Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I recently added gorgon to Xianxia but as far as I planning I not gonna call any enemy medusa. Feline liamias? Well that could be better to call them feline limia so at least it will imply it's not typical lamia. Unless this only makes people think their look like Naleen from TiTS. Or do their look similar to Naleen? Naga lower body with feline upper body that how in TiTS looking like Naleen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, I'd see a lamia more, like in this episode of Disney's Aladdin:
Well, maybe without the barbs and 'normal' reptilian (or human) eyes, meaning: with a white instead of a red sclera. And it probably should have different traits, than a naga aka less lust based. Maybe granting a perk, that raises magical powers or gives a magical combat ability when cdertain body-part-requirements are met.

A gorgon would rather be a naga with snake hair and gorgon eyes.

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
I recently added gorgon to Xianxia but as far as I planning I not gonna call any enemy medusa. Feline liamias? Well that could be better to call them feline limia so at least it will imply it's not typical lamia. Unless this only makes people think their look like Naleen from TiTS. Or do their look similar to Naleen? Naga lower body with feline upper body that how in TiTS looking like Naleen.

No, they're simply anthro-felines, based on cougar/mountain lions. I used the name lamia based on some more obscure representations of the mythical lamia which are depicted as feline. A bit esoteric, but I wanted them to be distinct from typical large-maned african lions and I liked the mythological flourish. They're clearly described as feline humanoids in text.

Might just go with cougar bandit though, to be fully clear. I think that works.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
While manticore true TF and Etna the manticore is a doc that may not be publicly released here I still insist people know that a full manticore expension is ready to be added to any of the two CoC version. Still for several reason like always Xiangxia will get it first.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i was wondering if there would ever be a chance of a pure version of the fenrir collar tfs as i really want them on my pure character >.< 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i was wondering if there would ever be a chance of a pure version of the fenrir collar tfs as i really want them on my pure character >.< 

That can be aranged but it will take some time.

In theory fenrir isn't pure or corrupt but merely evil. What you asking for is a completely different TF. I will likely provide it eventualy through I can't be sure it will be tied to wolves.

Take note fenrir collar raise corruption but you can still reduce it all the way back to 0.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@ShifterDreams Well orginaly it wasn;t giving much (think around 25) if any at all. Reason it does giving PC 100 corruption (just to make sure no matter how pure PC is will always ends up at max corruption score that as Liadri said isn't pernament but may if PC got not many options to lower corruption painful...that reminds me I need to add this new option of using soulforce -_-') is that PC by putting collar and in some way releasing some terrible being that should have been left forever fogoten and hidden from world. Let say putting collar is like....summoning Chtulu.

So look at current using collar like CoC version of summoning Chtulu ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Before anyone else gets the idea I'm writing about preggo freak alraune right now so pc can have her own kinder'garden' of daughters. Of course they all grow up quite fast in Mareth albeith not as fast as most childrens. This pregnancy expension features watergun games and familial smuts.

This is by no mean underage content and will work similarly to Sophie daughters except in this case you're tending a garden of flower girls.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm that PC giving birth to those all daughters not some npc, right? Damn my plans of making camp site totaly liek a piece of jungle was crushed with this :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Umm that PC giving birth to those all daughters not some npc, right? Damn my plans of making camp site totaly liek a piece of jungle was crushed with this :D

Seems I ruin your plans often of late.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Like I said in the CoC Revamp thread: I've started working on issue #274: See the branch on GitHub. And although I said, that I didn't intend to wade through the code again to see, where hasScales should be prefered to hasReptileScales I actually did that. Was quite straightforward, since I just had to grep through the code for the occurrences of hasReptileScales and the rest was just a a matter of copy&paste for most of the calls.

However: 'skinfurscales' in '' is left untouched. since it won't make much sense to include fish scales, when it is used nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well as long someone will be succesful in adding race with fish scales (It not quite sure if we can try squize here sharks skin) then it will have use. But yeah otherwise not much point add things that aren't yet used.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like I said in the CoC Revamp thread: I've started working on issue #274: See the branch on GitHub. And although I said, that I didn't intend to wade through the code again to see, where hasScales should be prefered to hasReptileScales I actually did that. Was quite straightforward, since I just had to grep through the code for the occurrences of hasReptileScales and the rest was just a a matter of copy&paste for most of the calls.

However: 'skinfurscales' in '' is left untouched. since it won't make much sense to include fish scales, when it is used nowhere.
Considering I'm adding partial Fur/Scale/Chitin in 0.7f for esthetic purpose do you have something planned Stadler?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Considering I'm adding partial Fur/Scale/Chitin in 0.7f for esthetic purpose do you have something planned Stadler?
Currently I'm busy with coding a website in PHP and this has priority the next few days. I'll come back to you, when I find some time to continue working on the issue.

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Okay, so, after some hectic real life stuff, a bout with the flu, a hefty amount of writer's block, and a lot of rewriting and revising, I'm finally sort of almost halfway done with the Deep Desert region I've been working on. Which is to say, I've got the enemy encounters worked out to the point where I'm willing to show them to other people.

I have a version of the game with the Deep Desert content available here:

It's based on the original version of the game and therefore *should* work with most save files. There are currently six enemy encounters:

Cougar Bandit
Wandering Mummy
Scorpion Sire
Scorpion Witch
Cactus Dryad
Djinn of the Lamp

Cactus Dryad has a chance for a non-hostile version, and the Djinn of the Lamp can be resolved without combat based on player choices.

Because all the cool people are doing it, I also set up a trello page here:
I suppose it might come in handy.

There are three events I'll be working on next that will be unlocked by exploring the Deep Desert and will go in once I'm done with them - the Bandit Camp, the Ancient Tomb, and the Djinn Oasis

Also on my to-do list is setting up the existing enemy encounters with some items specific to them - i.e. cactus flowers from the cactus dryad that change your hair, an item from the mummy that will let you get through the Ancient Tomb event more easily, etc. Possibly transformation items from the scorpion creatures. That is stuff I will tackle once the events are finished.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
WoW you made much job in meantime when none of us was looking (sorry if sounded like a pun). Since you started firmly working on making modifications to CoC if you feel like you can join discord server where people for mods fo CoC meeting usualy. Me or Liadri if we would be at the moment you PM one of us online give you link to it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nice arts. If you know how you can try make some sprites for those enemies to be used ingame. Pics wuld probably fit quite good for image pack for those who would play your mod.

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Bleh, I *hate* making sprite art. I do know how though, I suppose I could try. CoC spirtes aren't too complicated.
May 29, 2016
That can be aranged but it will take some time.

In theory fenrir isn't pure or corrupt but merely evil. What you asking for is a completely different TF. I will likely provide it eventualy through I can't be sure it will be tied to wolves.

Take note fenrir collar raise corruption but you can still reduce it all the way back to 0.

or instead of a completely different tf there could be a therapy quest for fenrir that will help him/her come to terms with his past issues gaining him as less of a perk and more of an npc like shouldra or exargetuan(?) resulting in perks towards sexuality or battle depending on your playstyle, and maybe some interaction variables with the winter wolves.

(kinda also wanna shamelessly bump for more content like sophies daughters and the planned alraun npc daughters, using the fenrir therapy quest, even tho it would be a pain to make)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Considering I'm adding partial Fur/Scale/Chitin in 0.7f for esthetic purpose do you have something planned Stadler?
Currently I'm busy with coding a website in PHP and this has priority the next few days. I'll come back to you, when I find some time to continue working on the issue.
Ok, I've just finished with Step #8: replace every check for SKIN_TYPE_FUR with player.hasFur() (new method)

About your plans: Sorry to say that, but I don't like that, since partial fur/scales/chitin is too vague to me. It doesn't state, where you have what skin type.

For example: What does partially scaled arms mean? Scaled from biceps down? Upper side scaled? Scaly splotches? And whats with the rest? Furry? Plain skin? Gooey? And whats with the other body parts? Or with the torso/belly?

Personally, I want to read a 'relatively' detailed description of my character and not something, that puts me into a guessing game, how my character looks like atm.

And about the armor part: Just look at the Dragon Girl MGE entry: While most of the body has dragon scales (as a side note: I'm considering to add +6 defense (+3 from 'reptile scales' and +3 from dragon scales), if the PC has dragon scales, since I think they are harder, than just lizard scales) the vital body parts are plain skin (+0 defense) and in terms of combat, a foe would try to aim for the vital parts, so in terms of defense, theres a high chance, that he/she/it hits your vital parts, so the PC would only gain +1 or +2 defense from the dragon scales in this example.
To summarize this: I'd check for certain body parts and not only the skinType and then determine the amount of defense the character has, rather than use such a vague description, that could mean anything.

And we're not even talking about handling sex scenes...

PS: If a player decides to be a dragon girl/boy rather, than a dragon-morph he/she doesn't give a fuck of having +6, +3 or +0 defense from his/her skin. This is a solo game and we don't need to balance every little shit for the sake of power gaming.

TL/DR: Feel free to implement it in Xianxia, but I don't intend to add this to my mod or to CoC Revamp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
CoC use of skin is well sad to admit only for possible referenc to PC face and torso with the latter not been overdescriptive in app screen. Legs/Arms got their own desc so it could happen with scaly arms been on PC with chitin skin flag. I not think making arms/legs desc taking into account general PC skin type flag won't make some additional mess code-wise and ingame app desc-wise.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, I've already added rearBody to my mod and maybe later for the underBody. The latter is for example for the torso/belly.

e. G. a Dragonewt could have skinType = dragon scales and an underBody with ventral scales (slightly brighter colored and maybe smoother)
An eastern could have 'magical' dragon scales (whatever that exactly means ;)) and a furry rearBody (rearBodyColor == skinTone) with scales underneath.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not only your mod using rearBody. I feel it was good thing to include it in Xianxia too ^^

And underBody...mhm I would look for this as possble next thing too. It could be way to somehow have partial sclled/furred otpion with use of underBody. At least in theory it may helps.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Not only your mod using rearBody. I feel it was good thing to include it in Xianxia too ^^

And underBody...mhm I would look for this as possble next thing too. It could be way to somehow have partial sclled/furred otpion with use of underBody. At least in theory it may helps.
mmh, I wonder, if its a good idea, to make certain body parts an object
e. G.: (Note, that this is Pseudocode!)
rearBody = new RearBody();
// [...]
rearBody.skinType = SKIN_TYPE_FUR;
rearBody.color1 = player.skinTone;
rearBody.color2 = player.hairColor; // For the mane in this example
rearBody.description = "Blah, Blah, Yadda, Yadda ..."; // e. g. for the players appearance
and probably have a method called restore() (No Params!!) to set the rearBody to normal human (aka setting all values to the default), although you could probably even simply set player.rearBody to null. But I guess, calling player.rearBody.reset(); is a better alternative, than running player.rearBody = new RearBody(); every time, when your rearBody TFs
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler It would be surely usefull for all TF scenes that makes PC body part go to human version to be possible in next time PC take TF to change to that race body part. Only think I thinking over is how would it work with check to not make TF fall into loop of keep changing between this race body part and human version.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Hi, sorry if I'm not doing this right, still accustoming to the place and game :/

-Underwater location:
You get a couple items (maybe some goo stuff, and tigersharks theet of Izma?) to make a water-breathing item (Go Rath!), and you're ready to get wet on the lake. Same "place", same encounters (maybe thougher), maybe a couple new ones (Eel people? Potential for nasty stuff there, of any sort), and even a sort of shark-folk town (Izma's parents quest?)

-Subterranean location:
Pretty much anywhere, but it could be tied to Phylla and ant mounds. Could develop into more ant-morphs (red ants? basically the same but different looks, just for simplicity). Could lead to a sort of subterranean town, maybe Fungus-people, and/or mole-people.

-Tel' Adre Tower:
Most likely already adressed, but it's a good place to add content. We know the Tower is kinda convoluted, so eventually we can get to lower/higher floors (I have a crazy idea for it, but since I'm no coder, better keep it at that -could probably work better on TiTS background-). Lower floors might be actually "taken" by rampaging monsters/demons trapped there. Monsters could be bizarre magical mutations (potential for no-plant tentacle raping-impregnation-and getting things messier by releasing a new type of offspring on the wild)