TiTsEd - A save editor (FLASH VERSION ONLY)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
That is next on my list of things I'll be adding if someone else doesn't get to it first.

Won't be able look at it myself till next weekend though.

Gonna make some layout changes so people with smaller screens can use it first though.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2016
Hey, for some reason when I try to load the edited file in TiTS, it gives this message "Got file, verifying...Data property version was expected, but unset. This save is possibly corrupt!". Can anyone help?

View attachment Boot.tits


Active Member
Dec 4, 2015
any chances of getting flag editing in? so for those of us that lose, for example, the fall of the pheonix quest, don't get screwed into starting a new file.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
any chances of getting flag editing in? so for those of us that lose, for example, the fall of the pheonix quest, don't get screwed into starting a new file.

Also will editing capacity's and such get in?


The best way to ensure that we know of a want or an issue is to post it to the github issue tracker, I have made an example of a good issue here (link)

Basically the title should be a one sentence summary of the issue, and the body should contain specifics regarding the issue. Any very long stack traces should be put in a gist (a pastebin ran by github, just google it).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You underestimate the laziness some people hold. If there's an alternate avenue for suggesting something that you use regularly, why bother signing up for a site where you'll only use a single feature a few times?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Super small bug: whenever I have gryvain eyes and I put glowing or luminous X color it puts another glowing term in front of it.

Like this: 

Your eyes have a curious mix of feline and dragonic features; a pair of black vertical slits instead of rounded pupils,  each nestled within a glowing glowing white iris.

or this:

Your eyes have a curious mix of feline and dragonic features; a pair of black vertical slits instead of rounded pupils,  each nestled within a glowing luminous white iris.

I don't know if this is a game bug or an editor bug.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Super small bug: whenever I have gryvain eyes and I put glowing or luminous X color it puts another glowing term in front of it.

Like this: 

or this:

I don't know if this is a game bug or an editor bug.

editor bug I think, I can apply the same glowing or luminous x color thing via minvera and it doesn't bug out.


New Member
Jul 11, 2016
I try to save to file, and it saves it a .tits file, but when i try to load it, it is unable to load. it first says it was unable to load the file and that the file might be corrupt, then it says slot files are incompatle with the editor, then it says "an unexpected error occurred, the application is now going to exit." i'm sorry if this is stupid i just don't understand what to do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nonono~ That's not how it works. Just open the editor, click the Open dropdown menu, then navigate to the one among various locations that has your file (local or online browser) then just click the save file that's in the list. "Save to File" is only for backups or transferring files when you can't access the .sol


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Really useful tool, thanks!

Is there any way to use it to remove pregnancies?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
not as of yet with the editor, your best bet would be to use minerva either the offline or online versions work in both bases.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Hello, allow me to express my deep appreciation for the creation of this program and please bear with me if I ask counsel and assistance about a very annoying problem I experienced of late about its use. Since at least about a couple weeks, I noticed my Windows 7 laptop became unable to run TiTsEd (and Microsoft Paint as well; I don't know yet if other .exe programs are affected, but the system seems to work fine otherwise). The program does not open, but the process is running in task manager, and the pointer often starts to behave erratically until the process is terminated. Nothing seems to solve the problem, short of using system restore to roll the system back to certain (not all) recovery points. The system then works normally till shutdown, but after booting up the problem almost invariably shows up again. The problem does not occur in safe mode, but it shows up all the same with a clean boot. I've guessed I'm being affected by some kind of .exe-targeting malware, but system scans with up-to-date Eset Nod32, MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, and Adwcleaner have failed to find any culprit (even running the latter two in safe mode). Except, once or twice, to run Adwcleaner with the blocked program still running in task manager 'unlocked' it and temporarily removed the problem, but it does not seem to be a reliable or permanent solution (although it increases my suspicion some malware is the cause). Sfc /scannow did not find anything amiss. Has any other user of TiTsEd experienced similar problems, and could suggest me any effective solutions ? A Google search about similar mspaint trouble failed to find any valid solutions.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
You might just have to wipe your Laptop and put a fresh OS on there.

You may understand why I'm reluctant to take such an extreme step, even if I keep regular updates of pretty much all the data I care for. So far, the bug only causes TiTsEd and Paint not to work that I know of, and I have software alternatives to both of them, albeit suboptimal. I'd prefer to have proof it causes other .exe program to fail or other serious problems, before I re-install the OS.
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May 7, 2016
floating upon the sea of chaos
i understand your reluctance, truly i do, i had a particularly nasty piece of malware sneak onto my PC tower a while back, dropped my processing power and run speed to near zilch. caused numerous other issues as well. i spent months trying to get rid of the thing, but it had infected practically every sector of my system. i had files on there that i can never get back. stories and projects that i spent YEARS working on, now gone. in the end i had to reset my system back to factory default. it BURNED me to do so, but it was the only way to get rid of it.

malware hackers are getting to the point where nothing short of a complete system wipe is enough to eradicate their programs. it SUCKS big time, but in the end there is no other way. if you can back up clean copies of any files you want to keep onto a flash drive of some kind, i recommend you do so. but other then that, if it is a malware virus, then i'm sorry, but i honestly dont know a different way to wipe the bastard out.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Well, as a matter of fact, today I made a last-ditch effort to resolve the problem by using the last version of Combofix (a less recent version had failed), and it apparently worked since TiTSEd and MS Paint seem to work fine after reboot. Of course I'm going to wait and observe a few more days before assuming the problem is solved for good. Combofix is a great last-ditch anti-malware application, a few years ago it saved me from a nasty ransomware that had completely blocked the system. I agree with you about the increasing virulence of the malware problem over time; a couple years ago I was forced to do a complete re-installation once a nasty piece of malware wrecked my partition. Thankfully I made a strict habit of keeping all my important data on multiple external hard disks since a HD failure lost me my entire anime collection (which it took me weeks and months of work to rebuild) but a system re-install is still a serious pain in the butt. It can easily still take you a considerable effort to bring your software back to complete update and optimal customization from factory default, especially if the computer isn't a recent buy to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
Help, TiTsEd is no longer working

The first time I downloaded this, it worked fine, I was able to freely edit my characters

Now I can't, whenever I save my edits online, play TiTs and load the file via Google Chrome, it's still the same options in the load files


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
How are you saving your files and how are you loading them?

There are two ways I save my file

1. TiTS normal save in chrome

2. TiTS save file in my computer (in case something happens to the chrome cookies)

Two ways I load the file

1. TiTS normal load

2. TiTS load file