A Life In Ulatahn (For Weiss)


Jun 24, 2016
[Roll Results: 12 vs 16, 9 vs 6]

Letting Aria's aid go to waste and opting to instead listen, he'd hear... nothing. It seemed that she either wasn't there or something was preventing him from hearing any noise on the other side of the door. And, with him crouched there in the hall way and ear up against the door, he didn't hear the footsteps on the deck nearby. Not until they had stopped some distance away and a single voice cut out loudly across the yards between them.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing at my door!? Y-You... you perverted barbarian!"

Standing in the noisy deck, Sherry was watching him with clear distrust and anger. While trying to hear inside the room, he'd had the misfortune of being caught by the very steam mage. Luck was at least on his side, however, as she was still holding her things and didn't seem to have caught on to what may have been happening. If he rushed her now, he could tackle her and likely startle her (SPD), but if he was too slow she would likely teleport away. Talking his way out of it was always an option (CHR), but if he messed up that would also likely resort in her figuring it out and fighting back. Either way, however, she was clearly stunned... which meant his options would hopefully be successful whichever path he chose to take! (Advantage Roll, regardless of option!)

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Hm..." Whether Aria was merely sitting in silence or completely absent, it sounded like the perfect opportunity for a break-in. He'd likely catch her off-guard either way. Aedan pulled back and reached into his goat for something he could use. Sherry's outraged voice caused his body to tense and his eyes to narrow as he twisted to face the mage.


The reflexes of a career soldier proved to be somewhat superior to those of a spoiled brat of a noblewoman, or so it seemed as he lunged at Sherry while she stood frozen in place. To most eyes Aedan would have been a veritable blur of movement. Speed was one of his greater strengths. His hands rose to grapple and pin her body beneath his. They'd done this dance before. He was certain if he could just get a solid grip on the woman, she'd be helpless and humbled.

"That's rich coming from a Makiore-peddling rapist!"

...Sherry was calling him a pervert now too? Gods, did Megumi get to her or did the two women just happen to be raging hypocrites?!


Jun 24, 2016
[Roll Results: 15 vs 16]

It seemed this time she was more cautious, Sherry flickering from reality all but a second before he could grab hold of the dark-skinned woman. She appeared outside her door, having abandoned her things in panic as the door opened.

"Th-The only rapist is you, brute!"

Shutting the door the instant she got inside, it locked audibly once more. Things were going to be a lot harder to secure and fuck her now, but some decent good came from just how close things had come. Her bags were spilled on the floor, likely her possessions, which means there could be an extra key. Threatening her with getting rid of her things wouldn't likely work, but maybe there was something specific in her possessions he could identify (INS). Picking the door likely wouldn't work, but maybe he could bust it open (STR). Aria hadn't heard the exchange yet, but it might be wise to either get her room magically silence to prevent Sherry getting her involved (INT) or to finally get her aid...

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Wow. Those dice either hate me or love Sherry! XD)

It seemed Sherry's reflexes were quicker than he gave her credit for! Aedan's hands came close enough to brush across the mage's robes before she warped away. The panic in her voice and expression as he swiveled about almost made up for it, though.

...But rapist? Seriously? Gods, he was starting to hope all of this shut her up just long enough for him to be able to shoot something!

Aedan sighed a bit and glanced over Sherry's discarded bag before reaching to examine its contents. The sorceress bitch had to have a key somewhere and he didn't remember seeing any pockets on that outfit of her's. Plus it seemed like the option without any downsides. Sure, he could run off and get Aria's help, but then Sherry would know for sure her trusted servant was compromised and know not to rely on the maid in the future if all this failed to cow her. If Sherry did call for the burly cowgirl before he found a key that might or might not have been among her possessions, then it would save him the trip around the ship looking for her and probably less bad to Aria than kicking the door down or using one of his runes....

...Damnation. How had all this happened again? Aedan had expected a few complications to crop up after taking a noble up on a job offer, but he right now seriously starting to wonder now if he was going to wind up spending more time fighting his "allies" than the pirates and monsters he'd signed on for!


Jun 24, 2016
[Roll Results: 8 vs 15. It looks like they love Sherry T~T all the smut being lost by stupid dice!]

Digging through the things, all Aedan would clearly make out from a few rune-carrying books likely filled with spell theory was... clothes. And while he hadn't found a key had at least got to see all the fine lingerie the sorcerer possessed. If she wore stockings and a garter so often, it was clear she had a bit of a pervert in her. Of course that wasn't including the fact she'd have a pervert inside of her soon enough (huehuehue)! The lack of Aria emerging from her room implied that she'd not heard the scuffle by some miracle, but there was something in the bag that Aedan would find very interesting. A single, blue-gemmed ring with an utterly simple design. Beneath it on the inside, however, were many runes that he could read very easily. It was a Ring of Order, things often used to either signify power in Ulatahn through magically having power over slaves with matching collars. And, within the bag, was a collar with a the exact same ring color. Which meant that either Sherry was going to put it on her cowgirl maid or... maybe this is why she had bugged his room.

No doubt taking the collar and ring could give him a tool that, once on, not even the mage could remove. It'd require his own hand to free her from such a thing, meaning that she would be forced to wear it and try to obey his orders or he could wrack her body with electricity. An utterly brutal but even these days a still socially acceptable tool even among the highest of nobility to ensure properly trained servants. If he could get that collar around her neck it'd no doubt weigh on his conscious... but it'd put an end to any problems from the girl that did more than annoy him on the trip to the mainland!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Clearly Sherry meta-gamed and enchanted the dice to serve her whims. Well...except for maybe the ones that let Aedan catch onto the bug before it was too late, but still!)

Aedan's lips curled downward in a hint of an uncharacteristic sneer as he raffled through Sherry's distressingly mundane belongings. Well, strictly speaking there was nothing mundane about the collection of kinky lingere the sorceress packed for the expedition, but he figured her for a pervert the moment Makiore started getting thrown around.

"Hm? Now what do we have here...?"

The marksman mumbled to himself in a barely audible tone. A ring decorated with what he assumed was a precious sapphire, but it was the elaborate runes carved along its inside that marked the jewelry as a truly impressive status symbol among Ulatahn's nobility. A Ring of Order, an item capable of allowing its wearer to command the wills of an entire household of slaves with only a flicker of their thoughts. Well, provided those slaves were wearing collars specially attuned to it. Otherwise its value came down to sheer craftsmanship and symbolism.

Another moment fishing through Sherry's bag confirmed that the steam mage was much more practical than that. Aedan's eyes narrowed as he held the enchanted collar linked to the Ring of Order. Between the bug in his quarters and Sherry's wounded pride, there was little doubt in his mind whose neck she wished to lock it around. Not that he would have been any less incensed if Sherry intended to bind Aria with it instead.

The soldier rose and stared at the door keeping him from his target for a long moment. Then he turned to get Aria with the collar and ring firmly in hand. Subtlety be damned, she needed to see this. The maid needed to know just how far her mistress intended to take this little game. Then she could help him win it.


Jun 24, 2016
It took a moment, something almost like a gasp having sounded softly from within. A few moments more and, at last, Aedan would hear the shuffling from the other side. As it came unlocked and opened, Aria peeked out as if she wasn't sure who it was, but smiled when she verified only the marksman was here. Opening the door further, she'd reveal one hand covering a bare-breast to keep the nipple hidden. It looked almost like... a brown liquid dribbling between her fingers?

"M-Master... A-Aedan... I was... t-trying to relieve pressure. What do you-... what are... you holding?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Uh..." Aedan hesitated when heard Aria's gasp and wasn't too surprised when the cowgirl emerged with one of her breasts covered only by her hand. Save for the milk, her didn't see any sticky fingers, so at least his timing hadn't been that poor.

"A surprise Sherry had for one of us," The soldier raised the collar and ring so Aria could get a good long look at the intricate runes carved into them. "A ring of order and a collar attuned to it. One of the most powerful tools for managing slaves in Ulatahn you can legally get."

Aedan tapped the coat pocket containing the rune of observation Sherry had attempted to conceal in his room. "She's grinding one hell of an axe against me, and I'm not going to give that woman time to come up with some other scheme. Zephyr claims I have permission from Lady Ori herself to put Sherry in her place. I just thought you should know given your...relationship. If you want to help me, great, if not, that door's going down."


Jun 24, 2016
With the clarification of the ring and collar, the cowgirl had squeezed her breast ever so gently in a way that made the brown liquid gush ever so slightly more. It meant that Aria was lactating what was more than likely some chocolate-flavored breast milk. However, she withdrew from the door and opened it wider as she turned and moved over to her bed. The inside of her room was similar to that of Aedan's own, barring the many uniforms hanging on one of the walls. She wasn't completely nude, as he'd see from the skirt and rest of her outfit covering her from the waist down, but as she released her breast to reach for the bed she was turned just enough for him to see her breast dribbling. A quick recovery of red pasties was all it took to stop the lactating mammaries once pushed into place. She took all but a moment to pull her bra on and her uniform before at last turning to face him.

"I... will help. But... if that is the case and you are to be the one handling her... you... would become my new owner, Master Gallagher. Mistres-... Sherry has acted too harshly. It is only fitting I help you."

Carefully moving forward, she would blush and slip beyond him to the door. It was clear having been seen handling her breast problem had stirred her up, perhaps a tool for Aedan to use, but for now she gently knocked on the mage's door. It was just hard enough to make it no doubt let down the woman's guard inside, Sherry opening the door nice and wide with a worried but enlightened look.

"Aria! Thank goodness, get inside quick-"

She looked to Aedan in shock so strong her voice caught. The sight of the collar and ring had made her freeze up just enough for Aria to move and press her body against the door to keep it open. Sherry didn't even notice, the disinherited daughter of the Doria family shaking lightly as she backed up a step. Aria had got him inside, hiding her face against the door to try and feign either being pushed or to avoid watching the two.

"A-A-Aedan... p-p-please... I... I didn't... I wouldn't collar you, you're... t-too... v-valuable! It was... uh... f-f-for... Zephyr? J-Just wait a few seconds s-so I can explain!"

Maybe he'd get an explanation... but it was quite possible she was preparing another teleportation spell. It was now or never. He had the opportunity to close the distance and a likely willing aid in Aria. Getting her involved beyond holding the door would likely take convincing, but he was more than strong and fast enough to get Sherry nice and pinned. There were options for how he could ensure she remained nice and tame, too. While he had more trouble with his fellow expeditionary member before even leaving the Combined Nations for the mainland, he was given a chance to make it all worth it. He was getting a chance at Sherry and whatever sort of status boost that came with Lady Ori's favor once she heard news of his no-doubt impending success! Of course... he could still back out. He could give Sherry a chance to worm her way out of this, but it was likely another opportunity to collar her wouldn't arise. Not to mention Lady Ori could lose interest in working with him in more direct jobs. This must be an important choice!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I suppose...I wouldn't worry too much about that, though, Aria," Aedan flashed the maid a smile that he hoped she found reassuring. This wasn't going to be the easier task in the world for Aria, whatever she said. Hopefully her resolve wouldn't waver halfway through the deed.

The former soldier followed at a respectable distance behind her, just to make sure the mage had no chance of seeing him until it was too late. The moment Sherry made the mistake of opening the door wide enough t beckong her "loyal" servant in, Aedan struck. Her words fell upon deaf ears as the marksman reached to seize and pin her with swift, practiced movements. The choice before him may have been an important one, but it was anything but a hard. Even if Aedan was willing to buy Sherry's claims, what excuses could she offer without the collar that he couldn't hear once she was secured? If she was hoping his sense of decency would trump whatever wealth and privilege Lady Ori might offer him, she shouldn't have done everything in her power to antagonize the Aedan the moment he set foot in Doria Expeditions.

His free hand snapped forward to seize Sherry's wrist and twist it behind her back. If the mage's defenses fell before his rapid advance, she likely would have found herself spun about and harshly bent over her bed with the mercenary's husky form pressing down atop her's to ensure she stayed that way. Only a moment later Aedan's other hand would have tried to lock the collar around Sherry's neck and put the ring on his finger.


Jun 24, 2016
It took all but a moment before Aedan was on her, Sherry unable to do more than meekly cry out at the twist of her wrist. Forced to bend over her bed and pinned there, she was clearly fearful of Aedan. The collar around her neck took all but a moment before the runes lit-up brightly and the buckle's metal shifted into one seamless piece. The ring on his finger, however, had a far more powerful change. He could feel a surge of magical might for all but a brief moment, the ring seeming to detect just how strong the mage it controlled was, adjusting her power accordingly to prevent her from overpowering her master. Words began to echo in his mind, explaining how the ring could function. With the thought 'Release', he could allow the collar to be removed. If the man chose to think of punishing her, he could shock her with converted energy from the mage herself. The ring spoke to him in its whispered and magical manner, telling him every little thing about Sherry...

(Sherry Doria's Information Unlocked!)

Sherry is roughly 26 years old and retains her body's virginities!
Sherry can utilize two spells while bound, Steam Blast and Steam Teleport!
She is a 1 on the strength scale.
She is a 1 on the speed scale.
She is a 5 on the skill scale!
She is a 2 on the durability scale!
She is a 5 on the intelligence scale!
She is a 5 on the perception scale!
She is a 2 on the charismatic scale!

The rush of information all has little meaning to Aedan, of course, but the ring informs him that a two on the scale is considered average.  Because of this, it reflected just how useful the daughter of the Doria family could be if she was unbound or even just for generally aiding him. Stuck beneath him, Sherry could do nothing but tremble as she actually opened her other eye. It glowed with power, the silvery nature of it indicating she had been suppressed enough to actually reveal her magically boosting rune-marked pupil.

"P-P-Please... d-don't... I-I... I'm not... I-I'm sorry! L-Let me go!"

Aria looked over from the door, slowly moving to close it and stand by the doorway. The maid was watching with some expectation, perhaps wondering if Aedan would fuck the steam mage, but remained at the door. It seemed the cowgirl had felt reassured by Aedan, but still wasn't sure what to do in this position. She'd been a slave all of her life to the Doria family, but now belonged to a new man who had treated her kindly. Aria's life had changed through something that might seem small to many... and she was watching Aedan for any answer of what to expect. This was his chance to make a powerful impression on Sherry for what to expect while under his command and orders, but also to Aria on how she should act around him. If he freed her, that could lead her to no doubt happiness... but what life would she have without serving another? He'd chosen to go ahead and take the lead of both of these women's lives in a single, bold act.

(Now Aedan has to be responsible for the two lovely ladies =3=b let's hope it was worth it!)

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan hissed under his breath powerful but unexpected surge of magic the ring sent coursing through his body. He blinked in surprise and glanced over his captive while the ring began to whisper her and its secrets alike to him. Well...all this new information was certainly convenient! No wonder Rings of Order were so valued, you really could use one of them and a linked collar to enslave anyone provided you kept your guard up.

Any hope Sherry had that the marksman pinning her might have made that mistake would have been quickly dashed with a rough tug of her wrist. It wasn't enough to seriously harm her, but the discomfort would have been plenty to encourage her silence.

"Aria, I'm not sure whatever contract or paperwork you might have been held to before, but as far as I'm concerned you're a free woman," Aedan doubted Sherry would approve given how clingy she'd been to her maid, but the man's grip tightened for a moment to try and cut off whatever rebellious words the sorceress might have uttered.

"Sherry? You're lucky to have that steel around your neck. Want to know why?" The marksman unhanded the dark-skinned noble and took a step back. The Ring of Order would keep her in line far better than any hold even he could lock her into. "You're on a ship that's about to set sail through pirate-infested waters just so we can disembark onto an monster-infested island, a good chunk of which would happily rape you in their god's name. The moment we leave these docks,that money and title you've been relying on are worth two things: jack and shit."

Aedan pointed to the collar.

"Thanks to that, I might not have to get creative to get that point across. No more games, Sherry. If you want in on this venture, you're going to put the mission first. No more power plays, schemes, or wasting supplies on abusing whoever's unlucky enough to serve you. I'm here to do my part to make Ulatahn great again and get filthy rich in the process. From now on, you are too unless you want me to start getting...creative with this ring. Like I've been saying, I'm not a rapist, but I wonder if the crew would appreciate seeing how well that cute lingerie you packed fits you..."