[TiTS] PC Character Bios!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I don't know why, but I picture your character to look quite draenei-ish. I mean, tall, long ears, fangs, "antlers"... Idk, maybe it's just your avatar that planted the picture in my head ^

Yeah, it was meant to be sort of like my avatar pic in mind ^^ 

It wasn't until you said this that I realized I never actually read OP's description.

Did you port over a CoC character or just do a bunch of heavy file editing to get the character you wanted, Yvenne? If so, would you share tongue and arm/leg types? I assume the latter is spider.

I'm hurt, Karretch :p

Heavy file editing. Draconic tongue (11) and arachnid limbs (7) :D  Horn type deer (21). Dual anemone/siren cocks (20/22). Also added knotted and flared flags. Naga mouth (13). Sylvan ears (58). Vanae pussy (46), as well two tailcunts with vanae pussies too. Draconic wings (11). Fuckable nips (1). Vanae Huntress Milk (11). Normal cum/femcum for now. The vanae pussies are filled with tendrils, and siren cocks have stinger tipped tentacles. It's meant to be all in theme with the tentactle-y draenei xD  I haven't decided on skin color yet. Yeah, the the deer horns and eyes are more night elf. Also, the naga did come from the elves after all. So sorta half/half. 
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I actually ended up drawing my TiTS character a while back. Normally she's in panties and a bra, but you know, for messy jobs ... 



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I actually ended up drawing my TiTS character a while back. Normally she's in panties and a bra, but you know, for messy jobs ... 

View attachment 2181

So tiny and adorable! (Probably tiny no matter what next to my 9ft giant)

Mind giving us the actual run down? Appearance tab and all that?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I actually ended up drawing my TiTS character a while back. Normally she's in panties and a bra, but you know, for messy jobs ... 

View attachment 2181

Wow, that's pretty sexy. Lemme guess. Bee wings and limbs? But yeah, the small impish look, with the pixie look, is darn cute :3 I should get around to drawing mine too!


Sep 20, 2015
Might as well show mine off ...

Name: Myirr

<< Appearance >>

You started your journey as a half-ausar, but you’ve become a human over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 9 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.75 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with an underbust corset.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, tanned skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with succulent, slut red lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a gem-like shimmering ruby iris. The long, crimson ponytail atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full 12 inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. Your mouth contains a tongue. A small pair of pointed horns has broken through the smooth skin on your forehead, proclaiming some demonic taint to any who see them.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a quartet of gossamer wings sprout from your back, glittering black with a pattern that makes them look as though they’re coated in wisps of shadow when they flap. Despite their delicate appearance they have no problem carrying you aloft, and can fold up safely against your back for protection. Swirls of glowing red trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your hands are still largely human in shape and dexterity aside from the fairly feline claws that have replaced your fingernails. You have flared hips that swell out under your trim waistline, and your large rump fills out your clothing nicely. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from your squeezable derriere, wrapping around your leg sensually at every opportunity. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your belly is nice and smooth.

You have two fluid-filled melons, capped with one 0.3-inch bud each. The average-sized areolae are ruby. Your fluid-filled udders are sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with milk. You should release the pressure soon. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

You have a naleen-cunt, with one 0.5-inch clit. Occasional beads of amber honey drip from your crotch-soaking slit, their lips slightly parted. The exterior lips are subtle and narrow, making your lengthy entrance a little more discrete.

You have one tight anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
<< Stats >>

Shields: 104

Health: 80

Physique: 12

Reflexes: 10

Aim: 40

Intelligence: 40

Willpower: 10

Libido: 11

<< Perks >>

Armor Tweaks - Grants a 20% bonus to defense values provided by equipped armor.
Attack Drone - Grants an attack drone that will automatically fire on your enemies every combat round as long as your shields are up. The drone will also bolster your shields with its own, raising your maximum shielding by one point per level.
Concussive Shot - Grants the ability to fire explosive-tipped arrows when equipped with a bow in combat. The arrows have a chance to stun for 2 to 4 combat rounds.
Elasticity - Increases the elasticity of your orifices and renders them more resistant to stretching.
Enhanced Dampeners - Grants a 50% vulnerability reduction to damage absorbed by your shield generator.
Fight Smarter - Improves melee and ranged accuracy by a small portion of your intelligence.
Gravidic Disruptor - Grants the ability to deal Unresistable damage to targetted enemies.
Gun Tweaks - Allows you to do 20% additional damage with energy guns thanks to after-market modifications.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Honeypot - Allows your body to convert excess thickness into delicious, boob-filling goodness.
Myr Venom - Allows you do to a little lust damage when melee attacking.
Nyrean Royal - Reduces hostile nyrea attacks and deal increased tease damage to them!
Overcharge - Grants the ability to perform a single ranged attack for 150% normal damage. If the target’s shields have been depleted, the shot may stun the target. Requires an energy weapon.
Power Surge - Grants the ability to restore a moderate amount of shielding for 33 energy.
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Shield Regen - Builds a redundancy into your shields that can reactivate them at 25% capacity once per fight after they drop.
Shield Tweaks - Grants your shield generator an additional 2 points of shield protection per level.
Static Burst - Grants the ability to briefly overload your shield emitter. The burst shocks any enemies in close proximity, freeing you from grapples for a small energy cost.
Weapon Hack - Allows you to spend 15 energy to hack the enemy’s energy weapons, preventing their use for four to five rounds
<< Gear >>

Melee Weapon: A Vamp Blade
Ranged Weapon: A Salamander Pistol
Armor: A Suit of Armor Constructed From An Active Gray Goo
Shield: A Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator
Accessory: A Lightning Duster
Underwear Bottom: A Set of Stockings And Panties
Underwear Top: An Underbust Corset

It took me a good 4 hours of playing chicken with rainbowtox rng to get her coloring down ... So ... Much ... Reloading ...


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Tessa: The Goo-Knight!

You are a human. You’re a good 4 feet and 8 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.42 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a revealing set of feminine plate armor, using plain briefs for underwear, and girding your upper body with a plain bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, purple skin. Overall, your visage has a nice set of cheekbones and supple lips. Regular indigo eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The long, violet hair on your head nearly conceals a pair of mostly-human ears with slightly pointed tips, just like a fantasy elf’s. Your mouth contains a lengthy tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, all of them glittering, semi-transparent goo. Swirls of glittering black trace brighter accents across much of your form. You have noticeable thighs that draw the attention of those around you, and your full butt fills out your clothing nicely. In place of legs you have a shifting, amorphous blob. It splits apart just beneath your genitals into two semi-solid limbs. Your middle would just barely push past the waistband of a pair of pants. It’s a little bit of a muffin-top.

You have two tits, capped with one wet, pliable nipple-cunt each. The average-sized areolae are violet. While you may appear to have inverted nipples, your chest actually houses wet, slippery secrets. A finger or cock could easily slip inside you to give and get as much pleasure as any crotch-couched cunt. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.

Your thin prick is 5 inches long and 0.8 inches across. Your scrotum clings tightly to your groin, dripping and holding two gonads snugly against you. You estimate each of them to be about three inches around and 1 inch across.You have one tight butthole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with thin streams of lube leaking out of its edges.
 Slmey deeds~


Sep 20, 2015
I made a new character ...

Name: Myirria


I was sorta going for a space drow-ish look ... with some feline bits ....

<< Appearance >>

You are a half-kaithrit. You’re a good 5 feet and 11 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.8 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a shiny, silver and black bodysuit, using stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a lacy bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with ebony skin. A set of retractable, needle-like fangs sit in place of your canines, just like a naleen. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with succulent lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a luminous purple iris. The long, silver curled hair atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full 12 inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. Your mouth contains a narrow but flexible tongue that, if you so desire, can extend a good distance out from your mouth. Its tip is forked, and you are capable of moving it around in an almost prehensile manner.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a quartet of gossamer wings sprout from your back, glittering black with a pattern that makes them look as though they’re coated in wisps of shadow when they flap. Despite their delicate appearance they have no problem carrying you aloft, and can fold up safely against your back for protection. Swirls of luminous purple trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your hands are still largely human in shape and dexterity aside from the fairly feline claws that have replaced your fingernails. You have flared thighs that swell out under your trim waistline, and your nice toned butt contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. Two soft, silver cat-tails sprout just above your toned ass, curling and twisting with every step to maintain perfect balance. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your flat belly is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You have two nice tits, capped with one 0.3-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are luminous purple. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

You have an elastic, tentacle-laden gash, with two 0.5-inch clits. Thin streams of honey occasionally dribble from your puddling, flexible, human-like cunt.

You have one moist sphincter, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

(Note: The lips and vagina are also luminous purple, just couldn't get that to show in the description)
<< Stats >>

Physique: 40

Reflexes: 40

Aim: 40

Intelligence: 40

Willpower: 40

Libido: 39

All teases are at 100
<< Perks >>

Armor Piercing - Ranged attacks ignore the first few points of enemy defense.
Carpet Grenades - Grants the ability to toss out a handful of micro-grenades, damaging everything in a large area. Hits all enemies.
Concentrate Fire - Allows consecutive ranged attacks to gain a bonus to damage.
Concussive Shot - Grants the ability to fire explosive-tipped arrows when equipped with a bow in combat. The arrows have a chance to stun for 2 to 4 combat rounds.
Critical Blows - Your strikes and shots gain a 10% chance of inflicting double damage on normal melee and ranged attacks.
Elasticity - Increases the elasticity of your orifices and renders them more resistant to stretching.
Heavy Weapons - Increases damage from Kinetic ranged weapons by 20%.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Honeypot - Allows your body to convert excess thickness into delicious, boob-filling goodness.
Iron Will - Allows your physical fortitude to contribute slightly to your willpower, granting one point of willpower for every five points of physique.
Juggernaut - Grants a 25% chance to overcome any paralysis or stun effect every combat round.
Myr Venom - Allows you do to a little lust damage when melee attacking.
Nyrean Royal - Reduces hostile nyrea attacks and deal increased tease damage to them!
Rapid Fire - Grants the ability to perform a ranged attack with two extra, reduced-accuracy shots.
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Second Wind - Grants the ability to recover half of your maximum HP and Energy once per combat encounter.
Take Cover - Grants the ability to avoid nearly all incoming ranged attacks for 3 combat rounds.
Tough - Resistance to Kinetic damage increased by 10%.
Tough 2 - Increases Kinetic damage resistance provided by ‘Tough’ to 15% (+5%).
<< Equipment >>

Melee: Lava Saber (for evasion bonus)

Ranged: Secure Machine Pistol

Armor: Silver and Black Body Suit (Swapped for Upgraded Goo Armor for difficult combat)

Accessory: Aim Assisting Eyepiece/Salamander Longcoat/Lightning Duster

Shield: Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator

Underwear Top: Lacy Bra

Underwear Bottom: Stockings And Panties/Thermal Undies


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Hope I get this right, as I've never used hidden contents before.

Name: Edrick Steele

Tech head and tinkerer of shiny things.

With this game, I never try to plan too much what my guy looks like, but what I ended up with is...interesting I think. Although I protest the classification that I turned myself human here. You'll see why.

ou started your journey as a half-kaithrit, but you’ve become a human over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 6 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.83 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using plain briefs for underwear, and girding your upper body with an undershirt.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with fair skin. A set of retractable, needle-like fangs sit in place of your canines, just like a naleen. Overall, your visage has a square chin, chiseled jawline, and three-inch long beard. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a green iris. The shoulder-length, blue ponytail on your head is parted by a pair of cute, fuzzy feline ears, sprouting from atop your head and pivoting towards any sudden noises. Your mouth contains a human tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of orange fur. Swirls of luminous violet trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your hands are still largely human in shape and dexterity aside from the fairly feline claws that have replaced your fingernails. You have boyish hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your incredibly tight, perky butt molds closely against your form. Two soft, orange cat-tails sprout just above your incredibly tight, perky butt, curling and twisting with every step to maintain perfect balance. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You have a chisled chest with extremely pronounced pectoral muscles, capped with one 0.2-inch eye-catching nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink.

Your thick, knotty member is 10 inches long and 1.7 inches across. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your canine phallus, ready to expand to help you lodge it inside a female. The knot is 2.1 inches wide when at full size. Your mostly full scrotum clings tightly to your groin, holding your two large balls snugly against you. You estimate each of them to be about six inches around and 1.8 inches across.

You have one tight ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
 Stats: Maxed everything but libido and willpower, former is 6 and the latter is 25. Found out too late about that one being the only one can't raise outside of levels, so I'm waiting for the next upgrade in that regard.


Armor Tweaks - Grants a 20% bonus to defense values provided by equipped armor.
Attack Drone - Grants an attack drone that will automatically fire on your enemies every combat round as long as your shields are up. The drone will also bolster your shields with its own, raising your maximum shielding by one point per level.
Deflector Regeneration - Grants the ability to restore a moderate amount of shielding over four combat rounds for 20 energy.
Enhanced Dampeners - Grants a 50% vulnerability reduction to damage absorbed by your shield generator.
Fight Smarter - Improves melee and ranged accuracy by a small portion of your intelligence.
Gravidic Disruptor - Grants the ability to deal Unresistable damage to targetted enemies.
Gun Tweaks - Allows you to do 20% additional damage with energy guns thanks to after-market modifications.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Nyrean Royal - Reduces hostile nyrea attacks and deal increased tease damage to them!
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Shield Hack - Allows you to spend 25 energy to hack an enemy’s shield, dealing very high shield damage.
Shield Regen - Builds a redundancy into your shields that can reactivate them at 25% capacity once per fight after they drop.
Shield Tweaks - Grants your shield generator an additional 2 points of shield protection per level.
Static Burst - Grants the ability to briefly overload your shield emitter. The burst shocks any enemies in close proximity, freeing you from grapples for a small energy cost.
Virile - Increases the quality of your sperm.
Volley - Grants the ability to perform an extra ranged attack with reduced accuracy, but a chance of causing blindness regardless. Requires an energy weapon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
There really ought to be a post to explain all of the tags, hopefully I guessed the right one for hidden content shit, and from looking at some others post I ain't the only one with this problem.

Anywho on to my char! 

Name: Tiberius Steele

Career: Tech Spec

I started as a male pure-human, ended up a solid gold herm vanae, was a right pain in the ass trying to get the correct transformations due to the variety of colors available. Main thing I'm waiting for is the dragon TF to get in so I can get the tongue, wings, horns and cock of a dragon.


You are a human. You’re a good 5 feet and 8 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.73 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using boyshorts for underwear, and girding your upper body with a lacy bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale gold skin. Overall, your visage has a gorgeous profile with pouting, glowing gold lips, a button nose, and noticeable eyelashes. Normal-looking green eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The long, black hair atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. Your mouth contains a thick, purple tongue that, if you so desire, can extend a fair portion from your mouth. Its tip is blunted slightly.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Swirls of glowing gold trace brighter accents across much of your form. You have girly thighs that draw the attention of those around you, and your chiseled posterior fills out your clothing nicely. A sinuous, almost snake-like tail waves behind you, covered in skin like the rest of you except at the tip. There, it terminates in a twat that always seems to crave fresh sperm. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet.

Your belly protrudes obscenely from your form, hanging heavily. Getting around is a struggle with so much extra mass on you. At first glance, people might be mistaken for thinking you’re properly pregnant, but closer inspection reveals your belly to be lumpy and slightly misshapen, full of several individual, moving creatures as you are.

You have two fluid-filled breasts, capped with one 0.4-inch bud each. The coin-sized areolae are glowing gold. Your fluid-filled tits have a noticable amount of violet milk inside them now. Before long, they’ll start swelling. You could easily fill a E-cup bra.

Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown your two, fat, animalistic members:
This blunted horse-cock is 15.9 inches long and 2.9 inches thick. It’s black in color and laced with thick veins. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s.
Your next knee-length, bestial stallion-cock is 15.9 inches long and 2.9 inches in diameter. It’s black in color and laced with thick veins. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s.

A painfully empty sack with a pair of grapefruit-sized balls swings heavily beneath your twin, massive, flat-tipped tools. You estimate each testicle to be about 14 inches around and 4.5 inches across.

You have a slightly-stretched, massaging cunny, with two 0.3-inch clits. Occasional beads of honey drip from your writhing pussy, their lips slightly parted.

You have one tailhole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

Armor Tweaks - Grants a 20% bonus to defense values provided by equipped armor.

Attack Drone - Grants an attack drone that will automatically fire on your enemies every combat round as long as your shields are up. The drone will also bolster your shields with its own, raising your maximum shielding by one point per level.
Concussive Shot - Grants the ability to fire explosive-tipped arrows when equipped with a bow in combat. The arrows have a chance to stun for 2 to 4 combat rounds.
Deflector Regeneration - Grants the ability to restore a moderate amount of shielding over four combat rounds for 20 energy.
Enhanced Dampeners - Grants a 50% vulnerability reduction to damage absorbed by your shield generator.
Fight Smarter - Improves melee and ranged accuracy by a small portion of your intelligence.
Gravidic Disruptor - Grants the ability to deal Unresistable damage to targetted enemies.
Gun Tweaks - Allows you to do 20% additional damage with energy guns thanks to after-market modifications.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Overcharge - Grants the ability to perform a single ranged attack for 150% normal damage. If the target’s shields have been depleted, the shot may stun the target. Requires an energy weapon.
Potent - Increases the size of your orgasms and the speed at which you produce ejaculate.
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Shield Hack - Allows you to spend 25 energy to hack an enemy’s shield, dealing very high shield damage.
Shield Regen - Builds a redundancy into your shields that can reactivate them at 25% capacity once per fight after they drop.
Shield Tweaks - Grants your shield generator an additional 2 points of shield protection per level.
Static Burst - Grants the ability to briefly overload your shield emitter. The burst shocks any enemies in close proximity, freeing you from grapples for a small energy cost.
Stats: Maxed them all out, except Aim (38), and Libido (27)


 Melee Weapon: Survival Axe

Ranged Weapon: A Salamander Rifle
Armor: A Suit of Armor Constructed From An Active Gray Goo
Shield: A Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator
Accessory: A Salamander Longcoat
Underwear Bottom: A Pair of Boyshorts
Underwear Top: A Lacy Bra
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2015
I actually ended up drawing my TiTS character a while back. Normally she's in panties and a bra, but you know, for messy jobs ... 

View attachment 2181

Man oh man, I sorta strayed away from this thread for whatever reason, but I'm an absolute sucker for drawings of player characters. That's really a nice style might I add, and the character's hella cute. I find it plenty commendable that you can actually visualize your character, but being able to DRAW them is amazing on its own.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Name: Evelyn Steele

Occupation: Engineer

Started out as a human male, became a Treated, herm Gabilani (With a few extra things from other tf's), a "little" bit of save editing was done on this save.


You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a gabilani over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 3 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.07 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using frilly bikini bottom for underwear, and girding your upper body with a small frilly pink bikini top.

 You have a narrow-jawed gabilani face, appearing almost goblinoid with alien facial features. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with hypnotic lips decorated with a pair of lip piercings and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your alien eyes are dark as the void, with irises that are completely black and indistinguishible from the pupils themselves, making you appear disconcerting from afar. The ass-length, black hair on your head is parted by a pair of long, triangular goblin ears. A lengthy, tapered tongue fills your mouth, able to stretch out almost nine inches in order to taste the very air. A small pair of pointed horns has broken through the green skin on your forehead, proclaiming some demonic taint to any who see them.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a quartet of gossamer wings sprout from your back, glittering black with a pattern that makes them look as though they’re coated in wisps of shadow when they flap. Despite their delicate appearance they have no problem carrying you aloft, and can fold up safely against your back for protection. Swirls of glittering black trace brighter accents across much of your form. You have flared hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your large rear end fills out your clothing nicely. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from your callipygean heinie, wrapping around your leg sensually at every opportunity. Your perfectly lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Surprisingly your mobility isn’t impaired by having your feet converted into natural high heels, although you are forced to totter about with your upper body thrust forward a little to compensate, leaving you permanently locked into an awkwardly sexy pose. Your flat middle is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You have two breasts, capped with one 0.4-inch nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are glittering black. You could easily fill a big DD-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your fat dong is 14 inches long and 2.8 inches across. The head of your alien-looking cock consists of bulbous twin glans, ready to double the sensation of penetration. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your gabilani tool, ready to expand to help you lodge it inside a female. The knot is 3.5 inches wide when at full size. Your empty scrotum clings tightly to your groin, holding your two baseball-sized balls snugly against you. You estimate each of them to be about eight inches around and 2.6 inches across.

You have a pliant fuck-hole, with one 1-inch clit and an intact hymen. Thick streams of girl-cum drool constantly from the massive hole that is your unclaimed, dexterous goblin-cunt. The special muscles around your vagina are strong and powerful, making it possible to swallow any insertion without the need to push it in.

You have one tight, immaculately lubricated pucker, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with thick streams of lubricant oozing constantly from the orifice quite liberally.

Armor Tweaks - Grants a 20% bonus to defense values provided by equipped armor.
Breed Hungry - Increases speed that semen is created at and the pregnancy speed.
Brute Speech - Alters dialogue in certain scenes.
Ditz Speech - Alters dialogue in certain scenes.
Drug Fucked - Grants: +40 to minimum libido, +10 to minimum lust, halved intelligence gains, and doubled libido gains.
Elasticity - Increases the elasticity of your orifices and renders them more resistant to stretching.
Enhanced Dampeners - Grants a 50% vulnerability reduction to damage absorbed by your shield generator.
Extra Ardor - Increases lust gain over time.
Fecund Figure - Your broodmare body permanently changes you more into a fertility goddess while you are pregnant.
Fertility - Increases your odds of getting pregnant.
Fight Smarter - Improves melee and ranged accuracy by a small portion of your intelligence.
Gravidic Disruptor - Grants the ability to deal Unresistable damage to targetted enemies.
Gun Tweaks - Allows you to do 20% additional damage with energy guns thanks to after-market modifications.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Honeypot - Allows your body to convert excess thickness into delicious, boob-filling goodness.
Incubator - Increases the speed at which your pregnancies progress.
Inhuman Desire - Increases maximum lust by 70.
Milky - Causes lactation to be induced more easily and harder to stop.
Myr Venom - Allows you do to a little lust damage when melee attacking.
Nyrean Royal - Reduces hostile nyrea attacks and deals increased tease damage to them!
Overcharge - Grants the ability to perform a single ranged attack for 150% normal damage. If the target’s shields have been depleted, the shot may stun the target. Requires an energy weapon.
Pheromone Cloud - Increase the success rate and arousing potential of tease attacks.
Potent - Increases the size of your orgasms and the speed at which you produce ejaculate.
Power Surge - Grants the ability to restore a moderate amount of shielding for 33 energy.
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Sexy Thinking - Boosts tease damage more the dumber and less willful you are.
Shield Booster - Grants a further increase to your shield generator, providing an additional eight points of protection per level.
Shield Regen - Builds a redundancy into your shields that can reactivate them at 25% capacity once per fight after they drop.
Shield Tweaks - Grants your shield generator an additional 2 points of shield protection per level.
Static Burst - Grants the ability to briefly overload your shield emitter. The burst shocks any enemies in close proximity, freeing you from grapples for a small energy cost.
Treated Milk - Any milk you lactate tastes better, and you are less likely to stop lactating.
Venom Slut - You’re a total venom slut, raising your maximum lust while on red myr venom.
Virile - Increases the quality of your sperm.
Weapon Hack - Allows you to spend 15 energy to hack the enemy’s energy weapons, preventing their use for four to five rounds.
Stats: All maxed to 40 with Libido at 100.


Melee Weapon: A Lava Saber
Ranged Weapon: A Salamander Pistol
Armor: A Suit of Armor Constructed From An Active Gray Goo
Shield: A Reaper Armaments Mark II Shield Generator
Accessory: A Hovering Cargobot
Underwear Bottom: A Small Frilly Pink Bikini Bottom
Underwear Top: A Small Frilly Pink Bikini Top
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