Uhm. I saw on the thingy that you were looking into changing the ship location.
While this COULD be neat, it could also lead to you getting bombarded with messages from people who locked themselves on one planet after sending their ship to another. Like what happened with the debug rooms, and got Fenoxo annoyed enough to just remove debug mode from releases. Of course, since this is an editor, people could just edit their ships back to the planet they are on, but...
Well, if they are dumb enough to lock themselves out, they may also be dumb enough to not figure out how to solve that problem themselves, is what I'm saying.
All that said, I do think it would be a neat feature. I'd certainly get a kick out of it at least. The question is whether or not the baying of morons will annoy you to the point where you regret it. Personally, I'm of the camp of "screw the people who broke their own saves using a tool that clearly said 'use at own risk'", but that's me, and I'm not the one who'll have wade through bug reports complaining that a feature is working as intended.
If you include a tooltip or something that says "make sure you don't park your ship on the wrong planet" or something, I'd hope it would be fine.