What content would you like added?

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Basically, the PC is always of a somewhat normal body shape. Two legs, no taur or naga lower bodies, and only two arms and one head. Wings and tails are allowed. Also the PC always has some form of genital. These assumptions makes it easier for writers to create scenes, and reduces the parser mess needed to account for various scenarios (such as being a neuter taur). Most forms of persistant modularity would interfere with this. However, you can still use it for NPCs, or have the PC gain temporary modularity if it is removed by the end of the scene.
This, all of this. I don't write to support naga or taur stuff, but I try to not write in a way that blatantly ignores it, and I've had to re-think entire sex scenes because I couldn't just assume the PC has two legs. And sometimes I just have to say "fuck it, I don't know how the taur gets in the tiny shower, it just does". Not having to worry about that is going to be great.

Not having to worry about the PC not having genitals is a minor thing, because you can usually just specify that they're required for a scene. But I already screwed that up once, so I'm glad to see it's not a thing in CoC2. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Modular is the ability to take ones self apart safely, with being able to reattach the parts or even new parts. Like being able to pull off your dick use it as a club and put it back on. Or take off your head, and put it on a super robot body. Or perhaps the monster's head. Think the Feiry creatures from the Labyrinth.

Merging is the ability to blend things together. Like two characters merging into one more powerful character. Or turning someone into your cock via CTF and merging.

What is CTF?

And I very much doubt any of that will happen. There is that one Dullahan companion that's planned, so I guess her being able to remove her head might work, but I very much doubt that'll happen to the players simply because of the weirdness that'll introduce to writing. Same with merging, as then you have to add a ton of scenes and such for a tiny minority of the players, and I am willing to bet that won't happen


New Member
Apr 26, 2018
@Raindrops (I think it means Cock transformation, mostly by turning people getting fucked into the dick of their fuckers. Might sometimes be a cunt transformation too, I guess? Not my thing but semi-related to what we peddle around here.)

I am glad to hear the news of CoC2, and I love the concept of us experiencing a fresh fantasy world getting showered in corruption. I imagine this would make for a great setting to observe various innocent characters resist or embrace various changes put upon them or themselves.

I got some wishes I'd like to toss out there. I don't think I saw anything like them back in the thread, so I apologize if I'm making lightning strike twice here.

- Self image/mental transformations. Basically the ability to change your body image and preferences: Start with "What the fuck, I just grew a pussy?? DO NOT WANT," After a few hours of masturbation you grudgingly go "Welp, I guess multiple orgasms ain't so bad." A few more days it slides over to "I need something more than this dildo... and it has to be BIGGER! And I need hips to get laid, and I need to get rid of this to get laid..."

Various transforming and corrupting items could in theory transform your mind to want something before your body has changed, which could open up for fun "I must resist my urges" moments which I find fits the theme of corruption very well. In theory this could also be used to make your character ask himself twice before drinking that potion of femininity, and on the other hand, it could make them really, really, want to drink that potion because that would bring them closer to what they'd like to be.

Should in theory be relatively easy to implement if one makes it something like a -10 to 10 scale of dislike/like where 3 to 5 might be normal appreciation/dislike of your junk. having a -3 to "the concept of having a vag (conceptVag)" while having a 3 in (conceptDick) would put you at a pretty average cis-gendered male that thinks "dicks are cool on him and prefers vaginas on women." Bit more work would be adding subtype preferences like "sissy dicks," But I'd say it would be like adding any sort of concept about a sexual organ to your mind. The biggest number is the one that gets priority. Some curses/items might increase, for example, your "sissy dick" preferences and reduce your "normal/above average dick" preferences. Getting very high positive or negative numbers could then be used to initiate events like hunting down dink shrinking items. a "conceptDick" score of a slightly delusional desire of 8-10, would probably provoke that character to take steps to get that average dick expanded to something safely in the double digits.

- More persistent/varied transformations items, i.e. "The Treatment"-likes, curses triggered by various conditions, event things etc. One time one change potions has their place, but I hope we can relive some of that "What does this thing do then" that was half the fun for me when playing CoC.

- More mystery items that does unknown things? I guess I'm a fan of roguelikes and discovering what various transforming items does by trying them out on yourself/others. I can guess from the design doc about alchemy that this isn't a priority, but I hope we will see a few novel items to make the CoC2 experience feel new.

I think I'll stop myself there. I saw there was mentioned earlier that implementing "historic memory" of your previous forms is a lot of work for few quips of text. (I can imagine that keeping a copy of a historical state of the character in every NPC he interacts with might be a bit annoying to maintain.) I think it's a bit of a shame, as half the fun with TF kinks is how people react to a person, even more so if they knew who they were before. Still. it's porn. I can accept that some choices will be sacrificed for the sanity of the developers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
@Raindrops (I think it means Cock transformation, mostly by turning people getting fucked into the dick of their fuckers. Might sometimes be a cunt transformation too, I guess? Not my thing but semi-related to what we peddle around here.)

I am glad to hear the news of CoC2, and I love the concept of us experiencing a fresh fantasy world getting showered in corruption. I imagine this would make for a great setting to observe various innocent characters resist or embrace various changes put upon them or themselves.

- More persistent/varied transformations items, i.e. "The Treatment"-likes, curses triggered by various conditions, event things etc. One time one change potions has their place, but I hope we can relive some of that "What does this thing do then" that was half the fun for me when playing CoC.

- More mystery items that does unknown things? I guess I'm a fan of roguelikes and discovering what various transforming items does by trying them out on yourself/others. I can guess from the design doc about alchemy that this isn't a priority, but I hope we will see a few novel items to make the CoC2 experience feel new.

I suspect that if CTF means "transform other people into your cock" then it's proooooobably never going to happen, except maybe like one specific encounter or something. Sounds like a titanic pain in the ass to deal with for the good of a (probably) tiny minority.

I do know that several permanent TFs have been planned, that you have to sell your soul to acquire... so, that might scratch that itch you got there?

And remember that you can always eat the raw ingredients for potions to have it be properly random... The alchemy is just a further refinement of the raw ingredient to narrow it down to do exactly what you want (which is indeed a huge wish for many players, me among them)
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
What`s the word on temporary TFs?
Like "Hey, take this to transform into XYZ for an hour!"? Would be in effect only during scenes.


New Member
Apr 26, 2018
I suspect that if CTF means "transform other people into your cock" then it's proooooobably never going to happen, except maybe like one specific encounter or something. Sounds like a titanic pain in the ass to deal with for the good of a (probably) tiny minority.

I do know that several permanent TFs have been planned, that you have to sell your soul to acquire... so, that might scratch that itch you got there?

And remember that you can always eat the raw ingredients for potions to have it be properly random... The alchemy is just a further refinement of the raw ingredient to narrow it down to do exactly what you want (which is indeed a huge wish for many players, me among them)

A ctf kink could be implemented relatively easily as a black magic spell for combat situations with mooks as the victims, and other story events if it can be reversible, but yeah, hard to implement in too many perspectives and with permanent removal of characters. Or, a ctf themed NPC accidentally/otherwise getting ctf-attached to you, Shouldra style.

I guess soul selling works... but it seems a bit like a "you've lost" choice without me having read the details about how that would work. I'm more a fan of walking the line, coming across various challenges and making poor choices and having to live with them and trying not to fall deeper into the rabbit hole.

Random raw ingredients sounds a bit like the classic items in CoC, which I can't complain about. I've no strong opinions on how to implement this as it's more a question of overall design choice than code executions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I guess soul selling works... but it seems a bit like a "you've lost" choice without me having read the details about how that would work. I'm more a fan of walking the line, coming across various challenges and making poor choices and having to live with them and trying not to fall deeper into the rabbit hole.

That sounds like exactly what a ton of people would rebel against... "Oh, sorry no, you made a bad choice and now you've got a permanent TF" would only lead to the majority of players savescumming to remove it. Any permanent TFs should be a major event that is very clearly warned about beforehand


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2018
I could see forced/permanent TFs working if you can disable them in the options menu.


New Member
Mar 14, 2017
Had a thought for the people who wanted to see NPCs reacting to the player's transformations:

The game already tracks if it's the first time meeting an NPC, right? So what if big external transformations (new face type, fur, perhaps a big enough shift in one or more body parts) set a flag so that the next NPC you talk to will comment on it, provided it's not your first time meeting them. Then that clears the flag, and we assume knowledge of your new appearance spreads via word of mouth or something. A quick 'oh I almost didn't recognize you' to humanize the world, without having to track whether every single NPC in the game has seen you since you last decided you didn't like your nose.
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Had a thought for the people who wanted to see NPCs reacting to the player's transformations:

The game already tracks if it's the first time meeting an NPC, right? So what if big external transformations (new face type, fur, perhaps a big enough shift in one or more body parts) set a flag so that the next NPC you talk to will comment on it, provided it's not your first time meeting them. Then that clears the flag, and we assume knowledge of your new appearance spreads via word of mouth or something. A quick 'oh I almost didn't recognize you' to humanize the world, without having to track whether every single NPC in the game has seen you since you last decided you didn't like your nose.
There's a long conversation about this on page nine of this thread. Not sure if you read it or not, but Upcast Drake said that doing all the programming it would take for just that little blurb is not going to happen: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/what-content-would-you-like-added.13015/page-9#post-237353
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New Member
Apr 26, 2018
That sounds like exactly what a ton of people would rebel against... "Oh, sorry no, you made a bad choice and now you've got a permanent TF" would only lead to the majority of players savescumming to remove it. Any permanent TFs should be a major event that is very clearly warned about beforehand

Welp, I guess this depends on your definition of permanency. The bimbo tf's back in CoC 1 / "the treatment" is what I'd probably define as "Permanent" in this context. Stuff that adds persistent traits and numbers that you can't undo without hacking the game. I can agree that would require options and warnings.

I guess what specifically I was thinking of with "treatment-likes" is potions and items that have multiple stages, although they don't need to be permanent and irreversible. It could be like a feminine flu, working like a DnD disease until immunity is gained or the process has completed. Maybe something of a curse that only triggers when the character does things, like masturbating. Could be some sort of re-usability of an item, succubus milk giving you breasts that leak more succubus milk which might cause you to have a sip when lust gets too high or just bottling it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I suspect most of that would get solved if Adjatha was kept away :p

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Honestly, I really just want portraits to not be like Tits where they are balloons,,,

DCL will be doing much of the art, and Cheshire will be coming back once she finishes up her backlog.

Take away what you will from that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
DCL will be doing much of the art, and Cheshire will be coming back once she finishes up her backlog.

Take away what you will from that.

Who did the art that's already in the game? in particular the orc. Not trying to be rude or anything, but very much not a fan of the orc face art there


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Chesire did most if not all the art in the game so far.


New Member
Mar 14, 2017

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Yeah, that's what started me down that train, I was shower-thinking my way through a simpler solution.
I get you. And I can understand why people want that, but I also understand why the devs said no. *shrug*


New Member
Apr 26, 2018
On the topic of breasts sizes, would it be a bit more interesting to chop up the size categories a bit? "small/average/large" in each cup category would triple the steps and probably let you get away from "massive cup change syndrome." Or, if that's what floats someone's boat, makes it an even bigger adventure.

Will body sizes be a factor in CoC2? I expect we shouldn't expect [dnd large size] proportions with the "no mechanics like snake/taur bodies that require extra writing for everyone else" in place. The smut nerd in me wonders about this because breasts measurements are relative to body size, but it's not really a problem with the cup system.
Still, sometimes you'd like a way to calculate an approximate amount of boob flesh and weight for a scene, so having a way to multiply cup sizes with body size and give you an amount of flesh characters can play around with, might be useful for smut writing.

Edit: I think this actually is relevant for dick sizes as well. An 9" dick isn't much to brag about on a 8' tall body. The inch scale might be slightly irrelevant and probably would make more sense to be a result of a multiplier of the body size and a arbitrary dick size variable.
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Xazis Suj

New Member
Apr 30, 2018
Big fan here.

I would like to see bad ends but for the NPCs. Slaving more companions and that kind of things.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
After reading through some TiTS content and some submissions, I kinda have one more new hope for CoC2. Tonal Consistency.

TiTS always feel like it's stuck in the middle of being a space-fantasy romp and a dark narrative about crime and slaves and companies and so forth. With CoC2, I really hope that it can stick to one or the other or just finding a good balance of whatever themes it wants to go with while still going with a sexual-fantasy game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
shark people and shark tf and kangaroo people and tfs and of course mpreg (i doubt mpreg will be added but i wish sigh)
and lastly id love to have a trap travel companion x3

Rabbid Pencil

New Member
May 3, 2018
I'd like to see an option for a Draconic/Lizard man starting race, Scalies gotta get represented haha. Marking would be a major plus, gotta appreciate visible hickies and bites. I'm not sure how it would be described in text but some ahegao would be badass. Also some Tsundere would fit in pretty well with this type of game. Cheers.


May 4, 2018
Sentient Symbiotes. Like the Mimbraines, but actually intelligent--I like to share my body--and I think you could have some neat interactions with them.
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May 4, 2018
Also--how tall will the PC be able to be? And will there be some content for those of the mini-giantess persuasion? Such as--meeting a much smaller NPC and lifting them up and using them like a toy?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Also--how tall will the PC be able to be? And will there be some content for those of the mini-giantess persuasion? Such as--meeting a much smaller NPC and lifting them up and using them like a toy?

I think Ninian (written by Bubblelord) is like a foot tall or something, so that might be something that scratches your itch?
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