Vic 2.0 (Not you)


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
@razorrozar I'll give you the editing, but I don't know many people that don't go back and correct, almost constantly, while typing. Having to go back and correct things is actually the largest time eater in touch-typing wpm calculations, so you're not alone even if you are high or whatever else may be involved in your "loss of perceived faculty".

@noobsaleh I still think that the rival should JUST be Jill. But then I was never very big on "traps" or fembois. So meh, whatever floats your kink.

Wait Jack is a trap?

Shit this changes everything.

I love traps more than is healthy for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
What? how did I make you think that. *facepalm*. I just meant to say that I can't see Jack as anything other than an annoying boi that would get beat up at any school. EVER. I mean like the montessori(sp) preschool Jack totally got swirlied there. The Benedictine Monk's rectory, totally got wedgied there. I mean seriously, Jack SCREAMS abuse me from every pore of his being. You know. . . I think I just talked myself into understanding Jack kinks. . . CRAP!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@noobsaleh I still think that the rival should JUST be Jill. But then I was never very big on "traps" or fembois. So meh, whatever floats your kink.

Dude what are you talking about? I said I'd prefer if Jack was just retconned out. Then I said that he was probably there because scenes with him were planned. Finally I said his gender wasn't a choice in early builds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Dude what are you talking about? I said I'd prefer if Jack was just retconned out. Then I said that he was probably there because scenes with him were planned. Finally I said his gender wasn't a choice in early builds.

Here here, yes Jack goes away Jill turns into Mysty's Jill and all is well :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I still think that the rival should JUST be Jill. But then I was never very big on "traps" or fembois. So meh, whatever floats your kink.

I can't really see Jack as a 'femboy', haha. A twink is probably a better way to describe him, but not femboy. I'm pretty sure he isn't even girly enough for that (Then again, Cheshire's bust art for Jack sometimes makes me think otherwise. Not that I'm complaining.  :p )
Personally I'm noooot too big on the idea of removing the option to choose the rival's gender myself. Then again that's just me, as I always choose Jack as a rival when I'm playing and never picked Jill. My only reason for that is 'Muh fetish' once we get far enough in development were I can do that romance path with the rival and all that good shit. >w>
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
I can't really see Jack as a 'femboy', haha. A twink is probably a better way to describe him, but not femboy. I'm pretty sure he isn't even girly enough for that (Then again, Cheshire's bust art for Jack sometimes makes me think otherwise. Not that I'm complaining.  :p )
Personally I'm noooot too big on the idea of removing the option to choose the rival's gender myself. Then again that's just me, as I always choose Jack as a rival when I'm playing and never picked Jill. My only reason for that is 'Muh fetish' once we get far enough in development were I can do that romance path with the rival and all that good shit. >w>

If we can't get sistercest with Shade, cousincest is the next best thing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I can't really see Jack as a 'femboy', haha. A twink is probably a better way to describe him, but not femboy. I'm pretty sure he isn't even girly enough for that

It's not even that he isn't girly enough, it's that he isn't cool enough. All femboys are inherently cool.
Though it would be nice to have a femboy character who doesn't act like an "ideal" woman from before the 20th century. (Who doesn't present themselves, begging to get buttfucked as soon as you meet them)

If we can't get sistercest with Shade, cousincest is the next best thing.

You can, I'm pretty sure Savin has mentioned it somewhere.

Also what's with everyone wanting to fuck family members? You guys know there's like, a literal universe of sexy aliens you guys can bone who aren't related to you?
Then again, Shade being half alien she might be so genetically diverse from you that she might not even be considered a family member in terms of genetics.
Also if TiTS is an infinite universe, there full well may be a race of aliens so genetically similar to you that they could be considered your siblings.
Twincest planet when?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Also what's with everyone wanting to fuck family members? You guys know there's like, a literal universe of sexy aliens you guys can bone who aren't related to you?

Oh, you'd be surprised on how many of us here on these forums get boners/ladyboners over incest in fantasy. Me being one of them. >w>'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
It's not even that he isn't girly enough, it's that he isn't cool enough. All femboys are inherently cool.
Though it would be nice to have a femboy character who doesn't act like an "ideal" woman from before the 20th century. (Who doesn't present themselves, begging to get buttfucked as soon as you meet them)

You can, I'm pretty sure Savin has mentioned it somewhere.

Also what's with everyone wanting to fuck family members? You guys know there's like, a literal universe of sexy aliens you guys can bone who aren't related to you?
Then again, Shade being half alien she might be so genetically diverse from you that she might not even be considered a family member in terms of genetics.
Also if TiTS is an infinite universe, there full well may be a race of aliens so genetically similar to you that they could be considered your siblings.
Twincest planet when?

Incest is muh fetish

But seriously, there's several reasons people like it. The taboo/forbidden fruit factor is a huge part of it. There's also the idea that if you're close to your sibling, sex with them will be more satisfying since they know you well enough to be VERY effective at pleasuring you, though that doesn't really apply to Shade or Jill. Finally, for me, there's a big thrill both sexually and emotionally in the idea of taking a good relationship with your family member to the 'next level', achieving the ultimate connection with someone you love.

Parental incest is another matter altogether. For me at least, there's a very uncomfortable and unhealthy power dynamic issue there; your parents have formed the foundation of your world for literally your entire life and it's very easy to abuse that power (and not just in a sexual way, either).

Maybe it's because I'm closer to my dad than to my mom but I'm more open to mother/child incest than father/child; the latter feels to me like a perversion and betrayal of the loving relationship I have with my father. Brother/brother incest similarly squicks me out, because I have two younger brothers who I love to death, whereas I have no sisters, making bro/sis or sis/sis less emotionally triggering to me. (Or it could just be residual heteronormativity rising up in me, Iunno. I hope not.)

That's just my personal baggage, though, I'm not here to kinkshame.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Oh, you'd be surprised on how many of us here on the forums get boners/ladyboners over incest in fantasy. Me being one of them. >w>'
Incest is muh fetish

Just want to be clear I'm not kinkshaming at all, God knows I have absolutely no right to judge anyone's fetishes, I just don't get it, I figured their might be a taboo that people liked about it, if there wasn't a taboo I have to wonder if people would still be into it.
I always had a huge family growing up, but the idea of doing the dance with no pants with them, I dunno'. It's just like there's a bond with family that's different with the bond you share with a lover, I wonder if people with smaller families are more likely to have a kink for it because they never had that connection as much?

Twincest is fine if they're identical though, that's just masturbation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Just want to be clear I'm not kinkshaming at all, God knows I have absolutely no right to judge anyone's fetishes, I just don't get it, I figured their might be a taboo that people liked about it, if there wasn't a taboo I have to wonder if people would still be into it.

I feel like this is a moot question because it can't really not be taboo. Turns out that limiting your gene pool and reinforcing negative genetic traits isn't good from an evolutionary standpoint.

Of course there are exceptions (cf. European royal families), but as with most things the exception proves the rule.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I feel like this is a moot question because it can't really not be a taboo.

Well I mean, it's only a taboo because society considers it a taboo, If tit was like the Pharoes of ancient Egypt where or as you pointed out he European royal families where inbreeding was considered a good thing to keep the families pure bloodline to the point that it's what you were expected to do, would the girl down the street who has no relation to you sudden;t be the sexiest thing on the planet?

Anyways as interesting as this is I don't want to derail the thread any further,  if you want to keep talking about it PM me or something (seriously it's interesting to this is really interesting to talk about, plus I feel like it's good to talk about things you( I) don't get, stops biased opinions being formed and stuff)

Back on topic, what are the chances that vic was a hermaphrodite at this time of death and impregnated himself thus while masturbating and gave birth to a clone of himself?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What? how did I make you think that. *facepalm*. I just meant to say that I can't see Jack as anything other than an annoying boi that would get beat up at any school. EVER. I mean like the montessori(sp) preschool Jack totally got swirlied there. The Benedictine Monk's rectory, totally got wedgied there. I mean seriously, Jack SCREAMS abuse me from every pore of his being. You know. . . I think I just talked myself into understanding Jack kinks. . . CRAP!

I feel like Jack would either be the bully by surrounding himself with bullies. Or atleast pulling an Stellio Kontos.

I feel like this is a moot question because it can't really not be taboo. Turns out that limiting your gene pool and reinforcing negative genetic traits isn't good from an evolutionary standpoint.

Of course there are exceptions (cf. European royal families), but as with most things the exception proves the rule.

Or the fact that Pakistani are 3% of the population of the United Kingdom but 30% of the children with defects thanks to centuries of cousin marriage.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Though I do love that one of the first things to pop up when people hear this idea is "will I be able to fuck it" I think the interesting angle here would be as a foil to Steele Jr. They're the heir apparent, the one Vic had his hands in personally molding to his exact preferences before and after his death and the clone or roboclone or whatever is the one left to its own devices, to figure out who and what it is and that would def. be a really really cool self-reflective encounter that could then have some creep options to screw out all of Steele Jr.'s displaced existential angst in his combination mirror self/dad surrogate. And as someone else mentioned: how fun would it be for followers to comment on the sheer depth of Steele's daddy issues when they could wind of that?

I can see the point you're making here, but I don't feel it has to be that obtuse. Especially since Fen (going off what Savin said, sorry to throw you under the bus, bud) doesn't seem to agree with the idea that Victor should/could be viewed as a terrible father. There's far too much effort and care put into the world and background of TiTS to have the catalyst of the conflict able to be interpreted so ambiguously. I don't think that achieves anything but weakening the narrative.

Honestly I think it strengthens it and that there shouldn't be some push towards one, more solid idea of how Vic treated his heir one way or the other - not at the beginning, anyway. For one thing it keeps the door nice and open for different people writing content to offer up characters who have differing ideas on the situation and different opinions of Victor himself. Not only does that make the game more interesting but it also adds to the hard-to-pin-down loose canon folk hero sort of reputation Vic has. Characterizing him this way is a whole lot more interesting than anything Fenoxo actually wrote about him. He may not have intended much of any ambiguity but it ended up being there; embracing it and letting people run with it will ultimately be much more fun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
So it would seem the point of the OP of this has also been clubbed to death. This time by incestboners.


You can, I'm pretty sure Savin has mentioned it somewhere. [...]

You sure? I think have read something different. No, don't tell me. The answer will just make me cry again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I feel like this is a moot question because it can't really not be taboo. Turns out that limiting your gene pool and reinforcing negative genetic traits isn't good from an evolutionary standpoint.

Of course there are exceptions (cf. European royal families), but as with most things the exception proves the rule.

No bad monkey, research further and be knowledgeable. Sibling incest arguably the closest possible incest (not factoring for identical twins) without having an incestuous parental relation (mom and dad were nuclear relatives) has approximately a 1% higher probability of genetic mutation or recessive gene (negative genetic trait) production over a non-incestuous relationship. Even a second generation nuclear familial incestuous relationship only doubles the already low probability. The only time it becomes a real problem is when generation after generation of close blood (see royal family lines) interbreed over a long course of time. When this occurs even cousin level relationships result in high probability of recessive gene transference. BTW the Westermarck Effect is NOT universal it, like so many generalizations, has exceptions.

I will grant that incestuous relations should NOT be the norm. But I also think that considering the genetic and psychological preferences that it not happen already, adding a social taboo to it only hurts the small percentage of people who actually have a "loving" familial relationship.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
No bad monkey, research further and be knowledgeable. Sibling incest arguably the closest possible incest (not factoring for identical twins) without having an incestuous parental relation (mom and dad were nuclear relatives) has approximately a 1% higher probability of genetic mutation or recessive gene (negative genetic trait) production over a non-incestuous relationship. Even a second generation nuclear familial incestuous relationship only doubles the already low probability. The only time it becomes a real problem is when generation after generation of close blood (see royal family lines) interbreed over a long course of time. When this occurs even cousin level relationships result in high probability of recessive gene transference. BTW the Westermarck Effect is NOT universal it, like so many generalizations, has exceptions.

I will grant that incestuous relations should NOT be the norm. But I also think that considering the genetic and psychological preferences that it not happen already, adding a social taboo to it only hurts the small percentage of people who actually have a "loving" familial relationship.

^ THIS should be read carefully, because it includes important points (no I am not adding anything, I simply want to increase awareness)
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Who cares about defects when it's a porn game? Seriously you guys do this every thread the topic comes up. Take your research to the PMs; incest is my fetish too but no one's trying to justify you doing it in real life.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Why are we even discussing inbreeding in TiTS. 

You're probably not going to be breeding much of anybody in the named cast, much less any of your relatives. Except Shade's tail, but that doesn't count.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Why are we even discussing inbreeding in TiTS. 

You're probably not going to be breeding much of anybody in the named cast, much less any of your relatives. Except Shade's tail, but that doesn't count.

Iunno Sav. This thread went to a weird place.

Fwiw I'm not interested in inbreeding. The act of sex between relatives is what I fetishize, not having children with them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Honestly I think it strengthens it and that there shouldn't be some push towards one, more solid idea of how Vic treated his heir one way or the other - not at the beginning, anyway. For one thing it keeps the door nice and open for different people writing content to offer up characters who have differing ideas on the situation and different opinions of Victor himself. Not only does that make the game more interesting but it also adds to the hard-to-pin-down loose canon folk hero sort of reputation Vic has. Characterizing him this way is a whole lot more interesting than anything Fenoxo actually wrote about him. He may not have intended much of any ambiguity but it ended up being there; embracing it and letting people run with it will ultimately be much more fun.

There would, IMO, be enough blanks to fill regarding Daddy dearest and enough fuel for speculations, without making PC's childhood and their relationship with Victor into one. From the character standpoint, Junior knows next to nothing about their Dad and especially his early years. Right now the most uncomfortable aspect of this Captain Steele has to deal with is coming to terms with the idea of Victor marking half the alien babes in the galaxy as his territory, but that can easily be changed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Why are we even discussing inbreeding in TiTS. 

You're probably not going to be breeding much of anybody in the named cast, much less any of your relatives. Except Shade's tail, but that doesn't count.

...But I want to breed both of the pussy's pussies...Not necessarily at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
...But I want to breed both of the pussy's pussies...Not necessarily at the same time.

You can fuck the pussy's pussy without breeding her. I'm p sure in this context Savin is using "breed" to mean "have kids with" rather than a generic term for sexytimes.