[Unity] Carnal Coup - Overseer's Edition Now on Steam!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all - it's time! Carnal Coup Overseer's Edition is now on sale on various storefronts, with a bit of a launch discount to boot! As I've already posted the patch notes for this release I don't have much more to say about it, other than to note again that this edition also includes the full set of Stories from Watch Station chapters and a brand new pdf artbook. Additionally, any further bug fixes or QoL updates for Carnal Coup will be aimed for this edition, although of course my hope is for a smooth launch and that I'll be able to soon turn my full focus towards our next project. I'll post more about that in a few days, but until then, swing by and check us out!





Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Wanted to swing by and let folks know that I have a new public poll up to vote on potential species designs for the next game, I currently have six designs competing for three open spots. Come on by and vote!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Evening all, hope you had a good Halloween! Just a quick pointer to our latest State of the Game post, where I talk a bit about the systems I've been working on this past month, and show off some very ugly GUI. Also, our new species poll has ended with Plants, Goblins and Slimes taking the top spots! Swing by the Patreon post for more info!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The monthly state of the game post is now up, with further progress on Carnal Voyages. GUI continues to be very placeholder and probably will be for several more months, but a lot of code work is continuing, particularly in the area of generating NPC crewmembers and building the ships the player will command. With any luck, later this month I'll get to the part where your ships actually go somewhere and do stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Been getting pretty deep into code this past month, which I talk about in this month's State of the Game post. A lot of work has been done on the Duty Assignments system for Carnal Voyages, and I've started work on perhaps the biggest system yet - combat encounters. And although I've been focused almost entirely on the coding side of things, I haven't completely forgotten about the writing side either, so I'll probably be doing a poll in the near future on which species plotlines people would like to see done for the game first. Keep an eye out for that, and hope you're having a good 2022!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, just wanted to note that I've set up the poll for the first two species (out of eight) that folks would like to see me start off Carnal Voyages with! I'm still a few months away from really getting into any writing tasks, but this will let me know where to start planning. I've also included a few other quick progress notes, so check out the post for all the details.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Wanted to note that the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is on sale in the Steam and itch.io Lunar New Year sales, for folks who are into paying for things (but at discounts). The species selection poll is also up for a few more days, for anyone who hasn't voted already!




Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The monthly State of the Game post is now up, and this month I've included a few video screencaps of the kinda-card-game combat system I've been working on (along with a text description of what's going on, to assist with the complete lack of graphics design in the current prototype). This coming month I'll be working on the ground combat system, which will be quite similar and should go quicker now that I have the basics implemented. Additionally, Harians and the plantoid Seeders have won the poll for the first species to get storyline content, once I finally get through coding and can get some writing done again. Swing by the post for more info!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Another month, another monthly State of the Game post is now up! In short, the main mechanical systems of all three combat types are now functional! For this next month I'll be moving on to the dynamic sex scenes, which will be the last major piece of functionality I have planned for the initial release of Carnal Voyages (there will of course be a great deal of interface work to come as well). Check out the post for more info!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Thought I'd drop in to put a link to an opinion poll I've just put up, mainly asking if I ought to focus on a smaller set of functionality for a quicker demo release, or work on getting the dynamic 'Romance' scenes more fully completed now while I'm already on it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/positions-poll-63850098

This poll will run til the end of the month. I'm also open to suggestions on which positions I ought to focus on if I go for a limited initial set, the first three I'm looking at are Missionary, Doggy, and Standing Doggy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Time again for another State of the Game update! A lot of progress has been made on the last major feature planned for Carnal Voyage's initial release, which is the player-directed 'Romance' scenes. As a poll this month requested that I spend the time filling out the content for this feature while we're still in this phase of development, I'll likely be spending a good chunk of the next month on this as well, but the mechanics have largely all been implemented. For more details, check out the Patreon post here!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
The latest State of the Game post is now up, with the completion of the Romance Scene functionality (at least for this first phase of development). This month I've added in functionality for a dozen different main positions, including a special case 'soloist' position, written up a lot of dialogue for filling out the scenes, and implemented some NPC initiative for how the scenes play out.

My next goal will be focusing on some of the more boring essentials for the game: menu screens, options, and so on, and revisiting character creation now that I have some portrait art assets to work with. Things are proceeding well for getting the game's foundation complete so we can return to a normal Patreon schedule!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hey all, it's another month and much more progress has been made! The character creator/portrait system is now fully functional, and new Schen art assets have already been plugged into it as well! I've recorded a short demo video of it in practice, which you can find at the Patreon post here.

With that done I've begun work on the long-awaited GUI overhaul, which will finally get rid of all of these default Unity components. It's a bit of an experiment for me as I haven't designed my own GUI components before, but some early work is showing promise. I'll be back later to let you know how it all works out!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
Sup, it's State of the Game post time, and this month we've had a lot of GUI updates and a lot of new artwork has come in - particular for the Harians, with both chargen portrait assets as well as portraits for a new character who will be getting introduced in the post-tutorial content. The main task of swapping out all the GUI assets is almost complete, although a number of windows also require deeper functionality improvements. After that it's down to a few remaining cleanup items before the first playable release is out, so we're getting close!

Also, the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is currently on sale on Steam and itch.io, so don't miss out on that!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
It's the last status post before the initial release of Carnal Voyages, as the major remaining tasks are complete and the remaining items are mostly filler text or structural stuff (like setting up a new itch.io page). I'm not setting a specific release date for the intro, but it will be sometime this month! In the meanwhile, check out the post and enjoy some pictures of plants.