What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
why the fuck there so many doms and few cute subby guys?? like sheesh give me like 50 pure twinks.
More guys, and subs, in general. And more guys with vaginas, we only have like 2-3.
If there was an option to instantly win or lose every fight, it would be vastly preferable to the combat, which is either boring or frustrating.
I disagree, as combat and the related mechanics are actually a big part of a lot of people's enjoyment.
giant boobs twenty thousand times the size of their body and a giant phallus even bigger than that that sprays impossible amounts of whatever into Steele's orifices and makes their butt cervix explode and their throat ejaculate and other anatomically questionable results and that's all somehow pleasurable. But what can you do.
Yeah, hyper in general is a turnoff for me, but I deal with it.
Oh, on a relatively serious note, I get that the game is preoccupied with dicks and all, but I'm pretty sure that when non-dick-havers have sex with each other they're not fantasizing about dicks. It's not good to have these 'sapphic' scenes that read, "Cat Lady's tongue penetrates your cock pit like a tiny limp wet dick, providing stimulation that makes your hole, which is nature's warm sock for penises, clench as if around a giant dick, man dicks are great guys you don't even know. You use your fingers like thin dexterous prehensile dicks to penetrate Cat Lady's own phallus repository, wringing a sigh of delight from her dick-sucking cockpillows." I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but when people who don't have penises are having sex with each other without using dildos or whatever I would think that penises would not be on their minds. It's like playing pool and describing everything through the context of baseball. Although now that I typed that, I'm not sure if that's even a thing worth bringing up, unless there's like an editorial standard or something for user-submitted content. Whatever.
I love subs
my only problem with TiTs is that they make all the subby dues fem. Nothing wrong but like I like masc guys too hook a brotha up
This is also good.
a female that isn't actually a dude with no gina.
Oh yay, someone calling me a man, this doesn't make anyone uncomfortable, I'll just go sit in a corner...


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Y'all need a good Orc daddy.

Tbh, I'm personally more annoyed with the amount of rough doms and I don't really find them endearing or fun at all, but that's largely down to personal preference. Soft doms and equals are much more up my alley but I can't really think of many (soft doms) beyond...let's see, Beatrice Reasner is one and....I'm drawing a blank for the most part, unless I decide to read Brandt's and Anzhela's scenes that way, and Shade Irons, too.

Sexual gripes aside, I'm still holding out for when we can get around to factions the PC can join. I've been mulling a character idea around for a while now but I doubt they'd make much sense until factions are a thing. I still want my Steele to marry into a mafia family because I dig the flair (or settle for a space pirate that isn't fucking Kiro because I really don't care for her one iota.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i wish nipple fucking wasnt exclusive to lipples and cunt nipples. i usually see normal nipples being penetrated (though this kind of content is rare in general.)

not enough scenes for the lipples and dickles


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Soft doms and equals are much more up my alley but I can't really think of many (soft doms) beyond...let's see, Beatrice Reasner is one and....I'm drawing a blank for the most part, unless I decide to read Brandt's and Anzhela's scenes that way, and Shade Irons, too.
Does Xanthe count in your book? I liked her scenes, just wish she had more.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I'll be honest here, I never bothered with Xanthe because she didn't interest me personally, so I'll have to take your word for it until I decide to make a detour and check her out in more detail for myself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Oh yay, someone calling me a man, this doesn't make anyone uncomfortable, I'll just go sit in a corner...

Hey Scarlette knight. Nowhere in my former post did I say You were a man, and if you took it that way you took it the wrong way. My gripe was that there were alot of futanari and people with dicks in the galaxy.

I don't get where you thought to yourself that I said that you yourself was a guy, but I didn't say that, I feel that you are either trying to start something or trying to find something that isn't there and sadly I don't think your gonna find anything because all I'm saying is I just wanted more straight up women in the game, women with vaginas, if that's calling you a guy then I think you should just block me.

But back to the subject at hand, I believe we should have more characters that have dick size calculated so they can take bigger dicks, because I feel like I'm getting kinda shafted when my milfy demon dom steele gets fucked in the ass by someone with a big dick, then you turn around and be like."My turn" they just cry and say we can't do this, that's too big my pussy too small or my ass is too small, I can understand them not fitting in the ass, but it feels like I'm being shafted.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Hey Scarlette knight. Nowhere in my former post did I say You were a man, and if you took it that way you took it the wrong way. My gripe was that there were alot of futanari and people with dicks in the galaxy.
You're not wrong that there seems to be a disproportionate amount of dicks in the universe, though tons of people have said this before. But the phrasing made it sound as though women without vaginas aren't really women, which makes me feel terribly uncomfortable, especially after hearing it so much irl. I apologise for the rather bitchy comment though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
We need more actually alien content. This is a game about exploring the galaxy, there should be lifeforms that aren't based directly off one existing species. The Tove are a good example of this, as well as Samarins and Dzaan, but many races are just "What if this animal was a person and also in space". Not that that isn't good, mind you, I'd just appreciate more variety.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
We need more actually alien content. This is a game about exploring the galaxy, there should be lifeforms that aren't based directly off one existing species. The Tove are a good example of this, as well as Samarins and Dzaan, but many races are just "What if this animal was a person and also in space". Not that that isn't good, mind you, I'd just appreciate more variety.
Rodenians are pretty alien, but the only sexable one is a very specific non-repeatable encounter.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
We need more actually alien content. This is a game about exploring the galaxy, there should be lifeforms that aren't based directly off one existing species. The Tove are a good example of this, as well as Samarins and Dzaan, but many races are just "What if this animal was a person and also in space". Not that that isn't good, mind you, I'd just appreciate more variety.

I agree. That should also go hand in hand with actually alien societies. I think the Zil and Korgonne were a good start in regards to their worldbuilding (and the Myr, to an extent) but there's been little alien culture shown. And I'm still holding out for more monstrous creatures or downright strange sentients that don't look it at first glance, like the Frostwyrm (or, let's be honest, creatures like Oddworld's Gabbits, I guess?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You know this galaxy could do with like some Hanar like aliens or volus or something else, but it would be hard to code them or sex them because one is a jelly fish creature that walks with tendtrils while the other is a short suited creature.

Personally I feel Rodians will just be furries that just act a bit differently than other races. Like just a race of kitsune but instead of having normal tails they have their pussy in their tails and have sex that way, just a little different and look like something that's not really too different.

Would be cool to have a crazy alien race that would be like a floating jelly fish where if you ask to sex it, they poke you in between your eyes with a tentical and overload your senses making you orgasm instantly filling your mind with all the things they could do to you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Actually I got another gripe. You can't punch people in the game, you can only hit them with a rock. The fucks my physical score for,(besides winning strenght checks) if I don't just punch enemies lights out.

It's weird, yeah, BUT! With the Great Majin added, I've been circumventing the unarmed issue with the shock gloves and greaves you can win there. Punching aliens with thunder is very fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
It's weird, yeah, BUT! With the Great Majin added, I've been circumventing the unarmed issue with the shock gloves and greaves you can win there. Punching aliens with thunder is very fun.

No that's the right way to battle someone, you shouldn't hit them with those shocky gloves, I want some good old fist fighting with out the shocks. But thanks for reminding me of the shock gear tho.

If only I could punch people with out the use of a melee weapon, then I could do a space yakuza like run where I punch all my enemies and take them down using combos and shiz too bad I guess. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I personally favor weapon choices for flavor over ideal in-slot stuff, so I tend to gravitate toward any sort of dagger (hardlight or dancing flashblade and such), the shock gear or Predator Talons - and, especially with taurs, spears and lances.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2017
I know I've whined about this before, at least I think I have, but male npcs that require feminity. I wish they'd just settle for vagina. Grumble grumble.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This is more of a whine than a criticism.

Tired of running out to buy condensol because my Steele's big dick won't fit in some slag's hole but at the same time small enough that it gets laughed at by Ellie. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. :negativeman:

If only there was some magic transformative that gave you the ability to change your genitals to whatever, wherever, from the appearence menu.