What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I've not played much as naga, is there some kinda hand-wave where Naga PCs have a thigh gap before the tail? It's kind of weird to imagine but otherwise it seems like it would rule out way more potential positions.

That Thigh gap kinda turns me off of nagas because it reminds me too much of the mermaid women from Centaur's life and that shit stuck with me. That weird thigh gap was too much for me.

Plus don't snakes just run up against each other till an egg is made? I know this from my old bio courses at MIT trust me I'm a snek major.

Also to continue on with gripes. The severe lack of taur content is problematic and should be corrected. We need taurs on every planet in the galaxy before 2277. I demand that we correct this problem. Jk


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I don't forbid taurs either, but you're kinda on your own on figuring out how to fit one in a bath or a ship's shower. :D

You just fold them according to the manual they come with.

As for gripes...I'd like to play through the game as a pacifist. You can come somewhat close by playing a lust based character but you are still required to be violent at certain points.

I know I'm nitpicky, but I would greatly appreciate options to hack/turn off mechanic enemies (because they are usually resistant to lust attacks) and some kind of mechanic like CoC2 has, that allows you to win by breaking the enemies will or sap their strength.

I'm allowed to dream, right?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I gotta ask why people are questioning rape in a game where lusty monster women and men are patrolling around to find something to fuck. It's a game at the end of the day and whether it's you who are on top or bottom someone's gonna get it, then again you can always just leave after kicking their ass, you don't always gotta "rape" them, you could just jerk it when they leave or you could always just ask for their consent before you plow their field or pack their fudge.

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
My biggest issue with it is that I really struggle to empathize with or "step into the shoes" of someone that's into dub/noncon but is also against dub/noncon to the point where they don't want to see scenes involving even remotely realistic representations of their fetish. It seems like a highly conflicted mindset and one that makes little to no sense, that's all.

This is basically what weirds me out as well. In fact, the way it tends to get resolved is having people 'raped until they enjoy it', which one, I'm pretty sure has never happened ever IRL, and two, seems to defeat the point of it being non-con in the first place.

e: I will say CoC generally had a more honest approach to this, especially with PC choices, and also flagged it better, so that when the game explicitly asked if I wanted to rape someone I could drop a smoke bomb and backflip my way outta there.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Rape or not it's still a porn game

Except most of the scenes aren't written that way. Loss scenes I've personally written often include the loser clearly indicating their own desire and/or consent and therefore fall well outside the definition of the "not actually rape" rape scenes that we're talking about. Other scenes, like the male zil loss scene where the zil forces themselves on the player, mentions how the PC could make a good mother, and the PC silently expresses concern about how the zil might get them pregnant, with an implication that such a thing is not wanted, is more of what we're talking about.

I don't have an issue with rape being in a porn game, I more have an issue with people winning a gold medal or two in mental gymnastics to avoid having rape scenes count as rape scenes. But I don't see much appeal in either legitimate non-con or the safety-scissor "rape-but-not-rape" that we have so maybe I'm missing something.

Again, this is a topic that has been exhausted in several other threads. The answer to the question of "why is the rape in TiTS written this way?" is "subjectivity and the desires of FenCo," which is fine, but people are still free to point out the holes and take issue with the way rape is handled. Honestly, people that are fans of actual rape fantasies are also free to complain that the "rape" scenes in TiTS don't satisfy their kink. There's multiple sides to this, and it's not really a matter of "bwaah! I don't like rape!"

My biggest issue with it is that I really struggle to empathize with or "step into the shoes" of someone that's into dub/noncon but is also against dub/noncon to the point where they don't want to see scenes involving even remotely realistic representations of their fetish. It seems like a highly conflicted mindset and one that makes little to no sense, that's all.

Yeah I can understand why you are that way, personally if it was brought up this amount of times this many times, id have a pre made ready past note for the people asking about rape.

Oh another thing, do these people think about the people who have a rape fetish? Your messing with other people's kinks, what if I like seeing my asshole taur be brought down by a lowly Zil boy then be fucked in the horse pussy? Is it so wrong for me to enjoy making my own be an asshole lose on purpose to see them be put in their place?

Also again it's a porn game, if these people don't want something that could be like rape in the game, they shouldn't play the game. Because if you play and get beaten and then raped by something then you got raped and if you win and have the option they will complain about being given the option to do so.

People should learn that it's a fictional game and these xenos aren't getting raped. Now excuse me while I send my taur back out into the Uveto snow after downing a bottle of breeders bliss, I want to imagine a taur getting gang raped by korgi bois.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Idk Ive always felt the non con stuff easily avoidable considering the easy combat and being able to walk away from a defeated foe


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I realized right after making my first post in here that the writers are kind of in a lose/lose position and my gripe was kind of hypocritical in its very premise.

If they make on big expac then I say "they just abandoned the character" but if they make mini-installments then I say "every patch is flying around the universe to experience 12 scenes for 12 different characters." The writers can't win.

And as for the Waifus, sure I'd be happiest if every patch had new scenes for my favorite characters but that's the thing: they're MY favorites. Like I. and many others are guilty of botching about the one thing about a waifu they don't like. There could be a character that checks all my boxes but she really calls you demeaning names, or another that is really sweet but isn't a domme, or one that does pet-play but not the kind I'm into. So really unless it were a game being made just for me, or one of the main writers [like JimT back in the day and these days Hugs] shares almost my exact same fetishes there will always be "gripes" inherent to this sort of game.

That really changed my perspective on things.


Jan 23, 2018
It doesn't feel nearly as balanced as CoC did. CoC had a ton of male-oriented content, female-oriented content, and herm-oriented content. TiTS is majorly slanted towards female and herm NPCs, especially ones with gigantic bimbo bodies.

As someone who really enjoys playing a female character and straight content, TiTS is sorely lacking. All herms and lesbians.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I agree with praftd. It feels more like a single road with only one way down it, while coc feels more like several roads you can take at anytime. I feel when I play tits it's more likely that if I have a male character I'm gonna make them into a herm woman to get more out of the game. Like one of my chars that I use the most now is a Hermtaur and just being that kinda locks me out of things and I got to make another char that's a biped.

Then there is the balloon tits that almost make you think some of these chicks are from a meet and fuck game, and half or a good majority are fucking herms. I don't mind herms, but it would be nice to encounter more people of either male or female gender.


Aug 27, 2015
It doesn't feel nearly as balanced as CoC did. CoC had a ton of male-oriented content, female-oriented content, and herm-oriented content. TiTS is majorly slanted towards female and herm NPCs, especially ones with gigantic bimbo bodies.

As someone who really enjoys playing a female character and straight content, TiTS is sorely lacking. All herms and lesbians.

I think this is rose-tinted glasses in action, tbh. Fenoxo's games have always been majorly slanted towards female/futa NPC content. We had this exact complaint continuously during the CoC years, we will go on to have it for as long as we're creating them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I personally am soooo tired of finding out that that one hot female is actually futa

I know there's nothing I can do to really do anything about it, but it's just nice to vent that 99% of futa is just not fun, so finding it everywhere is extremely annoying

It's even more annoying when they don't even have a vagina to use while pretending they don't have a dick


Jun 6, 2016
I personally am soooo tired of finding out that that one hot female is actually futa

I know there's nothing I can do to really do anything about it, but it's just nice to vent that 99% of futa is just not fun, so finding it everywhere is extremely annoying

It's even more annoying when they don't even have a vagina to use while pretending they don't have a dick

Agreed. Frankly, the number of dickgirls in the game really pisses me off. I don't care enough to do the numbers, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were more of them than actual girls.

And while I'm here:

SSTD's: They're annoying as hell unless you're actually trying to get them and there really should be an option to turn them off. They don't even make sense from a lore perspective, since the nanobot injection should be warding them off. I'm pretty convinced myself that the only reason they're in the game is because someone thought it was a funny idea.

Taint: Seriously, who's bright idea was this? Makes the game harder for no reason.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
This isn't meant to be a snarky way to say "leave if you don't like it", but I'm honestly surprised that anyone who is that turned off by girls with dicks would be into this game in the first place. Though I suppose there aren't that many games quite like this one out there.

(((They))) probably have fave writers or something. Something, something selection bias.

Besides, it is really funny to do this.

You wave off the oversexed bunny-slut’s passionate exhortations and turn away.

“Wait! No!” She briefly reaches out for you before giving up and yanking down her zipper. “I wanted to fuck yoooouuuuuu!”

Her moans continue for some time.

After lust defeating them with muh cock. Nanananananananah! You will never get this!


Active Member
Jun 6, 2018
SSTD's: They're annoying as hell unless you're actually trying to get them and there really should be an option to turn them off. They don't even make sense from a lore perspective, since the nanobot injection should be warding them off. I'm pretty convinced myself that the only reason they're in the game is because someone thought it was a funny idea.
Lash sells immunity for 10k or so, easily affordable with Tarkus loot and peanuts once you reach the later planets.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
What the fuck?
They, them. The various and mysteriously unknowable groups not aroused by dick girls who play Tits.

Also, if I have a gripe it is the Shizuya quest. Like, what purpose did that even serve? Blows up my ship, then takes over my ship. I had to fight off some chocolate treated girl and then Anno starts spit polishing some eleven foot tall person in my kitchen and I was like, well that is just Anno, what are you even gonna do, amirite? Then, it is implied that my Sporadot chef and kitchen got a cum bath. I was like and I can't attack them? I have no idea how Steele didn't come out of that encounter as hostile to that group. Don't get me wrong, but it was such a lost opportunity for a second outcome. One with another rival group or at least a secretly embittered Steele gunning for them in secret and a conflicted loyalty Anno. Jill/Jack who? Writers be forgetting the drama. Bitches love drama!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm honestly surprised that anyone who is that turned off by girls with dicks would be into this game in the first place. Though I suppose there aren't that many games quite like this one out there.
Well, there are people who play TiTS for different reasons other than meeting females with penises. But yeah, it's this way or the highway :/ I especially feel for the gay fanbase, who may have it even worse than straight female players.
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zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Case in point. >:3

Didn't say I cared. Troll better.

Well, there are people who play TiTS for different reasons other than meeting females with penises. But yeah, it's this way or the highway :/ I especially feel for the gay fanbase, who may have it even worse than straight female players.

Yeah, for sure. It's not as if there's an alternative of similar quality that focuses on different stuff. I'm pretty lucky in that TiTS caters to my preferences very well.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I was going to say something to add to this, but you know what, no.

That's just going to be throwing water on an oil fire.

And this thread has turned into a dumpster fire as is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I was going to say something to add to this, but you know what, no.

That's just going to be throwing water on an oil fire.

And this thread has turned into a dumpster fire as is.
Your icon encapsulated onto this post. :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Agreed. Frankly, the number of dickgirls in the game really pisses me off. I don't care enough to do the numbers, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were more of them than actual girls.

And while I'm here:

SSTD's: They're annoying as hell unless you're actually trying to get them and there really should be an option to turn them off. They don't even make sense from a lore perspective, since the nanobot injection should be warding them off. I'm pretty convinced myself that the only reason they're in the game is because someone thought it was a funny idea.

Taint: Seriously, who's bright idea was this? Makes the game harder for no reason.

Well there are alot of females, but there is alot of them that are scattered out further, with more futas and traps being more close together.

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Well there are alot of females, but there is alot of them that are scattered out further, with more futas and traps being more close together.

Also, while there are actually plenty more females than dickgirls, I think the perception is skewed because the numbers are stacked by the Myr and NT, and those 'pure' females don't have much content beyond sex scenes. There's probably a somewhat disproportionate number of 'major' NPCs that are d-girls, at least for those that aren't into them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
And this thread has turned into a dumpster fire as is.
It goes better then last time...

Was there not somewhere a therad counting NPCs for just such a argument? Anyone remembers how it was named?

I know I once made a poll with the same question regarding PC.
Male, Female and (fem)Futa shared each pretty much equaly on that regard at least, If I remember right...


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
In that case, can we move back to not enogth Naga-content? '^^

But well, other small critic I got: Why can we not take the specific Naleen with the fish and take it to the nursery? She can cook!
To put it boarder, not getting named personel and/or specific upgrades for the nursery. Things like a milker for the room labeld milker...
Just... I am not a fan of futureproved skeltons that never see actual future...