[TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not sure. As I've said, I'd prefer to have a writer willing to do collab, since on my own I'll make something barely decent in terms of the text work. And have no unusual idea to make it more than just bare function.

But disregarding it... Dragon TF is something I'll actually want to do, even if just to complete my usual champion's form (fox-morph kitsune with draconic wings, horns and tongue). Fem mentioned that Jade's shop needs dog-morph TF, but there already are such thing in submissions. True kitsune TF is something I'll really want to do, but it should be psionic, and barely fits TF guidelines.

Yeah I would also prefer to do collab than try on my own write texts.

Well psionic and kitsune in one TF would be put on hold till we got psionic ingame finly to know how it will work and what is a big no-no or yes-yes about it.

Definetly another dragon TF would be good, maybe it would at least live up to my standard this time *hue hue*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well psionic and kitsune in one TF would be put on hold till we got psionic ingame finly to know how it will work and what is a big no-no or yes-yes about it

Kitsune-morph cosmetic TF is already submitted, so it's all about psionic.

Definetly another dragon TF would be good, maybe it would at least live up to my standard this time *hue hue*

Depends. If your standards are including muzzle so full of razor-sharp teeth that it would make any shark-morph envious, set of crown-like horns, iron-hard scales on all body, covering iron-hard muscles without ounce of fat, total absence of breasts (aside of mandatory pair of nipples), clawed hands and taloned feet... Than yes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends. If your standards are including muzzle so full of razor-sharp teeth that it would make any shark-morph envious, set of crown-like horns, iron-hard scales on all body, covering iron-hard muscles without ounce of fat, total absence of breasts (aside of mandatory pair of nipples), clawed hands and taloned feet... Than yes.

THat is better than current possible to find dragon races. Just how woud then each gender different there? Since typical secondary/tertiary sexual characteristics seems to missing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
THat is better than current possible to find dragon races. Just how woud then each gender different there? Since typical secondary/tertiary sexual characteristics seems to missing.

Males have cocks, females have vaginas. They are relying on the sense of smell to distinguish genders, not eyes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Males have cocks, females have vaginas. They are relying on the sense of smell to distinguish genders, not eyes.

Ya that primary sexual characteristis that I know about. Well trying to smuggle race that use smell than eyes in porn game could ends up as challange. But I bet you like challanges. After all people could later mix some effects of your and other dragon Tf to get the "perfect" dragon form *hue hue*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ya that primary sexual characteristis that I know about. Well trying to smuggle race that use smell than eyes in porn game could ends up as challange. But I bet you like challanges. After all people could later mix some effects of your and other dragon Tf to get the "perfect" dragon form *hue hue*

It's not a legitimate race, it's a cosmetic transformative for those who want to go all the way to a creature which is power embodied, inspiring more awe rather than lust. When you see a dragon, you see a dragon, and it's gender is not your first concern. I'm sure there are audience for those. Both my current TFs have little dimorphism (up to forcibly androgynous faces), and I consider it normal for a TF which is anthro as little as possible by design. Don't forget, that there already are "alien" options for those who want to be more humanlike. And, OFC, there always are other TFs to mix whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Don't forget, that there already are "alien" options for those who want to be more humanlike.

Nagh not reminds me about those "alien" options. Most ideal thing I would want to see dragon that is looking like well western dragon (no easter version....I want winged version) with only not-typical things for dragon been 1 or 2 secondary sexual characteristics. So something that is already slight outside your definition of proper dragon-like race for space adventures.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
off topic question, are you ever gonna add specials for TFs that give them? like spider fangs venom, minotaur horns gore, shark bite?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
off topic question, are you ever gonna add specials for TFs that give them? like spider fangs venom, minotaur horns gore, shark bite?

Likely no. That part doesn't go well with TiTS system.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There aren't much options for them, actually. What exactly do you mean?

Well I would say something similar like Ember had showing if it's she/he or mixed gender. Just maybe not with overdrawn proportions just something barely noticable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well I would say something similar like Ember had showing if it's she/he or mixed gender. Just maybe not with overdrawn proportions just something barely noticable.

Breasts are only difference (aside genitals) for scaled Ember. And even they always seemed to be off for me. Maybe some hips/butt rating difference (oviposition implies wide hips for females, after all).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well easiest way to make difference for genders without showing bit tits/cock would be keeping shoulders and hips sizes. Female ones would tend to have wider hips and narrow shoulders while male reversed proportions for them. Sadly we ony got ingame value to track how wide/big are hips but not anything about shoulders of PC :/


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well easiest way to make difference for genders without showing bit tits/cock would be keeping shoulders and hips sizes. Female ones would tend to have wider hips and narrow shoulders while male reversed proportions for them. Sadly we ony got ingame value to track how wide/big are hips but not anything about shoulders of PC :/

Can set target thickness a bit lower for females.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have some issues with CoC virtual reality. If you want, I could send you the save.

  • If you beat Phouka in swamp, the game will error.
  • If you get disarmed by the spiders, you stay disarmed until the combat ends. Same goes for silence. Particularly annoying as this forces me to beat by lust. I can't even use my fists.
  • Damage increase from Physique is very big. Even at level 1, I could defeat the goblins and imps in one hit without the beautiful sword. Could possibly be solved by having you start at between 1 and 5 in attributes at level 1.
  • Perk selection doesn't refresh until you save and then reload.

Would there be a possibility of integrating cock virginity in many CoC scenes? What about adding some items from CoC revamp mod that doesn't require additional content? Like fundoshi (underwear), kimono (clothes), and samurai armour for those who love Japanese style, bought from tailor and armour shop. How about readable CoC codex entries? The old blog had codex entries and the ones you can read in mod are 1:1. There are 21 official codex entries.

Also, thanks for removing the level cap in virtual reality. :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Can set target thickness a bit lower for females.

I not sure if lowering thickness for females would be fitting. That could be more defining thing for males. I mean females need to be a lil more thick due to been the one to carry child(s). So lowering thickness for dragon females won't be fitting. Evne if you say: but they lay eggs I would say they still need to spend more energy to produce egg so where they can get it if not from that slight higher thickness compared to males?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have some issues with CoC virtual reality. If you want, I could send you the save.

  • If you beat Phouka in swamp, the game will error.
  • If you get disarmed by the spiders, you stay disarmed until the combat ends. Same goes for silence. Particularly annoying as this forces me to beat by lust. I can't even use my fists.
  • Damage increase from Physique is very big. Even at level 1, I could defeat the goblins and imps in one hit without the beautiful sword. Could possibly be solved by having you start at between 1 and 5 in attributes at level 1.
  • Perk selection doesn't refresh until you save and then reload.

Would there be a possibility of integrating cock virginity in many CoC scenes? What about adding some items from CoC revamp mod that doesn't require additional content? Like fundoshi (underwear), kimono (clothes), and samurai armour for those who love Japanese style, bought from tailor and armour shop.

Also, thanks for removing the level cap in virtual reality. :)

If you beat or if you tease? Tease crash reported already (and fixed locally).
Dunno, they are kinda described as too resilient to be taken off in combat Need to check original to see how long they last.
Combat balance is another complex question. But it is secondary one, my main intention was to port scenes. Damage bonus ftom Strenght in original is severe as well. Difficult question.
Not exactly got you, but I'll look into it.

Cock virginity check just needs to be integrated in every such scene. Hunt for them is promising to be long.

I'm not sure about new items. Maybe. I'm trying to be careful about non-canon things. And codex is on the very bottom of the TODO list.

I not sure if lowering thickness for females would be fitting. That could be more defining thing for males. I mean females need to be a lil more thick due to been the one to carry child(s). So lowering thickness for dragon females won't be fitting. Evne if you say: but they lay eggs I would say they still need to spend more energy to produce egg so where they can get it if not from that slight higher thickness compared to males?

Their muscle definition would be 100 anyways, so all the thickness would be from muscles. Considering being granted 7-8ft tallnes, even oviposition would be not too demanding. And, considering they being constructed creatures, it is not intended for they to actually starve, unlike chakats (who actually should be notably rounded, but I've considered that one suppressed by overriding "small kitty" route). Actually, I'm thinking, considering how my "corporation" is specializing on reusing and recycling forgtten things, to base them on supersoldier project.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Their muscle definition would be 100 anyways, so all the thickness would be from muscles. Considering being granted 7-8ft tallnes, even oviposition would be not too demanding. And, considering they being constructed creatures, it is not intended for they to actually starve, unlike chakats (who actually should be notably rounded, but I've considered that one suppressed by overriding "small kitty" route). Actually, I'm thinking, considering how my "corporation" is specializing on reusing and recycling forgtten things, to base them on supersoldier project.

There is other value for muscule and other for thickenss. So for muscle definiton of 100 it would be tone value at max I think not thickness. Look at NT gym where training rising tone not thickness.

With few more items you would need to name that "company" somehow ;)

PS. Speaking of supersoldiers ideas I had once crazy idea for atypical encounter at NT that had in background connection to some corporation trying to make supersoldier(s).

About content ported from coc...does it include GR or VC?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There is other value for muscule and other for thickenss. So for muscle definiton of 100 it would be tone value at max I think not thickness. Look at NT gym where training rising tone not thickness.

With few more items you would need to name that "company" somehow ;)

About content ported from coc...does it include GR or VC?

Thickness and tone are mutually affecting. 100 in both is beefed bodybuilder. 100 tone with low thickness is a lean acrobat's muscle. 100 thickness with low tone is an obeseness .

Stellar Furnace. it is already used in a Foxfire description (and was in a mod for very long, the "shop" where you are taking VR pod).

GR and VC? I haven't slept for 30+ hours and may think slow, but what those are?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Glacial Rift and Vulcanic Crag.

So SF specialaize only in "reviving forgotten" TF items and not "reviving" other possible forgotten ideas?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Glacial Rift and Vulcanic Crag.

So SF specialaize only in "reviving forgotten" TF items and not "reviving" other possible forgotten ideas?

The LD mod is currently considered WIP submission for TiTS, featuring ported CoC content. Also, I've heard that GR has some content which would be reused on Uveto, and VC... Well, it's only dragon TF and Behemoth. First is implemented in a Benoit stock, second is meh and is in the "to overhaul" list in mod itself.

They are reviving any undeservedly forgotten technologies, I guess. Though there were some unusual background behind them, but not sure if this is good idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The LD mod is currently considered WIP submission for TiTS, featuring ported CoC content. Also, I've heard that GR has some content which would be reused on Uveto, and VC... Well, it's only dragon TF and Behemoth. First is implemented in a Benoit stock, second is meh and is in the "to overhaul" list in mod itself.

So there is already some content that wasn't in vanilla CoC. Yet why you then say to kitteh you not gonna add more of it to LD? That a little bit contradicting themselfs matters -_-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So there is already some content that wasn't in vanilla CoC. Yet why you then say to kitteh you not gonna add more of it to LD? That a little bit contradicting themselfs matters -_-'

You're comparing one or two items written for TF sake to throwing in just about anything no matter the quality to fill out content even to the criticism and chagrin of some.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So there is already some content that wasn't in vanilla CoC. Yet why you then say to kitteh you not gonna add more of it to LD? That a little bit contradicting themselfs matters -_-'

Aside of accidentally slipped in, bugfixes and changes to fit new engine? Very few. Tel Adre shop contents (those are quite generic things mostly), Taurinum TF (sort of essential to take advantage of TiTS tauric system), Drake Heart (done way before decision to implement camp followers was taken and it was unknown if Ember would ever be done)... I guess that's all major pieces.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You're comparing one or two items written for TF sake to throwing in just about anything no matter the quality to fill out content even to the criticism and chagrin of some.

Standards. IHe could have just say he will look and see it it worthy to add (even if later not adding it's easy to hand-wave saying: it was too low quality). Yet despite already added some of mod-related stuff he said he not going more of it cuz of...it's mod-related stuff. I still think it's a weird logic.

Aside of accidentally slipped in, bugfixes and changes to fit new engine? Very few. Tel Adre shop contents (those are quite generic things mostly), Taurinum TF (sort of essential to take advantage of TiTS tauric system), Drake Heart (done way before decision to implement camp followers was taken and it was unknown if Ember would ever be done)... I guess that's all major pieces.

Taurinum is kinda not best thing to be put as eample (even Equinum got effect to turn pc into taur, which was main selling point of Taurinum). So does Equinum in LD giving PC chance to became taur too or it was cut out of the code?

Since Ember is a bitch/dick to be coded in with TiTS engine adding Dragon TF is something I agree on been exception :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Standards. IHe could have just say he will look and see it it worthy to add (even if later not adding it's easy to hand-wave saying: it was too low quality). Yet despite already added some of mod-related stuff he said he not going more of it cuz of...it's mod-related stuff. I still think it's a weird logic.

It's simple. When it would come to merge, I'll enumerate all added things and ask about them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Standards. IHe could have just say he will look and see it it worthy to add (even if later not adding it's easy to hand-wave saying: it was too low quality). Yet despite already added some of mod-related stuff he said he not going more of it cuz of...it's mod-related stuff. I still think it's a weird logic.

But (as far as i know) Etis hasn't added nor will add any of the Revamp mod stuff, just completely handmade TFs that, as admitted, are somewhat now redundant. At the time they were to access content that wasn't planned to be added, but that changed.
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