Can confirm it, on-line version of Minerva britches at you about exceeding file size limit when you try to save TiTS .sol file from 0.52 onwards , egen with minimum changes.
My save is 129 kb and saves fine... What exactly is the limit and why does it even exist? A couple hundred kb sounds like a comically tiny file for an editor to be tripping over its shoelaces over...
First, are you saving via firefox or chrome?
It may be a size constraint limited to chrome or .minerva is in need of an update.
i actively check this thread for updates
says alot about my priorities
I am seeing some issues adapting the CoCEd item editing to TiTsEd. So I am forced to check over the entire system bit by bit and adapt it as needed, which is very time consuming. I apologize for the considerable delay.
I have the patreon builds, but I prefer to use the public ones as it makes finding my saves easier, so is there any way to adjust it or do we just have to wait until the public builds catch up?
I've been waiting for something like this for a while. Kudos for making this tool, man.
I have the backer build and a consumable labeled RainbowG. causes the following when I try to load
Load error(s) detected:
Error #1065
Error: Could not load game data.