What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Oh speaking of the den content though, I hope the materials we gather have some meaning in some sense. As far as I am aware, it doesn't really show up no matter what you get but it'd be cool if the majority material you gather shows up in the repairs. Like if you gathered all or mostly metal, there are more metal parts in the den and you can read that in the descriptions of how buildings look different or new fixtures were built.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
You really need to psychoanalyze someone just because they don't like the content in coc2 that you like?
No, im just realizing that this reason is the most common "I want to control everything my wife and daughter does", its literally that so many times.
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Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
I wish I could be as dominant as Evelyn. She is a piece of poop, and that is why people love her. I just wish we could also, you know, degrade an NPC consensually (or not). The closest we get is Ryn and I love her for it. Hope we get more ways to abuse her along with Arona.
yeah we never get to do that shit. Even the winning scene for DragoEve is bs, but as they say, it just ain't for me. Just avoid her bro, she's not worth it, anyway.

Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
If Alypia's involved, any dommey scenes tend to lean towards the nice side of things.
I'll look out for their's then but honestly don't mind it being rough; It's most that are rough are scum about it and the writers never factor ppl not agreeing with that type of behavior. So I just stay away from most Dommy content.
No, im just realizing that this reason is the most common "I want to control everything my wife and daughter does", its literally that so many times.
For this person in particular, or are you generalizing? Because while I don't doubt this isn't the first time someone may have seemed a bit too overbearing in their desires for this content, I've also seen more then a few people just say that it sucks that they don't even get any input at all in this family dynamic, and it's easy to see why that can be disappointing to some.
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Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
No, im just realizing that this reason is the most common "I want to control everything my wife and daughter does", its literally that so many times.
Or it could be that ppl don't like their decisions made for them? There are plenty of ways that those scenarios could have been handled without stripping control from the player. Things that should be a conversation between characters is a dictation to the PC, I don't enjoy creating a family only to have strangers dictate how it's run, bloaks that don't even acknowledge the PC as an authority in his/her family to talk to about marrying their daughter shouldn't be f&$king near her (and family drama could ensue if the writer makes Kinu rebel or take offense to the PC's disapproval); there are more examples of bs I could pull from but its not worth the debate.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
I agree. I enjoy the recent lovely-dovey stuff, but I would still like to treat Arona like she treats others. Without much care.

I mean, yeah, but subArona treats champ like trash so the dichotomy only gets emphasized in how differentnly the game treats sub/dom relationship between the two.
The way I treat Arona's sub route is like an equal relationship. My character unavoidably takes her dick both oral and anal in certain scenes for some reason, which I don't think I've seen Arona ever using my character's dick in her dom route (maybe it's there somewhere, I didn't read it too long). If I had complete domination over her like how you usually see in the really fucked up hentai, I would never consider sexing her at all because I seriously dislike that kind of thing. The tenderness and love dovey stuff is the only reason I'm doing it in the first place. That and muscle girls, boy do I love muscle girls. I challenge her for dominance so I can permanently keep her as a sub and I treat the dom route as an alternate reality whereas in the current one I roleplay it as teaching her about love and care she would have never thought about if she continued her ways before meeting my character. So I'm kind of in a "I can fix her" mindset whenever I do Arona's route.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Or it could be that ppl don't like their decisions made for them? There are plenty of ways that those scenarios could have been handled without stripping control from the player. Things that should be a conversation between characters is a dictation to the PC, I don't enjoy creating a family only to have strangers dictate how it's run, bloaks that don't even acknowledge the PC as an authority in his/her family to talk to about marrying their daughter shouldn't be f&$king near her (and family drama could ensue if the writer makes Kinu rebel or take offense to the PC's disapproval); there are more examples of bs I could pull from but its not worth the debate.
Technically you do control who Kinu ends up with, in that the two different versions of Kinu will be picking different guys, and also have a very different relationship with Kiyoko. Every time there's a Kinu dream sequence with multiple choices before they are released, whatever you pick gives points towards one or the other version of Kinu, with one of them having a close relationship with Komari and distant to Kiyoko bringing home the farm boy, and the other one having a close relationship with Kiyoko and bringing home broody Nakano, at the displeasure of Komari. If anything, you sort of have more choice in the matter than Kiyoko does... even if you are locked into choosing one of those two, with all of the baggage that entails. Here's the Wiki explanation of the mechanics.

That said I'm with you, tbh being flat out told I had no saying in my family's future sort of made me disconnect with them entirely, and it's not really the "no you can't micromanage your daughter's future" part as much as being flat-out told that my input had zero value, which combined with the general attitude of the Foxes towards outsiders sort of sours me on them as a whole, like I worked hard to get into this family and saved the princess from captivity and possibly gave up my soul in the process and so on and I'm never going to be anything more than a filthy gaijin. If that was reality, I'd be banging the secretary and trying to figure out how to get out of the prenup at that point. In game I just never ever visit Kiyoko's place again and go back to banging Brienne. Which I guess is the same thing overall...

Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
If that was reality, I'd be banging the secretary and trying to figure out how to get out of the prenup at that point. In game I just never ever visit Kiyoko's place again and go back to banging Brienne. Which I guess is the same thing overall...
Ain't that the truth
That said I'm with you, tbh being flat out told I had no saying in my family's future sort of made me disconnect with them entirely, and it's not really the "no you can't micromanage your daughter's future" part as much as being flat-out told that my input had zero value, which combined with the general attitude of the Foxes towards outsiders sort of sours me on them as a whole, like I worked hard to get into this family and saved the princess from captivity and possibly gave up my soul in the process and so on and I'm never going to be anything more than a filthy gaijin.
Yep, honestly, I don't mind the foxes being xenophobic a$$holes because it's true to their inspiration and it creates a feeling that each race or God's country has an etiquette and culture they operate by; but the player agency shouldn't be sacrificed just so the writer can have Japan fantasies, there should be an option to tell them to fu@k off when appropriate or at the very least divorce Kiyoko because the shift in tone can blindside someone that enjoying it previously her content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
This is a long one so only read if you have the time and patience to read! I hope that for the Dragon Tfs, you get them from dragons like Ashelander instead of from Kas since it wouldn't make sense to get it from her when she's not a "true" dragon like how Dragonlyn became, hence, she can't transform into a dragon. And if we can get the dragon tf from other dragons, then I hope there are multiple elemental types of dragons you can become based on the elemental damage you can currently do in-game except Holy types. Since once again, it wouldn't make sense when you can become a Valkyrie by Lumia. So, the only elements left are Fire, Frost, Storm and Blight if you're going for a corrupted route. And if someone still want to do a Holy Dragon similar to the Gold Dragon Mythic Path from Wotr, then they can just pick whatever elemental dragon type and use White Mage type spells if they want to do that. It would also be good to have trainings for your draconic abilities like what the current Soul binding options provides, for example, actually using your claws for once in a fight as a stance power that scales to your level, BUT you can only use them if you're not wielding a weapon in the primary and offhand slot (this part should be for all tfs that gives sharp claws) and the damage they do is split between elemental/physical or elemental/raw. Should probably still keep a weapon on you just in case you come across an enemy that's either highly resistant or immune to your element and slashing attack. Training on how to use your wings (with the difficulty being easier if your mc already had/has wings and used them before), improving the "Tail Whack" ability so it's actually strong by scaling to your lvl just like with the claws or just giving us a new one for dragons, your breath attack and the last one being to transform into a dragon like how Dragonlyn can do only the duration either scales based on lvls or how much you trained in it with the cap being 3 to 10 turns in battle and permanent in skits. I made the form's duration longer in battle for in case you go up against another boss like the Lureling that has over 1,000 HP which will guarantee to be a long fight. The skit related stuff would be things like, story related events, when your exploring, during encounters that involves some environmental stuffs (which should also work in your human form based on your element) or some serious labor that would require transforming, scaring off someone or intimidating them, and maybe if you ever had to get involved in a War or a big event like that (like with Dragonlyn War for Belhar that will probably come in the future or the Seven's war against the Wraiths, a skirmish/battle against a army of people that attacks your Wayfort where you can have the option to transform at some point or the Demon Queen that Kas used to serve who will more than likely bring her own army through the portal if she manages to do it somehow), you can get an option to cause some mayhem in your dragon form before shifting to a manual battle after doing it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
TF powers are confirmed to be not anything that would be important or viable in any way, so as to discourage the whole "ultimate lifeform" thing that went on in CoC1. Flavor text might happen but powers that are worth anything would overly incentivize one TF over another.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
We don't know what form the Dragon TF will take (aside from the usual 'the Champ must be bipedal' considerations) but we already know how you get it: It's the crystallized blood you can find on Dracia. If you look at the patch notes you'll see that it's not yet implemented but is coming Soon.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
I would like the option to change a character name or have other default names already picked out that suit them just in case their name is the same name as someone you know irl that you might have a problem with. Like for example, there's a character in-game (that I won't name just in case) who has the same name as my mother. I still romance her sometimes, but it doesn't make it feel any less weird whenever I read it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
That... would require parserizing every instance of every character's name and inserting parser checks into parts of the game that don't have it like the battle text. It works for the Champ because their name is set up for that via [pc.name] and always has been but no other character is and there are thousands of times some characters names may be mentioned, including variations like Etheryn/Ryn, Azyrran/Azzy etc. That is so not happening ever.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2022
will there be any new tfs in future? I like the tfs very much and i am thinking if there will be any new tfs in future of different races


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
will there be any new tfs in future? I like the tfs very much and i am thinking if there will be any new tfs in future of different races
Some have been mentioned frequently like the good old Dragon TF and Mecian, but others from races suited to sea or related locations 00have been hinted at would best show up when Khor'minos quest is done and we're on the other side of that, which ends up at a sea apparently.

Beyond that, a lot of the TF items in the game are made by contributors who wanted something, even when it had little to do with anything currently in the game (no bear people in the game now, and there's not going to be any pig people ever, yet there are TFs to make your character either one of those), so if there's anything you want you could write it yourself and submit it for approval.

No new starting player races at all on the other hand, so don't bother with that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2022
Yep, honestly, I don't mind the foxes being xenophobic a$$holes because it's true to their inspiration and it creates a feeling that each race or God's country has an etiquette and culture they operate by; but the player agency shouldn't be sacrificed just so the writer can have Japan fantasies, there should be an option to tell them to fu@k off when appropriate or at the very least divorce Kiyoko because the shift in tone can blindside someone that enjoying it previously her content.
Yeah, but Tobs is gonna write them with even LESS player input now. And that's GOOD. Don't you get it? Who cares that this is a porn game where the player's fantasies are the point, Tobs has decided the foxes will be some of the largest, almost mandatory content in the game (because let's be real it's "optional" in the sense you can choose to do a no-exploration run of Skyrim - you're just missing out on a ton of content that has no business being locked to Kiyoko) and Tobs doesn't give a damn about the player, he's an auteur, an artiste, he LIVES to spite you and will write things in solely because it annoys the player-peasants.

Yeah yeah, this is salty and kinda unfair, but I've been progressively getting more annoyed at how disengaging the floofhaus content is and I'm just releasing the valve.

At least there's a whole bunch of content in the game that I still genuinely enjoy, and the parts where Kiyoko are still in the amulet are still likeable.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
I don't mind the foxes being xenophobic a$$holes because it's true to their inspiration
This part of the whole den irks me so much though. Who's kink is it to be the target of racism?

And really, every single fox is naturally insular and xenophobic no matter what you do? Except the one written by someone else? I feel like unpacking this to much just leads to bad places but if I could of made a kitsune without going into the den I would have.

To frame this like a request I would LOVE if we could actually shake things up, bring some sort of change...you know, the whole point of entering the den according to Keros regardless of selling your soul...but especially if you did that. I don't expect Nakano type character to ever accept us but everyone constantly reminding you you're being tolerated feels like spite outside what can be reasonably expected of this community in this world.

I feel like "It's beyond the time scale of the game, it's beyond the scope of the game" is ridiculous given the change you do everywhere else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
I'm sure people are getting annoyed/irritated by now whenever I post something. Anyway, here's another long one, read at your leisure. I hope we get NPCs like Vari, Valencia, Daliza, Jaelyn (demon or not), Gwynn, Drifa, Shar, Zo and Seastone as companions. Vari would be VERY nice to have, Valenica would make sense considering if you help her in her 3 encounters and you meet her in front of the marefolk's village, you can train her, so it would be set to where if you trained her enough times, she can join you. I'm not going to explain much about what Daliza and Jaelyn are capable of since almost everyone probably knows by now. I put Gwynn in there because I remember Garth or someone at some point mentioning how she has the physique to be a really good warrior but because of her father complex and her relationship with her mother, she took up that position instead. Also, it would be nice to have a lupine in the party again since they replaced Berwyn with Viviane. Drifa looks like she would be a priestess like Cait but since she worships Lumia instead of Mallach, she would have different and maybe better healing/support spells as compared to Cait since Mallach is all about love and passion while Lumia is mostly about Light and healing. Shar for a similar reason with Valencia since you can playfight with her and it gets harder for her the more you do it at some point and it felt like they could've expanded more on it. Who knows, it might be a thing in the future. We all know that Zo is a capable fighter considering her trainings. Would love it if Seastone can travel with us, especially with the Dracia content involving you traveling by boat so she could help to some degree since she's a shark. I just feel like we need a little more variety now with all the new content nowadays along with more party dynamics considering some of the companions are getting responsibilities now like Kiyoko with the family and Kitsune Den stuff, Ryn being a ruler, Arona as chieftain (if you have her as one), and Azzy as a future queen if she's Dragoon cause she want her own Hive at some point. The only one who is free most of the time is Cait, Viv, Agni, Brint/Brienne, Atugia and Quin. Also want to see more races in the party (even if they're the same species but different type) like Vari and Valencia cause one's a Sabrecat and the other a Manticore, Seastone (Shark), Gwynn (Lupine), Drifa (Lupine Priestess), Shar (warrior/ranger Harpy maybe), Zo (another Lupine) and maybe some Salamanders for once like the twins you meet during the Convocation of Mirrors event where you have the same thing that happened to Kiyoko to them or make those Cinderscale Salamanders spirits you get as summons into companions. I would love to have Aileh in there, but she already made her point clear regarding the whole Kasyrra ordeal. Though they could make it where she can help you with other stuffs too maybe as long as it's not cultist related.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Also, hope we get to visit Jassira at some point cause when I heard Annika describe it, I wanna go there now. They got Catfolks, Anubians, Tiger beastmen, Snake people, Ant-like people, another type of Harpies and more. Sounds like a fun and exotic place to visit. But I feel going to places like Jassira, Kitsuhon and old Belhar are VERY VEEEERY big content to add so there's a chance the dev might not add it in the future or even if they did, it would only be a small part of their country you can explore.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Ummm, at the risk of being That Guy Who Always Says No, I'm gonna have to say that's so much no, because companions were always strictly limited (most of those characters' authors already have their one-and-only) and the deadline for submitting new ones passed eighteen months ago. Shar was originally going to be a companion before Savin realized that it would be far too much considering the amount of work needed to support the ones he already had on his plate.

ETA: We're never leaving the vicinity of the Frost Marches. If the devs do more games set in Savarra (something they've discussed) we might get to see some of those far-flung places either in a hypothetical CoC3 or some shorter projects that they've suggested they might do in between.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
You should read this post from Tobs even though it could be said this puts it out of context, it has him touch upon and speak about some of his artistic choices for the Kitsune content and why it won't ever change, even if it's a few years old now and the topic of it did get changed in the end. This thread is also old but has Tobs talking somewhat about why the Kitsune will only view you as A Barbarian but it's quite the mess of a thread, though you could skim through it to glean some things from Tobs posts about why they are this way. You could also read Tobs talking about the Kitsune and the Fox Den and his creative choices in making them in some of the larger posts.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
You should read this post from Tobs even though it could be said this puts it out of context, it has him touch upon and speak about some of his artistic choices for the Kitsune content and why it won't ever change, even if it's a few years old now and the topic of it did get changed in the end. This thread is also old but has Tobs talking somewhat about why the Kitsune will only view you as A Barbarian but it's quite the mess of a thread, though you could skim through it to glean some things from Tobs posts about why they are this way. You could also read Tobs talking about the Kitsune and the Fox Den and his creative choices in making them in some of the larger posts.

Yeah...it being deliberately my complaints doesn't actually make it better.

"You see I wanted you to feel like an alien and my influence was Japanese people who as I know are all isolationist racists"

I would feel a lot better about the content if it weren't deliberately the way it was and really offensive actually. "I made my content to make you feel bad" well done. Mission accomplished I avoid it if I see you wrote it.

I'm actually angrier now because he apparently thinks adding racism/nationalism to the erotic game is a move of extreme artistry and brilliance that will make us all think. Adding this shit by itself is not a brilliant move, it's a cowards move to say "Racism and nationalism exists and the only option you have is to accept it"


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Yeah...it being deliberately my complaints doesn't actually make it better.

"You see I wanted you to feel like an alien and my influence was Japanese people who as I know are all isolationist racists"

I would feel a lot better about the content if it weren't deliberately the way it was and really offensive actually. "I made my content to make you feel bad" well done. Mission accomplished I avoid it if I see you wrote it.

I'm actually angrier now because he apparently thinks adding racism/nationalism to the erotic game is a move of extreme artistry and brilliance that will make us all think. Adding this shit by itself is not a brilliant move, it's a cowards move to say "Racism and nationalism exists and the only option you have is to accept it"
I don't really care much about how the Kitsune act towards me. I just deal with it knowing that the only thing they CAN do against me is talk bad towards me because I beat all their asses lol! This next paragraph is my view regarding how I feel with racism in games. Read if you want to. I do find racism annoying in some games mostly because some NPC might make me mad enough to consider killing them (like the Nords in Skyrim with their slums area in Winterhold) but I'm not really bothered by it unless they go somewhat far enough to the point where it feels like a political problem they're currently trying to bring in and I don't feel that in this game. In some game, I actually want a little racism in there depending on the game to make it either a little fun to see how they react to me or cause I'm bored if I expected it to some extent but they're lacking or something. Like in DOS2 (Divinity Original Sin 2) I always play a lizard race and when I first started playing, I was expecting most or a good amount of npc to act racist towards me, but barely ANY of them do which is a little surprising considering how they view my species. Even when I get to Driftwood and I hear there's a war going on against my species' Empire, I still don't see much racism towards me, I'm like "Is no one gonna try and start a fight or argument against me? Even though there's a war going on all of a sudden?" I kinda wanted someone to act like that towards me so I can either prove them wrong and see the look on their faces, win in a debate against them in an argument or if they do things like increase the prices of their items and I can bring that up, I can either look for a different way to get what I want or actually haggle the prices down somehow. Basically, I just wanted to flaunt my lizard superiority lol! If they have a problem with what I am, then that's their problem not mine. If they want to fight or whatever, then they better be prepared to get a smackdown or worse. Thats why I feel Larion's Baldur Gate 3 is gonna be fun, I just hope the Dragonborn race is already on there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
Since we're complaining about the foxes here, i'm gonna add my opinion:

I don't really mind how the den / kitsune is written(it's simply not for me) as such, just the way it's implemented. The whole den feels like an DLC area, with barely any connection to main story. There's nearly no interaction with the wider game, besides few short mentions. While i understand the whole isolationist angle, there is a limit to how isolationist you can be during demonic invasion / corruption of the local area.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2022
I'm sure people are getting annoyed/irritated by now whenever I post something. Anyway, here's another long one, read at your leisure. I hope we get NPCs like Vari, Valencia, Daliza, Jaelyn (demon or not), Gwynn, Drifa, Shari, Zo and Seastone as companions. Vari would be VERY nice to have, Valenica would make sense considering if you help her in her 3 encounters and you meet her in front of the marefolk's village, you can train her, so it would be set to where if you trained her enough times, she can join you. I'm not going to explain much about what Daliza and Jaelyn are capable of since almost everyone probably knows by now. I put Gwynn in there because I remember Garth or someone at some point mentioning how she has the physique to be a really good warrior but because of her father complex and her relationship with her mother, she took up that position instead. Also, it would be nice to have a lupine in the party again since they replaced Berwyn with Viviane. Drifa looks like she would be a priestess like Cait but since she worships Lumia instead of Mallach, she would have different and maybe better healing/support spells as compared to Cait since Mallach is all about love and passion while Lumia is mostly about Light and healing. Shari for a similar reason with Valencia since you can playfight with her and it gets harder for her the more you do it at some point and it felt like they could've expanded more on it. Who knows, it might be a thing in the future. We all know that Zo is a capable fighter considering her trainings. Would love it if Seastone can travel with us, especially with the Dracia content involving you traveling by boat so she could help to some degree since she's a shark. I just feel like we need a little more variety now with all the new content nowadays along with more party dynamics considering some of the companions are getting responsibilities now like Kiyoko with the family and Kitsune Den stuff, Ryn being a ruler, Arona as chieftain (if you have her as one), and Azzy as a future queen if she's Dragoon cause she want her own Hive at some point. The only one who is free most of the time is Cait, Viv, Agni, Brint/Brienne, Atugia and Quin. Also want to see more races in the party (even if they're the same species but different type) like Vari and Valencia cause one's a Sabrecat and the other a Manticore, Seastone (Shark), Gwynn (Lupine), Drifa (Lupine Priestess), Shari (warrior/ranger Harpy maybe), Zo (another Lupine) and maybe some Salamanders for once like the twins you meet during the Convocation of Mirrors event where you have the same thing that happened to Kiyoko to them or make those Cinderscale Salamanders spirits you get as summons into companions. I would love to have Aileh in there, but she already made her point clear regarding the whole Kasyrra ordeal. Though they could make it where she can help you with other stuffs too maybe as long as it's not cultist related.
Why can't i find shari and seastone on wiki? Are they not added in wiki?

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Why can't i find shari and seastone on wiki? Are they not added in wiki?
With "Shari" it's because they're probably talking about Shar, seeing as they described "Shari" as a harpy who you can spar with and train.
Shari for a similar reason with Valencia since you can playfight with her and it gets harder for her the more you do it at some point and it felt like they could've expanded more on it.
Don't know why you called Shar Shari, but she was initially intended to be a companion. She would have been, but the thing is, Savin already has three companions (Arona, Cait, and Etheryn), and ended up deciding that four was way too much, particularly given that everyone else is restricted to one companion so that they can focus on them content-wise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
With "Shari" it's because they're probably talking about Shar, seeing as they described "Shari" as a harpy who you can spar with and train.

Don't know why you called Shar Shari, but she was initially intended to be a companion. She would have been, but the thing is, Savin already has three companions (Arona, Cait, and Etheryn), and ended up deciding that four was way too much, particularly given that everyone else is restricted to one companion so that they can focus on them content-wise.

With "Shari" it's because they're probably talking about Shar, seeing as they described "Shari" as a harpy who you can spar with and train.

Don't know why you called Shar Shari, but she was initially intended to be a companion. She would have been, but the thing is, Savin already has three companions (Arona, Cait, and Etheryn), and ended up deciding that four was way too much, particularly given that everyone else is restricted to one companion so that they can focus on them content-wise.
Tnx for pointing out that Shari* typo. I wasn't sure if I spelled it properly. I fixed it now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
When do you guys think they are gonna add some Carmen sexual content? That way she can stop sneaking into our rooms and molesting us at night.
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