Here's my work for the contest It's an old project I started working on a few years ago. I had to stop working on it because I broke one of my fingers and some personal stuff after. I decided to try finishing it for the contest, but I got busy lately and couldn't finish it up. However, that project currently reaches 92 pages and the first 70 ish pages got checked for typos by someone back in the days.
It has meeting scenes, repeatable sex scenes, repeatable talk scenes, a codex and a TF item. And it's already coded with the basic parser easy stuff.
Well, I said it's not finished, but it has everything to be implemented in the game. By that, I mean it would be ready to be implemented. What is left to do, is only a few more sex scenes I wanted to write. The PC won't be chasing something that doesn't exist. There are only a few sex scenes I planned to add. If I win a prize, I'll write them for the team.