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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Yeah I was just thinking about how it'd be nice to have 2+ bedmates at once, feels bad leaving others out.
We all love more variety but that would probably be a lot of work, having to code in the sleeping companions, having an individual scene pop up when selecting Sleep based not just on one, but two, companions. Meaning it would be cheap to have a template that just tossed in the name of Companion2 instead of having actual descriptions based on them ('[sleepingComp1] kisses [sleepingComp2] on the lips.')
Or having massive parsers that check who's who and add in whole descriptions [if sleepingComp1 is Arona, then 'Arona sticks her big green ...] [If sleepingComp1 is Etheryn|Etheryn rubs her [Etheryn.isCaged|caged |free and fully erect] penis against...'] etc. etc. for every companion and every parser they might have (Etheryn being caged or dom or sub or Cait's thiccness or lactating or leothran, or Brienne with piercings or a bell).

If they were going to do that, it would be better to just have it in the Companions Talk menu, where you ask for sex and the threesome option opens up, like Atugia and Etheryn. Redesigning the whole Sleep mechanic is probably needless work, plus having to create scenes for every possible sleep companion combo to make it viable (as opposed to just scenes getting added in a Companion Sex menu as they clear review).
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