A Life In Ulatahn (For Weiss)


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Results: 10 v 11. Roll Failed! Mental damage taken! 3 Mental HP remaining!)

Aria had smiled, watching as he slipped the ring on Sherry easily enough. But there was no chance he was pulling away the two leg-locked lovers, even if Sherry seemed so happy to slip away. Even with his help, she'd been incapable of slipping loose of the arms wrapped around one of her dark-skinned legs. The sloppy smack of their pussies sounded loudly, Sherry moaning as another orgasm wracked through her body from the druggy chocolate. Aria's face twisted with pleasure as well, but she'd brush the leg aside and lower to protectively flop on top of the smaller woman, effectively pinning her and making getting her up almost impossible. Her eyes turned to Aedan as their scissoring resembled far more of a missionary-press position, lewdly licking her lips. A whisk of her tail would indicate to her rump, shaking her well-shaped hips wantonly as the chocolate bar between them slipped free and splashed lightly in the puddle of girl-cum beneath them.

"Moooo~shter... you're sho right~... but maybe you can givesh me shome of your candy!"

She'd lewdly bounce atop Sherry to make their cunts smacktogether loudly, causing the now-submissive and suppressed sorceress muffle into the cowgirl's tits. Being so small meant she was face-deep in one of the smaller tits of her cowgirl lover, her own tits pressed up against and practically spilling out just beneath Aria's rack like some tit-made support for holding the large girl up.

"Jusht give me shome fun... pleeeeeeeash~... Moooooshtressh needsh shome tooooo~!"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For a moment, Aedan was rooted to the spot. The tantalizing squelch of aphrodisiac-laced chocolate and womanly fluids, the women's breasts crushing against each other, and the musk wafting through the air still.

Gods damn it...

His jaw clenched and the man very nearly bit his lip. He didn't have time for this and the last thing he needed was to give Megumi even more excuses to look down her nose at the "Ulatahn pervert", but...whatever payment Zephyr was willing to offer him once this mess was settled, it was going to have be damn nice and include at least one evening to get it all out of his system...

"Aria, I'd rather...ugh..." Aedan gave Sherry's body a bit of a tug, trying to wiggled her out from under the cowgirl. Aria's sheer seize meant there was probably a hefty amount of weight pressing down on the mage, but the two of them seemed practically covered in a sort of lubricant already!

"There's a lot going on right now that needs your Mistress's attention. Can we talk about this later? Your Mistress looks like she's going to pass out if she stays any longer! You wouldn't want that, would you?"


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Results: 14 v 10, 10 v 13. Pass and fail!)

Aedan would have to tug the sweat-covered Sherry, but she finally slipped out from underneath Aria, resulting in the cowgirl flopping to the ground. The dark-skinned woman gasped for air, the sorceress crawled and half-climbed up Aedan's leg. She was panting, her erect nipples pressed up against his leg.

"Th-thank... shyou~... sh-she wash~... I wash gonna die... haaa~..."

Though the girl was free and cuddled up against his leg and was rubbing her head against it for comfort, it wasn't the end. Aria had stumbled to her feet by now, cunt dripping and caked in chocolate in plain sight as she rose to her full height. Her tail whisked slowly behind her as she took a somewhat more aggressive stance with her gaze down on him and her horns on show. She moved her hands out like some beast, taking a single step as she flashed a lustful smile at the man.

"M-Mooo~shter~... I don't want to talk~... give me your cock!"

She stepped forward menacingly as it seemed the drug had muddied her mind too much, licking her lips as her tail moved between her legs and brushed the tuft along her sensitive cunt. Sherry looked back, panting and taking hold of Aedan's pants tightly. It was clear that getting out of the room was going to be a lot harder. Specifically, unless he could pick up and run out with the terrified Sherry in time... well, the cowgirl was likely going to descend on them (STR & SPD). Or, perhaps, if he so dared, he could try to take the initiative and disable the cow through one means or another. The truth of course was that if he were to leave without besting her, the girl had access to a huge amount of the drug she was addicted to... which likely meant she could hurt herself if left for too long without being handled!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Sherry, let go and get behind me..." Aedan all but whispered. He advanced a step towards Aria with a grim expression, shaking the half-conscious mage off his leg if she refused to comply on her own. This had gone far enough. It all seemed to be just a game in Aria's Makiore-addled state, but she wouldn't take "no" for an answer and wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. He didn't even want to think of what would happen if he just left the cowgirl alone with what was probably a small fortune's worth of Makiore.

The former soldier lunged forward in what would have been a blur to even trained eyes. Next to accuracy, speed was his second greatest asset. His hands reached to grapple and hurl the addled maid into a secure pin. Training and experience were almost certainly on his side, but Aedan was holding back somewhat. He had no desire to hurt Aria seriously, which meant at least half of his military-taught techniques were too dangerous to use here. The Makiore may have dulled the cowgirl's mind and made her movements comparatively sloppy, but it also seemed to lend her strength...or at least remove enough of the shy woman's inhibitions to use her natural might "properly".


Jun 24, 2016
(14 vs 12 [STR] 12 vs 10 [SPD]. Pass and Fail! Aria suffers one point of Physical Damage (1 Remaining), but she counter-attacks! 7 vs 14. Aedan suffers a critical hit 2 Mental Damage! 1 Mental HP remaining! Aria won't be capable of moving for one round!)

Sherry had been shaken off, falling to the floor and dragging her bare form across the ground as the two rushed each other. Aria met his charge head on and seemed about ready to toss him aside. She was strong, no doubt, but not being a trained soldier meant that she was wrestled around easily enough. But before he could pin her to the floor or a nearby crate, her tail locked around his waist and spun them away to allow her just enough time to secure her footing. The lust-filled nude cow would feel soft in his arms, her giggling filling the room almost evilly as she formed a plan. Using her well-shaped and drug-powered rump, she'd "back dat ass up" nice and hard into Aedan's crotch and send the two teetering back and against a stack of boxes. He had pinned her, but given her the perfect moment to rub her drug-slicked and more than soaked entrance against the front of his pants, letting out a moo-like moan.

"Oh Mooo~shter! Your dick feelsh sho gooooooood~... jusht shtick it in and fuck me! Let Moooo~shtressh shee you fuck meeeeee!"

She'd give a resounding bounce, grinding her hips against him as he'd get more than a good idea of what was on the other side of his pants. He had to do something and fast to suppress the cowgirl, otherwise she was going to beat him and turn this storeroom into a perfect demonstration of a perverted fuck-hall!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Ngh...!" Aedan grunted almost as soon as the grapple began. Just as he expected, Aria was as hellbent on taking him down hard as she was not going down easy. Still, power was worth little without the skill to wield it properly. A well-timed deflection sent her limbs and body flying wide of his, propelled by the very momentum she'd thought to overwhelm him with, and allowed the more experienced soldier to slip in behind the cowgirl maid. Aedan's arm's snaked under and over her armpits before his hands locked together just behind her neck. He had her now! So long as he kept one step ahead of her where footwork was concerned, it was just a matter of time until he forced her to the ground or against a nice, sturdy-

"Wha-?!" Aria's tail coiled around his waist and, with strength that seemed more befitting of a serpent than a bovine, yanked with enough force to partially pry the man off! Aedan's grip was weakened as the pair stumbled toward some of the crates. He fought to recover while the maid giggled, but with a deft thrust Aria's perfect derriere captured his already hardened cock between its sculpted cheeks! A gasp forced its way out of his lungs with each bounce his lusty foe made. Aedan's coat had protected most of his body from the Makiore-infused chocolate so far, but his pants weren't quite so thick. Just enough of the vile crystalline compound pushed through to his manhood, forcing it to spring to full mast almost instantly! It was throbbing painfully even before Aria teasing it between her cheeks.

The soldier groaned. His grip weakened even more and he could feel his legs starting to tremble. Oh gods...no! He couldn't...He need to end this now!

A lesser man would have been screaming for the cowgirl to hurl them to the floor and ride or be ridden by them by now. Aedan gritted his teeth and attempted a shove against Aria's back, followed by a harsh kick aimed at the back of her knees to force her closer to the ground. It was rougher than what he would have preferred considering she was as much victim as menace here, but the man was getting desperate now!


Jun 24, 2016
(Roll Results: 14 v 10. Hit! 12 v 10. Aria suffers one point of Physical Damage! She hits zero HP!)

Though she had delivered a dick-inspiring cunt-slam, Aria hadn't the sort of expectation of what was going to happen. She stumbled forward, the kick hitting the back of her lengthy legs and causing her to buckle. Even drugged up as she was, it was clear such a hit had been painful as she cried and fell to the ground first onto her knees and then her tits. Tears were in her eyes, her drug-primed pussy leaking as the girl shook and didn't bother getting up. Pain tolerance didn't seem to be a very tangible thing for the girl, her tail moving to rest between her legs as she bit her lip.

"M-Moooshter~... sh-shtop... I-I promish not to f-fight you! J-Jusht don't do that again!"

The cowgirl rolled onto her side, the large woman moving a hand to her cunt and gently rubbing the soaked region. Sniffling and defeated, she simply seemed trying to get off and forget about the failed attempt to drag the man into sex. Sherry had finally rose to her feet, the sorceress wearing her panties and pants but nothing else yet. The sorceress pressed her still-stiff nipples against him as she leaned on him and looked down at Aria, panting gently as she rubbed her cheek against Aedan.

"Y-You... sh-... saved me... m-my head is sho... d-dizzy. I-I didn't... th-think the stuff was this intense, even when we used it."

She'd pull away, stumbling over to where her discarded shirt and bra were with a glance occasionally to the masturbating cowgirl. While the dark-skinned Mistress had been saved, Aedan had kicked and made the drug-fueled cowgirl cry. Perhaps there had been a better way, but he had made his choice and Aria tried to hide her mix of pleasure and sadness with a turn of her head. The sound of her fingers noisily at work was still fairly loud even with her legs held close together, giving the room quite the sound. If they wanted to leave the storeroom, Aedan would need to help dress the crying drugged-up servant and likely carry her out.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan was panting as hard as if he'd just fought a "real" harrowing battle. The exhaustion was certainly there, even if it was more mental than physical, but the sense of triumph or satisfaction was completely lost as Aria whimpered and sadly began masturbating herself. He'd just smacked a drugged up maid into submission...yeah, this definitely wasn't the auspicious start to his death-defying stint with Doria Expeditions he was hoping to make. Did he really have any other option, though? Well...besides just letting Aria drag him down for Makiore-laced sex until Zephyr or Megumi tore them apart with disapproving looks? She was beyond being reasoned with...maybe he could have used his hands to force her to cum hard enough to give in? There had to be an upper limit to how many orgasms she could ride how, Makiore or no! Ah...shit, he wasn't wearing gloves. That probably just would have aroused him even more before she finally surrendered, and if that happened...

The man sighed and immediately flinched. Oh gods, his pants felt tight. Really tight now. He could barely move without his painfully hard shaft being ground against the fabric. The fabric that was probably still covered in the aphrodisiac-laced chocolate. It was enough to make him groan softly as Sherry rubbed her halfway naked body against him.

"W-well...now you have some...perspective..." Aedan spoke through clenched teeth. He needed a minute before he felt comfortable enough to move again. "Zephyr will probably be expecting you once you're presentable again,"

He collected Aria's discarded clothes and knelt at her side as soon as she was ready. If she needed help standing or even required carrying outright, he would have done so without hesitation.

"It's all going to be alright now...just need a bath and you'll be right as rain..." Hopefully, anyway. The details of Makiore exposure on non-Magickree may or may not have sprung to mind as he moved, but if cleaning the afflicted areas didn't directly help, then hopefully a nice, relaxing soak would still accomplish some good.


Jun 24, 2016
Sherry paled at the mention of her cousin, but seemed to reluctantly understand as she pulled her bra into place and then her shirt. She lewdly ran a hand in her pants and between her legs as she walked to the door, only bringing it out mere instants before she opened the door and started out.

Aria, however, was only sniffling and trying to get herself off. She'd look to the man as he brought her clothes and knelt down, slowing to the gushy attempts as she averted her gaze from him.

"M-Mooshter~... A-Aria... w-wash bad... I-I don't desherve you..."

She was at least exhibiting the downfall of Makiore's high, her chocolate-stained cunt and musk more than enough to know how well-spent she was. She'd rub her hand against her entrance with a gasp, bringing the hand away with much of the chocolate removed. But rather than wipe it off, she brought it to her mouth and licked at it a few times before smiling as best she could at him. It wasn't that she was high, but perhaps basking in the sensations that remembering chocolate likely sent through her. The tears on her face were still present as she'd take her panties and slide them on and up. it was clear that there was no way to avoid getting them messy, so it seemed she accepted simply putting the clothes on piece by piece. Sweat and fluids alike clung and made her look anything but calm and controlled. Once fully dressed, though her tits were somewhat exposed with how poorly she had pulled the top on, she would finally rise and stumble into Aedan. Hugging him lightly, he'd feel the weight of her body mostly depending on him now, her tits pressed lightly around his head in the hug.

"C-Could you carry m-me, M-Moo-... Maaa... ster? M-My place is... t-tingling whenever I walk. I-I guess I got m-my favorite chocolate... d-deeper than I thought..."

Aedan could walk her out, of course, no doubt going to get somewhat judged for walking out with the girl in such a state clinging to him for support... but maybe he could carry her. What could look better than carrying a larger cowgirl who at least looks like she doesn't feel good? The final choice was, of course, that he could try and pep-talk her into trying to walk on her own. The cowgirl didn't seem ready to walk otherwise, however, clinging to him for support with her eyes closed.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Come on, don't say that. It wasn't you, it was that Makiore..." Aedan tried to flash the Aria a reassuring smile as the cowgirl wearily dressed herself. there didn't seem to be any part of her that wasn't at least a little stained by either melted chocolate or more carnal fluids. Whoever had to clean up her clothes and this room was probably going to have a fit.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," The marksmen stretched Aria's arm across his back and nestled his shoulder into her armpit. With her supported in such a way, the man would have begun to gently raise her up and walk her towards the storeroom's exit. "You'll have to guide me, though. I'm still learning my way around this place, and it's a very large building..."


Jun 24, 2016
(Considered doing a roll to see if he picked her up. It'd be comical, but too much =3=)

"O-okay... M-Master Gallagher..."

She moved to rest her horned head against his. Her large frame was hard to work with initially, but by the time they were out of the storage room Aedan would have adapted.

"I'm going to go bring the client here, Sherry. Your job is to clean up whatever you caused in the storeroom." "I... I understand. I-If I take time, c-could I-" "Maybe. We can let this cool down and hopefully salvage your mess. Letting you lead and make mistakes again would be stupid."

Sherry would give a small nod, looking down as Zephyr rose to his feet. His eyes fixed on both Aedan and Aria, giving the other man a nod before moving to the stairs and starting down. Megumi, oddly enough, wasn't around. Sherry moved to sit at the table with the map with quite the frown, leaving him with the patient and now relaxed cowgirl. Aria's tail rose to indicate the room directly left of Nernah's room, the girl sniffing and looking to the door with a soft squeeze to Aedan's shirt.

"Th-There, Master... I-I wish I had some chocolate to make you feel good..."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(If you did that, I'd have to insist on doing a roll every time he tries to tie his shoes just to see if he accidentally hogties himself....somehow! :p )

Aedan flashed Zephyr a quick look to confirm he'd heard it all before resuming his trek towards the living quarters. So, whatever research partner or contractor put Doria Expeditions up to capturing live samples would be arriving soon? Busy day...he'd have hope none of this fouled the discussion. On the plus side, he'd probably be able to learn a bit more about just what his position here meant and what else was going on behind the scenes beyond rampant fucking!

"Don't worry about it. Honestly, Aria? I think you've had more than enough chocolate for the time being...well, definitely enough of that chocolate..." He would have entered the room and helped Aria sit down wherever she wished. "Just...wash up, get some rest, and we'll sort everything out when you're feeling better, alright?"

The soldier flashed the cowgirl a smile and gave her an affectionate pat on the shoulder.


Jun 24, 2016
As they entered the room, Aedan could tell that there was more to the servant than he might have thought with her addiction. Her room was almost identical in furniture to the one Nernah had, but unlike the trappy boy... there wasn't weapon racks. There were paintings of various landscapes and urban scenery, an easel propped up in the corner with what looked to be the start of the Expeditions Logo for Doria Expeditions. Many uniforms identical to her own were visible in an open wardrobe, Aria clearly dedicated to her life of service to not have anything but maid outfits. Variations with long dresses or long sleeves, as well as headbands, made it seem she was prepared for any of Ulatahn's seasons.

As he'd set her on her bed, the woman shakily supporting herself, she'd look to him with slightly lowered ears and some embarrassment.

"Master Gallagher... I'll try. But...y-you got aroused because of me. I'm not... I wouldn't ask you to use me... I-I realize that's improper. But wouldn't it be easier to... um... deal with it somehow? The client might see you and be embarrassed. I-I can run a bath for both of us a-and... um... m-milk you, should you wish. C-Cleaning falls to me as well, so um... I can clean your pants... f-from... earlier."

She kept her legs closed tight, the room filling with the somewhat spent cowgirl's musk. Aedan could tell she was at least clearer headed, her tail up and against her back as if to hide it. It was likely to be a while since the client got there, so he likely had the time. He could try to locate Sherry or talk to the other two members... but the chance to be rid of his arousal could be a better option.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan began examining the room curiously as soon as he realized Aria had taken the time to customize it. His first impression of her had been dominated by her shyness, potential clumsiness, and of course the Makiore addiction severe enough to compel her to try seducing a complete stranger for her next fix. Being able to get a glimpse of who the woman actually was was a nice change of pace.

"Nursing an art hobby?" The man nodded toward the easel and the unfinished logo as soon as his eyes finished scanning the paintings.

Aedan visibly hesitated at Aria's offer. She could likely feel his eyes roaming her body, more to guess at just how lucid the cowgirl was than to oogle her. She had a point. His cock wasn't throbbing painfully every other second but it remained hard enough that every movement he made made it strain against his pants. Between that stimulation, the feminine musk in the air, and perhaps the Makiore still ground into the clothing around his groin, that was one erection that wasn't going to die down "naturally" any time soon!

"Well...if you're sure...!" Despite the wariness in his tone, Aedan's hand were very quick to begin disrobing himself as soon as the door to Aria's quarters was shut. It sure as hell wouldn't have done to have him show up to any meeting with such an important associate of Doria expeditions in clothing that still reeked of sex and chocolate!


Jun 24, 2016
She had offered, the door shut and Aria alone with Aedan, but it was clear that the maid certainly wasn't expecting the quickness of which he disrobed. She timidly got up, the cowgirl taking a moment before blushing and turning to rush to the door in the back of the room. Opening it and leaving it open, she entered the room to reveal a bathroom almost as large as the room itself, a bathing area big enough to walk down and stand or relax in.

"Th-they... um... th-thought to accommodate people like me o-or foreign monster-like beings... s-so the bathing pools are real nice!"

The hum of magic sounded as the water was no doubt being cycled and cleaned filled the room as she pushed a button on the right wall. Unlike Aedan, the cowgirl hadn't seemed quick to strip despite how lewd she had been earlier before. Rather, she was taking her time to ensure the bath water heated just enough that the steam rising wasn't too heavy but comforting. Once it looked about right, the tall woman moved to kneel beside the pool.

"Y-You should put your clothes near the pool, M-Master Gallagher... I-I can clean them using the bath, too... b-but... um... once I start cleaning them, y-y-you'd have to r-remain naked for some time. I apologize... I-I just need to make sure our clothes are r-really clean, so... um... I-I guess I should get undressed, too... o-otherwise I-I would only have my clothes bothering me in the water..."

Now seems like the perfect time for Aedan to show off. Maybe he sweet-talks the gal (CHR) or tears her uniform to shreds to show off his strength to the cowgirl (STR) though that would probably leave her with one uniform less. Or, he could just be casual about the nervous girl and get her to undress without any sort of input!

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Normally, Aedan might have been a little more restrained about stripping himself bare like this, but with the "threat" of being teased into submission by a lusty cowgirl and caught in a haze of Makiore by his future colleagues gone, all that was was arousal he had just barely stood his ground against! The man followed closely after Aria with his clothes clasped by his arms in a bunched up pile only to pause at the sheer size of the cowgirl's personal bathroom. His incredulous expression may even have prompted the maid's explanation.

"Uh huh...I suppose that makes sense..."

Maybe it did, given how fond of foreign labor Doria Expeditions seemed to be, but the sheer size of this entire building was really making him wonder what the hell had been going on behind the scenes and for how long. Had Sherry bankrolled this veritable palace? If so...was she really smart enough to make a fortune doing gods knew what yet stupidly hedonistic enough to still need someone else to sponsor the expedition itself? It would have seemed the punchline to some joke about the nobility if he hadn't seen the sorceress's antics for himself!

The sound of pouring water snapped the man out of his reverie. He was in a bathroom with a cute, consensual cowgirl and an erection that needed to be taken care of before he could resume his duties with a clear head. Economic curiosity could sit in the back of his mind until he was finished!

"Relax..." The former soldier said with a smile as he set his clothes down. Aedan took a step towards Aria and rested his hands between her shoulders and neck. They roamed and squeezed her flesh softly to help ease the tension in that part of her body at least. "Don't do anything you're not comfortable with. I'm...well, I can take care of myself, you know..."

It wasn't an idle double entrende, but he tried to look and sound reassuring as possible before climbing into the bath with a contented sigh. The former soldier's body was lean and well-muscled. There were a few scars here and there on his torso and limbs, but for the most part they merely gave his form a more rugged character than someone who had trained but not actually fought their whole life. One of the benefits in taking all of your training seriously while specializing in marksmanship and controlling the circumstances of most melees he'd actually been in.


Jun 24, 2016
Aria had been quiet, closing her eyes to enjoy the brief back-rub from the soldier. Of course, that didn't stop her from watching him as he moved into the bath. Nor did it stop her face from blushing at both the erect nature of his eager shaft and the physicality of the soldier. She'd roll her stocking-like leggings down to her ankles before rising to her feet, her arms moving to rest over her tits in some embarrassment as her feet gently pushed and slid them off the rest of the way. It had been painfully obvious up until now that while she had stripped her clothes and underwear, she had yet to remove her stockings. And as they were removed and put beneath her, the lengthy cowgirl's human legs ran all the way down to her human feet. Her toes curled lightly, the action up until now making it blurry if she had even been wearing shoes from her maid uniform or not. But with Aedan before her, the cowgirl put on a shy smile and took hold of her skirt and start tugging it down.

"D-Don't... worry, Master Gallagher. You wouldn't be my f-first... s-so... I just haven't been with a man in a year or two. I-I've only had Mistress Doria and her... um... fun."

Her tail whisked about visibly once the skirt joined her stockings beneath her, taking all but a moment to slide her panties down and off to give him a nice angle and view of the still-slathered region. It looked strange no doubt, slick along her thighs from her many orgasms and scissoring fun with Sherry while seemingly sticky where the chocolate had been lewdly spread along the entrance of her cunny. She'd give her top a tug with a hint of a shy smile, reaching back and unfastening it with her arms tight to her sides to keep it in place. She'd reach both hands to her rack, taking hold of the spot that held her shapely tits and pulling it away and off to reveal her smooth and curvy form. Her cow-nips had grown a bit stiff as she dropped the piece of her uniform and gently moved toward the bath. But rather than fully enter it, she'd lower and sit in the water with careful work to ensure her tail didn't dip in. The ribbon around her neck and tail were presented to Aedan as she leaned back, with an inexperienced but sexy spreading of her submerged legs, within the shallower section of the pool-like designed bath.

"M-Master Gallagher... r-remove these ribbons a-and... I will do my best to clean you and... milk you as you'd like. Were I like most of my kind, I-I would have a large amount of milk to offer... b-but... my breasts can provide any r-refreshment you might like. Th-they've gained a bit of a chocolate-like taste... a-a perk of generations of my tribe's efforts and traditions of rubbing the stuff onto our bodies, I guess..."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I see..." Sherry's possessiveness of Aria meant she hadn't been as quick to offer her as their time in the storeroom suggested? Good to know.

Aedan watched rather eagerly as the maid slowly disrobed. It seemed more out of shyness than a deliberate attempt at a strip-tease, but the end result was the same. His eyes never left her nude form, there was a subtle tension in his body, and his manhood began to ache with need all over again.

"One thing at a time..." The former soldier all but murmured as he leaned forward to undo the ribbons. Yet he paused as they were gently pulled aside. "...You think Sherry's...special chocolate might have effected your milk?"

He was legitimately curious. Taking care of the throbbing girth between his thighs was the top priority now, of course, but he did have to wonder. Especially if such a change could come in handy or be a dangerous handicap in the future.


Jun 24, 2016
With the ribbons removed, her bare neck on display and her freed tail moving to gently rest in the water, Aria was blushing before the soldier. With her legs spread, the only thing keeping him from getting a clear view of her pussy was the water and its illusory properties within the bath.

"I-It... might be possible... b-but... if so, it wouldn't b-be nearly as good as hers!"

She self-consciously moved her hands to rest atop them and to bring them together in a slight attempt to make them appear bigger and to squish them up against each other. If he wanted to know, it seemed it would require tasting from the tap. But the cowgirl had some impatience as her legs swished about in the water beneath them before hooking gently behind his left knee and around his upper right thigh. A soft and gentle effort was made to at least bring him closer, her legs lowering but keeping nice and spread around the closer male. Cutely bowing her head and giving him a view of her purple head of hair and blunt horns, she would look back to him with a flushed face smile. It seems she was either getting excited or thinking about what the man's prick could do.

"I-I... am ready to take you, M-Master Gallagher. Don't worry about Mistress... I-I will tend to your needs as much as you require. U-Using my pussy... o-or anything else you wish to use. I can take every inch... a-and promise to make you comfortable until you wish to stop bathing. S-Soap is... um..."

She'd stop, seeming to hesitate as she looked around the edges of the bath. Without finding one, she'd only look over toward the counter that had been near the door and spotting the bar. Without even thinking, she'd pull her legs from around the marksman and turn, crawling up and out of the bath on her hands and knees to reach up and grab hold of it. The tile of the room was getting wet as she took hold of it... but it also meant that Aedan had an almost head-level view of the woman's chocolate-stained entrance, able to see just barely into the cowgirl's cunt. Her tail flicked about just above a much tighter backdoor, hinting that it was quite possible that hole wasn't claimed. Unless he decided to act, she would return to her old position and get comfortable, putting the soap on the edge of the bath as she did so.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Depends on how you define 'good'..." Aedan mumbled as he leaned back, trying very hard not to oogle the now-naked cowgirl too blatantly. He could definitely live with the notion of Aria not being ingrained with the Makiore one way or another. Sure, it could have had its uses, but so far Doria Expeditions seemed to have an abundance of people willing to drag each other off for a private orgy even without crystalline "encouragement".

One of his hands subtle began to ball into a fist while Aria pressed her breasts together. She seemed almost ashamed of how "modest" her c-cups were compared to a "proper" cowgirls, but all Aedan could see was a pair of more than adequate breasts being teased and accentuated well within groping distance. The man shifted a few inches towards her even before Aria's legs found his own. Her face was flushed and for a moment the maid couldn't look him in the eye, but her smile put to rest any lingering concerns he had about the woman's consent.

Aedan leaned forward before she was even finished speaking, only for Aria's own hesitation to give him pause as well. He tried not to swear under his breath and reluctantly leaned back as the woman reached for the soap. Suddenly, he was very glad for the interruption. The marksman had a splendid view of the cowgirl's shapely derriere and womanly slit while she fiddled about for the soap, except the latter was still stained by the Makior-infused chocolate. Aria was clearly in control of herself now, but she'd also had something close to a half-dozen climaxes in the time it took him to see Sherry dealt with and Zephyr alerted to the mess his cousin had made. Just what would jamming his cock into a hole still lined with the arousing crystal do to him...?

He reached for a washcloth and allowed Aria to slide back into the bathtub unmolested. As soon as she did, however, Aedan pushed himself against her and pressed the submerged cloth firmly between her thighs.

"Just making sure I'll be...presentable once we're done here..." Aedan explained as he rapidly ground the soft material against the maid's feminine flower. Through it his hand firmly felt up and down her nether-lips before pressing deeper into her, giving the woman a firm but still gentle and stimulating scrubbing. It'd make her "safe" and let him gauge just how ready her pussy actually was after it had seen so much use in the storeroom mere minutes ago!


Jun 24, 2016
It was clear the girl wasn't expecting to be quickly approached once she'd lowered to the water once more. So when he pushed the cloth up and against her cunt, the look of shock and a breathless moan rewarded the diligent cleaning efforts.

"W-Wait," she said as her hands moved to rest gently against his chest, "D-Don't... nnnngh~... haaa~..."

As fast as she seemed unsure, the cowgirl had formed quite the sultry smile. With the rag picking up the coated chocolate to clean her, she certainly seemed to be responding to the rag-covered hand. Aria would bite her lower lip gently, her tail swishing through the water to gently wrap around his wrist. Her soft cunny seemed trying to cope with the sensation of both a rag and invading digit. As he'd push deeper, nothing but a tight and snug hole seemed to be wrapping around him. Her hands rubbed against his chest ever so gently, breathlessly moaning.

"M-Master Gallagher... d-don't take much longer, p-please... g-getting done like this..."

The rag-probing and cleaning didn't have much chance to go further, her right hand moving to pull at the hand while her left made a bold move and took hold of his manhood. She had no shame as she lightly and slowly stroked the prick, lustfully looking to him with clear expectations. The patience was clearly coming to an end, her hips rocking to gently force more of the marksman inside her. All that cumming didn't seem like it slowed her down. Maybe she'd become used to orgasming often from her use of the chocolate, but she certainly seemed to be transforming into a proper haughty and ready-to-fuck moogirl.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan's hand moved faster still, firmly rubbing and stroking the trembling insides of Aria's slit. She wanted him to hurry up? He could definitely accommodate that!

Her tail wrapping around his wrist failed to set off any alarms while the rest of her was all shudders and moans. It was not until the cowgirl's hands snapped forward and captured his engorged shaft that Aedan paused. A gasp escaped his lips and the strength in his limbs faltered against the renewed tide of throbbing, painful lust. The man groaned as she stroked and silently beckoned him to move on past the foreplay. In the storeroom, it had taken an exertion of will most men were simply not capable of to prevent himself from being dragged into the Makiore-laced orgy. Now, there were no such danger holding him back.

Aedan's hips thrust forward, almost desperately trying to find his cock some purchase in Aria's broad, welcoming folds. Unless stopped, his body and lips would have both pressed firmly to the cowgirl's own.


Jun 24, 2016

The cowgirl moaned almost like she had been mooing early, but this was far more sexually powered than some speech problem. The warmth of her cunny would be different from that of the water, but the sensations would be far better. Her tits pushed up against him, the larger gal not bothering to try and fight off his advance but rather embracing it as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders loosely. Blushing as the two came face-to-face, it took all but a moment for her to press back into the man's kiss with her eyes closing ever so slightly. She was intent on watching him, the cock buried inside her almost like an incentive as she broke the kiss for the slightest of moments and released her tail's hold on the shaft.

"G-Good," the cowgirl said in the utmost sultry of fashions while wrapping her legs behind him to ensure he wasn't going to be able to fully escape her depths, "Do with me... as you wish, Master Gallagher. It's been ages, b-but... I offer my p-pussy to you."

On cue, the cunt tightened around him as she seemed to try and get a feel for the connected lover only for a moment before pushing back into the kiss and gently trying to slip her tongue in to start the traditional spit-swap session that often came with this. However, her tongue was far more restrained compared to her own lust. It moved slow and carefully as if she were trying to gauge exactly how Aedan wanted to proceed and to show her own willingness to match him.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan hardly needed encouraging, and Aria hardly needed her legs around the man's waist to keep him from getting cold feet at the last instant. The gesture was anything but a mood-killer, however!

Though she remained shy and subservient, the sensation of her thighs tightening around him seemed to inspire the man. His muscled form pressed firmly against the cowgirl's, pinning her comfortably to the opposite side of the bath. His hands freely explored her voluptuous form, fingers tracing patterns into Aria's every curve before finally taking possession of her ample bosom. Each of the maid's breasts was kneaded firmly yet tenderly and every so often Aedan's fingers would clamp down on her rock-hard nipples. The former soldier seemed to have quite a bit of talent in the fine art of stimulating a woman just enough to keep her on edge and maker her squirm and tighten without seriously harming them.

Where Aria's tongue was slow and hesitant, Aedan's rushed to eagerly explore his partner. It found and playfully coiled about her's as best it could before moving on to the rest of her mouth. The first few thrusts of the man's hips were swift and reckless but quickly fell into a more controlled, if no less passionate, pattern. Clearly Aedan had no intention of beating around the bush, but who could blame the man? Their little match in the storeroom had tested his self-discipline as much as anything his experience had thrown at him before. Now it was time to collect on his reward for passing such an ordeal with flying colors!


Jun 24, 2016
With the water-based fuck underway, Aedan's eagerness to pound away and make-out with Aria didn't go unnoticed. Her tongue shifted to match the pacing and eagerness found in his while her legs began pulling and loosening him as he smacked their hips lewdly together in an intermingled love-session. Or, rather, the rut-like acts that could be confused as lovers thanks to the kissing and depth of which he was pushing into her. The pacing had slowed and grown controlled, but the effect was no less different as she panted between their kissing and let him do as he wished. The kneading of her tits had rewarded him with the slightest of milk dribbling out whenever they were pinched, likely due to them believing they were some infant. For all of her size and drug-fueled domination, the cowgirl was offering herself and taking everything he was giving. Her tail moved to gently push up and along the bottom of the man's testicles to try and make him cum faster, hands moving to the edge of the bath behind her to keep her nice and still in the hopes of at least somewhat lowering the sloshing effect they had on the bath's waters.

Warm cunt clenching ever so slightly around the filling prick, she'd pop back and away from Aedan with a happy glow about her.

"N-Ngh~... M-Master... y-you know how to use what you have. Y-You're no bullman... b-but th-this... nn-gyahh~..."

Her voice had caught and turned into a moan, her head moving ever so slightly as she leaned back to rub her cheek against his. The large amount of hair would tickle him and her ear would blind him, but the pumping at her pussy was something he didn't need eyes for. He could feel her well and abused hole starting to clench up, however, as she no doubt neared orgasm already. It was quite possible the curvy and tall horned-girl could take a pounding most days, but with how much she had been drugged up and practically drenched the storeroom? It was almost like he was having sex with an inexperienced virgin and he was the best in the world at slinging dick. Aria steadily loosened her legs and simply spread them wider to try and give him as much room as Aedan needed to make the maid reach that climax and to pummel her velvety depths entirely.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Glad I'm...ngh..measuring up...!" It too no small amount of effort, but Aedan managed to flash Aria a grin between thrusts. "Sort of..."

He wasn't terribly interested in an imaginary dick-measuring contest with some randy bullman, or debating the merits of a sexual partner that didn't take getting stabbed with a hot poker to stop rutting. Not while his loins ached and a lusty cowgirl all but eagerly trembled beneath him to slake those urges. Aedan nuzzled the maid in return and planted kisses along her cheek and collarbone as his body shifted to accommodate their new position. The greater range of movement he had now meant each desperate thrust all but hammered Aria into the back and rear of the bath. The former soldier's hand gripped her and the side of the tub just to keep himself halfway steady in the rapidly swishing waters.

His grunts grew deeper and huskier with each passing moment. The only thing that had stopped him from popping in the storeroom had been sheer willpower. Nothing did so now. The marksman gasped and trembled atop his bovine partner as one final thrust ensured the force of his climax likely shook them both. Aedan stretched and groaned, then allowed himself to fall atop Aria. He c-cups were smooshed against her chest as he simply lay there, basking in the post-coitus haze.


Jun 24, 2016
The climax of her human partner had the cowgirl ride her own edged line, up until he slammed himself nice and deep. Aria let out her moo-like moan, her ears twitching as she spasmed and tightened in her own orgasm. She didn't try to slip away as he pumped a load incredibly deep within the girl's cunt. Instead, she kept him there until he went lax. Only then would she start to ever so gently wrap her tail around the spent cock's base.

"M-Master Gallagher... w-were you... Trying to give me your child~?"

She didn't seem mad, rubbing her cheek gently against his and keeping him buried fully and her tits pressed against him with her hard nips reminding him of how aroused she was and how hard they'd gone at it. That, of course, and the puddle of spilled water beyond the edge.

"W-We should get cleaned... b-but... I might need you help since I don't have chocolate of my own. Could you... u-uh... find me some that's okay to use? I-I could get Mistress to let us have time like this if so...?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For a long moment, Aedan was content to simply rest atop the cowgirl. Her soft form made form a rather warm and  comfortable and living pillow.The tail coiling around the base of his still somewhat hard shaft did little to discourage him.

"Hm...? What? No." The man abruptly shot up and pulled back with a suitably surprised expression. "I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't do...something after what happened in the storeroom and you offered to help..."

A slight frown formed, though Aedan seemed more concerned than accusing. He hadn't forgotten Sherry's...interest in having Aria's offspring serve her as well. Even if that wasn't a concern...well, he'd just signed up for one of the most dangerous expeditions imaginable and wasn't planning on retiring even if the mission proved an unmitigated success. A child, especially with someone he'd known for matter of minutes, wasn't exactly a part of any of his plans.

"Yeah, sure..." That awkwardness aside, Aedan moved to grab a clean washcloth for some actual bathing. "Don't worry about...that. Just don't let that woman treat you like that, alright? She might be your Mistress, but there are rules about that sort of thing in place to make sure The Combined Nations don't become a bigger version of those pirates on the Smuggler's Hideaway..."


Jun 24, 2016
The maid remained still, smiling at his brief shock and awkward behavior. The fact he mentioned Smuggler's Hideaway wasn't lost on her, the cowgirl gently moving her hands to take the washcloth from him while still trapped on his cock. She'd carefully and gently move him back and out of her with washcloth hand while the other took the soap by the edge, Aria's eyes meeting his as she got up and followed along until they were in the deepest part of the bath with the water up to his chest. The purple haired girl would only stop once he was gently pinned against the deep end of the tub, her nipples pressed against him and her tail gently rubbing up and down his sensitive cock.

"I understand. In my homeland, having children quickly is necessary to keep our numbers up. In Ulatahn, I know things are... different. You had to handle yourself because of what I did... so it wasn't anything more than me serving you... right?"

Though she had mentioned she understood, her eyes seemed somewhat hurt by how he'd so quickly reacted to her tease earlier. She'd prepare the washcloth as she drew away, giving him a good view on her nice pair of tits for the moment. Once it was ready, she began to lather herself up and put on a show for the marksman.

"I'm going to go ahead and bathe both of us. Master Gallagher, I promise I won't let Mistress Doria treat me badly. So... let me do this for you, before we take too much longer and risk embarrassing you by being late..."

The mention of time had no doubt struck a bell, a reminder that it had been some time since they entered the bath. While she seemed upset, it wouldn't be proper for him to show up late when their sponsor might be arriving, would it? It was clear that talking to her in this state, however, would likely result in a most unfortunate conversation. They hadn't known each other long, but it seemed like his caring for her had at least made her view the human as more than just a co-worker. She might even think of him as a sex partner or a friend with benefits in their current state! She'd move forward and start rubbing her soaped up breasts against him to share in the cleaning efforts, however, the cowgirl rubbing the washcloth over his shoulder as she'd start her work.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Aedan offered no resistance and softly bit his lip as Aria guided him into the deeper portion of the bath with a tug and gentle tail-stroke of his still sensitive shaft. For a moment he feared that she was trying to seduce him all over again. Not that the romp hadn't been an unenjoyable experience, but the sponsor of the entire expedition would probably arriving soon. Even at the best of times, being caught (literally) with his pants down on such an occasion would have been a disaster, but in the wake of Sherry's crimes Doria Expeditions was going to have to tread carefully and adjust accordingly. At the very least, if the corruption didn't begin and end with the noblewoman, then he needed to find out exactly what he risked getting involved in.

"Well...no...." Some tension remained in Aedan's body even as Aria did her best to scrub it and whatever filth clung to his body away with the washcloth and her bared breasts. Gods, he felt like an ass saying that out loud, but...well, Aria hadn't exactly been shy about offering those kinds of services, at least in the wake of what happened in the storeroom too him. "I'm pretty sure the Combined Nations don't plan on going extinct from lack of children but...I'm not sure how your culture handles it, Aria, but we just met and this...career of mine doesn't leave much room for kids but plenty for pent-up stress,"

Was it a cultural issue? If so, Aedan was going to have to make an effort to learn more once things were settled. Between Zephyr, Megumi, Aria, and any other foreigners Doria Expeditions relied upon, he couldn't really afford to view non-native Ulatahn citizens as just guests to escort or would-be raiders to introduce to the business end of his fire-musket.

"Thanks, Aria, I appreciate it," He glanced over his shoulder to offer the purple-haired woman a slight but sincere smile. Things had gotten awkward for a moment and first impressions had been...memorable, but all that aside the cowgirl seemed pleasant enough when she wasn't drugged out of her mind. Slowly, Aedan relaxed and enjoyed the bath. He'd have to dress and move briskly once it was over to see this sponsor with his own eyes, but for now he would savor the free time he had.