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Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
I'm fine with my fist of the north star take downs against flying enemies but wings being used for some ledges would be nice. One thing off the top of my head was in TiTs where there was a vertical cavern on the snow planet.

Options of going down were:
1. Buy climbing rope
2. Fly

I think there was an option to climb with stats but I don't remember 100% and don't want to accidentally say something untrue.

Also I don't think the devs will be able to avoid minmaxings regardless of utility TF or not ^^;

Ever since the creation of non-linear gameplay, players have always tried to figure out how to break the game in their favor. The infamous "stealth archer" of Skyrim comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Players finding ways to exploit the stats, perks and powers to (selectively) break the game is very different from CoC1 where you completely broke the game by taking certain TFs. Sure, some builds are extremely good right now but no one setup is going to excel in every situation. A Resolve-damage Charmer and Honey Maiden!Azzy may be able to lust-nuke most encounters but they're not terribly useful in the Catacombs or against Sigrune, for instance.

Also, the benefit of a game being in active development is that if some particularly broken setup does appear, it can be dealt with. We already got this with Mass Drain Vitality Reap being bumped from Lv4 to Lv6.

EDIT: Because I'm a derp who gets powers confused.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
Also I don't think the devs will be able to avoid minmaxings regardless of utility TF or not ^^;

Ever since the creation of non-linear gameplay, players have always tried to figure out how to break the game in their favor. The infamous "stealth archer" of Skyrim comes to mind.

I think that kind of presumes that min-maxing is a bad thing. It's a play-style which essentially requires some level of theory-crafting and meta-gaming, which defeats the purpose of just playing for fun. Should that result in it not being possible? Depends on the developers' wishes, as well as what you (the player) want to do.

Also, as WolframL pointed out, the CoC2 developers are developing the game in parallel with us playing the game (testing it), so that results in an entire community of people being able to provide feedback to the team (not to mention a community of people who are invested in the game).

This contrasts the way Bethesda developed Skyrim, which was released upon completion (and not patched / fine-tuned much), and was only tested by internal testers who probably did not have the same amount of raw numbers that this community does.
That and the Skyrim community found countless bugs / glitches in the game which the testing team seemingly missed, sort of emphasizing that people who are invested in the game (wanting to play for fun) are usually more thorough than those who have to do so for their job.

In reference to the above, it then indicates that if there were any instances of something being potentially "broken" or "OP" the CoC2 staff would have sufficient valuable feedback to sufficiently assess the situation, as well as already be developing instead of post-patching a completed game.

So, in conclusion, would it matter if there was a "stealth archer" Skyrim-esque character archetype in CoC2? That would depend on whether you wanted to play that way, and whether the development team felt it was alright to have such a viable build. As mentioned before, this comes down to the different styles of development between these two games.
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Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
I think that kind of presumes that min-maxing is a bad thing.
I didn't mean to imply that I thought it was a bad thing.

However, there are those that do. I've met some people who are emotionally aggressive about the concept.

Personally I do it on instinct... not very well but I end up steamrolling things. My main is a warrior that wears the witch corset set + the sanctified gladius + a tower shield. Bullrush the top boss, lightning punch the person who didn't take damage from my companions and rend on turn 3 and then it's clean up from there. Every fight and so far the only time I have ever lost a battle was the ghost harem.

I've tried and wanted to use other sets and different spells but it didn't feel "right." I guess it's an attachment thing. Other characters I've experimented with more but never was able to change "Donut Steele" ... Except for the name, thank you River... lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I hope that this is not just teasing and that we are able to take advantage of her position. God that would be sweet. Maybe gives me reason to become her Lord. And make her my talking head in place of power.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
I'm fine with my fist of the north star take downs against flying enemies but wings being used for some ledges would be nice. One thing off the top of my head was in TiTs where there was a vertical cavern on the snow planet.

Options of going down were:
1. Buy climbing rope
2. Fly

I think there was an option to climb with stats but I don't remember 100% and don't want to accidentally say something untrue.

Also I don't think the devs will be able to avoid minmaxings regardless of utility TF or not ^^;

Ever since the creation of non-linear gameplay, players have always tried to figure out how to break the game in their favor. The infamous "stealth archer" of Skyrim comes to mind.
Haven't followed the discussion perfectly so I apologize in advance if I jump the gun, but there's a difference between "min maxing", the stealth archer example, breaking the game, and what appears to be the design goal. Generally it seems the approach design wise where say, you play a sword n board tank, and you want to be like a 2'4 lithe elf instead of like a 9ft orc who spends 619 in game days straight just sprinting at the gym while yelling "MUSCLE TIME", your elf would still be able to reach a point with appropriate gear to do the same tanking. Since all stats are being designed to help all classes even if situational, you CAN play a orc to max health, but another race might have a slight edge to magic defense, or armor and damage. Something like utility tfs would make stunt to by basically either making say, wings, a forced goal like terraria, or a forced choice, no matter what you want to be in game. Stealth archery in skyrim is also sorta a incorrect example imo for talking about that kind of thing, that's similar to "well dang mages get oil slick and aoe fire I mean c'mon games over", when realistically say, a giant can still whack you over the head. It's just a glorified archer doing archer things. A example of the *real* dangers of uncontrolled min maxing and tossing in stuff with additional game mechanics as a toybox design without care and balance is oblivion. Dunno if you played it, but late game archery on that? You could enchant bows, *and* arrows. Spend a ungodly amount of resources crafting a arrow with like a bajillion of each elemental damage, duplicate a 100 within 3 seconds, badabing. And that's the balanced option. You could have a single ring with 100% chameleon. The entire game becomes literally broken, nobody targets you, nobody tries to hit you, half the quests become broken because npcs can't find you to talk, and you can unequip everything and punch umbra to death while they make vague grunting noises. *That's* the issue needed to avoid. Corruption of champions also has a more forgiving ceiling and floor for builds, min maxers can crank up the difficulty and get a pretty good if somewhat safe challenge, while people wanting freedom can lower it and just kinda do whatever compared to trials in tainted space being pretty unforgiving with class and ability choices. That was probably too long a rant but trying to be more to the point, the goal is freedom and balance. Wings are cool but you either have anger at wings being required to not work for story purposes, like not being able to fly to volcano of evil metal circles, or they work good enough or are used enough where basically choices in the game become (Do you have wings? If yes, succeed, if no, fail), not counting rp purposes where maybe you want to be a lupine or humanoid but don't want to or be forced to have wings for a advantage, or writing where again it becomes either underused or overused. Also kinda creates a problem for erotic scenes, sure flying fun times become a possibility, but so does "as you rammed arona while making uncontrollable cawing noises, cait hugged you from behind, at first trying to sensually push against you before choking on feathers, before a stray wingflap slammed her against the wall"


New Member
Apr 7, 2021
I know this is a bit weird but I'd like it if characters would try something like anal and then not like it. It would make the characters seem more real rather then kink dispensers
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
I know this is a bit weird but I'd like it if characters would try something like anal and then not like it. It would make the characters seem more real rather then kink dispensers
Doesn't Berwyn whine about not liking anal anytime you do it (outside of 1 scene i think)?


New Member
Apr 7, 2021
I'd personally like a "playable bad end" where if you lose against Kasyrra in the final showdown with her (or just willingly give yourself to her), she fucks your soul out and you end up joining her as a demon, and then the game becomes about helping her corrupt all the people and places you'd been trying to save. Starting with the companions that you've come to know so well.

Basically, an interactive version of the ending of the original CoC where you beat Lethice and then choose to join her.


New Member
Apr 7, 2021
Doesn't Berwyn whine about not liking anal anytime you do it (outside of 1 scene i think)?
True but I mean they try it once and then the option is no longer there. Again I get it's a porn game so removing stuff is always risky but I think again it would make characters feel realer


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I'd personally like a "playable bad end" where if you lose against Kasyrra in the final showdown with her (or just willingly give yourself to her), she fucks your soul out and you end up joining her as a demon, and then the game becomes about helping her corrupt all the people and places you'd been trying to save. Starting with the companions that you've come to know so well.

Basically, an interactive version of the ending of the original CoC where you beat Lethice and then choose to join her.
Bad ends are bad ends, they're never meant to be playable.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
An explanation for why our character is OK with killing corrupt creatures, even at high corruption. But not any other cultists or beings that mean you harm. It is just arbitrary. At least we are going to be able to fuck up merc band if we so chose.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
An explanation for why our character is OK with killing corrupt creatures, even at high corruption. But not any other cultists or beings that mean you harm. It is just arbitrary. At least we are going to be able to fuck up merc band if we so chose.

I think Cait mentions it, but it's because several members are brainwashed and forced to join. So there's really no way to know for sure who's an irredeemable asshole, and who's a victim. So the champion and friends are taking the "better safe than sorry" approach. Also I thought the plan was for us to (optionally) force the merc band to disband and not straight up fuck em up. Has Bubblelord elaborated more on that?

Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
I'd personally like a "playable bad end" where if you lose against Kasyrra in the final showdown with her (or just willingly give yourself to her), she fucks your soul out and you end up joining her as a demon, and then the game becomes about helping her corrupt all the people and places you'd been trying to save. Starting with the companions that you've come to know so well.

Basically, an interactive version of the ending of the original CoC where you beat Lethice and then choose to join her.
I feel like the only part about your request that would actually work is Kasyrra taking your soul and you becoming a demon since that could work the same way as one of the gods taking your soul. The way I see the plot going is you'll either kill or purify Kas and end your journey or you'll team up with Kas and work together to fight the Wraiths which could lead to you becoming a sane demon like Kas.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I think Cait mentions it, but it's because several members are brainwashed and forced to join. So there's really no way to know for sure who's an irredeemable asshole, and who's a victim. So the champion and friends are taking the "better safe than sorry" approach. Also I thought the plan was for us to (optionally) force the merc band to disband and not straight up fuck em up. Has Bubblelord elaborated more on that?
I do not want to kill mercs necessarily . I just want to have option to do something to them for all shit they are giving me. It feels bad that they try to rape you and only thing you can do to them is get all buddy buddy. And that is not even counting Jen, that enabler.

Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
Haven't followed the discussion perfectly so I apologize in advance if I jump the gun
A tad bit but you did contribute a lot.

A example of the *real* dangers of uncontrolled min maxing and tossing in stuff with additional game mechanics as a toybox design without care and balance is oblivion.
This actually is a better example. I only didn't bring it up because to affectively communicate it I would have had to write out those two paragraphs you did.

trials in tainted space being pretty unforgiving with class and ability choices.
I flat out feel like I'm playing the game wrong if I don't use tech specialist. The class just "feels" better and they objectively have the best problem solving options like disabling turrets and easily repairing things or hacking.

basically choices in the game become (Do you have wings? If yes, succeed, if no, fail)
That's why you don't make the choices that shallow. As I said in my TiTs example. Buying a rope is an alternative.

Speaking of ropes a better example is in CoC-2 itself. A dungeon in Harvest Valley allows you to use camping supplies to climb up a steep ledge. You can also use a stat check. So the situation already exist

"as you rammed arona while making uncontrollable cawing noises, cait hugged you from behind, at first trying to sensually push against you before choking on feathers, before a stray wingflap slammed her against the wall"
This I think is just hyperbole. Funny hyperbole but still hyperbole.

The way you're stating it, not claiming your intention, comes off as a binary. Wings either pervade the entire game or don't do anything at all. There can be a middle ground.

Ultimately, if no one wants to incorporate wings then it should be stated in game why they're not used. It can be as simple as the Champ not knowing how to use them because they're technically two new limbs and the Champ has spent their entire life up till this point without them.

An explanation for why our character is OK with killing corrupt creatures, even at high corruption. But not any other cultists or beings that mean you harm.
Being corrupt doesn't mean you automatically feel a kinship with corrupt beings. You can even have Brint or Arona do it for you in most cases or if you do have a kinship or simply are merciful just don't click on the kill button. I haven't come across an enemy we were forced to kill.

Wolfram already gave a million reasons for why a Champion would or would not be up for it that are supported by current content.

I think Cait mentions it, but it's because several members are brainwashed and forced to join.
This is indeed one of the in game given reasons. Quin backs it up at one point. Hell even Tollas suggest some cult members had given in too much in a writing you can find.

I feel like the only part about your request that would actually work is Kasyrra taking your soul and you becoming a demon since that could work the same way as one of the gods taking your soul.

I 100% support this.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
This is indeed one of the in game given reasons. Quin backs it up at one point. Hell even Tollas suggest some cult members had given in too much in a writing you can find.

Wow. You know it's bad when that guy is disappointed in you. Though after encountering the crazy goblin cultist, is anyone surprised?

Being corrupt doesn't mean you automatically feel a kinship with corrupt beings. You can even have Brint or Arona do it for you in most cases or if you do have a kinship or simply are merciful just don't click on the kill button. I haven't come across an enemy we were forced to kill.

If you're playing as a pragmatic sex fiend, you'd want to stop them because they're more trouble than they're worth. Kind of hard to move around large resources for Kas's projects when everyone is to busy raping and pillaging.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Doesn't Berwyn whine about not liking anal anytime you do it (outside of 1 scene i think)?

He won't admit he likes anal, but he really enjoys having his butt (he cums hard from being spanked) and/or prostate played with. Even the scene where he rides you, he'll go to town on your dick by himself.

Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
Wow. You know it's bad when that guy is disappointed in you.
He never planned on Kas being summoned into our world and only gave sacrifices in exchange for magic power for a small cult, not the vast army it's slowly becoming. He definitely had no plans for world domination. There's a bad end where he captures you in a gem and then uses that gem to take down Kas. Though in that same ending Kas does confess genuine love for the champion and so they spend eternity fucking.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Ultimately, if no one wants to incorporate wings then it should be stated in game why they're not used. It can be as simple as the Champ not knowing how to use them because they're technically two new limbs and the Champ has spent their entire life up till this point without them.
Until you get cases like wing marked Wyld Elf champs who probably had those wings for years (Excluding maybe having them at birth as wings are invasive in that bit) up to that point so them not being able to know how to fly would be bogus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Bear TF. Different fur colors can reference real life bear species. Bears are adorable so taking some bear features (claws, ears, maybe furred limbs, eyes) and putting them on a woman would be satisfying. Now I know what you're thinking: "but Wint3r you dumb slut, the tanuki look like bears." and no, you're wrong, they're just brown raccoons. Trust me. Now I know what you're also thinking: "Wint3r you obnoxious war criminal, the lupines fulfill all primal animalistic kinks. And you have the half lupines for yourself." but I ask you to look at a picture of wolf and then a bear. Which is cuter?

It's the bear. Bears are cuter.

And speaking of animalistic features such as claws, claw swipe power for lupines/half-lupines with the proper arms, other races that might have claws, etc. It would just be a penetrating damage version of tail whack without the elemental damage so it wouldn't be broken or run into the issue of becoming the winged dragon naga. And it would give some variety to races. Downside, I don't know if anyone but me would use it compared to other abilities but I know I would use it.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Bear TF. Different fur colors can reference real life bear species. Bears are adorable so taking some bear features (claws, ears, maybe furred limbs, eyes) and putting them on a woman would be satisfying. Now I know what you're thinking: "but Wint3r you dumb slut, the tanuki look like bears." and no, you're wrong, they're just brown raccoons. Trust me. Now I know what you're also thinking: "Wint3r you obnoxious war criminal, the lupines fulfill all primal animalistic kinks. And you have the half lupines for yourself." but I ask you to look at a picture of wolf and then a bear. Which is cuter?

It's the bear. Bears are cuter.

There is a bear TF in the review queue. It's been sitting there forever.

Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021