What content would you like added?


May 10, 2023
Honestly I'd like some more content woth our big ol behemoth boy. Maybe some sort of quest to help him regain a bit more functionality os speaking and such and make a romance with the big guy as well.
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Mar 9, 2022
There's precisely zero interest in trying to make some sort of image generator for the Champ. If you want a full-body image for your Champ, you can either find something 'close enough' or you can commission it from an artist. But inserting it into the game in the Appearance screen is likely to be a non-starter because that has to live in the save file and they're already bloated enough as it is with custom avatars.
I'm not talking about an image generator like the one in T.I.T.S. I already have an image of my character, and I don't care for the T.I.T.S character generator. An image like the one in the journal that the companions have: Example "custom full-body image" not generated, but uploaded like the custom avatar in the top left of the game. I should have clarified that I wasn't talking about something like the T.I.T.S generator, but I had forgotten that system exists. Anyway, it was just a thought I had, nothing much changes w/wo.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
I still wish to see more high heel footwear added.
Honestly if we can request gear like this I’d love to have what Kazuo has… his helmet looks great, being an artificer does that mean it would buff Summon or just leadership for companions and allies?


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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I still wish to see more high heel footwear added.
Unfortunately it's hard to get items in (other than maybe TFs) for most people, since the submission rules pretty much say no items. Obviously this doesn't apply to the main devs and writers, but they're focused on more story and characters in most cases. For anyone else submitting, you'd at the very least need to make an NPC combatant to have the item drop or write a small dungeon/quest (which is more work). Otherwise they'd be swamped with submissions for items. I could certainly make Facebighter, the Katana of Hellish Torment a versatile (one or two hand) corruption weapon, but being a katana, would likely involve kitsune (probably Takahiro uncovering it while out hunting Keros artifacts) and a dungeon, or a Will-o'-the-Witch set for Vivianne (non-demon) that looks like a virginal white robe and glows with luminous light and releases blinding flashes during combat, but that would likely require at least a fetch quest for items.

High-heels are definitely doable (and this is the forum for posting wishes), but unless the main writers do it, any other submitters need to add surrounded content at the very least, which is more work when you just want some kinky boots.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Content that I would like to be added would be marrying/being able to have a relationship with Naiyana and having her kids, weather that's her impregnating PC or vice versa, plus it'd be fun watching Atani getting jealous if PC is spending more time with Naiyana, she'd be like: "Hey I'm your wife too, you can't spend time with only mom and not me, i want snuggle too."
Considering there's hardly any males in there village after their males got corrupted and left, plus after marrying Atani and seeing how good she is taken care of and loved, Naiyana could realize that she wants the same thing that her daughter has.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Considering there's hardly any males in there village after their males got corrupted and left,
No comment on the Naiyana part, but I don't think the male horses are corrupted (there might be a little corruption from banging demon-cultists or drinking tainted water or something), but I don't recall running into a single corrupted male crazy horse. I think they just naturally go breed crazy after puberty and that's just their culture. When they're ready to breed, the mares go out and find one (or a centaur). Otherwise, the male marefolk that chose the alchemical transformation into women usually still retain their male genitals and can breed.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
No comment on the Naiyana part, but I don't think the male horses are corrupted (there might be a little corruption from banging demon-cultists or drinking tainted water or something), but I don't recall running into a single corrupted male crazy horse. I think they just naturally go breed crazy after puberty and that's just their culture. When they're ready to breed, the mares go out and find one (or a centaur). Otherwise, the male marefolk that chose the alchemical transformation into women usually still retain their male genitals and can breed.
Ok I can understand that, so its just the centaur males that left their village after being corrupted then, though i still think it'd be cool to pursue Naiyana, possibly her making PC her mate/marriage, even expanding upon her in future patches, hopefully.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Sure is, but that's part of the fetishes attached to them. Constantly rutting stallion, horsegirls w/ big tits and some w/ dicks.

Same reason Minotaurs have so much breast milk and pregnancy content. They're for people who like lactation and broodmare NPCs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I would actually like to see a Northern Minotaur male that is like Nikol and the prince in a sense that he is almost a complete opposite to what one would commonly expect from the males of his Ilk. Big, strong, musclelar yet still baby faced. To bring it to Equilibrium.


I like to joke that Prince Vrannus has a little Northern Minotaur in him, considering how he's built. Still anxious for a chance to bend him over the bed and take that heart-shaped ass of his to pound-town.
Gods YES! Let me plant my lineage inside of of him.
And if he turns out to be a bad guy, an option to enslave him. Who knows, maybe my fem PC could move the little wrongdoer towards the straight path.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Liaden wasn't turned straight. She still a lesbian but accepts female champ with a cock.
Oh, I meant in the corrupt hive thingy where the champ, under specific conditions, was able to nudge her sexuality torwards accepting any kind of partner. But in this case, instead of the prince getting like that because of some hunny, it would be just fem champ mind breaking him into it.

It is a fetish of mine.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
Unfortunately it's hard to get items in (other than maybe TFs) for most people, since the submission rules pretty much say no items. Obviously this doesn't apply to the main devs and writers, but they're focused on more story and characters in most cases. For anyone else submitting, you'd at the very least need to make an NPC combatant to have the item drop or write a small dungeon/quest (which is more work). Otherwise they'd be swamped with submissions for items. I could certainly make Facebighter, the Katana of Hellish Torment a versatile (one or two hand) corruption weapon, but being a katana, would likely involve kitsune (probably Takahiro uncovering it while out hunting Keros artifacts) and a dungeon, or a Will-o'-the-Witch set for Vivianne (non-demon) that looks like a virginal white robe and glows with luminous light and releases blinding flashes during combat, but that would likely require at least a fetch quest for items.

High-heels are definitely doable (and this is the forum for posting wishes), but unless the main writers do it, any other submitters need to add surrounded content at the very least, which is more work when you just want some kinky boots.
But if Viviane and Baroness Carmen can wear high heels, why couldn't the player character as well?


Aug 19, 2023
But if Viviane and Baroness Carmen can wear high heels, why couldn't the player character as well?
Kunoichi footwear and latex boots are both described as high heeled. The thigh-high leather boots don't explicitly state the heel length but I feel there's enough implied that you could imagine them that way without contradicting their description (try Googling thigh-high leather riding boots). That's 2 or 3 out of the 10 of the footwear items tagged on the wiki already fitting your fetish.

The heavier armour in the game tends to be more historically accurate, meaning less likely to have built-in tripping hazards.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Because it is DA POWER FANTASY!!!
And that's is out of Champ's menu.
Cool stuff is for NPC and writers OC's only, it's the rules here, sir. But you can observe their coolness from afar, I suppose.
You know, you keep using that joke but I am curious if you believe that there are trully NPCs like that.

The closest to that feel, in my opinion, are:
Quin with his multiple backgrounds and multiply special talons (you could make 4 characters out of him),
Takahiro (at same time pathethic enough where everyone hates him yet also popular enough that everyone wants to fuck him),
Evelyn with the random dragon power up that came out of nowhere
Maybe Leofric prior to the sucker punch fix.

Every other PC, besides gods, doesnt really have anything that I would constitute as "super special, do not steel OC" characteristics.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
You know, you keep using that joke
I don't use that joke any more times than I've been given the justified opportunities to do so.
And that keep working! :gedspicy:

Also don't forget about two particular harpies.
First is psion god who may blend reality itself, but prefer drunk her's ass off, and second is literally immortal phoenix from legends, nuff said.
And power fantasy is not comparing power levels alone, it's also take form as:
Azy can grab dommy lance and achieve stage of Super Saiyan Ultimate Dom instantly and you can't do it because you mere peasant.
Berwy got a cool flying interdimensional fortress (I'm betting it also can transform and has a megabeamuuuu as a weapon:gedallears:) and Champ got dusty fort where impossible to buy some boxes for items storage in voulte (NO, I never let that go!:gedstare:).
Viv can sexualy assault you in dreams and there is nothing you can do about it. (It's corset is just too damn sexy, impossible to resist).
Autiga is has detachable head (wow!) and probably immortal, also live in cool castle with sexy milfpiress. (OMG just look at that's hips!).
Brint can give superpregnancy to Elthara and no matter how much you transform yourself, you never achieve the same result! :negativeman:
Ryn is da queen, that's it.(I'll probably give domspear to her, if that be possible, just for lulz).
Evergreen is obviously EVIL witch and you totally ok with that whatever you think otherwise.
And kitsunes... oh, kitsunes... no, not gona start it again, there is whole thread for that. In nutshell it's you ether will silently swallow their crap or either silently leave, call'em out is not a option. Also it's seems like "happy family" is too much powerfantasy for Tobs taste and he do everything for ruining it, like fricking steamroller.
And any other adamantinish doms, it's seems like for some writers a mere idea for their precious dommy OC's been topped, no saying to be submissive, to Champ is just too much a powerfantasy. And even when something like this comes up, it's either just onetime, or has a bunch of conditions to prok, or feels like a bone thrown to a dog.
And I don't know why, but for Savin sex with Ogrish and Ivris is taboo. Maybe it's do something with powerfantasy, maybe not and he just troll everyone.

And finally - Cait, what Cait has so good compared to Champ you may ask? Answer is - DA CHARACTER MOTIVATION! Her sister was kidnapped and thrust into some strange portal, the only clue being the activities of the Jerkdolus and his cult, plus Kassira seems to know where did Calla go, so Cait must persuade them while fighting their minions and destroying their plans. And want Camp have in comparison? Big red booba demon say "I claim your soul" and "I will corrupt whole world", pfffff well good luck with that. What bad, in world scale, will happen if Champ just turn around and leave Marches? Kas conquest is destined to fail, too much too powerful being around and they consider this world to be their area of interest and will crush Kassira as soon as she stops amusing them, come to think of it, without Champion's intervention that moment will come much sooner. So what Champ's motivation is? Chasing Kas's dick? Or pure altruism? Weak, very weak.
It feels like it's Cait should be the main character of a separate game that should have been called completely different, but the developers decided that to use the name of CoC will be better for PR, well, and ceep concept with body transformations, but only for purpose as cosmetic.
So taking away Champ's sense of self-importance and motivation as a main character is the best example of "It's not your fucking power fantasy!" bitchslap in player face in loong run.

This may seem like listing grips in a place not meant for that, but please don't take it that way, it's just listing my observations and assumptions.(in a place not meant for that :gedv:)
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