[Unity] Carnal Coup - Overseer's Edition Now on Steam!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Wanted to make a special mention of the Liberator-tier poll going on now, as it may determine the next few months of game development. Normally I use these polls to determine which of the 8 races to introduce to the game next, which is still an option as there's three still remaining. However, this month I'm also adding the option to move on to mid-game phase development. To quote my Patreon post on what this means:

As I mentioned previously, this month I'm going to be adding 'Begin mid-game phase development' to the Liberator poll, which will be going up this weekend. There's a lot going on there, so I want to lay out exactly what that means (and to have this post to refer back to in coming months if it's passed over this round). So, to clarify, when I'm talking about the 'mid-game', I'm referring to the following features and changes:

Unlock Requirements. I will activate the currently unused requirements for certain scenes, and expand on some of them. This will, obviously, make the game somewhat harder, and I left this off at the start because I didn't want to force people to grind through a limited amount of available content at the beginning. These requirements include:

* Office Upgrades. These will require citizen recruits, and some upgrades may have different options which lead to different customizations. There may need to be some reworking of Director scenes to account for these options.

* Director Meetings. You must have the office upgraded in order to press the directors further down their path.

* Department Visits. Finishing off Department plotlines will require some influence over the directors, allowing you to reduce the usage of inhibitor drugs in their departments.

* Scene Requirements. Certain scenes like Department plotlines and Random Encounters may have various requirements which will be turned on.

Score Mechanics Reworked. Right now there's one current 'Advancement' score which is fairly meaningless. This will be reworked into two different kinds of points: Liberator Points and Infiltrator Points. These will...also be somewhat meaningless until we get to the end-game phase of development, as they will determine what sort of ending you can receive, but there are some other associated changes:

* Specialist Recruitment. Different Recruitment selections will give different points.

* Department Epilogues. Department Plotlines will have their endings modified allowing you to help direct them down one path or the other.

* Other Scenes. Most scenes that currently give points will give points to both categories. How many points things give will likely be rebalanced as we get to the end-game phase.

Specialists & Missions. This is the main category for totally new content during this development phase, and will help put a lot of spotlight on the Specialist characters. These features include:

* Specialist Relationships. As you continue your relationship with your Specialists, you will gain the ability to do Loyalty Missions for them. Complete these, and you can choose to evolve the relationship to Platonic or Romantic levels. The 'Platonic' option exists as the Specialists are the only gender-locked characters, and so they may not be everyone's type, but going for Romance will unlock, obviously, more smut content and possible threesome scenes with other Romantic Specialists.

* Away Missions. Once you've recruited your second Specialist (Hellfire being your first freebie), you will have the option to go on Away Missions, both to the Figura planet and onboard the Station. These Missions will offer a variety of challenges which will lead to a variety of rewards: Recruits, Impersonation Skill, Liberator/Infiltrator Points, and possible other bonuses. The first version of these missions will be simple text based challenges, but once the basics are down I intend to look into adding some sort of exploration aspect to them. Completing these missions with certain team setups may also be the requirement for some of the threesome content mentioned above. Note that this content may be a little unbalanced while some of the Specialists are still missing from the game, and aren't adding their skills to the mix.

A final note I want to make is this will be a long phase to complete, and will likely mean a month or two without a lot in the way of new adult content. If you'd rather put that off, you're more than free to continue voting for more species introductions. But if you've been waiting for this game to have more, well, gameplay, then this will be your opportunity to decide. So, as I mentioned, the poll will be going up this weekend, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to read over what it means first (and if you want to discuss in the comments, feel free to add your thoughts). See you then!

This poll will be going on for the next two weeks, so if there's anyone feeling invested in whether the game focuses on new species or on gamification for the next few months, I thought I'd spread some notice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
New Patron release up today, featuring the introduction of the Celopi Secret Police, as well as a batch of new artwork including a CG piece from our newest artist, Suki262. I may also be opening up a game discord server this weekend, you can check out the post for more game updates!

v0.9.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated
* New Cheat Option: Unlock All Random Encounters

Scene Content:

* Celopi Dept Scene 1 & 2
* Celopi Dir Scene 1
* Celopi Specialist Intro (with placeholder text for followup scenes)
* Random Encounter: Camera Voyeur

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed/Nude Male Vox Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* 9 Clothed/Nude Female Vox Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* Lencist Citizen CG added to Lencist Specialty scene & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected some text issues in the Citizen Seduction: Oral scene.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Double update day, v0.9.1 for Patrons and v0.8.1 for public followers! The latest version focuses on the Celopi Secret Police faction, as well as a few other goodies. You can check out the Patreon post for more info, but here's some patch notes and game links:

v0.9.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Character customization UI has been enhanced with the option of six ethnicities to choose from. Placeholder artwork is currently used for female Overseers.

Scene Content:

* Citizen Seduction Scene: Vanilla
* Celopi Department Scenes 3 & 4.

Art Content:

* 6 Clothed/Nude Male Overseer portraits added to character selection & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Changing your customization from the options screen will now show the current name used.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.8.1 Game Links:

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit

Newgrounds WebGL

itch.io WebGL

Also, a new Vox preview pic:



Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey dudes/dudettes, just wanted to note that I'm going to be starting on some player feedback surveys for anyone who's given the game a try, starting with preferred gender selections. Feel free to hit up the poll and share your style.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
New Patron release up today, v0.10.0! (Sorry if anyone was expecting v1.0 already, heh.) This release focuses on the psychic Celopi Secret Police, but also contains new artwork for the Vessian Space MILFs! ...I mean, Vessian Cloners!


You can find more info at the patreon post!

v0.10.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

* Celopi Department Scene 5
* Celopi Director Scene 2 & 3

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed/Nude Vessian Citizen variants added to citizen encounters and gallery

Codex Entries:

* Specialist Bio: Grunt
* Specialist Bio: Piledriver

Bug Fixes:

* Credits panel has been improved to accomodate growing patronage
* Text corrections to Celopi Director Scene 1
* Specialist Codex entries are now only available once you've met the specialist in question

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
We've got a double update today, v0.9.1 for the public and v0.10.1 for patrons! The latest release focuses on the BDSM-kinked Celopi Secret Police, as well as an intro to the hermaphroditic, reptilian Schen. You can find more info at the Patreon post, as usual. Next month will be finishing off the Celopi, and really getting into the Schen...so to speak.

v0.10.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Warning about illegitimate copies disabled (but still, be careful where you get your downloads).

Scene Content:

* Random Encounter: Celopi Shapeshifter Detection Scene
* Celopi Specialist Convo 1 & 2
* Celopi Director Scene 4
* Schen Department Scene 1
* Schen Director Scene 1

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed/Nude Male Celopi Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* 9 Clothed/Nude Female Celopi Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.9.1 Game links:

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
One additional teaser for this update: Celopi Secret Police preview artwork!



Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey, I've got a public opinion poll open I'd like everyone's feedback on: which of the eight alien races is most interesting? This could affect things like artwork priorities, so I'm interested in what folks like:

Patreon Poll Here

Thanks for voting!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Mid-Month update for Patrons is out! The game's now completed Phase 1 Secret Police content, and will now be moving focus onto the reptilian Schen Scientists. We also have a development poll ongoing to possibly determine the next few months of development focus for higher-tier patrons, so if anyone's got a preference for what we work on next I recommend trying it out. If you don't want to click through for the patch notes, here you go:

v0.11.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

* Celopi Specialist Convo 3 & Reveal
* Celopi Citizen Seduction Specialty
* Random Encounter: Maelish Sexbot Hunt
* Schen Specialist Intro (Placeholders added for conversation scenes)

Art Content:

* Citizen Seduction Scene: Vox Taste CG (M/F and M/M variants) added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* 6 Nude Female Overseer variants added to character selection & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* Celopi

Bug Fixes:

* Default font size of main text increased from 16 to 20.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey folks, just wanted to spread the word about a special offer I'm doing for the holiday weekend - rather than suffer at the hands of one writer's kinks (that is, mine), or hope to win in a generalized scene poll, I'm going to be letting one lucky patron personally 'direct' a scene they want to have added to a future update! Contest open for this weekend only!

For more info on the contest rules, check out the post here!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey guys, latest double update day is here! v0.10.1, with its focus on the psychic Celopi Secret Police is now free for all, while v0.11.1 is now up for Patrons with some new artwork and some more Schen Scientist scenes! This month will be focusing a lot more on the reptilian Schen, with a probable introduction of the Maelish fighter pilots later in December. You can check out more on the Patreon, or check below:

v0.11.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* None

Scene Content:

* Schen Scientists Dept Scene 3, 4 & 5

Art Content:

* Citizen Seduction Scene: Vessian Scent CG added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* Citizen Seduction Scene: Celopi Dirty Talk CG added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* 6 Clothed Female Overseer variants added to character selection & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected numerous text issues in the Citizen Seduction - Dirty Talk scene.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.10.1 Game Links (10/27/2017):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The latest Patron release is up, v0.12.0! This is admittedly a relatively light update, just as it happened to turn out, but I would like to note that I'm not anticipating the holiday season having too much of an impact on the upcoming release. I'd also like to note for the bugophiles in here (that's a word, right) that our first Roth Worker insectoid-featured scene has entered the game! Next release, you can also expect to see the proper introduction of the genetically modified Maelish pilots. For more info, check out the Patreon post. Enjoy!

v0.12.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated
* Minor changes to Encounters review screen to handle expanded encounters list

Scene Content:

* Random Encounter: Roth Holiday Presents
* Schen Director Scene 2 & 3

Art Content:

* None

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Double update day, with v0.11.1 for followers and v0.12.1 for patrons! The latest focuses on the Schen reptilians, with a bit of an introduction to the Maelish space pilots as well. The Schen are nearly complete, so January will see us moving on more to the Maelish in a few weeks. You can check out the Patreon post for more info!


v0.12.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* A new Art Preference option has been added, to toggle the gender pairing CGs you would like to see (Male/Female, Female/Female, etc). By default all options are set to true.
* Game Engine has been updated from Unity 5.5.1 to Unity 2017.3. Minor compatibility changes to asset libraries.
* Notice: The Overseer Customization option (after game start) will be moved to Cheat Options in following releases.

Scene Content:

* Schen Director Scene 4
* Maelish Dept Scene 1
* Maelish Dir Scene 1
* Schen Specialist Convo 1

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed/Nude Schen Citizen variants added to citizen encounters & gallery.
* Vox Specialty CG added to citizen encounter & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.11.1 (11/30/2017):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Not exactly what I was going for, but if that's what you're into.... ;)

Actually their visual design was mostly inspired by the Indogene from Defiance (for skin texture) and Kaminoans from Star Wars (for general body shape).


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
New patron release today, v0.13.0! This was a shorter release cycle, but we are very close now to finishing off the introduction of the Schen reptilians - including a new Schen CG. Then we'll be on to the Maelish pilots! For more info, you can check out the Patreon post.

v0.13.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

* Schen Specialist Convo 2 & 3
* Schen Citizen Speciality Scene

Art Content:

* Schen Citizen Seduction Vanilla added to citizen encounter & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Typo fixes in Schen Specialist Convo 1, Vessian Specialty, and Pool Random Encounter scenes.

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
New Double Release day, v0.12.1 for the public and v0.13.1 for supporters! The latest release ties off a few Schen Scientist loose ends, and gets deeper into the Maelish Space Forces department plotline. February will be a pretty Maelish-focused month, but I may toss in a Roth Insectoid preview towards the end of the month. Check out the Patreon post for more info.

v0.13.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* When doing a citizen seduction as a Vessian or Schen morph, you will no longer be asked to select a gender. Citizen scene options should now be functional with Schen Herm gender.
* The ability to customize your Overseer name and appearance after game start is now a cheat option only.

Scene Content:

* Schen Specialist Reveal
* Maelish Specialist Intro
* Maelish Dept Scene 2 & 3

Art Content:

* Schen Specialty CG added to citizen encounter & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* Race: Schen

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected issue that was preventing savegame compatibility updates from being applied when upgrading from a x.x.1 save version to some later x.x.1 versions. If you've been playing with an old save and have been having trouble unlocking the following, you may need to start with a fresh save:

* Celopi Detection Random Encounter
* Vessian Specialist Sorority
* Vox Specialist Hummer

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.12.1 (12/29/2017):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
We have a new Patron release tonight, v0.14.0! A little smaller than hoped as I've had a lack of free time the past few weeks, but we do have some new Maelish pilots and Schen scientist content for you this week. I can also announce that in the next few weeks we'll be adding our first music to the game, in the form of an original track by SIGINT (Twitter)! Once the game's sound system is set up, we can look forward to additional music being added in the future! As usual, the Patreon post has all the info.

v0.14.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

* Maelish Dept Scene 4
* Maelish Director Scene 2
* Schen Impregnation Random Encounter

Art Content:

* None

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Double update this week, v0.13.1 for the public and v0.14.1 for Patrons! Also, this is the 1st birthday for Carnal Coup on Patreon! I can also announce we've brought on an additional artist to help out with NPC Designs, and we'll be starting with the Celopi Specialist Switch. This week, we added the first scenes for the insectoid Roth Workers, although we have plenty more of the Maelish pilots to come. You can check out the latest info at the Patreon post.

v0.14.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Patreon Link button added to credits panel
* Patreon Link button added to main game screen - free releases only
* Functionality added to support CGs during Department plotlines

Scene Content:

* Maelish Dept Scene 5 (Note: This scene will require Vox recruits in the future, this requirement is not currently enforced)
* Roth Dept Scene 1
* Roth Director Scene 1

Art Content:

* Harian Department Scene 5 CG added to encounter & gallery.

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.13.1 Game Links (1/31/2018):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit

Newgrounds WebGL

itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Latest update is up for patrons, which I'm pleased to announce now includes music! We've had a track generously contributed by SIGINT, and with the music infrastructure now added, it'll be easier to add additional audio in the future. We're also about one release away from finishing the Maelish Pilots content, give or take, leaving only a single race left before the game's early phase development is complete. We also have a new Vessian scene, as voted on by our Overseers. You can find out more info at the Patreon post.

v0.15.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated
* 1st Audio track added to the game
* Audio options added to new options panel: Volume Slider, Sound On/Off Toggle

Scene Content:

* Maelish Specialist Convo 1
* Maelish Citizen Seduction Specialty
* Vessian Glory Hole Random Encounter

Art Content:

* None

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Another double update day! The newest release finishes off the Maelish Pilots introduction, while v0.14.1 is now free to the public, with Maelish Pilots and Roth Worker scenes included! Full info on the latest version can be found at the Patreon post, while free version links can be found below. While March was low in art updates due to artist schedules, we should have a few new designs and CGs coming up in April to look forward to.

v0.15.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* None

Scene Content:

* Maelish Specialist Convo 2, 3 & Reveal
* Maelish Director Scene 3 & 4

Art Content:

* None

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.14.1 (2/28/2018):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, time for another update! v0.16.0 is now out for patrons, and includes our first input from our newest artist Mango! Additionally, there's some Roth, some Codex, and we hear you like porn, so we put some porn in our porn so you can jerk it while you jack it. We're coming up close to the end now for Phase 1 development, you can find more deets on the patreon post!

v0.16.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated
* Pressing 'Enter' in Character Surname and Cheat Code entry fields will now submit those forms.

Scene Content:

* Roth Specialist Intro, Placeholders added for further scenes
* Roth Department Scene 2
* Harian Illicit Porno Random Encounter

Art Content:

* Switch Civilian Portrait added to Conversations, Switch Civilian, Mission and Nude Portraits added to Gallery

Codex Entries:

* Race: Maelish
* Character: Sorority
* Character: Switch
* Character: DoubleD
* Character: Hummer
* Character: Octopussy

Bug Fixes:

* None

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening folks, it's double update day! v0.15.1 is up for the public, and v0.16.1 is now out for Patrons. In our latest release, we have some more of the insectoid Roth Workers, as well as a new Vessian Cloner CG and designs for male Maelish Pilots! I'll also note again that v0.15.1, our free release, includes our first original music track! We're getting close to the conclusion of 'Phase 1' development goals, so keep an eye on the Patreon to find more info on future plans! You can find info on the most recent release at the post.

v0.16.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* None

Scene Content:

* Roth Department Scene 3, 4 & 5
* Roth Director Scene 2

Art Content:

* Vessian Department 5 CG added to story & gallery
* 9 Clothed & Nude Maelish Male Citizen Portraits added to Citizen Encounters & gallery

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Minor typo correction Roth Department Scene 1

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

v0.15.1 (3/31/2018):

Windows 64 Bit

Windows 32 Bit (No TTS Support)

Newgrounds WebGL

Itch.io WebGL


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey guys, wanted to spread word of a development poll now posted. This is for Liberator+ tier patrons, but it could affect the schedule for the next few months, so I figured I'd give everyone who might be interested a chance to take a look at what's coming up, starting at the end of May.

Alright folks, time for a development poll, and this one could be rather impactful on the schedule. Phase 2 is almost upon us, and it's time to decide where to start. First, I'll go through what each of the options are:
1. Tutorial/First Day Revamp: This will involve taking the current info dump Hellfire gives you at the start of the game, and turning it into a full day or two in which to introduce the player to the Departments and game concepts at a more reasonable and in-depth pace. This is the simplest Phase 2 goal, and will probably take a few weeks.

2. Office Upgrades: Right now office upgrades are just something that you click through as they come up. The goal is for each upgrade to have a few options with it, and depending on which department assets you use to do the upgrade, will customize the office in various ways. This will involve revisiting the Director scenes to update as necessary, and may involve somewhat different sex scenes depending on some of the upgrades used. I haven't done an in-depth look at how many scenes I'll need to update, but this will probably take at least a few weeks.

3. Exploration Missions: This is the big one, one of the core features for Phase 2. It'll involve collecting assets, new minor encounters, and expanding your relationships with your Specialists who will be joining you on the missions. Now, this is a code-heavy feature, and I've actually done very little coding for most of the past year - mostly writing, some art management, and just enough functionality changes to get new content working. As a code-heavy item, it may mean a number of updates go by with very little to show to players. I'll still do random encounters and other such scenes, just to keep you all from getting bored, but do be prepared for potentially a couple months of light updates with this option.

4. And finally, Specialist relationships. I put this last as relationships will be blocked at a certain point by Mission requirements anyhow. But, take eight specialists, times a couple of pre-mission scenes each, and that's still a good month or two of specialist work to be done. If you really want to see more of the Specialists, and don't mind skipping the heavy smut scenes for a while, here's your option.

There's a few other Phase 2 objectives on the list, but they generally require one or more of these to be finished first. As usual, order will take precedence in the event of a tie. This poll will run for two weeks, but vote soon so you don't forget! If all goes well with the schedule, I'll like be beginning work on the chosen option by the end of the month.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey guys, got our mid-month update up for patrons, v0.17.0! This week features citizen portraits for the lady pilots, as well as a selection of Roth Worker scenes. Particularly notable is that all of the Citizen Seduction scenes are now in the game! These have been the most complex scenes to create, so hopefully everything else from here on out will be easy in comparison. :p The Roth are still on track to be finished this month, and we still have a development poll running to determine the feature to be worked on next. For more info, check out the Patreon post.

v0.17.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Monthly Cheat Code Updated

Scene Content:

* Roth Specialist Convo 1
* Roth Director Scene 3
* Roth Citizen Specialty

Art Content:

* 9 Clothed & Nude Maelish Female Citizen Portraits added to Citizen Encounters & gallery

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Typos corrected in Roth Director 1, Maelish Citizen Specialty scenes

Known Issues:

* TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Thought I'd update our preview art with the Maelish Pilots - one race left for the full set!



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
I really expected the Maelish would look less human than that. Frankly I think this is a recurring issue with the game; you have all these different alien races as the focal point of the game, but they're mostly just Rubber-Forehead Aliens. It's not like I'm expecting Teraurge, but the aliens just aren't very, well, alien.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Well, there's two factors at play. First, I do want to be sure that most people actually find them to be attractive enough to be fuckable. One sexpot race like the Asari might be fine in other settings, but in porn games the ratio needs to be a bit higher or folks will get turned off. The other is that some scenes are written where the species of some of the characters involved can be variable, and if anatomical differences get to the point where certain acts might be impossible, then I have to basically write entirely different scene variants for those. Which might not be a problem if this was my gig, but my schedule being what it is, I'm hoping to avoid only having one new scene released a month, and I am keeping that in mind when I do the species designs.