What are things in TiTS that you absolutely hate to happen or do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
I'll start off

- I hate when NCPs think they are superior. Whenever I see this, I'm like, "Bitch, I can beat you with my eyes closed"


- Similarly, I hate being degraded when the NCP actually thinks it's better than me. But as long as I had a choice in it, I'm ok.

- I hate when I can't find the spot to get a particular item for the life of me

-I hate when foreplay scenes are so freaking long that I'm done jacking off right when it really starts(sometimes it's my fault and I read it really slow)

-I hate when pregnancy affects scenes when It happened by mistake (the past 200 days have been uninterrupted pregnancy - as soon as one thing is born, Codex tells me I'm preggers with some OTHER thing, and I can't use sterilex to stop it since the preg status disallows it)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
Of all the things I can't comprehend, how the hell do you people get pregnant by accident? I understand knocking someone up by accident (see Aina), but are you just clicking through scenes until 'Oops me am peppermint!"?
Not really sure.
Which is why it happens- if i can't figure out how it happened, I can't stop it in the future


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
how the hell do you people get pregnant by accident?
Unlike CoC (where everyone could impregnate the Champion from the start), I am accustomed to prance around TiTS assuming generic enemies and most characters can't impregnate Steele.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Oh man this might be a bit.

Picking up stuff that I don't want or that might just be useless, I hate it the most when Steele ends up just beating someone and then going straight for the item the enemy dropped like Steele is a kelpto or just wants to rob people after kicking their ass especially when you have like one spot left for something valuable and you pick up like a vial of throbb and don't want it.

The guns in game, no matter how I build up a character and what perks they have I feel like a good portion of guns in the game are shit in one way or another even the good guns are kinda shit unless you go up against like a random fucking level 3 dude who managed to fuck himself trying to square up with you. The second you go up against a boss that power of kicking someone's ass feels like it's fucking gone at times and it's like when you're over their level they still manage to beat your ass despite you being better equipped and a couple levels higher than them, one good example is that pirate jug on that quest for Riya.

Most of the perks, yeah a good lot of the perks feel weak unless it's a particular perk for a sex scene, it doesn't really feel like it adds much or even help in my opinion, but it might just be me because I'm more of a power chasing player and want to become more stronger, these perks in the game don't really make me feel like I'm getting stronger and the level up perks don't really give that off either, well besides like pain slut the others aren't really helpful in my opinion.

The missed opportunities in the game for cool or good stuff, either because of Fen wanting to "Balance" the game by making racial perks do weak damage or by just missing that one little thing that would make a thing perfect and allude to it in the game but not do it. It's like having the set up to the joke sometimes and just expecting people to laugh at it then not giving a punch line. Like a cool little side end they could've done on Myrellion, when you beat Tarvia and subjugate her give the option to stay rule the Nyera and possibly if your Steele is kind let your cousin go while you have your little kingdom.

This one is like a just a me thing because it's probably not gonna some thing that someone else feels besides like a couple people. But more characters that make you work to get the sex from them, I mean people like Fisi sometimes, because at times it just feels like the entire galaxy is just N.Texas with big tiddied bimbos that want a cock to jump on or big tiddied bimbos who want to put a cock inside you and you only get the choice of picking the 9ft bimbo who has a dick or the 11tft bimbo that may not have a dick but wants to sit on your face.

Another thing I just kinda remembered at the last second is the lack of much choice of what you want to fuck in this game if you are gonna fuck them, like most places you go there's a dick girl and that's pretty much it at times. Only briefly will you come across that one woman who's like." Yeah I'm not growing a dick just to fuck you with it." Or " No I don't have a dick only my pussy." And I don't my the full female and futas but I feel like there's only futanari in the galaxy. Oh and also I'm not one for it but like the lack of gay and like lesbian only stuff for the guys and girls who want it, it's mostly only gay stuff between like male enemies when you're a male yourself and like only one real gay dude in the galaxy that's only willing to fuck manly guys.

I get also a small annoyance from the junk email trying to make it feel like it feel realistic, just wish there was a way to stop getting them in the game.

The taur racism in the game isn't something I'm a fan of, it reminds me of body shaming and how it could be taking to another level with being racist. People like Aina and Slyvie don't deserve the racism that my Steele would get from some of these places and people, I just dred what someone like Usha would do or Slyvie would do if they met someone like RIYA and were harrased by being called mule or bug pony, that's another thing the terrible language used to describe taurtic characters, it's terribly racist that you could call a Leithian a bug pony it's harmful to all REAL LIFE Leithians that already struggle the day to day to be accepted by others, I find it completely PROBLEMATIC that fenco could do this and get away with it.

Alright I think I ended it off with a more light note than I usually do, don't take the last part seriously.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I get also a small annoyance from the junk email trying to make it feel like it feel realistic, just wish there was a way to stop getting them in the game.
Do not delete it, it can not stack. I only get one of each mail all game, with the exception of some event-related like "have a rewarfor saving me, again!" or "Pregnacy update here.".
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
Only these word are enough. For me, terran treat are the true bitch when you want a fairly human appearances.
I also hate finding piercing( I really like pierced charaters, tbh). Once i look for 2 hours and can't even find any, and I has all the fiction, and why the hell can't they just four of random ones instead of the "basics".


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Why would you think gameplay stats translate into Steele being the strongest person in the galaxy? No matter what you do in gameplay it won't change the character; they're some 19-20 year old with next to no experience and access to only low-level weaponry. There are going to be characters who're better than Steele at things.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
Missing constantly, mainly against higher level enemies, and those bosses/enemies that do like nothing but stun you.
It just feels like i'm not losing a random encounter because I was an idiot, i lost it because i was painfully unlucky and missed 10 shots in a row. Especially with guns, that feel like they're super powerful against basic enemies but the moment you fight a boss with them (even one that's multiple levels lower than you, like the Pump-king or Pirate Jug) they become weaker than the Zil gate guards against a grenade. I mean you end up buying a cool little gun that deals enough damage to take out the weaker of the planet's enemies in a single turn if you play your cards right, only to find out that your cool 3 shot on first turn strategy is completely nullified (thus making three perks useless) against some boss that's level 7. Just kind of feels like there's wasted potential.

Ah, ah, and power armor. Mainly the weapons for/exclusive to power armor. i finally get my hands on a set only to find its an arguable side-grade to my current set and the weapon i've been hauling is more garbage than half the stuff over on Tarkus. It just feels like a really big slap in the face, an anticlimax to rival that of - I don't know, orgasm joke here.

That, and - this is gonna make me sound like a fuckin idiot - when something happens and there's really not any explanation for it. Like, i know i should probably tell why these things are happening and it's probably because I'm an idiot, but i've gotten three psychic tentacle beasts with absolutely NO idea how. Like they just come after i go sell some rocks, and it's less 'oh wow a psychic tentacle beast' and more 'wait what a psychic tentacle beast'.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
In an old, forgotten codex.
Of all the things I can't comprehend, how the hell do you people get pregnant by accident? I understand knocking someone up by accident (see Aina), but are you just clicking through scenes until 'Oops me am peppermint!"?
Sort of reminds me of this video. Funny stuff.

Anyways, I hate forced transformations. I spent time making my character the way I wanted him/her to look, and I don't want some random scene or disease to mess that up. For example, I think some of Jerynn's scenes are pretty hot, but that bad end is just horrific in my opinion. Also, if I contract something like Furpies or Sneezing Tits. By all that is Evil, I will drop everything I am doing and rush to the nearest medic.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
Sort of reminds me of this video. Funny stuff.

Anyways, I hate forced transformations. I spent time making my character the way I wanted him/her to look, and I don't want some random scene or disease to mess that up. For example, I think some of Jerynn's scenes are pretty hot, but that bad end is just horrific in my opinion. Also, if I contract something like Furpies or Sneezing Tits. By all that is Evil, I will drop everything I am doing and rush to the nearest medic.
that video.... amazing....
Kinda shitty that not every planet has a nurse or doctor to handle shit like Furpies or sneezing tits or something.

Plus I wonder who asked for taint.

true...but at the same time.... I've never gotten Furpies before. how do you even get it anyways?

also...I mean....the name of the game is Trials in TAINTED Space....so you can't be too suprised :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Did you play with a character with female genitals? If so, did you play before the Brown Pill was implemented?

.the name of the game is Trials in TAINTED Space....so you can't be too suprised
The title refers to an actual "Tainted Space", not people's taint. Especially when Steele has awesometastic nanomachines, son.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
Did you play with a character with female genitals? If so, did you play before the Brown Pill was implemented?

The title refers to an actual "Tainted Space", not people's taint. Especially when Steele has awesometastic nanomachines, son.

1. For a short time, yes. but very short, so....

2. Yeah, I know fen hasn't actually added the "tainted space" bit yet to the game. but still


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
The thing I hate most is probably the game's lack of clarity about when alterations to your character will be made. I really dislike spending so much time making a character and then always needing to cautiously check my stat sheet before I save just in case I didn't notice some transformation that slipped past my notice. Stuff like how the milk bath scene with the Vanae Huntress can change your testicle size, cum production, or vaginal wetness or how the Slavebreakers can change the length of your cock by decimal points really rub me the wrong way when I'm not prepared for them. I really wish we could get a toggle option in our settings to put a bold warning about what changes a particular decision might make to our characters so people could be warned about stuff like that ahead of time. At a minimum we should make sure that every single change to the PC is spelled out in bold as it happens, because I've noticed quite a few transformations that are implied through the writing but aren't actually put in bold like most of them are, which can make it really hard to keep track of what's happening to your character if you don't know where to look in your stat sheet.
Also, why on Earth do the Slavebreakers change your cock length by DECIMAL POINTS? That incident was what first prompted me to download the save editor because I couldn't figure out how to get rid of the decimal point number no matter what I did (I am aware that you can get your dick removed with Lash, but that also messes with some of your other stats in the process and I really didn't want to have to go through all that).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Also, if I contract something like Furpies or Sneezing Tits. By all that is Evil, I will drop everything I am doing and rush to the nearest medic.

My dude, farm up like 10k and then go to Doctor Lash and get yourself the SSTD immunity

It's amazing

I also feel your pain; I hate any and all forced TFs, and SSTDs are the bane of my existence until I manage to get enough money to buy immunity (but even then it's a hard decision on whether to perfect my form before or after SSTD immunity)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
that video.... amazing....

true...but at the same time.... I've never gotten Furpies before. how do you even get it anyways?

also...I mean....the name of the game is Trials in TAINTED Space....so you can't be too suprised :p

You get Furpies from someone who has it already and are furries, like anyone who's a furry can give you a version of it, from D to C to H.

Sneezing tits is gotten from encountering an enemy who is just sneezing

I don't know how you get loco fever tho.

I think I should've added more to who thought of taint it's my bad, but I really mean like who thought of what it does and how come they just didn't add a way besides just waiting, to deal with it.

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
IIRC, if a creature has an SSTD it will be mentioned during the combat scene, something like them sneezing or displaying other symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Locofever usually pops up after fucking a Raskvel. It's' fairly rare though. The codex will typically give you an alert when you have an SSTD.

Back when Sneezing TiTs was bugged that it bypassed Immunity, Uveto was bane to me. Seemed like even when I didn't fuck a Korgonne, I still got the damn Sneezing Tits and usually got B cups or bigger before I could get to V-ko or Vi and get treated.

I don't know if I hate it, but I was annoyed there was NO off ramp to Mirrin's sex when it came out. You pick Treatment when it's the only damn option left and you got a dick in your ass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2018
That, and - this is gonna make me sound like a fuckin idiot - when something happens and there's really not any explanation for it. Like, i know i should probably tell why these things are happening and it's probably because I'm an idiot, but i've gotten three psychic tentacle beasts with absolutely NO idea how. Like they just come after i go sell some rocks, and it's less 'oh wow a psychic tentacle beast' and more 'wait what a psychic tentacle beast'.

Psychic tentacle beast happens when you fly with the strange egg.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I just wish the ask to pick shit up option was for every item or there was like a Thing to turn on so you have that choice to just stop picking up stupid or random shit off the ground, but the only chance you get is when you have the option to pick up random stuff that could either change you or impregnate you.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
Ye, that exactly. Now that I know what taint even is it's arguably even worse, because if I try and make my guy what I want him to be, or if he just happens to pick up a transformer thing, he starts losing fights more.
Something I've actually really wanted is something that just lets you sleep for a while (longer than 8 hours). Like, maybe even a month in-game time so you can burn those hueg wait times if you pick up a strange egg by accident or need to get rid of taint without spamming the sleep command to the point 100 days have passed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Ye, that exactly. Now that I know what taint even is it's arguably even worse, because if I try and make my guy what I want him to be, or if he just happens to pick up a transformer thing, he starts losing fights more.
Something I've actually really wanted is something that just lets you sleep for a while (longer than 8 hours). Like, maybe even a month in-game time so you can burn those hueg wait times if you pick up a strange egg by accident or need to get rid of taint without spamming the sleep command to the point 100 days have passed.

If you are preggers you can just go to the station and go on a maternity wait which is days depending on what you are birthing.