What content would you like added?

Feb 7, 2024
Wanna bring back the Forge Golem from the island, somehow. This has stuck with me ever since I completed the quest. We could have it help around the Wayfort, even if only as a flavor text sort of thing, or maybe it could be a source of income for the Wayfort via maintenance, construction and artisan work, possibly even be a part of quests where smiths or arcane smiths are needed. Iirc, it's still functional at the end of its two battles after it gets unchained, so really, why couldn't you just return Cloudforger to it and bring it back with you?

(This totally isn't me also wanting more Dal content).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022

Marriage expansion for Ryn pretty much, I’m sure something could be figured despite Hethia’s complaining lol… maybe Hethia and Elthara involved as consorts. Rather amusing way to deal with the divide between Lumians and Druids :p

Other than that, perhaps some kiss scenes for Ryn and a sleep with option for Atugia (I know she can join in via Bri but still)

Marriage with an appropriate ceremony would be so good. It'd be adorable and amazing.

But I wouldn't say no to an official concubine position...that's pretty hot too.


New Member
Jul 27, 2022
And now that I finally caught up a bit in the game...

A little thing, but maybe Cassia & the Khor Minos kiddos reacting to the champion wearing the cloak and/or Cassia's old gear whenever we do go making our debut in the arena.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
id love a lion or lioness npc (or tf)
or perhaps a zebra npc? (or tf)
maybe some semi permanent tfs where you don't brake kas's heart but act like soulbinds or have to earn to get them as their rare like maybe a elemental hound? like the hellhound?
and speaking of kas maybe a way to get the redemption talk without building the temple?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I want to impregnate Miko and Mai at the same time. I know this will probably not happen, but I can dream can I.
If possible, I would like to have a third recharge slot.
Some better powers for black mage.

Also, Komari preg when?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
I want a ranged Brint/Brienne companion set. Big bow or crossbow, Str/Agi/Cun, full DPS powers. More archer sets in general for companions.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
Bedmate at Wayfort. Why can’t they also be the usual folks? I’d love to have kiyoko there when she’s in the party

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Just Realised there are no Valentine's day events
I guess we could, try and come up with something. Presumably if there were, it would start proc'ing around February. I think the assumption would be that it's venerating Lumia, she seems quite prolific in this part of the world. What would be a good name, Spring Wreathing? Where traditionally (at least in the Frost Marches) young lovers braid the first blooming flowers into wreathes to place on their favored's brows?
Or Spring Quickening? Or Feast of Flowering Hearts or Love's Feast?
Or, if it was Mallach, Eve of the Great Cuddle Puddle.

I think if we can come up with a name, and a rough tradition or how it's celebrated, at least in the Frost March (some companions from elsewhere might have unique methods), we can then collab up how different characters might interact or approach the Champ.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
If we go by Khor'minos' Roman origins, there is Lupercalia to be considered, though probably different name. Could be something from the old empire, too. Also one way to add festivals to other parts of the world.
If Kitsune are meant to be so heavily based on Japanese culture, they don't have the tradition, alas.
Edit: As for the gods, don't need to have them involved in all festivals?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
I guess we could, try and come up with something
The day of the Blazing Rose [Or insert a better pretty native flower], a joint Lumian and Mallachian celebration of love, passion, and relationships with one another. It is said that this day was picked to honor the burning passion between a lumian Valkyrie and a passionate healer priest of Mallach who would meet under the light of a torch shaped like a rose [Or insert a better pretty native flower] that burned almost as bright as the sun itself with a red, orange, and yellow flame, alas their time together was cut short whether it was due to one or the others obligations or aforementioned torches disappearance is up to speculation. On this day people meet together under the setting sun which most resembles the flames of the torch to celebrate their life, connections to each other and their love for one another, it is customary to exchange gifts among lovers and spend time together with the person or persons for the rest of the day. Priests and priestesses of both faiths give out blessing on this day to those who have not found such love or passion yet and those who have, Valkyries on this day mourn their sisters lost love and the temples of Mallach offer a discount on their services. Both religious groups wish to one day find and reclaim the lost torch as it is said to be a testament to life and love itself while also supposedly being a magical artifact that can inspire passion or lust into anyone, but where it could be and where the two lovers originally met remains a mystery to this day.

Made this up on the spot so have this idea, didn't check if it is full lore accurate but could work for a Valentine's day event.
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
there is Lupercalia to be considered,
Lumallicalia? Loo-mali-cali-ya
Mallumicalia? Mal-loo-mi-cali-ya
The gods don't have to be [directly] involved. It probably is mostly just a rite of spring, ultimately or at least celebrating the close of winter.

Well, anyway, those are some good ideas. Maybe we can take a poll soon.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
It could be a coming of spring festival that's most heavily celebrated by Lumians and Malachites since love and marriage is their wheelhouse.
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Active Member
Sep 17, 2022
I know that they declared that they were not going to add more followers in the party and I'm wasting my time, but I write this simply to get it out of my body, I didn't play for a while and when I found out that there was a survey to choose a new teammate that resulted in Viviane, I was banging my head against the table for not having voted.

Anyway... I would have liked to propose Byvernia or Sariel since they were hunters, they would have been perfect with the role of Thief for the team


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I found out that there was a survey to choose a new teammate that resulted in Viviane, I was banging my head against the table for not having voted.
Yeah that's... not how companions work, at all. You might want to read this topic to understand how it actually worked. Viv was added because that's what Balak wanted to do.
they would have been perfect with the role of Thief for the team
Setting aside that certain companions with the right sets already fill the gameplay niche, there was a planned companion who would have been an actual thief. William failed to meet the deadline to finish her minimally required content, so that didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Speaking of companions, sorry if it's an overdone topic, but Agnimitra expansion. Even if it's just something like a new set, to actually make us consider taking her with us. I like her as a character, but her bard skills just don't stand out.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Just Realised there are no Valentine's day events
I was thinking on this while I was trying to sleep. Of course, there would be scenes or encounters that pop up wandering around an NPCs location, like say Etheryn or Clementine stopping you in the Winter City or Hawkethorne. I was also thinking that Farrah, the blue demon cat in Wayfort (assuming you have her), approaches and tells you her latest scheme to make money, giving you a token (like a Valentine's card, but just like a velvet heart) and saying that she wants to try and create a new tradition of passing out such things (to make money and to commercialize it). She wants to leave a sort of, hallmark on the Spring holiday season. She says the Marcher Baron is the right tool for the job, so she gives them one, and I (or more people), write a valentine's card scene that appears at an NPCs dialogue menu in their normal location. (only during the event time, say February 1st to the 20th or the 28th (no plans for Leap Year).

So if you walk into Clementine's house during that time and have one of Farrah's hallmarks, there will be a 'Give Hallmark' option and maybe even a Chaste/Friendship option or a Lover option and do scenes. The Chaste one might just be a scene of spending the day together. The other one probably leads to romance (possibly one already existing sex option to save writing for some). Some people, like Kas will only lead to sex. It would require making scenes for lots of different characters (or a massive collab) to make Farrah's method an option (and the NPCs could still have their own where they approach the Champ).

You can only do one Hallmark scene with a particular NPC per event period (like Halloween or Festivus). You can only have one Hallmark key item at a time, but can go back to Farrah for more, maybe the first is 1 EP or 10 EP, then she raises it to 100 EP, then 1,000 (she's got to make money, and that's what gets her own juices flowing). If you manage to pass out 4 or more Hallmarks, after the event, maybe she sends a messenger to find you about a special, limited-time offer and making all that money, all your work, and all the attention you gained her little token idea worked and she gives you her own little special reward (will cause Corruption), or you can pass on it and maybe she gives you a free Hallmark (which can't be used until next year) but it will be one you won't have to pay for when the next event starts.

Just musings.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2022
Chonk Cats

I remember some time that Cait mentioned the ideal stereotype of physical appearance of females in her homeland as being a little different from Cait's opinion and appearance in the fatter version of him.

the option of the champion champion seeing Cait as a happy fat cat to propose Salwah as a unique business model to differentiate his temple from all the others by having thick girls as much as possible.

Hunt or buy food and have various scenes similar to Kohaku's meals and feed Salwah and Rune to make fat cats with caressable stomachs


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I do not know how many people are familiar with the term ambush... But I want one. The closest thing we have to one is Rooh, but he is not buff/feminine enough.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
Wasn't there a minor controversy about term "ambush" or something like that a while ago?
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