What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
courier run up to hand it off to you

"Nope. Sorry. Nothing."

As for my own gripes... language and world-building. Is everyone speaking their own tongue and it gets translated somehow? The cave den on Uveto had, I think, 2 different authors each trying to make their own sort of babble-English and it was kinda immersion breaking.

I don't know if Fenoxo will ever be able to make TiTS into anything more than what is effectively a sofurry.com implemented in Adobe Flash. If you check the codex, the species descriptions are not standardized. Combat is the same no matter what you use. You land a hit! The hit connects! This is likely a mandatory feature of having weapons all written up by different authors. You need a generic phrase for it.

Also, I just had a sleepover. How many 20-something year old CEO-wannabe's have sleepovers...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I personally could do with more transformation/starting species variety. Now, I don't expect species from yet unknown planets by the time character creation takes place, but I still get the feeling there'd have to be more options than just pure human, one awesome taur and various flavors of furry (or whatever Ausar, Kaithrit and Kui-Tan pass for. And Gryvain, I guess.)

Another thing that annoys me personally is likely hard to translate into functional code, but it basically boils down to taking the PC's genetics into account when they're -not- pure human, but half-whatever alien species you picked at the beginning. It always makes me wonder since hybrid children are a thing for NPC parents (and I'm giving pure humans a pass here because they're always the fantasy/SF blank canvas).

And while we're still sorta kinda on transformations: I miss not having at least one or two extra skills tied to the PC's form, like CoC had, as it makes transforming pretty much pointless, outside of trying to create a specific look or gaining a few of the far and inbetween racial skills (such as Myr venom, amazon perks or the bimbo state of being). A few more monstrous aliens or the ability to gain artificial limbs might be a step in the right direction, but...that's just me, really. Combat is clearly not built around the idea of TFs having any influence on it and I really miss that, for immersion's sake mostly.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
Combat is clearly not built around the idea of TFs having any influence on it and I really miss that, for immersion's sake mostly

This part sounds like the most probable mechanical addition to the game. We already have "careers" that allow us to add combat abilities, after all. That said, don't expect much offensive creativity other than "You land a hit! The hit connects!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
"Nope. Sorry. Nothing."

As for my own gripes... language and world-building. Is everyone speaking their own tongue and it gets translated somehow? The cave den on Uveto had, I think, 2 different authors each trying to make their own sort of babble-English and it was kinda immersion breaking.

Yes, your codex is a universal translator. It has trouble with the korgonne language though. That is why you can collect enough speech samples and eventually fix it so it isn't translating it into broken English anymore.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Combat is clearly not built around the idea of TFs having any influence on it and I really miss that, for immersion's sake mostly.
This was done on purpose, so people don't have to go for TFs they don't want just for the combat perks. I get why you miss it, and it was kind of cool - my cowmazon merc grew 7" horns, being able to ram someone with them would be fun. But in a game that's all about making your character who you want them to be, I think it works better the way it is. For example, I wouldn't want all my characters to grow a giant lizard tail with a club on the end just because it had the best stun attack in the game. :eek:

That said, don't expect much offensive creativity other than "You land a hit! The hit connects!"
I wrote up some combat attack/defense lines for a submission. It was boring as hell. Trying to come up with unique ways to say "you hit, it hits, it misses, it bounces off your shield" for just two creatures made me understand why the game has default lines for that.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
Trying to come up with unique ways to say

Oh uh I was thinking like, on a per-weapon basis. Right now a laser is no different from a bullet, really. I'm not thinking of a Dwarf Fortressesque backend, just a bit of onomatopoeia and visual description. Although, I suppose when the damage model is Bethesda inspired, there's not much to describe than "the enemy's HP went down"

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
The only real complaint I have about TiTS is that the PC can be locked out of content for no other reason then becouse the writer of said content just didnt include support for spesific content.
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The only real complaint I have about TiTS is that the PC can be locked out of content for no other reason than because the writer of said content just didn't include support for specific content.

Yeah but if every writer was required to make scenes that cater to every iteration of steele there'd be less content to code in.

I agree with you where gender is concerned but I also see the other side, espeically as a writer myself. I normally, for instance, don't account for nagas and taurs... i freely admit it. If it were my game the pc's body would only be bipedal so that writing would be easier and we wouldn't have this issue BUT that's not a fix that's ignoring the problem. I respect the taur players but I will also admit to rarely including them. I already include stuff for vaginas and that is also not my bag lol but I do it.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
I wish not every female dom or amazon was a futa. Only ones I can think of are Ramis (who isn't a Dom) and akane who is a bit to extreme though I did like her a lot. Sera and Mirrin for example are characters I really like and to an extent really enjoy but I cant fully get into them since I don't have a futa fetish. It would be nice to have a solid dom or amazon girl who isn't a futa


Active Member
Jun 6, 2018
I wish not every female dom or amazon was a futa. Only ones I can think of are Ramis (who isn't a Dom) and akane who is a bit to extreme though I did like her a lot. Sera and Mirrin for example are characters I really like and to an extent really enjoy but I cant fully get into them since I don't have a futa fetish. It would be nice to have a solid dom or amazon girl who isn't a futa
Well, there's Xanthe. I don't remember what her default config was, but you can ask her to be anything for a small fee. She is a giant caterpillar tho...

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I wish not every female dom or amazon was a futa. Only ones I can think of are Ramis (who isn't a Dom) and akane who is a bit to extreme though I did like her a lot. Sera and Mirrin for example are characters I really like and to an extent really enjoy but I cant fully get into them since I don't have a futa fetish. It would be nice to have a solid dom or amazon girl who isn't a futa
A character of mine who's a soft dom female got approved recently. Her name's Amber, and she insists on being on top. She's not mean or rough about it, and even has a scene where she ties you down. She is Treated, though, so I guess I hope you like cowgirls.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
The way you meet a good many of the characters is boring. They tend to be either stuffed into a bar somewhere or a shopkeeper. If TiTS had a tagline it would be screwing your way through every convenience store in the galaxy!

It's a lot more interesting to meet them out during adventures. Then of course when you do meet them most don't have much content beyond a few generic sex scenes. Characters are always way more memorable if sex is just part of the interactions you have with them and not the vast majority of it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
The way you meet a good many of the characters is boring. They tend to be either stuffed into a bar somewhere or a shopkeeper. If TiTS had a tagline it would be screwing your way through every convenience store in the galaxy!

It's a lot more interesting to meet them out during adventures. Then of course when you do meet them most don't have much content beyond a few generic sex scenes. Characters are always way more memorable if sex is just part of the interactions you have with them and not the vast majority of it.

Yeah, true. It really does make Bess/Ben one of the most memorable characters in my book, alongside Briha and Zenya. Though one or two shop-or-bar-centered characters buck the trend at least to a degree, namely Ellie on New Texas, Beatrice Reasner or Embry. It's a shame hardly any of the event-only appearances of certain characters can't be revisited - or if they do, lack content beyond the event conclusion. That's not too difficult to remedy down the line though.
Jul 8, 2018
It’s relatively common for NPCs to have huge equipment and scenes with Steele focused on dominating/degrading/humiliating Steele. Steele invariably can take the D, no matter the size.

For those searching for the reverse, the vast majority of encounters have a hard size cap, and few of them go as far or rub it in as much as the scenes where Steele is the receiving partner.

I understand this is a function of what the respective writers of a given scene want to focus on – the scenes with the huge NPC tops can easily focus on their size every time since that’s a fixed variable (and a desired focus for many), whereas the writer of a scene with a Steele top (unless size is a prerequisite and focus, which seems rare) usually writes a scene with maybe one or two sentences acknowledging size, but then ignoring it for the remainder of the basic scene.

In practice, this results in a world where no matter how huge the NPC, they can dominate and degrade Steele, while a Steele packing anything similar is locked out of most scenes, and only has very rare access to scenes where the size-focused domination and degradation are reversed.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Cuntboys/maleherm PC's being treated like females (biggest, most glaring example being the miscreant manor), despite being muscular and manly to the extreme. Is it really THAT hard to understand that they exist???
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Cuntboys/maleherm PC's being treated like females (biggest, most glaring example being the miscreant manor), despite being muscular and manly to the extreme. Is it really THAT hard to understand that they exist???

You..You do know you can set the thing in appearance for people to call you Mr right? Even if you have a vagoo and tits the size of h-cups
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
You..You do know you can set the thing in appearance for people to call you Mr right? Even if you have a vagoo and tits the size of h-cups
The Manor will still treat ya like you're female gendered iirc. It was written for females, so I guess it wasn't accounted for workarounds such as cuntboys and maleherms.


Sep 24, 2016
Farming stats in the N.T. gym and such is really boring.

Also there are too many bland characters. The greatest offender here is probably the "treatment", since it basicly transforms people into a walking stereotype, but even the untreated girls often share the same stereotype, for example where is the difference between Shekka and Mika? Shizuya and Kiro? Literally any of the female Krogonnes? More than half of all the goo girls? You don't even have to make a quest for these characters, Brandt only sits around all day and is still interesting.

What bothers me as well is, that there are a lot of good story premises being wasted, like the Myrellion war, Victor Steele's space probes and the rival, Saendra and the Black Void syndicate and the "Hand So" superintelligence (could end up being reprogrammed to serve Steele, though it would be pretty overpowered).


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Yeah, I do feel like too much samey content/characters are being pushed out while none of the interesting stuff is being expanded upon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I know I might sound like a douche or an asshole, but one of my major gripes again is kind of us. Like the people who demand certain things or ideas and then writers sadly can't get to it because we either pay them or give them too many ideas and they end up putting stoff off till we either forget it or they don't want to do it anymore.

Then there is the weirder kinks some people have, no offense but some people really have weird kinks here and you guys know who you are and I won't shame you for it, it's just not my cup of tea and sometimes not the author's.

I kinda feel at times we're the ones who hinder the game but also keep it Progressing. If anyone hates me for saying that. Like before you can catch me outside with the gloves.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Oh, no double anal! Or double vaginal, I suppose. If you bang someone with two dicks or if you have two dicks, you just frot or dp them instead of 2in1. I want double dongs in my butt!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
In a surprise twist of how I defended the negative evasion malus, I now dislike how running around in a maid's outfit makes the game easier than running around in a ton of gear with evasion penalties.