TiTs confessions...



Confession 1: I confess to taking Penny down the "cum slut" sidequest, and feeling guilty and regretting it after I did.
I hated seeing her that way. Fap or not, it wasn't worth it. I felt like an asshole.

Confession 2: I purposely picked "I'm a hero" when I met Dr. Badger out of being too stubborn to lie to her out of fear.

Confession 3: I confess to sending all my money the first time I played the game on mods and chems to alter the character and just ended up getting curb stomped all thru the game. In my defense, I like to draw my character based on the description of them once I'm super deep in the game. Usually when I meet the ant queen people's planet, Myrellion (sp?)

Confession 4: I spent way too much time on Mhen'ga because I was obsessed with having my futa hero sucking off Flahne under her table. That scene was just too well written.

Confession 5: I hate the fetish of having cow girls moo during sex. It's not hot. Imagine Nia Long mooing while you fucked her. No. No. Not hot just awkward. Thus, I hate most of the cow people of the Big Texas world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's a reason why savescumming is a thing. After finishing Penny's quest, I saved in front of her place, triggered the whole cumsluttery thingy (I really liked the scenes, by the way) and closed the tab afterwards.

While I loathe personality destruction or mind/body breaking and I'm not really into brain drain, I kinda like the idea of characters in an animalistic state in smut, which is why I'm okay with animal noises. As long as it's not the clichéd "you cum, you make the noise your race is tied to" bit.
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I'm a kinda guy who tries to get as far as he can without a manual or a guide. I'd feel like I was cheating if I just went back to a past save file everytime I messed up.
That said I'm glad I restarted, because now I'm gonna recruit her and do our interaction right. Like a real friendship.

As for the animal sounds, I just don't get it. I've hear a cow go moo. It's not hot. It's more like MAAAAAAHHH! than a cute moo sound. So if a girl is riding you and screaming MAAAAAAHHHH! all deep and animal-like like a real cow, I doubt it would turn anyone on. It would likely creep you out. I feel the same about biting in sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Confession 5: I hate the fetish of having cow girls moo during sex. It's not hot. Imagine Nia Long mooing while you fucked her. No. No. Not hot just awkward. Thus, I hate most of the cow people of the Big Texas world.
Oh thank god someone else actually agrees with me about the mooing. I'm one of the biggest advocates of "not everything in this game is meant to appeal to everyone" out there, but mooing worms its way into SO MANY SCENES and the only way I've found to deal with it is to instantly mentally translate it into a normal groan when I see it and not think about it on any level because it's just fundamentally not an appealing word. It sounds normal enough on paper (as far as fetishes go), just another animalistic noise that's emblematic of the primal state the people who utter it are reduced to, but once you start thinking about it, it seems SO weird. I can't even wrap my mind around what it's supposed to sound like. Is it supposed to be guttural and animalistic like an actual cow moo or are the people using the word itself like when a girl with cat ears says "nya"? Hell, it doesn't even matter because neither of those sound even remotely arousing. There is no possible situation in which a humanoid making this sound:
is arousing or even POSSIBLE do do accurately unless you specifically practice at it, and the onomatopoeia "moo" makes a far too throaty sound for it to be cute like the emphasized "ah" in "nya". Sorry for the rant, but just...AUGH! I can't wrap my mind around why it's used so often, especially for lactating PCs. At least hard lock it behind Ditz/Brute speech for PCs and characters that obviously demonstrate those perks for NPCs or SOMETHING.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Also, not a day goes by where I don't feel horrible to making Penny a cumslut just so I could max out my crew count. Sure, I caught them all...but at what cost? I never intended for my pornemon adventure to be taken this far.



Goddess bless you.
I do the same. I want to recruit someone and regret the journey. Same with going to extremes to get money in games sometimes. Is that really the only way? Penny has to be mind broken to join the crew? Weak.

And as for the Mooing. Yeah I pretend it's just a basic Ahh sound. I'm not into beastiality. So I draw the line at enjoying or accepting a cowgirl who actually moos against her will. Just like I don't like characters being forced to wear pig costumes and being forced to sit in filth all day until they are mind broken wallowing in their on "scat".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Penny has to be mind broken to join the crew?
No, she hasn't. "My" Penny only took a Throbb dose before joining.

I'm not into beastiality. So I draw the line at enjoying or accepting a cowgirl who actually moos against her will. Just like I don't like characters being forced to wear pig costumes and being forced to sit in filth all day until they are mind broken wallowing in their on "scat".
Animal play isn't zooerastia. Now, don't get me started on animal stereotypes...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Also, not a day goes by where I don't feel horrible to making Penny a cumslut just so I could max out my crew count. Sure, I caught them all...but at what cost? I never intended for my pornemon adventure to be taken this far.

Your ends don't justify the means. You bastard. A good hard working woman now a cum slut, you sicken me Boy Howdy, I say you sicken me. Good day boy! Good day!


So if she take Throbb just once it's okay to get her to join? Must be an update option. I never saw her able to join the first time I played the game a while back.

The only animal sounds that okay to me is MAYBE a little mewing during foreplay. But against, I can't stress enough how much of a turn off it would be if a woman told me to make cat sounds while we made love. Imagine my deep black guy voice going "Rawoh raaah Raworrrr" in sex. There's a line.


...The mooing is the only thing besides maybe the milk that reminds me these people are part cow. On a planet full of cow people.

Anyways, I have a tendancy to start new games rather than continue previous saves. Originally this was so I could try out specific items and scenes that wouldn't make sense in what I intended to be my main playthrough, it really just became a habit, and as a result, I've actually never experienced a lot of the content on Uveto and Zheng-Shi - by now, even when I laserfocus on quest objectives, it's actually been difficult to get beyond Myrillion without losing a heck of a lot of sleep. At least I can say I haven't run out of things to do. =P


So what do you hear in your head when they say they "moo'd"? An animal mooing or a girl doing a moo with a woman's voice. Because if it's said in a cute way I can concede. But an actual "I've been reduced to a mindless animal" MaaaaaaaHHhh! is not hot to me.

Why can't they just look like cow girls and make milk? That's enough for me. I swear I get a sinking feeling thinking about becoming that mindless and depraved. I wouldn't wish that on a character I liked.

I never finish any of the games because I have a hard to finding the quests since I hate using guides. If the main quests were always marked on screen I'd be able to find them. I also thought the games were over when I saw COC2 appear on the list. But apparently all the games still get updated and added to even now. That's cool, but it's like Little Big Planet. You're never done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I imagine the character mooing with a human (or whatever) voice. I couldn't care less about cuteness or hotness.
Incidentally, Brandy is one of my favourite New Texans.
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Well I won't pretend I don't like ANY OF the Texas people. I'm a sucker for voluptuousness in women. I'm just saying....


Did anyone ever flirt with Carl in Mhen'ga's shop?
That dude that look like santa? LOL I know I didn't.
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Unoriginal Name.404

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
So if she take Throbb just once it's okay to get her to join? Must be an update option. I never saw her able to join the first time I played the game a while back.
Penny recruitment was added back at the end of last year (i can't remember if it was in November or December)

You can even recruit her when she has not taken a single Throbb, but you do have to complete a quest (I have no idea if there is a quest for her if she's a cum slut or bimbo, as i never give her more than one Throbb, if any at all, and i'm not a big fan of bimbos, so i never turn her in to a bimbo)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Penny recruitment was added back at the end of last year (i can't remember if it was in November or December)

You can even recruit her when she has not taken a single Throbb, but you do have to complete a quest (I have no idea if there is a quest for her if she's a cum slut or bimbo, as i never give her more than one Throbb, if any at all, and i'm not a big fan of bimbos, so i never turn her in to a bimbo)


Thank goddess.
I want a full crew since I can't have party members in TitS . That's the best thing about COC2 but TitS has more characters I like.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I got a confession, I personally feel that the people who seem like they work together making tits or work together to make content don't work together. And each time I see another "companion" come into the game I feel that not much gets brought into the game even when they bring in another planet or the ability to impregnate new characters and it just makes me feel like why play. I've been feeling like this for so long that I've even stopped supporting fen and refuse to donate my money to him on pateron and seeing how little there is in coc2 makes me question why there is a backers build in that game and makes me feel that they only are just draining money from people.


I have to admit steps could be taken to show that the cast in TitS interact more. It really would build on them as characters and flesh them out more. Right now everyone just interacts with Steele but not much with each other other than for kink stuff. I'd like some funny scenes with them seeing a stupid movie or all of them doing a dungeon run in a game or maybe a real dungeon. Azra would be perfect for a more lore base cast interaction.


Mar 26, 2017
seeing how little there is in coc2 makes me question why there is a backers build in that game and makes me feel that they only are just draining money from people.

Stop being a whinging nerd.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I have to admit steps could be taken to show that the cast in TitS interact more. It really would build on them as characters and flesh them out more. Right now everyone just interacts with Steele but not much with each other other than for kink stuff. I'd like some funny scenes with them seeing a stupid movie or all of them doing a dungeon run in a game or maybe a real dungeon. Azra would be perfect for a more lore base cast interaction.

You know they are not real people right? someone has to actually write and code all that shit.


Of course I know that. It doesn't have to happen today. It could be down the line. Why is everyone getting a attitude?


If coding is such a hassle I think they should just drop the idea of adding anything else in the game unless someone pays them upfront. Would that help with motivation?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2017
If coding is such a hassle I think they should just drop the idea of adding anything else in the game unless someone pays them upfront. Would that help with motivation?
One could argue that this is explicitly why a backer build exists, they have a patreon and are using it to process payments. it's not at all unreasonable to suggest that paying people encourages them to do things, and that concept is being employed here as we speak.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
If coding is such a hassle I think they should just drop the idea of adding anything else in the game unless someone pays them upfront. Would that help with motivation?
Coding in a new character or scene usually isn't that hard it's just that TheBiologist's parasite cock will be a bit of a bigger pain because of the following reasons
  • It will reduce available vagina's
    • Meaning shit has to be altered to account for that
  • It will probably not be used in scenes like a regular penis (mostly due to the fact that it lays parasitic eggs (Making it more of a parasitic ovipositor)
  • It makes eggs
    • Meaning they have to copy and modify the nyrea eggs code