WallHack Inc.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Agreed! Just starting to play this and get into it...want to get past the first neighborhood...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
New York
He he, I'm happy to hear that! Just a bit of patience, creating levels takes a loooot of time but I made a good progress on the upcoming one ;)

I had a silly but important question for a game like this. Is there plans for some sort of option to buy in quantities greater than 1 at a time?


May 13, 2017
I had a silly but important question for a game like this. Is there plans for some sort of option to buy in quantities greater than 1 at a time?
You were right by asking this question! Currently there is no option for that, because we're not really dealing with enormous quantities with only 2 levels. But I'll add it to our suggestion list, thanks!
Also, know that you can keep pressing an upgrade button, and it will continue to upgrade until you run out of money ;)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
New York
You were right by asking this question! Currently there is no option for that, because we're not really dealing with enormous quantities with only 2 levels. But I'll add it to our suggestion list, thanks!
Also, know that you can keep pressing an upgrade button, and it will continue to upgrade until you run out of money ;)

Me and my partner are a bit OCD and like to buy in tens, saving up until we have enough for ten and buying them all at once. I figured its not something the game really needs right now in general but it seems it will be important down the line if this is going to be like games like Cookie Clicker or Adventure Capitalist. Glad to hear it will be considered!


May 13, 2017
Me and my partner are a bit OCD and like to buy in tens, saving up until we have enough for ten and buying them all at once. I figured its not something the game really needs right now in general but it seems it will be important down the line if this is going to be like games like Cookie Clicker or Adventure Capitalist. Glad to hear it will be considered!
No problem, we keep a list of every suggestion made and we'll try to do our best to make them work if there is a benefit for the game! And after a few levels, there should be a reason to implement it :)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
New York
I have waited and the 15th has come and went and the next public release isn't out yet. Is there a delay? I saw an update post on the patreon but it only speak of setting up a blog or something for communications instead of actually saying how things are coming. The posts before it made it sound like things for the patron build were going well so I assumed the public build would be following in short order, as intended.


May 13, 2017
I have waited and the 15th has come and went and the next public release isn't out yet. Is there a delay? I saw an update post on the patreon but it only speak of setting up a blog or something for communications instead of actually saying how things are coming. The posts before it made it sound like things for the patron build were going well so I assumed the public build would be following in short order, as intended.
You're right, there is a small delay on the big update. As we still have jobs things don't always go as we want and I had some work to do before WallHack. We'll try to finish it by the end of the month which isn't a bad thing because it makes our planning cleaner.
Sorry about it, we're working everytime we can on this!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
New York
You're right, there is a small delay on the big update. As we still have jobs things don't always go as we want and I had some work to do before WallHack. We'll try to finish it by the end of the month which isn't a bad thing because it makes our planning cleaner.
Sorry about it, we're working everytime we can on this!

Totally fair, I was just checking to make sure that was the case. Just wanted an update. Do what ya gotta do.


May 13, 2017
Hi everyone!
v1.1.1 has been released to the public!
A new level is available : level 2 aka Casual City.
Check the first post to get the download link

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May 13, 2017
Helloooo everyone!

v1.2.0 has been released to the public!
A new level is available : Bubble bath, where everyone is wet and moist ;)
We worked hard this month to create it and we hope you'll enjoy it!
Check the first post to get the download link ;)


Aug 19, 2017
It's a well made game and the animations are great for what they are. However, as other have already pointed out, there's no reason for the progression curve to be this extreme. I personally enjoy clicking games (e.g. SPACEPLAN) but this is just too much, especially for an adult rated clicking game. I don't mind adult games that are long enough to last multiple "sessions" but those games tend to have story-based elements, non-linear progression, and the ability to save. Just for fun, I used AHK as an autoclicker for the past 4 days (and nights) to play the game for me while I was not using the computer and I still haven't been able to unlock all the "windows". I genuinely think scaling the game down to 1/10th of the current scale would make it appropriately lengthy for the amount of content it has right now.


May 13, 2017
Yes you're right! We know the progression is too hard for now, the only reason behind that is to let us prepare the next steps. It's a bit extreme to do as so, but this is our only way to make the players not reach the current "end" of the game too fast. If you could complete all the levels in a few hours we wouldn't have the time to create more. Actually, the function used to calculate the amounts needed is quite right, but is currently too... raw. We don't have bonuses, special items or other alterations to make the game go faster.
But don't worry, we're working on the 2 aspects you mentionned : the story and a way to speed up the game.
We're hoping to release it in the next version!
Thanks for playing and your feedback ;)
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Calling this a game is a pretty big overstatement. It's just short animations playing on a loop while you click a button enough times to unlock a different set of short animations playing on a loop. It's as interactive as TV.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
New York
Calling this a game is a pretty big overstatement. It's just short animations playing on a loop while you click a button enough times to unlock a different set of short animations playing on a loop. It's as interactive as TV.

First off that's really rude. Secondly, Idle/Incremental games are and have been a thing for years and there are many that are far less "interactive" than this one is. They're still games. Thirdly, this game isn't finished yet, there's still gonna be more content. So those animation loops are there for fun, they're not really the "reason" you play so if that's bothering you so much, just go somewhere else instead of insulting the fans of this type of game and the creator(s).
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Aug 19, 2017
As @Sapphire said, that is both rude and incorrect. With that said, the progression curve is so steep that it doesn't feel all that much like a game in its' current form. The idea that this gnarly progression is intentionally there to
let us prepare the next steps
doesn't rub me in the right way. I'm not a game developer per se but I always assumed game and tech demos were released to, first and foremost, gather what interest there is for what is being created and also to get people excited for what is to come. Usually when I check out a demo of an upcoming something, I experience all there is to experience in the demo in one fairly short sitting and come out being either interested or not interested. I'm well aware that there is a big difference between a game demo and an early release of a game that is in-development but my point stands.

PS: I put together an AutoHotKey autoclicker script for WallHack_Inc that works even with the game minimized. I've put it on Pastebin if anyone happened to want it (LINK: https://pastebin.com/wVbYK08d). Cheers and stuff

EDIT: While the autoclicker is running, mouse input behaves somewhat strangely but not so much that it prevents you from using the comp. For instance, scrolling by means of holding down the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) and dragging the mouse up/down will behave as if the left mouse button is also depressed.
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
First off that's really rude.

It's the truth. Unfortunately, I have not yet attained apotheosis and cannot shape reality to my whims. If you're offended by reality I suggest either LSD or inventing the first transdimensional vehicle.

Secondly, Idle/Incremental games are and have been a thing for years and there are many that are far less "interactive" than this one is. They're still games.

Games have interactivity and a win/loss condition. This has neither. It's a series of video clips where you have to click a button several hundred times to see the next clip.

Thirdly, this game isn't finished yet, there's still gonna be more content. So those animation loops are there for fun, they're not really the "reason" you play so if that's bothering you so much, just go somewhere else instead of insulting the fans of this type of game and the creator(s).

If I had a penny for every time a game ended up never getting a promised feature I could buy Valve and still have enough left to personally fund Halflife 3 out of my own pocket. That goes eleventy bazillion times more for indie porn games, which 95% of the time never make it past the prologue. I can only go on what actually exists, not what may or may not exist at some unspecified point in the future.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
As @Sapphire said, that is both rude and incorrect.

As I said, I can't control reality. If you find the truth offensive please take it up with the customer service department of your local church. They may be able to forward your complaint to the universe's management.

With that said, the progression curve is so steep that it doesn't feel all that much like a game in its' current form.

It's rude when I say it, but not when you do?


Aug 19, 2017
It's the truth. Unfortunately, I have not yet attained apotheosis and cannot shape reality to my whims. If you're offended by reality I suggest either LSD or inventing the first transdimensional vehicle.
False. That is your subjective truth.

Games have interactivity and a win/loss condition. This has neither. It's a series of video clips where you have to click a button several hundred times to see the next clip.
Having your own definitions is perfectly fine so long you don't impose it onto others as anything but a subjective view.

Definition of game

  1. 1a (1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
I'm surprised that someone who so strongly values fact would consider truthfulness a nitpicky difference.

The end result is exactly the same experience as a player regardless of if it isn't a game or only feels like it isn't. You're nitpicking. Also, that doesn't even slightly resemble truthfulness. Not even if you squint. The only definition I could find where this counts as a game is one so vague that a sandwich would also count as a game.

activity engaged in for diversion or amusement

Eating a sandwich is also an activity I've engaged in for diversion or amusement. Let's find a more reasonable definition though.

a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other

You can only click the button once you have enough money so I guess that's one rule. It doesn't fit the other half of the definition though. In a single player game the other participant would be the game itself. I'm not in direct opposition with the game and neither of us can win or lose which means it's not a competition. Therefore it's not a game.
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Aug 19, 2017
The end result is exactly the same experience as a player regardless of if it isn't a game or only feels like it isn't. You're nitpicking. Also, that doesn't even slightly resemble truthfulness. Not even if you squint. The only definition I could find where this counts as a game is one so vague that a sandwich would also count as a game.
I stated my subjective perspective about the game. You also stated your subjective perspective but claimed it to be the objective truth. The difference here is that I'm talking about my personal experience, not about that of others. The fact that this does not feel like a game to me doesn't mean it isn't one or that other people will share my opinion on the matter. Humans are known for their exceptional ability to recognize patterns; I sincerely hope that you're able to see where truthfulness fits into the above. Regardless, what you said about the product of a developer's time and, dare I say, passion, was not only factually incorrect but also a dick thing to say. Furthermore, I don't believe in censorship of hurtful opinions so take your "wah wah go to church if you're offended wah wah" ad hominem BS and shove it. When someone is making an ass of themselves, I'll point it out.

Do you know what I do once I realize that something I've said is factually incorrect? I own up to it.
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Aug 19, 2017
Eating a sandwich is also an activity I've engaged in for diversion or amusement. Let's find a more reasonable definition though.
Yes, compared to game, the word eat (-ing) more accurately describes the activity of consuming a sandwich. If you eat food for amusement and/or diversion, that's quite alright. Do it up. You're free to tell people that you are playing a game when, in actuality, you are eating a sandwich but confusion may ensue and the reason why is fairly obvious.

You can only click the button once you have enough money so I guess that's one rule. It doesn't fit the other half of the definition though. In a single player game the other participant would be the game itself. I'm not in direct opposition with the game and neither of us can win or lose which means it's not a competition. Therefore it's not a game.
You are quoting one definition of the word game. Words have multiple definitions, that's not a revolutionary concept. In a dictionary, when words have bulleted/numbered lists of definitions, an idea/concept does not have to check off each and every one of those definitions in order for the word to define the idea. When the idea fits more definitions of a word, the relationship between said word and idea is reinforced but a match of multiple or all definitions is not required for the word to define the idea. I'm sure there's a better explanation of this elsewhere online if you are curious; explaining simple things is easier said than done. If similes are more your cup of tea, both ravens and crows are in the genus Corvus but ravens are not crows and vice versa. Likewise, crows and ravens both have black feathers but this does not mean crows and ravens are one and the same either. This isn't rocket science.
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May 13, 2017

Hi everyone!

v1.3.0 has been released to the public!
A new level is available : Domination Dungeon! Leather and handcuffs are on the list! ;)
I put a lot of time on the background and the animations so I hope you'll like them.
Check the first post to get the download link !

ps : there is no point in fighting over this game, I'm totally cool if you don't like it. We're trying our best to make something people can enjoy but if you prefer something else go for it!

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May 13, 2017

Hi everyone!

v1.4.0 has been released to the public!
You'll be happy to know this public release features a new way to speed up the game : products! You'll have a bunch of quests to unlock them and then you'll be able to use them! Also we created a new NPC!
See ya!

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May 13, 2017

Hi everyone!

v1.5.1 has been released to the public!
This public version resolve some bugs linked to quests and story. Sorry again for the inconvenience, and happy playing!
