What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Active Member
Jul 14, 2018
Probably that despite the amazing array of characters and decisions at your disposal - a lot of your choices feel like they just don't matter at all. No matter what you say or do with a character, it generally doesn't take you anywhere special. There's some moments where it does, and it's great! Truly, the times where the effort is put in is greatly appreciated and I do understand that for such a giant project, we can't let every decision change things but when I'm given a choice on how to interact with a character, I generally want to know that if I acted a different way, they wouldn't be just as receptive. At points it can make them feel... Shallow. A little hollow.

Doesn't stop me loving the game though, but that's my two cents.
Every time I look at my Codex and a body part is listed as being MORE than 100% of my bodyweight the shitty nerd in me whines how that isn't how it WORKS.

TBH we shouldn't be allowed to be more than about 9'6" just to make coding and scene design somewhat sane, and balls shouldn't be allowed to be larger than the distance from your crotch to the floor.

Hardlight bra and thong erase all sins. Though the pink hover board will also release you of your burdens as the game doesn't yet account for immense, lactating breasts. Your nut can however anchor you firmly in place...


Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
What bothers me as well is, that there are a lot of good story premises being wasted, like the Myrellion war, Victor Steele's space probes and the rival, Saendra and the Black Void syndicate and the "Hand So" superintelligence (could end up being reprogrammed to serve Steele, though it would be pretty overpowered).

I agree. The possibility of being able to glass Myrellion, and destroy Tarkus are pretty neat. I think the space probes will probably happen at the end of every planet, more or less. Hopefully we can develop our relationship with our rival more with more encounters.

The Black Void is involved in a lot of stuff. Anno's girlfriend is descended from a dreadlord. Saendra's half-sister is a dreadlord. Shade Iron's sometimes-lover is a dread lord. The dude in the intro that gave us our first ship knocked up a dreadlord. Maybe one day, these large stakes will mean something. But for now, TiTS feels frozen in time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
The Black Void is involved in a lot of stuff. Anno's girlfriend is descended from a dreadlord. Saendra's half-sister is a dreadlord. Shade Iron's sometimes-lover is a dread lord. The dude in the intro that gave us our first ship knocked up a dreadlord. Maybe one day, these large stakes will mean something. But for now, TiTS feels frozen in time.

Is it just me or are at least half the dreadlords mentioned in essence the one and only Lord Bragga? And now I'm trying to imagine a version of TiTS where you're actually able to get all buddy-buddy with them and transform the company (or your own, more personal endeavors) into a shadow empire on the fringe. Or at least get your pirate friends to ice your cousin, depending on the PC's personality.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
There's two mentioned Dread Lords. Amara Faell and Lord Bragga. Undoubted there's more, but they're the ones that have received any focus or appearance in game.

Supposedly there's going to be factions, but that's more late game stuff...


Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
Hmm. I seem to have found an inconsistency. Is the translation done by your codex, or by "microsurgeons in your blood", as mentioned in the Gold Myr Ambassador's introduction?


Aug 27, 2015
Hmm. I seem to have found an inconsistency. Is the translation done by your codex, or by "microsurgeons in your blood", as mentioned in the Gold Myr Ambassador's introduction?
I would think the actual processing of the translation is done by your codex, the 'microsurgeons' just adjust the signals going to/coming from your brain. That way what you hear is english even though the other person may be speaking 'Myr' (whatever their language is called), and when you speak it still sounds like english to you but you're actually using 'Myr'.


Feb 28, 2016
At this point, considering the accelerating rate that they're taking down and reviewing projects, my biggest gripe with TiTS is that it's tied to Patreon. Personally, I'd love it if TiTS got a different payment processor (Primarily, if I'm being honest, because incest is my favorite adult game fetish. You know, that scaaaaaary fetish that includes vanilla heterosexual sex between consenting adults. Spooooooooky). Maybe Rival content hasn't ever been a high priority for this project, but at least it might be a possibility again under those circumstances.

But we'll have to see. The trouble is that if Patreon flagged Fenoxo for adult content, I don't think there's much that could really be done about it aside from leaving. Hopefully there's a contingency plan in place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
OK, Back on topic! If there's one thing I have a problem with, it's gotta be the backlog. We don't have nearly enough coders and submission combers. That and some things take fucking forever to get in, i.e. Rhenworld.
I think a lot of volunteer coders have stepped up recently and put a dent in the backlog. The bottleneck now is getting the work assigned. I've been waiting for more work for a few weeks. However being in the software industry I get that managing a project is a job in itself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
At this point, considering the accelerating rate that they're taking down and reviewing projects, my biggest gripe with TiTS is that it's tied to Patreon. Personally, I'd love it if TiTS got a different payment processor (Primarily, if I'm being honest, because incest is my favorite adult game fetish. You know, that scaaaaaary fetish that includes vanilla heterosexual sex between consenting adults. Spooooooooky). Maybe Rival content hasn't ever been a high priority for this project, but at least it might be a possibility again under those circumstances.

But we'll have to see. The trouble is that if Patreon flagged Fenoxo for adult content, I don't think there's much that could really be done about it aside from leaving. Hopefully there's a contingency plan in place.
Pateron breaks it's own rules if the account makes enough money for them and I doubt Patreon will be getting any competition any time soon since just about all alternate startups seem to be havens for racists and other such people that can't get an account on Patreon. Other examples of this would be Yotube and Twitch that pretty much allow their big content creators to get away with (rules) murder.


Feb 28, 2016
Pateron breaks it's own rules if the account makes enough money for them and I doubt Patreon will be getting any competition any time soon since just about all alternate startups seem to be havens for racists and other such people that can't get an account on Patreon. Other examples of this would be Yotube and Twitch that pretty much allow their big content creators to get away with (rules) murder.

I'm not sure I buy that argument. DarkCookie (of Summertime Saga fame) makes more money than Fenoxo does on Patreon and still got dinged with a review and had to revise his game before the page could go back up.

That seems to mean there's not much to do aside from hope TiTS doesn't draw too much ire from Patreon, but that sucks. For those of us who aren't trying to make a living from this game, I assumed we were here because weird porn is awesome. Weird porn that's trying to keep from scaring the suits is...somewhat less awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I'm not sure I buy that argument. DarkCookie (of Summertime Saga fame) makes more money than Fenoxo does on Patreon and still got dinged with a review and had to revise his game before the page could go back up.

That seems to mean there's not much to do aside from hope TiTS doesn't draw too much ire from Patreon, but that sucks. For those of us who aren't trying to make a living from this game, I assumed we were here because weird porn is awesome. Weird porn that's trying to keep from scaring the suits is...somewhat less awesome.

Recently Patreon suspended Indivi's patreon page. However all that has to be done was to make the patreon page PG, the games themselves didn't have to change. After that the suspension was lifted. So the worst thing that will happen is the Patreon page for Tits will need to be cleaned up.
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New Member
Jul 17, 2018
They thing that annoys me is the fact that CoC had quick save hotkeys but as far as i can tell TiTs does not have quick save hotkeys and i really wish it did.


Jan 23, 2018
I think this is rose-tinted glasses in action, tbh. Fenoxo's games have always been majorly slanted towards female/futa NPC content. We had this exact complaint continuously during the CoC years, we will go on to have it for as long as we're creating them.

I still play CoC. It isn't rose-tinted glasses. It is specifically the reason why I do not play TiTS and play CoC instead.

While it was still slanted towards herms and female NPCs, it still had quite a bit of straight for female content characters to enjoy. I wouldn't have kept playing it if it didn't. Especially with the Revamp mod which everyone seems to hate, but it does add more males. Add on top of that all the awesome breeding content. There was a ton of different ways to get knocked up. Incubi, Kelt, imps, minotaurs, demon dogs, Erlking, etc, etc. It might be a 80-20 relationship, but at least it is something. And the herms we did get were at least slightly interesting. I never cared about the "waifus", I cared about the enemies you fought

TiTS is entirely dickgirls, herms, and females. And even the females are shallow as hell. And the few guys that are in the game are usually feminine or just plain mutants.

TiTS is pretty much a contest to see who can make the weirdest, most bimbo-like herm/dickgirl
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
How anatomically incorrect Emby's genital transition scene is, among other similar scenes. The parts of a vagina are 1:1 analogous to the parts of a penis. The line down the middle of a dick? That turns into the lips of the vagina. The clitoris? Analogous to the head of the penis. They're the same parts, just arranged differently. Granted, I'm probably alone in this criticism, since I read a medical textbook over and over as a kid instead of the books meant for someone my age. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
How anatomically incorrect Emby's genital transition scene is, among other similar scenes. The parts of a vagina are 1:1 analogous to the parts of a penis. The line down the middle of a dick? That turns into the lips of the vagina. The clitoris? Analogous to the head of the penis. They're the same parts, just arranged differently. Granted, I'm probably alone in this criticism, since I read a medical textbook over and over as a kid instead of the books meant for someone my age. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're not wrong, but...
I can't say I ever saw that scene as I always make Embry keep her dick.
I tell her that I like dick, 'cause I do, so she keeps hers. Just bothers me that we don't use it since she has it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
Minor gripe: The only way to get the frontal splotch is by using Shark Bites, which really isn't that bad since they don't cost much and it's easy to get that effect if you savescum or just use the editor, but it feels like it shouldn't be restricted to just this one consumable.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Minor gripe: The only way to get the frontal splotch is by using Shark Bites, which really isn't that bad since they don't cost much and it's easy to get that effect if you savescum or just use the editor, but it feels like it shouldn't be restricted to just this one consumable.

Frontal splotch? What is that?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2018
my fucked up mind!!!!!!
why the fuck there so many doms and few cute subby guys?? like sheesh give me like 50 pure twinks.

i'm not complaining about people writing these characters though, most of them are really well written (i.e mirrin) and just don't appeal to me, but they're great for people who have a different mindset. i just feel like the overall dom chars outweigh the sub chars if you exclude things such as winning in combat

another thing that mildly bothers me: apparently everyone can fit inside steele but mildly hung steele's can only fit with help of temporary space drugs whats up with that
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Mar 19, 2018
If there was an option to instantly win or lose every fight, it would be vastly preferable to the combat, which is either boring or frustrating.

That being said, I don't know why people in this thread are asking for more or less of this or that content, but as long as it's up for discussion, there needs to be a crop of NPCs who are ugly and terrible in bed (to be fair, the ExtraMeet app is kind of this). I guess it's the curse of porno writing, especially in a game like this with a potpourri of random content from random contributors that have nothing to do with each other, but it gets samey after a while reading about how every character has giant boobs twenty thousand times the size of their body and a giant phallus even bigger than that that sprays impossible amounts of whatever into Steele's orifices and makes their butt cervix explode and their throat ejaculate and other anatomically questionable results and that's all somehow pleasurable. But what can you do.

Really, I guess I kind of like that Steele's body is just a big elastic tube that apparently lacks any sort of internal structures or sphincters that would stop fluids from just going wherever they feel like once they get into an orifice. Oh hey, someone turned on a firehose inside Steele's pussy, I guess it'll just shoot straight into the womb until their body literally expands like a balloon, there's no cervix or anything, it's fine and it feels good, nevermind that anything like that should be so impossibly painful that it's weird to think about. Like imagine the gender-flipped version, where I guess someone cums into Steele's penis so hard that their urethra explodes.

Oh, on a relatively serious note, I get that the game is preoccupied with dicks and all, but I'm pretty sure that when non-dick-havers have sex with each other they're not fantasizing about dicks. It's not good to have these 'sapphic' scenes that read, "Cat Lady's tongue penetrates your cock pit like a tiny limp wet dick, providing stimulation that makes your hole, which is nature's warm sock for penises, clench as if around a giant dick, man dicks are great guys you don't even know. You use your fingers like thin dexterous prehensile dicks to penetrate Cat Lady's own phallus repository, wringing a sigh of delight from her dick-sucking cockpillows." I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but when people who don't have penises are having sex with each other without using dildos or whatever I would think that penises would not be on their minds. It's like playing pool and describing everything through the context of baseball. Although now that I typed that, I'm not sure if that's even a thing worth bringing up, unless there's like an editorial standard or something for user-submitted content. Whatever.


why the fuck there so many doms and few cute subby guys?? like sheesh give me like 50 pure twinks.

i'm not complaining about people writing these characters though, most of them are really well written (i.e mirrin) and just don't appeal to me, but they're great for people who have a different mindset. i just feel like the overall dom chars outweigh the sub chars if you exclude things such as winning in combat

I love subs
my only problem with TiTs is that they make all the subby dues fem. Nothing wrong but like I like masc guys too hook a brotha up