Well-Known Member
Syri certainly doesn't, but she's the only one we know of. Then again, it might depend on how far the comparison goes; I can't imagine most would be offended by merely stating the superficial resemblances, but actually (near-)equating them in a not-pretend context would almost certainly be too far for the vast majority.Additionally, Ausar may not like being compared to dogs, apparent penchant for pet-play notwithstanding.
Also, my headcanon is that dogs can't really tell the difference between ausar and humans.
Syri rejected going to Ausaril Tech and joined the military just to spite her parents, which to me indicates that they wanted her to be an intellectual like Anno(ch). The Treatment is the most anti-intellectual drug that's legal anywhere, so I find it believable that the Dornas wouldn't want one of their kids to take it, which is why DQ Syri did.But that may just be her family.Demon Queen Syri said:
When I got here, I’d just taken this drug called the Treatment. A big ‘fuck you’ to my family, made me this big, sexy slab of amazon meat you see here.
Also, just because she meant it as "A big 'fuck you'" doesn't meant they took it that way.