[TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lucid Dreams is a content pack for TiTS, introducing the gateway to CoC via the power of magic SCIENCE!

Overall status: a fuckton of encounters, 80+ characters with classes and a not-gonna-count without, 50+ TF items, 60+ equipment pieces, 20+ other assorted items. Basically, almost everything is ported by now, with very few exceptions.

How to get inside: you can get VR pod from new "trader" on Tavros (north line). Placeholder, non-canon! Look at his collection, talk about VR pod. He'll install it in your storage menu, like other devices.

- Balance is sorta screwed due to different combat systems, so battle difficulties can vary from very easy to very hard. Save before fighting in dungeons.
- You can use your saves from vanilla in the mod, but you can't use your mod saves in vanilla. You should consider making a back-up.
- Remember, it is a good idea to save in different slots!

Download: https://github.com/Netys/sourceTiTS/releases
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I wouldn't be opposed to slapping something like this in the main branch as part of a mad-scientist's holodeck or something (to explain why it TFs the player).

I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wouldn't be opposed to slapping something like this in the main branch as part of a mad-scientist's holodeck or something (to explain why it TFs the player).

I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this.

So a CoC game within TiTs, is what you're saying how it would get in if you do consider it, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Updated. Sorted out metric ton of issues, implemented all missing AIs and TFs from current content area except goo (it is too special in TiTS, not sure how to handle it).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Plains encounters: satyr, gnoll, Hel (only pre-follower), bunny girl.
Notable Plains loot: Kanga Fruit, Neon Pink Egg.

High Mountain encounters: basilisk, harpy, Sophie, chicken harpy, Izumi, Minerva.
Notable High Mountain loot: Golden Seed.

Swamp encounters: M/F spider-morphs, drider, Kiha (only pre-follower), Rogar.
Notable Swamp loot: Inquisitor gear (no perk), all sorts of spider silk and dragon scales (including armor craft).

Tel'Adre: some minor things, Brooke.
Bazaar: entry implemented (corruption check disabled for now), minimal Benoit content (trade things).

Lots of fixes and minor things everywhere.
Generic mutator engine prototype, since I've got enough of that mess with TFs transition scenes. Low blow, but whatever works.
Kid A is now enabled (got rid of permanent character stuff for her), she is source of some rare loot.
Bro Brew and Bimbo Liquor effects are almost fully implemented (no lust combat stuff).

Overall status: explorations are fleshed out, ≈40 character classes, ≈50 TF items, ≈60 equipment pieces, ≈20 other assorted items. Raw mass: equal to Mhen'ga and Myrellion combined
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Update. Includes Vala, Essrayle, Aunt Nancy, Kelt (did it only to be able to kick his ass and take his bow).

Suddenly, I'm out of more-or-less essential content to implement. Everything that left is maybe massive, but rather side-story/standalone and/or (usually and) overcomplicated and with high connectedness. So... Yep, it's beta release rather than just work snapshot. CoC as adventure game is almost done, all what left is CoC as date sim.

Future plans: unsure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, there were no buttons from very start, or after some talk?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kinda strange. Hmm... Maybe if there are totally no offers... Updated, got rid of his available offer detection (he will show his shop even if you have no money).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok, worked now,,,

By the way, is dungeon still not implemented???

Edit : Nevermind,,, i'm stupid,,,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Demon Factory, Zetaz cave and Sand Witch cave were implemented since first release. Lethice dungeon would be implemented after official release in CoC. Phoenix tower is not implemented, since it is part of Hel follower content, which is outside of current plans.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Updated. New content:
Bazaar: Lilium, Cinnabar, Fap Arena, Slippery Squeeze, Greta's Garments (only 4 basic socks available), Roxanne.
Tel'Adre: pastry in bakery, Frosty, Maddie, Loppe, Uma (only part of massages are available and no needlework, but honestly, anyone ever used it?), Lottie, Ifris, Jasun, Heckel, Cotton.

Sort of lost now, most remaining NPCs can be described as "waifu cancer" which killed CoC, huge in content mass and similar to spaghetti tank spiced with minotaur cum. I don't want to touch characters I love, because I don't want to hate them after this, and I don't want to touch characters I hate, because I already damn hate them.

In unlikely event of devs reading this thread: now I'm using last public release as base. Should I stick it in future, or it is okay to use git head?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Woah, didn't think someone would take CoC and put it in TiTs! Just downloaded it, but can't seem to find the way to get to the CoC world from my ship, did I miss something? Gonna keep trying to find it in the meantime.

Edit: Nevermind, found it! Didn't think to look at the map and realize there was a new room added.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And here I was thinking I'd have to wait forever for this... The intro could use some checking and I got a null when I used Equinum to get rid of the chitin, but this feels like a brand new trip into Mareth. So far, I like how TiTS interface works with items and weapons the most.

Edit: it seems Lumi won't enhance my Succubi's Delight. If I can recall correctly, this is the only way to get quad balls. Perhaps Tiger Shark Tooth does as well, but since Izma isn't there...  http://i.imgur.com/wap3Byh.jpg
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2015
This is a super neat mod, mass kudos. The only thing is that it makes me really want to be able to change TiT's color scheme, and to a lesser extent, the font, so I can fully enjoy CoCs content in the much more advanced TiTs setup!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And here I was thinking I'd have to wait forever for this... The intro could use some checking and I got a null when I used Equinum to get rid of the chitin, but this feels like a brand new trip into Mareth. So far, I like how TiTS interface works with items and weapons the most.

Edit: it seems Lumi won't enhance my Succubi's Delight. If I can recall correctly, this is the only way to get quad balls. Perhaps Tiger Shark Tooth does as well, but since Izma isn't there...  http://i.imgur.com/wap3Byh.jpg

Intro is sort of placeholder. And there are lot of unchecked places. ActionScript syntax is loose like leithan hooker... Would release future builds with debug enabled to get traces.

Yeh, should implement it. But I've already merged current backers build into source, and not sure if it would be approptiate to release it.

This is a super neat mod, mass kudos. The only thing is that it makes me really want to be able to change TiT's color scheme, and to a lesser extent, the font, so I can fully enjoy CoCs content in the much more advanced TiTs setup!

Sort of want it too, but too much work.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Alright after spending a good several hours faffing about last night with the mod, I can give my opinion: GREAT!

My only complaints are due to some errors that show up due to the game not understanding certain body parts (Oh and Ackbal utterly refuses to proc correctly, halfway through the submit scene I get an error message), and things that are more CoC's fault.

P.s. Jesus I forgot how annoying it was exploring in CoC, goddamn imps and goblins, have to go through a mountain of enemies I don't want to fight just to get the right scenes to proc.

P.p.s. Are spiders supposed to pretty much instantly disarm/trap you? The only way to fight them at all is to tease them, or else you pretty much instantly lost because they took away all your weapons and make it so you can't run away.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Alright after spending a good several hours faffing about last night with the mod, I can give my opinion: GREAT!

My only complaints are due to some errors that show up due to the game not understanding certain body parts (Oh and Ackbal utterly refuses to proc correctly, halfway through the submit scene I get an error message), and things that are more CoC's fault.

P.s. Jesus I forgot how annoying it was exploring in CoC, goddamn imps and goblins, have to go through a mountain of enemies I don't want to fight just to get the right scenes to proc.

P.p.s. Are spiders supposed to pretty much instantly disarm/trap you? The only way to fight them at all is to tease them, or else you pretty much instantly lost because they took away all your weapons and make it so you can't run away.

Body parts extended support is a major problem, since they are mostly hardwritten into scenes. If you are about transformations, though... I have plans to revise them over time to work closer to TiTS concept.

Please provide more info about Akbal so I can fix it.

Yeh, it is backside of vague place-and-time, having trouble finding what you want.

Spiders are level 13+ opponents. Fighting them directly is like fighting Nyrea for level 1 character. It is possible to have HP victory, but it is difficult. Try to keep them blind or stunned, they would have major troubles using web attacks while blind. Effectiveness of web attacks is affected by character's physique and reflexes (especially reflexes, since web attack takes out 25% of max reflexes when hit). And there are special move for characters with Whitefire or Fox Fire spell. Also, you were warned about possible difficulty problems due to different combat systems.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Please provide more info about Akbal so I can fix it.

This is the scene in question: 

"Akbal slurps his way down to your crotch-soaking box, twisting his face and drilling his tongue into you, mercilessly attacking your button as you scream, howl and cringe from the stimulation. He then gently sucks your button into his mouth and twirls his tongue around it, making you grind your swollen sex against his jaguar lips. His oral ministrations end when a sudden warmth heats your innards, and you shiver in ecstasy as the demon rises to mount you. A single paw-like hand shoves your lifted chest and face back into the dirt, causing cold earth to cling to your face as Akbal gets into position above you.

You feel him poking around your tight pucker, learning quickly that not only is his member insanely large, but its head is covered in dozens of tiny barbs. 

Something bad happened!

Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:

Version: 0.6.30

null "

Happens when you submit, it might be because of my body parts, but honestly I don't know what is causing that to happen.

Side note: Hmm, stunning a spider girl I nearly killed her, until my energy ran out; but thankfully she hurt herself enough for me to win by hp. (I was at 99 lust by the end, man that was close)

By the way, where are the new spells I unlocked? Can't seem to find them in the menu, I know I unlocked some because I've found 2 of the wizard books, but I don't see them in my specials menu while in combat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is the scene in question:

Side note: Hmm, stunning a spider girl I nearly killed her, until my energy ran out; but thankfully she hurt herself enough for me to win by hp. (I was at 99 lust by the end, man that was close)

By the way, where are the new spells I unlocked? Can't seem to find them in the menu, I know I unlocked some because I've found 2 of the wizard books, but I don't see them in my specials menu while in combat.

Ah, yes... This scene was done before decision to drop default characters storage use. Can happen with few other scenes too. Will fix in next release.

Specials (both spells and other abilities) are not implemented for now. Not sure how to make them work well with new combat. Would make some placeholder, I think. For spiders, it is not used as special attack, but rather as apecial option. You still can "learn" them for future use.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But I've already merged current backers build into source, and not sure if it would be approptiate to release it.

I'm not sure if I follow you :S

Off topic, where did the different vaginas come from and how many types are around? So far I found three types: dog, fox and anemone. And, most important of all... which kind of features do they have? I'm not sure if I want to get into NSFW places to check real ones right now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm not sure if I follow you :S

It's quite simple. He man that hius newest version of mod is build on newest TiTS build which is backer buid. So him releasing it would be like giving all public TiTS build users acces to backer build. That why he can't and need wait for next public build to show this version of mod he meantioned. A little harsh but still reality. Beside Fen already noticed this mod so he prolly keeping eye on it (or have someone to keep it foer him) and news that Etis let out new dung with mod that allow public-build users enjoy it now could lead to not pleasant reactions from dev team for him.
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