she’s too busy doing her own thing (probably vacationing with the dough Victor gave her).

I mean, if you want a motherly figure, there’s Milfs to choose from like Bianca and Beatrice.

I personally would like to make Shade kittens! All the kittens with Shade, she's no stranger to having kids.

Um, isn’t Shade like your half sister in the game? I believe that would count as incest which is one of the blacklisted stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Um, isn’t Shade like your half sister in the game? I believe that would count as incest which is one of the blacklisted stuff.
Parent/Child incest such as the Frost Dragon and Kips material is blacklisted.
Direct blood relation, such as Kally and Kiro is also blacklisted, hence why they are now stepsisters.
But because Shade is your half sister, well there's a little leeway there, also probably due to the fact that its on you to inform her that you're related. Yes, you can be lovers, or you can be siblings.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I think Savin doesn’t want anything involving with Steele’s mother because it’ll just conflict some parts of the main plot. Also, you have to take to account that Briget is Steele’s surrogate mother (someone who birthed them, besides their biological mother) and from the Leithan codex, it literally tells you:

So in other words, the half-Leithan Steele is a designer baby created by Victor. He probably just took their biological mother genes just to make them and never got to meet their actual mother. Or, they had their mother throughout their lives growing up, but she’s too busy doing her own thing (probably vacationing with the dough Victor gave her).

I mean, if you want a motherly figure, there’s Milfs to choose from like Bianca and Beatrice.

Um, isn’t Shade like your half sister in the game? I believe that would count as incest which is one of the blacklisted stuff.

It is, and I don’t understand why they removed your dragon daughter for it since she was the best child that Steele had


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
My thought has always been that if someone were to write Steele's mother, they would only be writing their version of her. We know about Victor, or at least, the shadow of Victor. We know he was an attentive father, he was there for his last child, he was a part of their life until the day he died. We know a far bit about Victor, but the fact is that he'll forever be a shadow and an afterthought.

There's even less known about Steele's mother, other than a photo from when you were born. Writing a character in that much of a state of tabula rasa is going to be a difficult enough challenge - they're writing a character that is going to have enormous expectations and the onus is on them to live up to those expectations. This isn't a dig at anyone's abilities, but I don't think that there are many writers here who can live up to those expectations.

If Steele's mother were to show up in the game, it should only be through rather generic letters. "Hi sweetheart, saw this and thought of you. Take care and know that I love you lots. Love, Mom."

I was mostly thinking of the original reasoning I recall hearing a while back, which was that due to the several different races the player can select at the start, that somehow would make her too difficult to write, I find that reasoning rather silly. Whether Steele was an attentive father seems inconsistent depending on the writer, such as Jim's writing providing you the capability to decide for yourself; and too vague to say he was a particular good parent overall.

As I stated, I am personally of the opinion that a fleshed out parental figure doesn't necessarily negatively impact roleplaying potential, and I would argue the complete absence of Steele's mother is more immersion breaking. As far as the Tabula Rasa, an almost completely blank slate seems far easier to write for than one that had a backstory determined by another author. I'm sure there needs to be a standard of writing quality, but I'm unsure that the expectations would necessarily be beyond any other mainline character, I mean, Steele's cousin is hardly significant competition, and Fen always has the final say anyway.

I agree that even simple messages would be nice worldbuilding on its own.

I think Savin doesn’t want anything involving with Steele’s mother because it’ll just conflict some parts of the main plot. Also, you have to take to account that Briget is Steele’s surrogate mother (someone who birthed them, besides their biological mother) and from the Leithan codex, it literally tells you:

So in other words, the half-Leithan Steele is a designer baby created by Victor. He probably just took their biological mother genes just to make them and never got to meet their actual mother. Or, they had their mother throughout their lives growing up, but she’s too busy doing her own thing (probably vacationing with the dough Victor gave her).

I mean, if you want a motherly figure, there’s Milfs to choose from like Bianca and Beatrice.

Um, isn’t Shade like your half sister in the game? I believe that would count as incest which is one of the blacklisted stuff.

Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't recall anything along the lines of surrogacy with Briget? And Ellie already demonstrated that cross species offspring doesn't require as such, rather individually modified genetic engineering between the two parents. I fail to see how it would conflict plot wise either.

I don't think being a parent has to categorize someone into the "motherly" personality, there is an expansive array of ideas and expressions that can be used to make different archetypes for any character, the mother included.

I don't think it is a big deal overall but I certainly feel it is possible, and I don't really see what major issue lies therein. I'm not fussed, I just found the reasoning as to why not odd.