Trials in Tainted Space Hallowiener Spunktacular Submission Thread

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
52 submissions as of now. Dear members of the jury, I send you my condoleances.

Order by thread submission/page/status/author/type(note that Poe A costumes types will not have more details unless incomplete)

numbers in red do not seem to include halloween theme/Poe A/horror or are currently incomplete (do tell me if I overlooked something because I might have missed the halloween part if it was discreete)
numbers in orange are those with a format which made me decide not to review it much so type might be incorrect (might be the police of characters, the type of file, it being an extension for a character that exists, etc.)
numbers in blue are those that are seemingly appropriate, note that a number in orange can be blue but I just didn't read them
Complete Poe A will be in pink because there are way many of those

1-The haunted miner 25(WIP) by @Primus Type: Sexy horror exploration, fight, incomplete, halloween theme
2-Heat drinking tentacle monster 27(COM) by @Frogapus Type: fight, sex, tf, horror
3-Fallen angel halloween 4(WIP) by @eldestdawn Type: Poe A, incomplete
4(read fully+made edits)-Alternate Holiday Costume 6(COM) by @Dragonice Type: Poe A
5-Spider suit 8(COM) by @magikarpfever Type: Poe A
6-The lost game 15(WIP?) by @tsundekawaii Type: disorientation, mystical, sexy but no sex, incomplete? mystic halloween theme
7-Mimic 7(COM) by @Gray Upsilon Type: new char, no sexy and no sex, fight, mild halloween
8(read fully)-A Night with an Incubus 4(WIP) by @Merilyn Type: sex, no context, incomplete, halloween theme
9-Character: Shannon 4(COM) by @Smile Type: new char wearing halloween costume, sexy
10-Metal costume (Poe A) 1/2(COM) by @Mr. Storyteller Type: Poe A
11-The scarecrow 6(COM) by @Arachnorocker Type: fight, bad end, no sexy and no sex, halloween theme
12-Oneiro 25(COM) by @Vinyl_Wubs Type: Police investigation, horror, no sexy and no sex
13-The scanner flatline (Poe A) 11(COM) by @VoloFiasco Type: Poe A
14-Ghost sex dream 10(COM) by @Slab Bulkhead Type: dream, sex, halloween theme
15- (no title) 10(COM) by @MiloTosscobble Type: sex
16-Night of the Chupacabro 11(COM) by @HugsAlright Type: fight, sex, crew involved, halloween theme
17-Demon Slayer outfit 4(COM) by @DHeroRedMagma Type: Poe A
18-Pump-King 17(COM) by @Franks Type: fight, bad end, sex, halloween theme
19- @Sparrow 's submission which is split in 9 docs totalling 34 pages, likely complete. Go find the links yourself I ain't gonna link 9 links. Type:Nightmare fuel for devs and readers
20-Korgonne Witches 13(COM) by @Susumu Type: sex, witches, mild halloween
21-Saurmorian costume 17(COM) by @Aullama Type: Poe A
22-Vampsluts 84(COM) by @Lenerator Type: tf through event progression, Biggest submission as of yet, new characters, tf, halloween theme, etc. (haven't read but considering the content it'll probably get in latter anyway)
23-Hallow's bar-ship 18(COM) by @GothPastel Type: sex, new ship, bar, consumable energy item, halloween theme
24-Arbor Festival 24(COM) by @Bastet12 Type: Poe A
25(read fully)-Fun Naleen orgy 8(COM) by @Natemare Type: just like the waterfall event near zil-tribe, sex
26-Halloween at the Gryphon Stables 14(COM) by @Skeksi Type: new chars, sex, tf, mild halloween
27-At Night You Dream of an Ocean 4(COM) by @MagpieDance Type: Dream, sex, halloween theme
28-The Pitcher Plot 19(COM) by @lethicitethrone Type: sex, dream, bad ending
29-Paige Halloween expansion 39(WIP?) by B Type: sex, halloween theme, incomplete
30-Gravity Well 3(COM) by @Sheila Type: tf, no sexy and no sex
31(read fully+made edits)-Hero's garb (Poe A) 18(COM) by @Fenrirskoll Type: Poe A, make your pick: adorable trap or mighty hero?
32-Sheep costume (Poe A) 13(COM) by @SheepPun Type: Poe A
33-Priapu 35(COM) by @Ratchet Hundreda Type: place, encounter, format doc that lost me
34-Praying Mantis waifu Leila 14(COM?) by @Mooseman Type: sex, bad end for ovious reasons, new race, horror
35-Mutant Dryad costume (Poe A) 39(COM) by @TosakunoKishi Type: Poe A
36-Nursery pumpkin event 5(COM) by @BumblingBee Type: Nursery, halloween theme, no sexy and no sex
37(Made it with TF)-Pumpkin Queen 9(COM) by @TFMaster (and myself) Type: sex, halloween theme, tf, Happy end
38-Maze 49(COM) by @Spacestalin Type: sex, halloween theme
39-Sexy Time Halloween Tale 6(COM?) by @Athra DD Type: Watch a movie, sexy time but no sex, requires certain crewmates
40-Dream Eater 35(COM) by @TheAscent Type: sex, fight, dream, halloween theme
41-Zootopia police bunny costume (Poe A) 2(COM) by @durmir Type: Poe A
42-Furry treat 11(COM) by @flying_moustache Type: Sera related, tf items
43-A run with lady Ophelia 13(COM) by @DARKSIDEWRAITH Type: Poe A(not a tf), sex
44-Flirting with Death 8(COM) by @Trebla Type: Poe A
45-Neon Angel 9(COM) by @ThereWasanAttempt Type: Poe A
46-Plundar and Plowe's hidden treasure 6(COM?) by @confused boner Type:sex, halloween theme, treasure hunt
47-The pursuit of liberty 27(COM) by @Graye Type: sex, new char
48-Bondage Kitty 13(COM) by @Adjatha Type: Poe A, black cat
49-Badger's monster 17(WIP) by @Doombot Type: haunted house, halloween theme, incomplete, great Igor and master jokes
50-In search of employment (it's the title) 35(COM) by @Melusine (the first naked breasts I saw in a book ;P) Type: Scary mansion, kinda horror?, fight, sex, bad end
51-Six arms oni (chan) 11(COM) by @Violent Knight Type: Poe A
52-Cupid Costume ? (COM) by @Mags Type: Poe A

My current favorites to lead are number 5, 31 and 37 (I consider grammar, fluidity, size and form of the document, respect of the base rules of the TITS writting guide, how much the halloween theme appears in the submission, if it's complete or not, if it includes sex or at least sexy because this IS a sex game and if these are all good, I take a look at the content) If I haven't reviewed in details it it's logical it's not there (and I'm not really reading them in order).
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New Member
Oct 22, 2017
This only my second submission to Fenoxo so I am not really familiar with how the parsers work so I did what i could without using them. I made a costume that transforms the PC and puts them into 'God Mode' so they can party day and night without any negative side effects. Checked my spelling and grammar many times and I think most of my punctuation is up to standards. If anyone wouldn't mind doing any minor adjustments or help me a little with the few parsers i need for the transformation it would be appreciated. If not I did my best and I'll just submit it the way it is and hope for the best. Here is my submission 'Flirting with Death'

Athra DD

New Member
Oct 22, 2017


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
Oh the title of my story is "Sexy Time Halloween Tale," & constructive comments welcome.
Summery is a Steele story time on a mystery Halloween tale of is it true or false. totally closed story its players own conclusion.
@Athra DD Your doc is currently restricted and cannot be seen.


New Member
Oct 22, 2017
It appears the server is operating on some timezone far removed from my own as so many users are submitting their content "at the wire," despite it being the 21st here with an hour to go... in other words: here's my (on-time) submission.

The Pursuit of Liberty is neither particularly scary nor, well, finished. I intend to continue writing until my clock ticks over at midnight, but the sheer amount of content I planned (and even more severe overestimation of my ability) is guaranteed to exceed so narrow a margin. Much of the first half is complete, and a thorough bullet-point outline exists for the remaining sections, sufficient to provide an adequate assessment of the expected quality and content. Serves me right for neglecting to check this site more often; I initially discovered this contest was in progress yesterday evening.

Anyhow, I included a little "Bonus" bit of ideas for Poe A costumes as an addendum to my genuine submission given that, as noted above, the actual content of such is neither particularly frightening nor Halloween-themed... unless you're afraid of certain sexual fetishes.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
Badger's Monster
Writing is hard, i hope you don't mind if i post a tad unfinished work. dunno if i made it in the dadline thought. (I'm a noob at this sry)

Edit: hopefully i'll rewrite this into something decent for next year.
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New Member
Oct 21, 2017

Sorry, I didn't realise my submission was supposed to have a title, I've been in kind of a rush over this whole thing. It's based on a short story I wrote last year which was titled 'At Night You Dream of an Ocean' so I'll call it that. I'll go and amend my original post now.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017

Sorry, I didn't realise my submission was supposed to have a title, I've been in kind of a rush over this whole thing. It's based on a short story I wrote last year which was titled 'At Night You Dream of an Ocean' so I'll call it that. I'll go and amend my original post now.

@MagpieDance It's good, your title has been updated on the list. Also, it is not necessarily forced to have a title, but it definitely help to have one for the contest when you want the judges to remember your submission easier.

Gray Upsilon

Oct 7, 2017
7-Mimic 7(COM) by @Gray Upsilon Type: new char, no sexy and no sex, fight

My submission was like... a minor injection of Halloween with the slimes having jack-o-lantern/scarecrow themed bodies and a mentioning of the holiday. Doubt that uh... doubt that adds up to anything significant, though. Oh, and there was also the ballistic face mask item, which has a shark mouth on it, and that's spooky as fuck.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
My submission was like... a minor injection of Halloween with the slimes having jack-o-lantern/scarecrow themed bodies and a mentioning of the holiday. Doubt that uh... doubt that adds up to anything significant, though. Oh, and there was also the ballistic face mask item, which has a shark mouth on it, and that's spooky as fuck.
Thanks for noticing me, I'll update.


Oct 21, 2017
@Kirorororo yeah, my entry is complete. I'm a new enough writer to not really know what to change and how to improve the story, but I have enough experience with other stuff to know that if I start making last minute changes that i could make it worse. So it's done.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
@Kirorororo yeah, my entry is complete. I'm a new enough writer to not really know what to change and how to improve the story, but I have enough experience with other stuff to know that if I start making last minute changes that i could make it worse. So it's done.
@Dragonice 's submission finished to suggest refining, getting to @Fenrirskoll 's one, once and if you agree(and let me suggest only in the document).
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@Kirorororo mine has a slight halloween theme, with the characters outfit and the character herself, I hope it didn't look incomplete and that's why it was red on the list?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
@Kirorororo mine has a slight halloween theme, with the characters outfit and the character herself, I hope it didn't look incomplete and that's why it was red on the list?

It's probably also that I thought it was still a WIP but since it seems it's complete, I'll update it. I'll look at it now. Might also want to allow suggestions, I'll suggest the appropriate parser form for it since yours is short.


Oct 21, 2017


Jan 23, 2017
45 submissions as of now. Dear members of the jury, I send you my condoleances.

Order by thread submission/page/status/author/type(note that Poe A costumes types will not have more details unless incomplete)

numbers in red do not seem to include halloween theme/Poe A/horror or are currently incomplete (do tell me if I overlooked something because I might have missed the halloween part if it was discreete)
numbers in orange are those with a format which made me decide not to review it much so type might be incorrect (might be the police of characters, the type of file, it being an extension for a character that exists, etc.)
numbers in blue are those that are seemingly appropriate, note that a number in orange can be blue but I just didn't read them
Complete Poe A will be in pink because there are way many of those

1-The haunted miner 25(WIP) by @Primus Type: Sexy horror exploration, fight, incomplete, halloween theme
2-Heat drinking tentacle monster 27(COM) by @Frogapus Type: fight, sex, tf, horror
3-Fallen angel halloween 4(WIP) by @eldestdawn Type: Poe A, incomplete
4-Alternate Holiday Costume 6(COM) by @Dragonice Type: Poe A
5-Spider suit 8(COM) by @magikarpfever Type: Poe A
6-The lost game 15(WIP?) by @tsundekawaii Type: disorientation, mystical, sexy but no sex, incomplete? mystic halloween theme
7-Mimic 7(COM) by @Gray Upsilon Type: new char, no sexy and no sex, fight, mild halloween
8-A Night with an Incubus 4(WIP) by @Merilyn Type: sex, no context, incomplete, halloween theme
9-Character: Shannon 4(COM) by @Smile Type: new char wearing halloween costume, sexy
10-Metal costume (Poe A) 1/2(COM) by @Mr. Storyteller Type: Poe A
11-The scarecrow 6(COM) by @Arachnorocker Type: fight, bad end, no sexy and no sex, halloween theme
12-Oneiro 25(COM) by @Vinyl_Wubs Type: Police investigation, horror, no sexy and no sex
13-The scanner flatline (Poe A) 11(COM) by @VoloFiasco Type: Poe A
14-Ghost sex dream 10(COM) by @Slab Bulkhead Type: dream, sex, halloween theme
15- (no title) 10(COM) by @MiloTosscobble Type: sex
16-Night of the Chupacabro 11(COM) by @HugsAlright Type: fight, sex, crew involved, halloween theme
17-Demon Slayer outfit 4(COM) by @DHeroRedMagma Type: Poe A
18-Pump-King 17(COM) by @Franks Type: fight, bad end, sex, halloween theme
19- @Sparrow 's submission which is split in 9 docs totalling 34 pages, likely complete. Go find the links yourself I ain't gonna link 9 links. Type:Nightmare fuel for devs and readers
20-Korgonne Witches 13(COM) by @Susumu Type: sex, witches, mild halloween
21-Saurmorian costume 17(COM) by @Aullama Type: Poe A
22-Vampsluts SSTD 90(COM) by @Lenerator Type: SSTD, Biggest submission as of yet, new characters, tf, halloween theme, etc.
23-Hallow's bar-ship 18(COM) by @GothPastel Type: sex, new ship, bar, consumable energy item, halloween theme
24-Arbor Festival 24(COM) by @Bastet12 Type: Poe A
25-Fun Naleen orgy 8(COM) by @Natemare Type: just like the waterfall event near zil-tribe, sex
26-Halloween at the Gryphon Stables 14(COM) by @Skeksi Type: new chars, sex, tf, mild halloween
27-At Night You Dream of an Ocean 4(COM) by @MagpieDance Type: Dream, sex, halloween theme
28-The Pitcher Plot 19(COM) by @lethicitethrone Type: sex, dream, bad ending
29-Paige Halloween expansion 39(WIP?) by B Type: sex, halloween theme, incomplete
30-Gravity Well 3(COM) by @Sheila Type: tf, no sexy and no sex
31-Hero's garb (Poe A) 18(COM) by @Fenrirskoll Type: Poe A
32-Sheep costume (Poe A) 13(COM) by @SheepPun Type: Poe A
33-Priapu 35(COM) by @Ratchet Hundreda Type: place, encounter, format doc that lost me
34-Praying Mantis waifu Leila 14(COM?) by @Mooseman Type: sex, bad end for ovious reasons, new race, horror
35-Mutant Dryad costume (Poe A) 39(COM) by @TosakunoKishi Type: Poe A
36-Nursery pumpkin event 5(COM) by @BumblingBee Type: Nursery, halloween theme, no sexy and no sex
37-Pumpkin Queen 9(COM) by @TFMaster (and myself) Type: sex, halloween theme, tf, Happy end
38-Maze 49(COM) by @Spacestalin Type: sex, halloween theme
39-Sexy Time Halloween Tale ?(?) by @Athra DD Type:?
40-Dream Eater 35(COM) by @TheAscent Type: sex, fight, dream, halloween theme
41-Zootopia police bunny costume (Poe A) 2(COM) by @durmir Type: Poe A
42-Furry treat 11(COM) by @flying_moustache Type: Sera related, tf items
43-A run with lady Ophelia 13(COM) by @DARKSIDEWRAITH Type: Poe A(not a tf), sex
44-Flirting with Death 8(COM) by @Trebla Type: Poe A
45-Neon Angel 9(COM) by @ThereWasanAttempt Type: Poe A

My current favorites to lead are number 5 and 37 (I consider grammar, fluidity, size and form of the document, respect of the base rules of the TITS writting guide, how much the halloween theme appears in the submission, if it's complete or not, if it includes sex or at least sexy because this IS a sex game and if these are all good, I take a look at the content) If I haven't reviewed in details it it's logical it's not there (and I'm not really reading them in order).
I'll take "nightmare fuel" as a compliment. It's broken up into multiple docs for easy sorting. If you want the sex scenes you'll find them in Poe A scene, Ridley Gastigoth, and Jackie the jack o'lantern. It should be noted that After Poe A+VR helmet is very important because it makes Poe A repeatable for people who have already gone through it and thus can't see the new additions.

I was even nice enough to include a reference image for my robot character, that way the bust artist doesn't have too hard a job.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
I'll take "nightmare fuel" as a compliment. It's broken up into multiple docs for easy sorting. If you want the sex scenes you'll find them in Poe A scene, Ridley Gastigoth, and Jackie the jack o'lantern. It should be noted that After Poe A+VR helmet is very important because it makes Poe A repeatable for people who have already gone through it and thus can't see the new additions.

I was even nice enough to include a reference image for my robot character, that way the bust artist doesn't have too hard a job.

For the sake of it you could make a doc with all of them inside so I could link it easily and people would get to choose which way they prefer to read.

The nightmare fuel you provided is scary stuff by itself, we could have a scene with Fen and crew entering in an haunted house just to find a computer screen displaying your submission menu. XD


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
Dear @Fenrirskoll , I made small corrections where I found typos and made sure that the short sword path was exploited to its full potential by adding or replacing a few select adjectives. Hope you like it even more. You can turn off the edition.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Best of luck to everyone who got their entries finished.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
Mine actually wasn't complete as of you posting this, but as of now, at 40 pages, it is complete (assuming I didn't forget/miss something).

Think the last thing I saw in your text looked like an ending, maybe you did the ending before you were complete (so I though you were finished) or it was the ending of a scene (so again I would've though you were finished). At 35 five pages too...


Oct 22, 2017
Hit the deadline, (sigh)

Came up with an idea, but ran out of time to actually write everything out.

Still, I can provide a summary.

Captain Steel receives an email from a random shady email address (like a string of random numbers in place of actual words), stating that they have dropped 'the stash' off at the disclosed coordinates.

Selecting the location added to the select screen has Steel deciding that they might as well as take advantage of their luck and see if they can't get anything worth their while there.

The coordinates takes them to a core farming world, one of many semi-inhabitable planets that were terraformed to make them ideal for crop production, resulting in a planet of plains and endless green fields (Halloween started with the Irish and their folklore). Planet is mostly uninhabited and automated, so it does make sense to be used to hide things.

Touching down at the planet-side coordinates, they find a bunch of crates hidden behind a rock formation as well as Holiday.

If this is an event that will occur only after participating in the first Halloween event, then Steel recognizes the mysterious demoniod and raise a fus about the weird costumes and their effects (in the vaguest of terms and references, of course).

If this event can be taken without first visiting Poe A, then Holiday just gives a vague and uncomfortable introduction, like when you first meet her in the original event.

The email gets brought up, and Holiday states that it wasn't hers, and was probably bouncing around the dark extra net lost for decades before it just glitched and found something to send itself to, a common method of encrypting messages from governing bodies like the U.C.G., and an equally common issue with the method.

Holiday eventually points out to Steel that it would be a waste of time calling the authorities, since she'll be long gone by the time anyone gets there, but she still needs to hide things out until the heat dies down, and she would rather not have to find a new hiddy hole, so she makes a deal. She'll let Steel have some of her rare contraband in exchange for their silence.

Her contraband ends up being, what else, CANDY!!!!!

Not just any candy of course, as this is TITS.

Each candy will give a different effect or transformation on the player.

Most of my best ideas are actually all created by the same character, a mister, 'Wile E. Wanker' (of course). Like Dr. Badger, Wanker is a genius scientist hiding from the law because he insists on misusing his genius, only instead of an obsession with making bimbos, he insists on making candy. The products of his mysterious corporation are outlawed by the U.C.G. and most other governing bodies, as his candies often have gene modifying properties, most of which end up being quite chaotic in nature, and because he refuses to submit his products for review and regulation. This has caused his products to become rather valuable on the black market, due to the fact that his candies often have unique and difficult if out right impossible to replicate transformation effects, and because his candies are actually quite good, leading to a decently sized cult fan base.

First is Blueberry Pie Chewing Gum. Obviously, this causes Captain Steel to inflate like a blueberry. Eventually, they roll off and find some technicians and machinery. The Technicians try to help, eventually leading them to squeeze and 'juice' them in one of the machines. This causes juice to squirt out of several orifices, notably the penis, vagina, and/or tits, depending on Steel's form. They still end up being a bit more swollen then when they started out, which leads the mechanics to lewdly observe that there might be an easier way to squirt out the last of the juice.

Turning them down increases Steel's girth, changes their coloring for skin and hair to purple (or is it violet?), alters the flavoring of their cum (and milk if they are capable of producing milk), and increases their production of cum (and milk if they are capable of producing milk).

Taking them up on their offer results in a threesome where they stimulate Steel to cum and/or milk through a combination of rubbing, jacking off, fingering, and even some outright penetration. Steel ends up becoming thin to very thin, gain the flexibility perk, and have their skin and hair color to change to purple.

Next is an Everlasting Gobstopper, (or Never-Ending Jawbreaker for legal reasons). This candy has the same function as the book and movie, only Steel ends up accidentally swallowing theirs, which results in a unique transformation where their hair and skin randomly change colors at regular intervals. Alongside these changes in coloration are changes in the flavor of their cum and/or milk, corresponding to their current coloration (red = cherry, purple = grape, yellow = lemon, green = apple, orange = well you know, etc.). Not much in the way of sexual content for this one, but it seems like a really cool transformation (might be more appropriate to save it as the reward for some Willy Wonka themed event where you go through a factory and everything, but for now this works).

Finally is the Scumdiddlyumptious Bar, a chocolate bar that does not transform the player at all. It's just really good. Seriously, it's just really good. Best chocolate in the universe. Choosing this results in a deep and poetic description of just how good it is, with Steel literally cumming from how good it is as they finish it. This results in a perk (or however addictions are managed in this game, I am rather new to writing for this game and I usually try to avoid the more crazy transformations in my play throughs), where the player becomes addicted to Scumdiddlyumptious Bars. This doesn't really do much at first. At certain intervals, a message where Steel thinks about or craves chocolate, particularly the Scumdiddlyumptious Bar, progressively getting more and more manic and intense, untill after a week or so, where the cravings become so strong that Steel stops whatever he is doing and goes on a quest to find a Scumdiddlyumptious bar, told in unconnected snippets like a junkie going on a binge. This results in Steel essentially whoring themselves out for chocolate, with an appropriate scene where they act like a catatonic drugged out prostitute, that ends with a guy dropping a Scumdiddlyumptious Bar on them. Steel eventually comes too about a day or so later, sore and filled with cum, and traveling back to whatever planet they were on before the event started.

First time trying to write for this game, or lewds in general, but I hope that even if I can't submit a full scene for this year's contest, this summary could count for something, or I could at least finish by next year's theoretical contest.

Thank you for your time.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
@SirNameV It's just a little weird that eating MORE chocolate would not end up making Steele's addiction nastier instead of making it disappear...
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