The Xenogen investment in the 15th rush (Game)


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
The last few hour have been hectic, from receiving the suspicially vague message from Xenogen, putting everything together for the journey and finally arriving at the Pompeii system, it has been nothing short of tiring work, but then the nostalgia hits you as soon as you see the hundreds of ships owned by rushers going around the system and you cant help yourself but smile at the sight, remembering for a second those eventfull, chaotic, dangerous and fun times of going from planet to planet while searching for your father's probes fills you with energy once again, however, this moment of remembering the old days fade away just as quickly as it comes when the Gray Clouds comes into view, this gigantic capitall ship is nothing short of terryifing, from the scans your ship automatically perform as you aproach the head of the blockade it becomes quite clear that this is problably the slowest ship you ever seen, the thrusters are quite small for a ship of this size and they are just potent enough to make this thing move, but the most alarming factor is the amount of guns it has, being equiped with just the hard hitting guns, you even do a double take when you start identifying nuclear ordnance that it seems to be used on bombardments, a bead of sweat rolls down your cheek when all of this guns point in your direction and without missing a beat you quickly send your data to the bridge of the Gray Clouds so they can identify you, after a few moments you release a breath that you didnt even know you were holding as a message appears on your screen clearing you for landing.

It takes around five minutes to properly land, and as soon as you do it you quickly guess that the area you parked your ship is some sort of VIP hangar since there's only two ships alongside yours in here, as you get out of your ship you take a quick glance at the place, the two other ships seem quite ordinary as you dont see anything uncommon on them, the hangar also seems to be quite simple sporting the usual gear that one would expect from such a place, a certain distance away you spot a man wearing the Xenogen colours, when he sees you looking he's way he waves with a smile at your direction as he approaches you.

He is a unmodded human with dark skin and short hair, he has a neatly trimmed beard and he seems to be six feet in height "Miss Steele, a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ramon..." he says as he gets closer " a Xenogen employee as my uniform might have given away, im here to deliver a message to you, captain Satara wont be able to see you right now, she is in a meeting with some board room big-shots and is going to be occupied for probably an hour... However another member of this ship requested your presence in the mean time, the head scientist, doctor Felina, asked you to meet her at her lab to discuss something with you, i can send you the directions through your codex or personally guide you there if you so wish..." he stops speaking for a moment, before continuing in a more worried tone "... forgive me for being blunt right now miss Steele but i advise you to be careful around the doctor, i only have been assigned this post on the Gray Clouds for a short amount of time but i can say with confidence that doctor Felina ,while being a genius, is not a good person, i dont think she will do something to harm you since that it would go against the captain's orders... but still, take care when dealing with this woman..."
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Well-Known Member
"Thank you, Ramon." I say, with a small nod of my head. "Lead the way." Even when my previous work with Xenogen is excluded, I'd already encountered (and sometimes fought!) my fair share of more... morally dubious researchers. Considering who the captain of this ship was, having someone in the same vein as Badger, Lash or Po was a surprise, but not a nonsensical one. Well, it's not like I wasn't already on high alert - neither Xenogen nor the criminal underworld exactly had a good relationship with me. For all I knew, part of this strange partnership was an attempt to capture or kill me!

Speaking of my suspicions... "I have some questions, if you don't mind?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"The information i received is that the higher ups at Xenogen have a proposal for you about the five planets and that captain Satara is the one whos going to tell you about it, i dont know what they are planning but they even hired a bodyguard to accompany you, but i think she has another assignment besides guarding you, the way my boss talked about her makes me think this way, he implied that she had another objective besides guarding you."

You follow him through the hangar and past its entrance, now properly entering the Gray Clouds you see that the interior of the ship manages to be just as off-putting as the exterior, the empty square shaped corridor whould be better illuminated by the dim lights if the walls werent this sickly gray colour, the atmosphere of this place makes you feel like you are in a old terran horror movie, you get the feeling that a pitch black eyeless alien will jump you any minute now, the silence also doesnt help, the tall corridor can fit most races without a problem but being this empty only serves to amplify the sounds of your steps, the distant sounds being delivered by the vent shafts also add to the horror factor of this area.


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"A bodyguard?" I've never needed one of those before, and assuming things go peacefully I doubt I'll need one now - then again, I like travelling with companions, so I wouldn't say no. "Do they think I'm going to get into more trouble than I can handle?"

(That wasn't one of the questions I prepared.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"Well. the planets are strange, i didnt really had access to the data but i tend to overhear stuff, talks about a planet with large buildings but no signs of life being picked by the scans and strange signals are getting detected by our machines, coming from a moon on the fartest planet from us, this is just bits and pieces that i hear from time to time, so i guess its best to have someone guarding your back on such places, but from previous experience i know that the bodyguard is more of an excuse to get more people on the field... i think..." He rubs his face with his hand and its quite clear he is also trying to undertand the situation by the uncertainty on his voice "Its hard to understand what is going on the heads of my superiors some times."

Both of you continue walking this dim lit corriodor, after some time you start encountering other individuals walking around the ship, its quite easy to distinguish Xenogen workers from Satara's crew as the latter have this rough and weathered look to them, generally dressed in armor and carrying guns, most only spare a glance in your direction before going back to their bussiness.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
He thinks for a moment and says "The one with that moon is probably the one causing the most commotion, from time to time we pick some type of signal coming from there, we still dont really know what it means and apparently there are also strange minerals on the moon's surface, whatever those rocks are is either very profitable, very dangerous or both, another planet apparently has humans on it, the eggheads are scratching their chins trying to discover how they got here, but without going down there they can only speculate," he frowns and says "Well thats about it that i can think of, if i do manage to remember anything else ill be sure to tell you."

Both of you keep walking through the corridors and after a few minutes you get to a elevator, you follow Ramon to it, he presses a few buttons and soon it starts going down.
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Well-Known Member
Strange minerals - potentially new forms of psionics, and/or something else that pushes the boundaries of known physics (or at least materials science)? A human settlement - possibly one of the old slow-boaters from before First Contact, or descendants of one? "The higher-ups must think all that is worth the cost of setting up this blockade, both in resources and in bad PR. Still, why enlist Satara, of all people? She's not exactly known for legitimate business. Frankly, from what I've heard, I'm surprised she'd even work with a mega-corp in the first place."


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Ramon nods and says "In terms of the blockade im on the same boat as you and like i said, sometimes its hard to understand what my superiors are thinking, captain Satara on the other hand isnt just hard to grasp, she is almost unreachable, at least for someone like me, when i discovered i was assigned to her ship i almost denied it but i really need the job so you know... i heard about her and what she has done, from bombings of planets to just blowing up ships without a moments notice? "I am screwed" i though at first, her crew only talks to each other, i doubt they even said five words at once to me, but from the bits and pieces i heard she has an accord with my employers, the nature of this accord i dont know though, from what i gather she is the most dangerous kind of warmonger, the smart kind..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Meanwhile... Clementine is walking around the ship, trying to kill time.

It has been a couple of days since you got the job at Xenogen, a couple of boring days, the pay is really good and they even let you get some spare equipment they had on hand if you wanted, nothing outstanding but not too shabby either, and to top if off a free ride to the system that the rush is ocurring in? It sounded too good to be true, and it kinda was, after arriving on the Gray Clouds you were briefed on the job, to be the bodyguard of a VIP that is going down on to the planets is more than easy for you, as for the second half of the job you received two pieces of equipment, top of the line, a small orb made out of some sort of metal that can easily attach to surfaces, you were instructed to attach it to your shoulder when you go down to the planets and a strange looking glove, both of this are supposed to acquire data, and the third and final part of your job, if you find anything interesting down there, bring a sample of it, quite simple.

What they didnt tell you is that you would need to wait, nothing to do except to scroll the Extranet while waiting for something to happen, the people here werent even down to fuck, the Xenogen crew were too busy with their work and the Gray Clouds crew... well they barely spoke with you and just kept to themselves, kinda surprising from a band of supposed murderers led by a even more murder murderer woman, hell you were considering on starting a fight just to get rid of your boredom when the doors to the elevator next to you open, inside is a man wearing the Xenogen colours and someone else that you immediately recognize from the Holovids, the CEO of Steele Tech in the flesh.

When Ramon sees you he immediately looks at he's codex, he quickly types something on it and soon he raises he's head once again with a smile on he's face.
"Ah, miss Clementine, let me introduce you to Isabel Steele, current CEO of Steele Tech..." He turns to Isabel and says "...And Isabel, let me introduce you to Clementine Marigold, she was the one hired to be your bodyguard, good reconmendations all around as a mercenary, i checked them myself." He them clears his throath and says "Well this meeting was fortunate, now we can go together see what doctor Felina wants, her lab is still a few distances away, so feel free to make any questions you still have miss Isabel." He turns to Clementine and says "If you also have any questions ill try to answer them to the best of my abilities miss Clementine" as he finishes speaking he begins to walk, once again listening for any question.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Clementine hooked her finger on the collar of Ramon's shirt, and pulled him back into elevator, before pressing the button that forced the door closed. "Just one question, Ramon, do you know what six days of celibacy does to a New Texan?" she asked, as she unzipped the front of her bodysuit, starting at her neck, and traveling down over her f-cup breasts, past her muscular stomach, to stop just above her groin, where a thick, but well trimmed golden bush could be seen just peeking out. Once the suit was open, the smell of sex and pheromones filled the small room of the elevator. "Heat, Ramon, it puts us in heat. I need some dick, and I need it now," she wheeled, her voice husky, and full of desperate need. She put her hands on the wall on either side of Ramon's head, and leaned in, her breasts swaying like pendulums, just inches from his face. "Tell me you can help me with this, Ramon, and I'll do anything you want. Aaaaaaanything."
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Following them - it would be irresponsible of me to let my bodyguard do too much damage - until the door slid shut in my face, I re-opened the door and caught enough of the conversation (not to mention Clementine's pheromones) to understand the situation. So, I unzipped the crotchpiece of my catsuit, letting my extra-girthy foot-long gryvain-cock and apple-sized balls swing free - it had been nearly half a day since I last got laid, so I was already at full mast and ready to go. I wanted it; I couldn't imagine how badly she wanted it. Approaching from behind, my hands went to grope and knead her breasts, grinding my member between her thighs and whispering into her ear: "C'mon, don't take it out on him; I'm sure it's not his fault. Besides, I'm an expert at quenching heat."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Clementine didn't know, or care, who the dick between her legs belonged to, as soon as her tits were squeezed, that was all she needed. Pulling her arms out, she let her bodysuit fall to the floor, and bent back over, thrusting her sopping pussy towards the woman behind her. "I don't care who, someone fuck me," she cried. Her pussy was dripping like a faucet by now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Ramon is caught off guard for a moment, he opens his mouth to say something but only a gasp comes out, its quite clear the pheromones being released by the amazonian cowgirl are making him extra horny, imediately he starts to take off his clothes as he says "Ok then big girl, im sure i dont have as much experience as Isabel on handling this much heat..." He strokes his six inch cock as he says it "...but im sure as hell going to do my goddamn best...".

While Clementine is not paying atention to him, he summons all of his strenght to spin her around and as he does it he starts to rub his rock hard cock against her ass and says "Sorry miss Steele, but im a ass man, im sure you wont mind getting the other hole and if you two beautiful gals dont mind im going to start plowing this amazing cheeks because im too goddamn horny to think right now..." He's dick hovers at the entrance of Clementine ass, it seems even though Ramon is unbearably horny he is still waiting for the greenlight to start fucking her with all of his strenght.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Alright, but you better be rough, or I'll never feel something that small," Clem says, over her shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
He is too horny to hear anything besides the permission to proceed and immediately shoves his whole shaft inside your ass, he's cock isnt the biggest you had, not in a long shot, but you're pleasantly surprised when he makes up for it with the pacing, he jackhammers your asshole like he a man possessed, he's love for big asses is also shown by how he kneads your ass cheeks, deliciously rough to the point it makes a small shiver go through your spine. This nice surprise only makes you more excited, to see if he can mantain this pacing for enough time to make you cum, so far he's done a good job but he's still faraway to actually pleasing you from how pent up you are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"God, girly, get that cock of yours in my pussy! I'm so horny it hurts!" Clem squeals, as her ass is ravaged.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Clementine's tail wrapped around Ramon's waste, pulling him along with her, as she practically jumped onto Steele, straddling her and lining up whatever kind of cock she had with Clem's dripping snatch, and dropping down.
"Ooooooh, fuck yes," she groaned, as her inner walls were stretched around a proper dick, her muscles clamping down on the shaft like a velvety vice.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Ramon doesnt stop pumping his cock into Clementine's ass even when she drags him into another position, he keeps pistoning and groping your ass.

"Oh fuck! This ass is too much!" He's hips became a blur for a moment and with a loud grunt he shoves he's cock to the hilt as he cums, however, when he finishes he once again starts moving while breathing heavily, its quite clear that Clementine's pheromones are giving him a second-wind, but with he's frantic pacing its also clear that soon enough the unmodded human will be hitting he's limit.


Well-Known Member
With Clem riding me, I laid back fully and grasped her hips - not to dictate the pace of sex, but to assist with my own thrusts in time with hers. My century of experience showed - my thrusts weren't mindless rutting. At first, they were exploratory, poking and rubbing against her insides, to see how she reacted both within and without. Soon, they gave way to more consistent thrusts, aimed directly at Clem's most sensitive spots to enhance the pleasure she received.

Of course, given that we still had to meet someone soon, I was extra careful not to let my knot slip inside.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Clementine squealed, and screamed with pleasure; the entire elevator shaking slightly from her efforts. "God, yes! Fuck my holes!" she cried out, as her pussy and ass were both being taken for a ride.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Ramon keeps going, spurred by Clementine's cryes of joy, one of his hands travel her body, groping and massaging her powerful physique, while the other keeps kneading her ass. He continues to fuck her with all of his might while his hands explore her body, Ramon is grunting and breathing hard, but despite that he continues to hammer her ass.

"I-I think this is the best ass i ever fucked..." He grunts in a particular thrust that makes him breathless for a moment "...I think i get it now why so many people want to become rushers, if the sex is like this everywhere..." PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! never losing the tempo on his fucking while speaking "...hell im even thinking about becoming one now." The way he's voice trembles and he's body slightly shakes makes it clear that he is close to cumming for a second time, the pleasure from this amazing fucking overwhelming any kind o resistence the man has.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
The three of you keep on fucking, the rapid pacing of the threesome making everybody reach their peak rather quickly, Ramon grunts and sheaths his cock inside Clementine's ass, being the fist one to cum. The double penetration being the perfect remedy for Clementine's heat, and soon she follows Ramon in orgasm, shaking and squirting on top of Isabel because of how pent-up she was. Isabel is the last one to cum, you leave only your tip inside Clementine as you pull out and everytime you do it her pussy tries to suck you back in, the powerfull walls of her vagina ripple everytime you slam your cock back into her, making you shiver with from the pleasure, this combined with the rapid pacing soon makes you join them in orgasm.

The three of you lay on top of each other for a moment, a mess of heavy breathing, sweat and sexual fluids.

"Ladies..." Ramon says as he stands up "...I... this was... wow..." he says as he re-dresses himself, he's eyes still glued to the both of you as he waits for you guys to finish re-dressing and collect your things "I kinda got caught off guard, but goddamn, was this good." He says with a smile on he's face.

You guys now realize that at some point Ramon's codex fell between the elevator's doors, making so that they couldnt properly close, and as he grabs the codex they open revealing three individuals wearing Xenogen uniforms standing a few feet away from the it, one kaithrit man that turns his head to the side with a heavy blush on his face, a suula that when the doors open smiles and gives a thumbs up to you guys, and finally what seems to be a heavily modded female that resembles a red myr, she's just there with her arms crossed looking nonchalantly.

Ramon blushes as he realizes that all of them heard his sexy encounter with the two of you and says "W-well, lets resume our walking shall we? If any of you still has any questions i will be glad to answer than." He averts his gaze as he moves past he's coworkers, the suula whispers "Go, tiger, go..." when he passes by her, which makes he's face go red as he audibly gulps.

"I can already hear the jokes they are going to come up after this" He whispers to himself after a you guys are a few distances away from he's co-workers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"What are you talking about, Stud, that was amazing," Clem says, loud enough for the women behind them to hear.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
Ramon opens his mouth as if to say something, but before he has the opportunity to do so he gets interrupted by the suula that screams from behind you guys "HAAA!!! HE WAS ALL SHY WHEN HE ARRIVED, NOW LOOK AT HIM, GO GET THEM STUD!! I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU!!", Ramon's face somehow becomes even more red, he tries to cover his face with his codex but you guys still manage to see a hint of a smile on his face.

After a few minutes of walking you guys find yourselves staring at a giant containment door. "Well... here we are, the science department section of the ship..." he breathes deeply before using some sort of keycard at a panel on the corner of the door, it starts to open, being way louder than any door have the right to be, the lights around it blinking red and small sirens coming to life as if to warn those around it that some sort of emergency is happening. Ramon immediately enters when it finishes opening, you guys follow him and now you see that this area of the ship is iluminated by way more powerfull lights, it even hurts to look at them directly, the walls are also different from the rest of the ship, being colored this white colour that makes the place even more bright then already is. The science department seems to be a long hallway, both sides cointaining rooms, most of them only having a door, leaving you guys oblivious to what might be happening inside them, the only room with windows being one on the right side halfway into the hallway.

Ramon stops in front of it and says "This is it, doctor Felina's office..." He looks at the door for a moment and continues "Like i said before, take care when dealing with her, she seems to be crazy from what i heard, and im sure she does a lot of illegal stuff here." He's voice only a whisper, then he smiles and says "I would hate for something bad to happen to you all, i hope i can see you guys again in the future, our time together was short but fun."


Well-Known Member
"Thanks for the fun! And you stay safe too, okay? Bye!"

Turning to Clem, I instruct her: "Okay, let's see what this 'Dr. Felina' wants from us. Stay alert, but don't make any threatening moves unless things start to get hostile." Then, turning back to the door and not seeing any doorbell, I give a solid but measured three-tap knock on it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
After saying your goodbyes Ramon turns and leaves.

You knock on the door and it opens after a few seconds of waiting. Doctor Felina's room is deceptively small from the outside, being outfitted with all sorts of scientific equipment, some recognizable, others not so much, on the corner of the room is a pale skinned female kaithrit, she seems to be around 6'6'' and is wearing a lab coat over a form-fitting black tube top dress, her breasts seem to be B-cups and she's got a hourglass figure, her black hair almost reaches her shoulders, on top of her head sits two cat ears, she also has two black cat-like tails as expected, each holding what seems to be a bottle of white liquid and a small box. You guys get a better look at her face when she turns around, she seems to be in her mid forties, her eyes are colored a redish amber and she has a small nose that gives her a air of innocence, however, this air of innocence is immediately dispelled by the creepy smile that forms on her face when her eyes fall upon you guys.

"Aaah... Miss Isabel Steele..." Her voice is low and monotonic, she speaks in a slow manner, almost draging her words, "...And company..." she says as she turns her head to Clementine. For a few moments she says nothing, her eyes roam both of your bodies and before any of you has a chance to speak, she continues "...Its a pleasure to meet you... both of you..." Once again she stops speaking, and once again she continues to speak before any of you can say something "Lets talk business. I asked your presence here because i want to give you a present... I got a pet, a sweet little puppy, and i want you to be his new master..." She turns her head to Clementine and says "...Or you can have him... i just want to get rid off him, i dont care who's going to be his new owner..." She then points to a door on the other side of the room, its closed and above it there is a red light blinking. "He is in there, i was... teasing him... and he escaped..., dont worry i trained him to be really obedient, i locked him in there for about... three hours... he was really horny and he probably fucked everyone who was in there, so he is going to be nice and tired... Easy peasy...".

"But... before you go in there i would like to give you more information about my... ex-pet..." Her creepy smile never leaves her face as she continues speaking "He almost was my magnum opus, i modified his body a thousand times and then some more, at first i used his body and his almost perfect genes to make combat mods, from steel claws to tissue regeneration, he is a deadly weapon. Bandits? Ripped to pieces. Gun fire? Only hard hitting guns can hurt him. Taxes? He will eat them, fuck the government." She stops for a moment, seemingly losing her line of thought "Where was i?... Oh yes, his modifications, right" She clears her throat before continuing "After i perfected this combat mods i decided to make fuck mods... you know, for fucking and stuff... Mostly of what i gave him already existed, i just made it slight better so that the captain can sell for more, i called my dumbfuck "Gourmet dumbfuck", ha, gourmet..." Felina releases a strange sound, like she is choking on something, it takes a moment for you guys to realize that this choking sound is her laughter "The downside? He is really fucking dumb now, all of this modifications took its toll on his brain, so i did what anyone would do, strapped him to a chair and used all sorts of drugs and methods known to condition him to be the perfect puppy, after all, being dumb is half of the cuteness of a puppy, arent i right?" The question seems to be rhetoric?

"He is dumb but loyal, strong and has a big cock, i hope this enough to make any of you want to keep him... So? are you guys going to get him or do any of you have any questions"

After she finishes speaking she just stands there, the creepy smile still on her face with her arms open like she is some sort of holovid showhost that just finished an add.